Hybrid Class Perks

Trickster Perks

Extended Decoy

Prerequisite: Decoy

Increase the Effect Duration of your Decoys to Minutes instead of Rounds.

Knockout Artist

Prerequisite: Suckerpunch

Your Knockouts inflicted through Suckerpunch no longer expend a Daily Use of Knockout.

Return To Sender

Prerequisite: Juggler

Whenever you successfully catch an object as a part of your Juggler Class Feature, you may perform a Thrown Ranged Attack as a Free Action using the caught object as your Weapon. 

Shadow Clone

Prerequisite: Juggler

Whenever your Decoys are destroyed, they erupt a cloud of harmless smoke that obscures vision within all Adjacent Spaces for One(1) Round. 

Gang Of One

Prerequisite: Wire Fighter

Whenever you perform Maneuver from Wire Fighter against a Target, any Decoys that also Threaten your Target can assist you, adding a bonus equal to Half(½) of your Charm Attribute to your Maneuver for each assisting Decoy.

Troupe Replenishment

Prerequisite: Infinite Jest

Absorbing a Decoy when you have Zero(0) remaining Daily Uses instead restores Three(3) Daily Uses.

Sniper Perks

Quick Scope

Prerequisite: Headshot

You no longer need to Draw A Bead to inflict Sneak Attacks with a Longarm Weapon.

Precision Rifling

Prerequisite: Graduating Range

While under the effects of Draw A Bead, your Ranged Weapon Attacks ignore any circumstantial bonuses to Armor granted by Cover. 

Heavy Caliber Bolt

Prerequisite: Bolt From The Blue

Your Bolt From The Blue gains a plus Three(+3) Damage bonus per Ammo Spent in the Attack.

Still Breath

Prerequisite: Unseen Assailant

While Drawing A Bead, increase the Stealth Penalty Reduction of Unseen Assailant by Three(3).

Soft Tissue

Prerequisite: Red Dot

Your Critical Hits from Red Dot bypass all forms of Damage Resistance. 

Phantom Bullet

Prerequisite: Doubletap

Doubletap no longer spends any additional Ammo.

Assassin Perks

Opportune Injury

Prerequisite: Mortal Wounds

Your Wounds inflicted by Mortal Wounds no longer expends a Daily Use.

Diverse Toolset

Prerequisite: Tools Of The Trade

You can apply your additional Equipment Level of Tools Of The Trade to select from any Equipment List, including your Delinquent and Armsman Class Lists. 

Silent Killer

Prerequisite: Deathstroke

Your Melee Weapon Attacks made from Stealth do not induce a penalty to your Current Stealth Ability Check.

Hit List

Prerequisite: Bounty

You can now maintain a number of Bounties equal to Half(½) of your Will Attribute. In addition, a Bounty eluding you no longer induces a penalty. 

Murderous Intent

Prerequisite: Natural Born Killer

Your Damage Bonus against isolated Bounties is instead Tripled. 

Deathly Flexibility  

Prerequisite: Deathly Emissary

If you were to Kill a Creature before reaching the Deathly Emissary limit of Attacks per Action, you could redirect your remaining Attacks to a new Target.

Corsair Perks

Surprise Submission  

Prerequisite: Take Hostage

Your Grapple Maneuvers to take a Hostage during a Sneak Attack are automatically successful.

Inhibited Deflection

Prerequisite: Scapegoat

Any Attacks redirected by Scapegoat following a successful Parry are automatically successful against their new Target. 


Prerequisite: Privateer & Steed

As an alternative Steed, you instead command a semi-sentient Massive-sized Vehicle or Ship that can be called and interacted with as a regular Steed but can also be boarded and piloted with up to Four(4) passengers.

Make Your Luck

Prerequisite: Luck

Increase your Daily Uses of Luck to your Full Charm Attribute.

Fool Me Twice

Prerequisite: Negotiator & Investigation Class Ability

You apply your Negotiator bonus to any Investigation Ability Checks made to discern lies, detect forgeries, or see through disguises.

Terminate Alliance

Prerequisite: Brute

As a part of Brute, your Target’s Disposition falls to Neutral instead of Hostile.

Charlatan Perks


Prerequisite: Pretty Little Lies

The Ability Check Bonus of Pretty Little Lies applies to any Ability Checks made to create a disguise or create a forgery. 

Speech Redacted 

Prerequisite: Shadowspeak

You Shadowspeak temporarily inflicts the Silenced Injury on the Target for your Effect Duration in Rounds.


Prerequisite: Indoctrine

Your Illusions created through Indoctrine can persist outside of your Aura’s Effective Radius for your Effect Duration in Rounds. 

False Heroes

Prerequisite: Censor

The Stifled Miscognition of Censor is now an automatic success against your Target.

Prying Mind

Prerequisite: Mastermind

Your attempts to Read Thoughts are automatically successful if the Target does not have additional mental protections.

Void Fill

Prerequisite: Blackout

You may select any number of Creatures within the Radius of Blackout to be unaffected by the Darkness. 

Stalker Perks

Relentless Energy

Prerequisite: Nightblade

Your Nightblade no longer dissipates on a failed Attack, retaining its charge for further attempts. 

Divine Prey

Prerequisite: Nightblade

As a Ritual during a Rest Period, you may use your Anchor to Scry on your current Portent. 

Space Jumper

Prerequisite: Blink

Increase your Daily Uses of Blink to your Full Focus Attribute.

Temporal Network

Prerequisite: Temporal Marker

Increase the total number of Temporal Markers you can maintain at once to Half (½) of your Focus Attribute. 

Phase Shifter

Prerequisite: Relapse

Your Relapse no longer expends a Daily Use of Blink. 


Prerequisite: Phantom

Phantom is now a Free Action, triggered on any Killing Blow.

Insurgent Perks

Code Violation

Prerequisite: Industrial Espionage

Your Omni Kit Weapons grant access to Light Melee Weapon Heroics of equal Equipment Level. 

Behind The Curtain

Prerequisite: Master Drive Protocol

Issuing Commands from your Matrix no longer affects your Stealth Ability checks. 

Prowler Field

Prerequisite: Drone Model: Saboteur

Your Saboteur Drone’s Invisibility is shared with Targets of your Drone Assist. 

Open Surveillance

Prerequisite: Interloper

You can personally access a direct feed of any Security Asset at will, such as a Camera linked to a System you have Accessed for as long as a System Access Point, such as a Terminal, is within your Driver Weapon Range. 

White Hat

Prerequisite: Black Hat

Your Black Hat Bonus applies to any Investigation or Perception Ability Checks. 


Prerequisite: Self Destruction Sequence

The Targets of your Self Destruction Sequence are no longer reset with a successful Force Save for as long as you have Possession. 

Solmnir Perks

Without A Trace

Prerequisite: Imposter

Whenever your Imposter Disguise fails, it evaporates into nothingness. 

Toxic Ambusher

Prerequisite: Compact Injector

Whenever you deliver a Sneak Attack with a Compound Injector Weapon, you can alternatively issue a number of Poison Stacks in place of your Sneak Attack Damage Dice. 

Careful Timing

Prerequisite: Element Of Surprise

Your Weapon Attacks made against Unaware Targets that have not seen through your Imposter Disguise are an Automatic Success. 

Gene Bank

Prerequisite: Replicant

You can retain a number of Imposter Identities within your biology equal to Half(½) of your Charm Attribute. You can shift to any of these stored Identities as use of Imposter.


Prerequisite: Sheep’s Clothing

As a part of Sheep’s Clothing, you can choose to instantly dissolve any evidence of the Target’s remains into nothingness. 

Former Life

Prerequisite: Metamorphosis 

Whenever you Assume an Imposter Identity, you access your Imposter’s thoughts and memories up to the point of extraction for the Duration of the Identity.

Tempest Perks


Prerequisite: Bellringer

Increase your Daily Uses of Knockout by Half(½) of your Skill Attribute.

Run & Gun

Prerequisite: Mobile Tactics

While under the effects of Mobile Tactics, if you perform your Move Action before any Standard Ranged Attack, the Point of Origin for your Attack can be anywhere within your Path of Travel to determine your Line of Sight or Projectile Trajectory.

Total Awareness

Prerequisite: Gunkata

You receive your Gunkata Armor Bonuses at all times. 

Shot Counts

Prerequisite: Dueling Pistols & Rapid Reload

You can Reload a Sidearm Weapon as Rapid Action.

Ghost Walker

Prerequisite: CQC Specialist

You can Move through Spaces occupied by Hostile Creatures at Half(½) Speed.

A Leaf On The Wind

Prerequisite: Death Blossom

When using Death Blossom while Dual Wielding, you may perform an Attack each with your Main-hand and Off-hand Weapon.

Gladiator Perks

Whooping Stick

Prerequisite: Beatdown

Improvised Weapons in your hands no longer have Durability. You can choose to destroy an Improvised Weapon as a part of a Melee or Thrown Ranged Attack to gain One(1) Splash Radius to your Attack.


Prerequisite: Versatile Combatant

Your successful Wound or Knockout attempts during an Attack as a part of Versatile Combatant do not expend a Daily Use. 

Fury Rising

Prerequisite: Battle Fury

If you begin a Turn with Zero(0) charges of Battle Fury, you instead gain plus Two(+2) Power. 

Instant Rage

Prerequisite: Enrage

You begin each Combat with Three(3) Charges of Battle Fury. 

High Velocity

Prerequisite: Momentum

Your Momentum Attack and Damage Bonus Capacity is Doubled(2*). 

Master Of The Mountain

Prerequisite: Battle Royale

Battle Royale now applies to any of your Maneuvers, regardless of Enemy positioning. 

Goliath Perks

Swinging For Distance

Prerequisite: Haymaker

Increase the Knockback Distance of your Haymaker Attacks to your Full Power Attribute.

Counter Throw

Prerequisite: Under My Wing

Whenever you Catch a Projectile as a part of Under My Wing, you can use the Projectile in a Thrown Ranged Weapon Attack as a Free, Immediate Action.

Sleek Catus

Prerequisite: Catus Armor

Your Catus Armor no longer incurs any Encumbrance Penalty.

Heave, Ho!

Prerequisite: Hurl

You gain a plus Five(+5) bonus to Thrown Weapon Range when Hurling an Object.

Pick Up The Spare

Prerequisite: Bouncer

Projectiles thrown through Hurl that successfully hit their Target will bounce to a second Target for Half(½) the Total Damage to the first Target. The second Target must be within Half of your Thrown Weapon Range from the initial Target and can attempt a Physical Save against your Attack Roll to Negate the Damage. 

Friendly Toss

Prerequisite: Chuck

Creatures thrown by you willingly no longer suffer Damage from the Throw. 

Fiend Perks

Disruptive Blow

Prerequisite: Disruption

Your Retributions against Adjacent Targets also inflict your equipped Melee Weapon Damage.

Muscular Resilience

Prerequisite: Muscular Acuity

Your Armor Bonuses from Muscular Acuity will now persist for your Effect Duration in Rounds. 

Forced Transcendence

Prerequisite: Panoptica

You can now Activate/Deactivate Panoptica as a Rapid Action. 

Lethal Strikes

Prerequisite: Counter Strike

Your successful Counter Strikes are now automatic Critical Hits. 

Timeless Physique

Prerequisite: Untouchable

Your Untouchable Bonus applies to all Athletics and Acrobatics Ability Checks. 

Fist Of Fate

Prerequisite: Time Stop

Performing a Melee Weapon Attack will no longer prematurely end Time Stop.

Godhand Perks

Force Barrier

Prerequisite: Force Hardened

Your Force Hardened Bonus also applies as Damage Resistance against all sources of Force Damage.

Stunning Bursts

Prerequisite: Psionic Fist

Utilizing Knockout and Elemental Burst on the same Attack Roll will only require a single Daily Use from the shared pool.

Searing Strikes

Prerequisite: Kinetic Strikes

Increase your Attack and Damage Bonus from Kinetic Strikes to your Full Focus Attribute. 

Innate Potential 

Prerequisite: Unleash Potential

Your Unleash Potential is now a Free Action. 

Force Cutter

Prerequisite: Æther Cutter

Your Armor Penetration from Æther Cutter Doubles(2*) against all forms of Damage Resistance against Force Damage (including Elemental Damage). 

Void Incarnate

Prerequisite: Aspect Of The Void

Your Attacks made while in Voidstate no longer inflict Self-Damage.

Agent Perks

Manual Override

Prerequisite: Industrial Takedown

Your Industrial Takedown Bonus also applies to your Physical and Force Impacts Targeting Machines, Objects, or the Environment. 

Spyder Calibration

Prerequisite: Spawn: Spyder

Increase the Speed of your Spyders to your Full Will Attribute.

Integrated Crawler

Prerequisite: Drone Model: Crawler

Your Crawler Drone can be equipped as Gear without occupying a Gear Slot. 

Meticulous Constructor

Prerequisite: Spyder Efficiency

You can create Two(2) Spyders whether or not you have the Crawler Equipped as Gear.

Crawler Mobility

Prerequisite: Crawler Gadgetry

While Equipped as Gear, your Crawler Gadgetry Ability Check Bonus applies to any Power-based or Skill-based Ability Checks. 

Private Eye

Prerequisite: Mass Production

Your Spyders gain the Invisibility Enhancement. 

Mutant Perks

Malleable Genetics

Prerequisite: Embedded Injector

Increase your Gene Sample Capacity to your Full Grit Attribute.

Altered Perception

Prerequisite: Extrasensory Perception

Your Extrasensory Perception Bonus also applies to your Perception Ability Checks. 

Social Chameleon

Prerequisite: Elasticity

Your Elasticity bonus also applies to your Charm-based Ability Checks, in addition to Power and Skill-based Ability Checks. 

Flux Adaptation

Prerequisite: Genetic Adaptation

You can shift to a different Altered State as a Full Action, even during Combat. 

Metastatic Repair

Prerequisite: Regenerative Tumor

Your Regenerative Tumors restore Twice(2*) as many Hit Points.


Prerequisite: Nemesis

Increase the Effect Duration of your Nemesis Form to Hours, up from Minutes. 

Bronco Perks


Prerequisite: Bullseye

Increase your Bullseye bonus to Ranged Weapon Damage to your Full Power Attribute. 


Prerequisite: Big Iron

You can benefit from Big Iron while selecting a Ranged Weapon Proficiency when gaining a Marine Class Level. This does not apply to any retroactive Equipment Levels. 

Switch Step

Prerequisite: Gunslinger

You may include a Sidestep as a part of the Action while changing Equipment as a part of Gunslinger. 

The Quick And The Dead

Prerequisite: Desperado

You can now use Desperado as a Free Action instead of a Reaction. 

You Can Run

Prerequisite: Hair Trigger

Your Attacks Of Opportunity ignore any circumstantial bonuses to Armor granted by Cover. 


Prerequisite: High Noon

In the event of a tie, you are the victor of a High Noon duel. 

Juggernaut Perks

Barrel Chested

Prerequisite: Walking Bunker

You no longer incur Encumbrance from equipping a Chaingun Weapon or a Heavy Shield.

Ruin Trajectory

Prerequisite: Missile Defense

Your Ranged Attacks made as a part of no longer consume Ammo.

Kinetic Exosuit

Prerequisite: Dreadnaut Armor

Your Dreadnaut Armor triggers the Initiative Charge every Turn, instead of only when using Draw A Bead.

Trigger Guard

Prerequisite: Ammo Dump

You become Immune to harmful effects that Force the expenditure of Ammo from your Ranged Weapons.

Efficient Grouping

Prerequisite: Center Mass

The bonus Ranged Attacks of Center Mass no longer cost a round of Ammo. 


Prerequisite: Bullet Storm

Your consecutive Ranged Attacks made through Bullet Storm receive a plus Three(+3) bonus to Attack Rolls for each Attack missed this Turn.

Rampart Perks

Fire & Brimstone 

Prerequisite: Preacher

You can utilize Preacher without being able to Speak. Likewise, Comrades can benefit from Preacher without being able to hear you.


Prerequisite: Blasphemy

Your Ranged Weapon Attacks made as a part of Blasphemy no longer cost Ammo.

Herald of Faith

Prerequisite: Shield Of Faith

While Active, your Shield Of Faith is extended to any Comrade within the Radius of your Aura.

Eternal Fervor

Prerequisite: Fervorous Sermon

Using Fervorous Sermon no longer Discharges your Energy Shield.


Prerequisite: Hellfire

Your Critical Hits with Splash Weapons inflict Maximum Damage instead of Minimum Damage within the Splash Radius.

Eyes of Atonement

Prerequisite: Damnation

You can perform Damnation without Speaking and instead by making judgemental eye contact. You and your Target must be able to see, and your Target must be within your Line of Sight.

Helion Perks

Concussive Burst

Prerequisite: Shredder Burst

As an Alternative Use, a successful Shredder Burst will inflict a Penalty to the Target's Physical and Force Impacts.


Prerequisite: Tap Potential

Your Tap Potential bonuses apply to the Attack and Damage Rolls of your Heroic Actions that are Full Actions.

Enchanted Reload

Prerequisite: Enchanted Clip

You can use Enchanted Clip as a part of Reloading a Ranged Weapon.  

Æthercite Rifling

Prerequisite: Æthercite Chamber

Your Æthercite Chamber Damage bonus applies as a part of your Shredder Burst when attempted with a Ranged Weapon loaded with an Enchanted Clip. 

Arcane Architect

Prerequisite: Virulent Artificer

You can Reposition an Arcane Charge as a Rapid Action, up from a Move Action.

Critical Retention

Prerequisite: Intense Accelerant

When negating your Critical Hit as a part of Intense Accelerant, you still retain any Critical Weapon Effects of your Attack while dealing your normal Weapon Damage.

Huntsman Perks


Prerequisite: Beastial Collar

Your Repair Effects can heal your Bound Beasts.

Hunting Grounds 

Prerequisite: Feral Bond

While on your Turf, your Bound Beasts benefit from Feral Bond at all times. 

Lurking Constrictor

Prerequisite: Drone Model: Predator

Your Predator Drone can burrow through non-Metal walls and floors to reach its destination.

Primal Siphon

Prerequisite: Primal Link

Your Primal Link is now a Free Action.

Pack Ferocity

Prerequisite: Pack Mentality

Your Bound Beast's Critical Hits inflicted as a part of Pack Mentality bypass all forms of Damage Resistance.

Beta Rising

Prerequisite: Alpha

Whenever your Alpha dies, you can designate a new Alpha immediately.

Ranger Perks


Prerequisite: Trapper

Increase your Trap Capacity to your Full Skill Attribute.


Prerequisite: Survivalist

Your Survivalist now removes all Injuries and Miscognitions from a single Target.  


Prerequisite: Poison Cartridge

You can now use Poison Cartridge as a part of a Thrown Ranged Weapon Attack to silently fire a small dart at your Target. Attacks made using 'Blowdart' do not deal Weapon Damage and do not incur a penalty to Stealth.  

Distracting Idols

Prerequisite: Effigy

As an Alternative Use of Effigy, create an Effigy that inflicts the Enthralled Miscognition in place of the Fear Miscognition. 

Pragmatic Selection

Prerequisite: Opportunist

Your Opportunist bonus applies to Physical and Force Impacts made against Target's inflicted with an Injury or Miscognition.

Hybrid Hunter

Prerequisite: Headhunter

Your unique Trophies now stack against Creatures with multiple Creature Types.

Myrmidon Perks

Defenseless Whelp

Prerequisite: Greatest Of All Time

Your Greatest Of All Time penalty also applies to your Target's Physical Armor.

Swift Reprisals

Prerequisite: Phalanx

Your Wounds inflicted as a part of Phalanx no longer expend a Daily Use of Wound.

Follow Through

Prerequisite: Bladed Defense

Whenever you score a Critical Hit with your Main-hand Weapon Attack while wielding a Shield in your Off-hand, your Off-hand Attack is now an Automatic Critical.

Muscle Mass

Prerequisite: Heft

Increase your Damage Resistance Capacity of Heft to your Full Grit Attribute

Band Of Thorns

Prerequisite: Coat Of Harms

Your Coat Of Harms will now trigger anytime you are the Target of a Melee Weapon Attack.

Sealed Fate

Prerequisite: Judgement

The Target of your Judgement suffers a minus Ten(-10) penalty to their Save Attempt. 

Templar Perks

Energy Burn

Prerequisite: Crusader

Increase the Action Point burn of Crusader to your Full Weapon Damage.

Always Unexpected

Prerequisite: Inquisition

Increase your Daily Uses of Wound by Half(½) of your Will Attribute.

Aura of Uncertainty

Prerequisite: Hushed Aura

Creatures that fail their Force Save to withstand Hushed Aura will also suffer the Indecisive Miscognition for the Duration.

Void Barrier 

Prerequisite: Null Zone

All Force or Elemental Damage effects within the Radius of Null Zone are instead reduced to Zero(0). 

Fractured Hope

Prerequisite: Spiritbreaker

Your Spiritbreaker penalties now last for your Effect Duration in Rounds, up from until the end of the next Turn. 

Obliterate Soul

Prerequisite: Sever Soul

Increase the Damage of your Sever Soul to Five(5) Force Damage per missing Action Point, up from Three(3).

Archon Perks

Æther Attunement

Prerequisite: Synchronicity

Utilizing both Wound and Elemental Burst on the same Attack Roll will only require a single Daily Use from the shared pool. 


Prerequisite: Spellblade

Increase your Spellblade Damage bonus to your Full Focus Attribute.

Call Of Power

Prerequisite: Bonded Weapon

You can call your Bonded Weapon from Twice(2*) the Range.  

Tempered Reckoning

Prerequisite: Force Of Reckoning

You no longer waste a Daily Use on a missed Force Of Reckoning attempt.

Virtuous Strike

Prerequisite: Steel & Zeal

Performing a Melee Weapon Attack as a part of a Heroic Action that deals Force or Elemental Damage will gain both the Attack and Damage benefits of Steel & Zeal.

Unlimited Power

Prerequisite: Power Overwhelming

Increase your Power Overwhelming bonus to plus Three(+3) per Killing Blow.

Dragoon Perks

Implements Of Destruction

Prerequisite: Lockdown

You can attempt Wound on Machines and Mechanical Creatures using any equipped Kit, Driver, or Matrix Attacks.


Prerequisite: Cybersoldier

Retain your Cybersoldier bonuses while your Drone is Assisting an Ally.

Drakken Lift

Prerequisite: Drone Model: Drakken

Your Drakken's Drone Assist grants the Target the Flight Enhancement. 

Dive Velocity 

Prerequisite: Drakken Dive

As a part of Drakken Dive Charge Attack, each Space of Downward Vertical Movement can instead count as Two(2) Spaces of Movement.

Mach Speed

Prerequisite: Unstoppable Force

Increase your Unstoppable Force bonus to plus Two(+2) Damage per Space traveled. 


Prerequisite: Dragonheart

Whenever you revive as a part of Dragonheart, you can immediately move up to Twice(2*) your Speed as a Free, Immediate Action.

Reaver Perks

Booster Shot

Prerequisite: Adrenaloid Injection

You can now use Adrenaloid Injection Twice(2*) per Long Rest.

Regenerative Flourish

Prerequisite: Regenerative Strikes

Your Regenerative Strikes now both Restore Hit Points and can remove a single Injury or Miscognition from yourself or an Adjacent Target.

Steel Rage

Prerequisite: Blood Rage

Your Blood Rage bonus now also applies to your Physical Armor.

Compartmentalize Trauma 

Prerequisite: Pain Inoculation

You receive an additional Plus Two(+2) Damage Resistance against all Physical Damage Sources for each Injury or Miscognition you are currently suffering.

Limit Removal

Prerequisite: Limit Breaker

While under the effects of Adrenaloid, you no longer suffer Penalties from Injury Effects to your Attack or Ability Rolls.


Prerequisite: Death's Door

While under the effects of Death's Door, landing a Killing Blow will instantly restore Hit Points equal to your Grit Attribute plus your Healing Modifier.

Conqueror Perks

Fluid Inspiration

Prerequisite: Inspiration

You can now shift your Battle Tactics as a Rapid Action, down from a Move Action.


Prerequisite: Standard Bearer

While planted, the Effective Radius of your Battle Standard is Doubled(2*).

Regal Persistence

Prerequisite: Regality

Increase your window to inflict a Critical Hit following a Retribution to your Effect Duration in Rounds up from during your next Turn.


Prerequisite: Dominion

Your Dominion now persists for your Effect Duration in Minutes, up from your Effect Duration in Rounds.


Prerequisite: United We Stand

Increase the capacity of United We Stand to your Full Will Attribute.

One For All

Prerequisite: Arm Of The People

Your Allies within the Radius of your Aura no longer must spend a Reaction to contribute to Arm Of The People.

Aegis Perks

Symbiotic Barrier

Prerequisite: Absorption Barrier

Increase the Scale of your Absorption Barrier Action Point Recovery by One(1). (D6→D8)

Refracted Shield

Prerequisite: Prismatic Shield

Your Prismatic Shield's Elemental Burst no longer Discharges your Energy Shield.

Jupiter Rising

Prerequisite: Jupiter Armor

You immediately receive Three(3) Jupiter Charges at the beginning of a Combat.

Æthereal Anchor  

Prerequisite: Arcane Cannon

You can now Anchor yourself to the ground as a Standard Action, down from a Full Action.

Hollow Gigas

Prerequisite: Gigas

You can continue to utilize Gigas without available Jupiter Charges. However, using Gigas with Jupiter Charges still consumes the Charge as usual. 

Flux Capacitor

Prerequisite: Flux State

You can regain a Jupiter Charge as a Move Action, down from a Standard Action.  

Engineer Perks

Projectile Control

Prerequisite: Defense Matrix

You can attempt to Missile Deflect any projectile within your Effective Matrix Range.

Battle Build

Prerequisite: Golem

Increase your Golem's bonus to Armor, Saves, Impacts, and Maneuvers to your Full Will Attribute.

All Seeing Eye

Prerequisite: Drone Model: Explorer

Your Explorer's Infrascan Radius is Doubled (2*) to Ten(10) Paces.

Efficient Loader

Prerequisite: Auto-Turret

Increase the Ammo Capacity of your Auto-Turrets by Three(3).


Prerequisite: Mason

Adjacent Walls, Objects, or Structures can be made Indestructible by your Provide Cover.

Home Defense

Prerequisite: Fortress

Your Fortress is constructed equipped with your total capacity of Auto-Turrets, fully loaded and operational.

Vitalist Perks

Nanite Reach

Prerequisite: Nanite Swarm

Increase the Range of your Nanite Swarm to your Full Charm Attribute.

Healing Nanites

Prerequisite: Swarm Shield

Whenever an organic Creature restores Hit Points from a source that is not you within the Radius of your Nanite Swarm, you can restore additional Hit Points to the Creature equal to your Healing Modifier.

Auld Blood

Prerequisite: Épeler Sang 

You no longer reduce Self-sourced Healing Effects.

Adamant Blood

Prerequisite: Iron Blood

While under the effects of Iron Blood, you instead Half(½) Damage from All Damage Sources.

Implied Autonomy

Prerequisite: Vital Network

Your Vital Network can extend through any organic Creature within the Effective Radius of your Nanite Swarm, regardless of Disposition.

Vital Pressure

Prerequisite: Stable Pressure

While under the effects of Iron Blood, the Healing of Stable Pressure is Doubled(2*).

Meditant Perks

Dimensional Shredder

Prerequisite: Rift

Your Rift Damage bypasses all forms of Damage Resistance. 

Precognitive Burst

Prerequisite: Future Sight

The Damage of your Future Sight Bypasses all forms of Damage Resistance.

Hard Telekinetics

Prerequisite: Telekinesis

Any Creature thrown as a projectile as a part of your Telekinesis suffers Twice(2*) as much Damage.

Warp Flux

Prerequisite: Warpzone

You can now Target yourself for Teleportation as a part of Warpzone.

Calculated Intentions

Prerequisite: Sacred Geometry

You can initiate Sacred Geometry as a Rapid Action, down from a Move Action.

Tear Stability

Prerequisite: Wormhole

Increase the Effect Duration of your Rifts and Wormholes to Minutes, up from Rounds.

Machinist Perks

Instant Deploy

Prerequisite: Instadroid

You can manifest Instadroids as a Standard Action, down from a Full Action. 

Manufactured Redundancy

Prerequisite: Signal Generator

Whenever you perform a Ritual to Craft a Signal Generator, you instead Craft Two(2) Signal Generators.

Overlord Efficiency

Prerequisite: Drone Model: Overlord

You can now assume direct control through your Overlord as a Standard Action, down from a Full Action.

Machine Learning

Prerequisite: Robust Matrices

Your Commands issued to Bound Machines no longer have a Word Limit.

Bound Barrier

Prerequisite: Communal Shield

Your Communal Shield counts and applies to your Bound Machines at all times, not only within the effect of your Signal Generator.

Construction Crew

Prerequisite: Hivemind

Each Bound Machine that assists with a construction project cuts the time in Half(½), up from a Quarter(¼,25%).

Vibe Perks

Regenerative Resonance

Prerequisite: Soothing Resonance

Any Creatures healed through the Vibes Aura as a part of Soothing Resonance will be Healed for the total restoration amount.

Echo Chamber

Prerequisite: Life Echo

You can now use Life Echo as a Free Action.

Instrumental Integration

Prerequisite: Crescendo

Your Crescendo can be equipped without using a Gear Slot.

Stunt Double

Prerequisite: Mainstage

As an alternative use of Mainstage, create an Enthralling Illusion that persists in a fixed location. For example, you can maintain Mainstage as a Move Action. 

Cross Pollinator 

Prerequisite: Pheromone Injector

You can dose other Targets with your alternate Toxin from Pheromone Injector.


Prerequisite: Master Of The Arts

You can now alter your Aesthetic as a Move Action. 

Savant Perks

Stable Construct

Prerequisite: Project Construct

Increase the Size Limit of your Projected Constructs to your Full Will Attribute.


Prerequisite: Technomagick

You gain access to a unique implant that can be equipped in the Head, Face, or Hand Gear Slot. Once Implanted, you are considered fitted with a Driver and Catalyst Cast Weapon at all times. These Weapons are controlled by your thoughts and do not require a Weapon Slot to wield. 

Light Arrays

Prerequisite: Drone Model: Arkhan

Your Arkhan Drone can be used to Target a Projected Construct for Drone Assist, extending its Effect Duration for the Duration of the Assist. 

Arkhan Efficiency

Prerequisite: Dual Cast

Your Arkhan's Copy Action as a part of Dual Cast costs Half(½) as many Action Points.

Knowledge Is Power

Prerequisite: Expanded Neocortex

You retain access to your expanded Action Slot List without equipping the Arkhan into a Gear Slot.

Artificial Intelligence

Prerequisite: Beautiful Mind

Your Arkhan can facilitate Class Features that do not cost Action Points, such as Project Construct, as a part of the Bonus Action of Beautiful Mind.

Harvest Perks

Lifeforce Critical

Prerequisite: Lifeforce Burst

When performing Lifeforce Burst to restore Hit Points, you can Roll a D10 to confirm a Critical Hit. On a Critical, increase Hit Points converted to the Maximum possible value. 

Enduring Stimulants

Prerequisite: Neurostim

Increase the Effect Duration of your Neurostim to Minutes, up from Rounds. 

Lingering Amplifier

Prerequisite: Ampere

You can go a single Round without expending Action Points before your Ampere Charges fade to Zero(0).

Congressional Power

Prerequisite: Duality

Increase the Duality Grouping bonus to your Full Charm Attribute

Flash Siphon

Prerequisite: Void Flash

Your Void Flash now reduces your current Ampere Charges by Five(5) instead of lowering your current Ampere Charges to Zero(0).


Prerequisite: Enlightenment

You now reach Enlightenment at Four(4) Ampere Charges, down from Five(5).

Chemist Perks

Perpetuating Cuff

Prerequisite: Hypo Cuff

Expending a Hypo Cuff no longer wastes the device, leaving it empty for a new Heroic Action to be loaded. Reloading a spent Cuff is a Rapid Action.

Quick Canister

Prerequisite: Gas Trap

You can deploy a Gas Trap as a Move Action, down from a Standard Action.

Recovery Drone

Prerequisite: Drone Model: Zephyr

Whenever a Comrade that your Zephyr Drone assists restores Hit Points from any source that is not you, apply your Healing Modifier to the total Hit Points restored.

Sympathy Leak

Prerequisite: Gas Leak

Whenever you trigger Gas Leak while your Zephyr Drone is assisting an Ally, a second Gas Cloud will release on the Drone's Location. The secondary Gas Cloud does not require or expend a dose of Toxin.

Toxic Inoculation

Prerequisite: Innervation

You can administer a dose of your Toxin to a Creature to grant it immunization against your Toxic Gas Clouds, granting immunity to your Toxin for your Effect Duration in Hours.


Prerequisite: Supply Drop

Increase your Supply Drop's item count to your Full Charm Attribute.