Starting Quantum State: The Basics

Quantum State is a new Tabletop Roleplaying Game (TTRPG) with a unique setting inspired by the Western, Cyberpunk, and Dark Fantasy genres, featuring a robust framework for simulating experiences and easy-to-learn mechanics. The game is set in a far-future dark age in a distant world marked by an untamable wilderness littered with the fallen ruins of an ancient, now dead, celestial superstructure. Players will take on the role of a fully customizable avatar, banding together to survive in this hostile environment and overcome the Docent's(GM) challenges by working as a team.

In addition to its easy-to-learn mechanics and accessible gameplay, Quantum State is unique in its technomagickal setting. In this future, magic and technology have blended seamlessly in a place where the highest realms of what is possible have been all but forgotten, resulting in a fascinating and potentially deadly living world. Players need to rely on their honed skills and each other to survive, all within a framework that provides an engaging experience every time. So if you're looking for something different from the usual TTRPG fare, Quantum State is worth checking out.

Forest background concept art for Quantum State

Uncover a wild world of endless adventure

The Core State

In the world of Quantum State, technology and magic have collided, creating a unique universe to explore. Players will navigate the untamed wilderness, explore forgotten ruins, and encounter unique cultures and factions. The setting departs from traditional science fiction and fantasy worlds, with limitless possibilities. Players can create their own story in this one-of-a-kind world with every discovery.

The default setting of the world, called the Core State, includes nine (9) different Birthrites, unique cultural backgrounds that can act as a fully fleshed-out stand-alone setting for any TTRPG session. These Birthrites tie the characters directly to the environment, helping players determine their motivations, interests, and experiences leading up to the story's events. Selecting a Birthrite is usually the first step in creating a new Character.


Axis – Corporate Megacity

Kronin – Communal Living

Armistice – The Glorious Empire

Requiem – The Holy City Of Travelers

Homestead – Home On The Range

Bulleteater – You Are What You Eat

Mercan – Merchant Pirates Of The Sea & Sky

Malowari – Transhuman Naturists

Remnant – Synthetics With The Old World Blues

Then the player must select two (2) from a selection of nine (9) Base Classes. Each Base Class represents an adventurer archetype that offers a unique playstyle that can be mixed and matched to the player's tastes. Additionally, every player will have access to two (2) more Classes: the Tenderfoot and a Hybrid Class. The Tenderfoot is a precursory class of custom choices that enables a Character's background to be further developed to taste, allowing a player to lean heavily into their Character's specializations or create a more rounded skillset. As Characters develop throughout the game, their Base Classes will combine to form a uniquely powerful Hybrid Class that offers enhanced or altered capabilities to the player.

Base Classes 


Primary Attributes: Focus, Will

Class Features: Elementary Knowledge, Force Burst, Amplifier, Æthercite Paragon


Primary Attributes: Focus, Charm

Class Features: Triage, Toxin, Physician, Discovery


Primary Attributes: Power, Skill

Class Features: Way Of The Warrior, Wound, Armor Conditioning, Armsmæster


Primary Attributes: Power, Grit

Class Features: Rope-A-Dope, Knockout,  Fitness, Wrestler


Primary Attributes: Grit, Charm

Class Features: Provide Cover, Missile Deflect, Steed, Commander


Primary Attributes: Skill, Charm

Class Features: Scoundrel Sense, Sneak Attack, Slippery, Miraculous Dodge


Primary Attributes: Skill, Will

Class Features: Turf, Draw A Bead, Empty The Clip, Exterminator


Primary Attributes: Power, Will

Class Features: Drone Control, Digital Collar, Hack Savvy, Create & Destroy


Primary Attributes: Will, Charm

Class Features: Aura, Retribution, Dome, Null State

Cavalier character concept art for Quantum State TTRPG

Character Basics

When creating a Character in Quantum State, there are a few basics that every player should keep in mind. Characters have Attributes that correspond to their key quantifiable metrics. For new Characters, these start at zero (0). Attributes are the basic building blocks used to calculate statistics on a Character Sheet.


Power. A Character’s physical strength affects statistics like Melee Attacks and Damage, Physical Impacts, Maneuvers, and Inventory.

Skill. A Character’s agility or dexterity influences statistics like Ranged Attacks, Physical Armor, Physical Impacts, Maneuvers, Speed, and Initiative.

Grit. A Character’s toughness or vitality influences statistics like Hit Points, Physical Impacts, and Essence.

Focus. A Character’s intellect or mental acuity influences statistics like Action Points, Cast Attacks, Force Impacts, and Action Slots.

Will. A Character’s wit and awareness influences statistics like Initiative, Force Armor, Force Impacts, Effect Duration, and Repair Modifiers.

Charm. A Character’s charisma or guile influences statistics like Force Impacts and Healing Modifiers.

For every earned Character Level, a player distributes a Class Rank to one of their four Classes. By increasing their Class Ranks, Characters can improve their Attribute scores, which in turn will strengthen their Character Statistics. With these basics in mind, players should be able to create a well-rounded and robust character ready to take on any challenge Quantum State has to offer.

Character Statistics

Abilities - Represents a Character’s capability to apply their talents or knowledge in a specialized way. There are 15 different Abilities that any Character can use.

Armor - Represents a Character’s ability to defend themselves against direct attacks from NPCs and other Characters. Every Character has a Physical and Force Armor value that determines their avoidance of Physical and Force Damage, respectively, and their various subtypes.

Attacks & Damage - Represents a Character’s talents with wielding Weapons, with Attacks measuring their accuracy and Damage measuring their capacity to inflict harm on a target. Attack and Damage statistics are further categorized by Melee, Ranged, and Cast, depending on the wielder’s choice of Weapon Frame. 

Impacts & Saves - Represents a Character’s total capacity to act with their entire being. Each is separated into Physical and Force categories; Impacts measure a Character’s physical or mental dominance in an intense scenario, while Saves measure their resilience or fortitude.

Heroics - Represents a Character’s ability to call on particular techniques, spells, or secret powers to perform extraordinary actions. 

Mobility - Represents a Character’s agility and alertness in the field, including their Initiative, Maneuvers, Speed, and Encumbrance.

Vitals - Represents a Character’s health and wellness. Every Character’s general health is represented by a pool of Hit Points (HP), while their energy, stamina, or magickal reserves are defined by their collection of Action Points (AP). Additionally, Characters have a limited pool of Essence that represents the soul’s connection to the body, without which they will die. 

Marine Character Concept Bust from Quantum State TTRPG

Gameplay And Mechanics

In Quantum State, players will find themselves amid thrilling action, responding to the ever-changing environment set before them by the Docent. They'll have to utilize a combination of quick thinking and careful planning, all while adjusting to the scope of their Character's capabilities. It's a game that can be as fast or slow as its players, sure to capture the imaginations of all who play. 

The gameplay mechanics are simple yet elegant. Quantum State uses polyhedral dice in a D10 System, where players will roll a 10-sided die, apply the result to predetermined statistics on a Character Sheet, and weigh the result against a goal set by the Docent to determine success. The flow of gameplay involves the Docent setting a scene or narrating the actions of Non-Player Characters (NPCs), allowing the players to interact with the environment through their Character's actions. Then, the Docent will depict the world's reactions to the players’ choices, using those results to set up the next scene with which their Characters will engage, keeping everyone at the table interested in the story.

Example Adventure

Kai (Delinquent/Warden), Ganon (Armsman/Brawler), Samira (Adept/Apothic), and Rolph (Marine/Mechanic) were all members of the fledgling Company, STREET JUSTICE, INC. Their Company has often been tasked with going on dangerous missions that no one else could (or would) handle. Their latest assignment was to infiltrate the lair of a notorious mastermind that ruled over the Dark Markets known only as the Rust Widow.

As a skilled thief and influencer, Kai was confident they could grift the information needed to locate the Rust Widow's lair. They started by surveying the city from a high vantage point before spotting a group of underworld enforcers, the Blackguard, loading unmarked boxes in an abandoned warehouse by the docks. Upon investigating, Kai eavesdropped on a conversation between guards, confirming that the Rust Widow's lair was in the abandoned warehouse.

Ganon was a skilled warrior, needing little more guidance than pointing out who to fight, who arrived at the warehouse more than ready to take on the Rust Widow's Blackguards. He charged into their lair in a whirl of fists and steel, drawing the nearby mob into a raucous battle. The rest of the team stayed close behind him, dropping enemies left and right.

Samira used her magick to bend the elements to her will, supporting her teammates with protective spells and obliterating unfortunate opponents with intense bursts of energy. Her knowledge of apothicine and curative treatments came in clutch during the mission, keeping Ganon alive and well after sustaining several injuries during the fight.

Rolph was a professional soldier and gunslinger who quickly ascended to the high ground with a grappling hook, spotting incoming reinforcements well before they arrived and eliminating key opponents from afar with a scoped rifle. With his birds-eye view, he was able to provide crucial tactical information for the team, guiding them through the treacherous hideout.

As the final Blackguard fell, the Company burst into the secure vault in the back of the lair to find the Rust Widow waiting for them amongst her horde of ill-gotten gains. She greeted the group with a long, villainous monologue, caustically toying with the Company, baiting them into aggression. Ganon, succumbing to her taunts, charged forward only to trigger the Rust Widow's dastardly trap! The Rust Widow managed to escape, but the group was able to seize her stolen treasures for the Company coffers. All-in-all, another successful mission.

Welcome to the world of Quantum State! This blog series will discuss how you can learn more about our Tabletop Roleplaying Game. This post is the first in a series of posts to inform readers about the game's offerings. Our upcoming Kickstarter Campaign will launch soon, and we encourage you to check out our website,, for more information. Tabletop roleplaying games are a great way to immerse yourself in a story and create lasting memories with friends. We hope you enjoy learning more about Quantum State, and we look forward to sharing our game with you soon! Thanks for reading!


Starting Quantum State: Playing The Game