Base Class Perks

Delinquent Perks

Forger Sense

Prerequisite: Scoundrel Senses

Your bonuses from Scoundrel Senses apply to any Ability Checks made to detect or craft a Forgery.

Betrayal Sense

Prerequisite: Scoundrel Senses

Your bonuses from Scoundrel Senses apply to Ability Checks made to see through a Disguise or Discern Lies.

Danger Sense

Prerequisite: Scoundrel Senses

You always Act during an Ambush.


Prerequisite: Sneak Attack & Sidearm Proficiency

You can perform Sneak Attack as a Ranged Weapon Attack using an equipped Sidearm Weapon.

Sneak Maneuver

Prerequisite: Sneak Attack

You gain a bonus equal to Half(½) of your Skill Attribute when performing a Maneuver on a Target vulnerable to Sneak Attacks.

Relentless Ambush

Prerequisite: Sneak Attack

Your Sneak Attack Damage dealt during an Ambush is Rolled at Maximum Damage.

Blasted To Safety

Prerequisite: Slippery

Whenever you use Slippery to Negate Area of Effect Damage, you may instantly move yourself to the nearest safe point outside of the Effective Radius.

Divert Harm

Prerequisite: Slippery

Whenever you use Slippery to Negate Area of Effect Damage, you may choose to instead divert your Half(½) of the Effect's Damage to an Adjacent Creature. 

Heads Down

Prerequisite: Slippery

Whenever you use Slippery to Negate Area of Effect Damage, any Adjacent Allies that also made a successful Physical Save will Negate the Area of Effect Damage. 

Active Evader

Prerequisite: Miraculous Dodge

You gain a plus Five(+5) bonus to your Active Dodge Rolls made as a part of Miraculous Dodge. 

Miracle Roll

Prerequisite: Miraculous Dodge

Whenever you successfully evade an Attack using Miraculous Dodge, you may move up to Half(½) of your Speed.

Brawler Perks

Knuckle Duster

Prerequisite: Knockout

Increase your Daily Uses of Knockout to your Full Power Attribute.


Prerequisite: Knockout

Your successful Knockouts shatter the Target's jaw, inflicting the Silenced Injury until treated.


Prerequisite: Jawbreaker

As an Alternative, Use to 'Jawbreaker'’ your successful Knockouts shatter one of the Target's limbs, inflicting the Fractured or Hobbled Injury until treated.


Prerequisite: Wrestler & Jawbreaker

As a part of maintaining a Grapple, you can attempt a Knockout to break your Target's neck, inflicting the Paralyzed Injury until treated.

Fight On

Prerequisite: Rope-A-Dope

Once per Long Rest, if your Hit Points were to drop to Zero(0), you instantly recover a number of Hit Points equal to your Grit Attribute.

Hard Body

Prerequisite: Rope-A-Dope

Your Grit Attribute now governs the Armor Bonus of Rope-A-Dope instead of your Will Attribute.

Impetuous Spirit

Prerequisite: Rope-A-Dope

Your Physical Armor Bonus from Rope-A-Dope now applies to your Melee Attack Rolls.

Battle Pressure

Prerequisite: Fitness

As a Reaction to an Adjacent Creature using a Sidestep, you may Sidestep alongside the triggering Creature to remain Adjacent.

Battle Aggression

Prerequisite: Battle Pressure

When using 'Battle Pressure'’ include a Melee Weapon Attack against the triggering Creature.


Prerequisite: Fitness

As an Alternative Form of Fitness, your bonus applies to your Physical and Force Impacts instead of your Physical and Force Saves. 


Prerequisite: Wrestler

Your Attacks made as a part of maintaining a Grapple bypass all forms of Damage Resistance.

Marine Perks

Beast Hunter

Prerequisite: Turf

While on your Turf, any Ability Checks made to track a Beast you have previously Identified are automatically successful.


Prerequisite: Turf

While on your Turf, your Turf bonus applies to your Ranged Weapon Damage.

Keen Awareness 

Prerequisite: Turf

While on your Turf, always Act during an Ambush.

Coordinate Fire 

Prerequisite: Draw A Bead

While under the effects of Draw A Bead, Targets of your Ranged Weapon Attacks are considered Flanked by any Adjacent Allies until your next Turn.

Lie Low

Prerequisite: Draw A Bead & Stealth Class Ability

While lying Prone, Hidden by Stealth, and under the effects of Draw A Bead, your Stealth Penalty for Firing A Ranged Weapon is reduced by Five(5)

Terrain Coverage

Prerequisite: Draw A Bead

Draw A Bead also grants a bonus to your Physical Armor.


Prerequisite: Empty The Clip

When using Empty The Clip, your Attacks gain a compiling Plus Two(+2) Weapon Damage Bonus for each Attack Roll after the first (0, +2, +4, etc.).

Recoil Control

Prerequisite: Empty The Clip

When using Empty The Clip, your Attacks only receive a minus Two(-2) compiling Attack Penalty instead of a minus Three(-3).

Six In The Ten Range

Prerequisite: Empty The Clip

When using Empty The Clip, compile the Damage of all Attacks dealt into a single lump sum, allowing the Target only a single instance of Damage Resistance for multiple Weapon Attacks. 

Trigger Lust

Prerequisite: Exterminator

When Targeting an Exterminator Creature Type, you can use Empty the Clip as a Standard Action. 

Favored Exploits

Prerequisite: Exterminator

Your Ranged Weapon Attacks made against Exterminator Creature Types bypass all forms of Damage Resistance. 

Armsman Perks


Prerequisite: Wound

Increase your Daily Uses of Wound to your Full Power Attribute.

Compound Injury

Prerequisite: Wound

Your successful Wounds now inflict an additional Injury to the Target.

Deep Stroke

Prerequisite: Wound

Increase the number of Bleed Stacks inflicted by your Bleed Wound to your Full Power Attribute.

Defensive Expert

Prerequisite: Melee Weapons Expert & Any Armor Proficiency

The benefits of Melee Weapons Expert now apply to any Armor Proficiencies selected as a part of gaining an Armsman Level. ‘Defensive Expert‘ does not apply to any Equipment Proficiencies retroactively. 

Well Rounded

Prerequisite: Melee Weapons Expert & Any Shield Proficiency

The benefits of Melee Weapons Expert now apply to any Shield Proficiencies selected as a part of gaining an Armsman Level. ‘Well Rounded‘ does not apply to any Equipment Proficiencies retroactively. 

Dual Disciplined

Prerequisite: Melee Weapons Expert 

Alternatively, you can apply your other Equipment Level from Melee Weapon Expert to any different Melee Weapon from the Armsman Equipment List. 

Armor Styling

Prerequisite: Armor Conditioning

You retain your Armor Equipment Bonuses even while wearing an Armor in which you do not hold Proficiency. 

Shield Conditioning

Prerequisite: Armor Conditioning

Armor Conditioning now extends to your Shield Equipment Bonuses. 

Travel Fit

Prerequisite: Armor Conditioning

No longer suffer Encumbrance from the Armor you are conditioned to wear. 


Prerequisite: Armsmæster

Your Critical Hits with your Armsmæster Weapon will inflict a free Daily Use of your Wound Class Feature.


Prerequisite: Armsmæster

Your Armsmæster Criticals also apply to Physical Impact Rolls made utilizing your Armsmæster Weapon.

Cavalier Perks

Agile Defender

Prerequisite: Missile Deflect

You can take a Free Sidestep when attempting to Missile Deflect. 

Force Deflect

Prerequisite: Missile Deflect

You can now use Missile Deflect to Parry projectiles created by Cast Weapon Attacks. 

Missile Reflex

Prerequisite: Missile Deflect

Your successful Missile Deflects count as a Free Action instead of a Reaction. 

Area Coverage

Prerequisite: Provide Cover

Your bonus from Provide Cover applies to Physical Saves made to avoid Area of Effect Damage. 

Provide Resistance

Prerequisite: Provide Cover

Any Damage Resistances you possess are shared with Targets of Provide Cover.

Tactical Cover

Prerequisite: Provide Cover

You and Allies protected by Provide Cover are immune to Flanking. Opponents do not receive a bonus for Flanking you. In addition, flanking you does not make you vulnerable to Sneak Attacks. 

Steed Coverage

Prerequisite: Steed

Your Steed can extend Provide Cover to an Adjacent Comrade. 

Hearty Mount

Prerequisite: Steed

Your Steed gains an additional plus Three(+3) Hit Points per Character Level.


Prerequisite: Steed

You can not be knocked from your Steed as the result of a failed Drive Ability Check. 

Extensive Vocabulary

Prerequisite: Commander

Increase the number of Command Dice generated through your Commander Ritual to your Full Charm Attribute.

Words of Inspiration

Prerequisite: Commander 

When Allies utilize your Command Dice, they receive an additional bonus equal to Half(½) of your Charm Attribute.

Warden Perks

Choir Singer

Prerequisite: Aura & Culture Class Ability

Your Charm Attribute now governs your Aura instead of your Will Attribute.

Dance Major

Prerequisite: Aura

Your Aura now provides a bonus to Physical Saves instead of Mind Saves. 

Tranquil Influencer

Prerequisite: Aura

The Force Save bonus granted to you Allies by your Aura is Doubled(2*) against compulsory Miscognitions such as Berserk, Command, Possession, Fear, and Taunt. 

Air Of Confidence

Prerequisite: Retribution

The Force Armor Bonus of Retribution is extended to your Effect Duration in Rounds.

Baleful Gaze

Prerequisite: Retribution

You can perform Retribution without Speaking and instead by making menacing eye contact. You and your Target must be able to see, and your Target must be within your Line of Sight.

Sticks & Stones

Prerequisite: Retribution

Your Damage dealt by Retribution bypasses all forms of Damage Resistance. 

Effortless Projection

Prerequisite: Dome

Using Dome no longer Discharges your Energy Shield. 

Persistent Projection

Prerequisite: Dome

Dome now persists for your Effect Duration in Rounds. You can extend the Duration by One(1) Round as a Move Action. 

Field Of Steel

Prerequisite: Dome

While Dome persists, Projectiles originating from Outside of the Dome can not pass through the Dome’s border. 


Prerequisite: Null State

Increase your Daily Uses of Null State to your Full Will Attribute.

Void State

Prerequisite: Null State

You can now use Null State to remove existing Status Effects. 

Adept Perks

Æthereal Fusion

Prerequisite: Elementary Knowledge

Your Heroic Actions that require Two(2) Elemental Proficiencies have a minus Five(-5) reduction to their Action Point Cost.


Prerequisite: Elementary Knowledge

Alternatively, you can apply your other Equipment Level from Elementary Knowledge to any second Elemental Proficiency.


Prerequisite: Elementary Knowledge

While equipped with your Æthercite Catalyst, you can effortlessly manifest your Magickal abilities in minor ways. For example, you gain a gentle Telekinesis on Tiny Objects, or Smaller can perform simple audiovisual effects and can perform other little tricks at will with an Effective Radius equal to your Focus Attribute. In addition, the scale of your powers may develop alongside your Elemental Equipment Proficiencies.

Æther Overflow

Prerequisite: Elemental Burst

Increase your Daily Uses of Elemental Burst to your Full Focus Attribute. 

Deadly Bursts

Prerequisite: Elemental Burst

Increase the Damage Scale of your Elemental Burst by One(1) (1D6 → 1D8 → 1D10)

Prismatic Burst

Prerequisite: Elemental Burst 

Your Elemental Burst applies your appropriate Elemental Heroic Modifier as additional Elemental Damage.

Amplified Reserve

Prerequisite: Amplifier 

When using multiple instances of Amplifier, the increased Action Point Cost of the first iteration of Amplifier is refunded after your Heroic Action. When only using a single instance of Amplifier, the Action Point Costs are still Doubled(2*). 

Challenger of Fate

Prerequisite: Amplifier 

As an Alternate use of Amplifier, you can Double the Action Point Cost to inflict Maximum Damage on a success. 

Deadly Amplifier

Prerequisite: Amplifier

Each instance of Amplifier increases your Heroic Damage by a flat amount equal to Half(½) of your Focus Attribute.

Chaos Unleashed

Prerequisite: Æthercite Paragon(Chaos)

Increase the Scale Bonus of the Chaos Paragon to 1/5 Focus Attribute, up from 1/6 Focus Attribute.

Divine Eyes

Prerequisite: Æthercite Paragon(Truth)

As a Ritual during a Rest Period, you can spend One(1) Hour Scrying on a Target Location, Individual, or Object. Scrying in this way does not require an Anchor to your Target.

Mechanic Perks

Complex Commands

Prerequisite: Digital Collar

Increase the word limit of issuing a Matrix Command by plus Three(+3) to a total limit of Nine(9) words.

Enhanced Collar

Prerequisite: Digital Collar

Machines Bound to your Matrix benefit from the Upgrades of Drone Assist at all times. 

Extended Control

Prerequisite: Digital Collar

Increase the Effect Duration of Digital Collar from Rounds to Minutes.

Assist Link

Prerequisite: Drone Command

Whenever you assign your Drone to Assist a Comrade, you also gain the benefits of a single Drone Assist Upgrade.

Drone Assault

Prerequisite: Drone Command (Drone Strike)

Your Drone Strike Matrix Attacks bypass all forms of Damage Resistance.

Remote Command

Prerequisite: Drone Command

Your Drone can continue to Assist a Comrade outside of your Effective Matrix Radius. Additionally, you can Recall your Drone to you as a Rapid Action.

Alacritous Hacker

Prerequisite: Hack Savvy

You can Access a Terminal through Hack Savvy as a Move Action instead of a Standard Action.


Prerequisite: Hack Savvy

You can never set off an Alarm as the result of failing an Electronics Ability Check. 

Machine Menace

Prerequisite: Hack Savvy

You receive a plus Five(+5) bonus to Force Impacts that Target Machines and other Mechanical Creatures.

Instant Setting

Prerequisite: Create & Destroy

The building or destroying a structure through Create & Destroy can now be performed as a Move Action instead of a Standard Action.

Bigger Is Better

Prerequisite: Create & Destroy

Increase the Size limit of your Constructs to your Full Will Attribute. 

Apothic Perks

Batch Cook

Prerequisite: Toxin

Increase the number of Doses created during your Toxin Ritual to your Full Charm Attribute. 


Prerequisite: Toxin

Increase the number of Poison Stacks delivered by a Dose of your Toxin to your Full Charm Attribute.


Prerequisite: Toxin

Alternatively, you can create doses of Rega-Toxin during your Daily Batch in place of doses of Toxin. On use, Rega-Toxin grants stacks of the Regeneration Enhancement to the Target in place of Poison for the Effect Duration.

Battle Apothic

Prerequisite: Triage

You can use Triage during Combat as a Full Action.

Restorative Touch

Prerequisite: Triage

Increase the Scale of your Triage Healing by One(1) (In Example, 1D8 → 1D10)

Palliative Care

Prerequisite: Triage

Double the Hit Points Restored to your Allies when you use the Monitor Company Ritual during a Rest Period. 

Redefining Addiction

Prerequisite: Physician

You no longer suffer the Negative Effects of Drugs you have Crafted.

Doctor Feelgood

Prerequisite: Physician

Drugs Crafted by you no longer have Negative Effects for any user.


Prerequisite: Physician

Whenever you Craft a Consumable Curative or Drug as a part of an Apothicine Ability Check, create Twice(2*) as many. 

Emergency Siphon

Prerequisite: Discovery(Philosopher’s Stone)

Whenever your Hit Points were reduced to Zero(0), you instantly drain any stored Charges within your Philosopher’s Stone to immediately restore Hit Points.

Mature Cultures

Prerequisite: Discovery(Immortality Tank)

Reduce the time it takes to cultivate a new clone from Seven(7) Days down to Two(2) Days.