Interaction Perks

Interaction Perks will largely influence how a Character interacts with their surroundings while exploring or within a social setting. Many Interaction Perks will grant flexibility to a Character's Class Abilities or enhance basic Character Statistics. Most Interaction Perks will have specific Class Ability requirements as a prerequisite. Class Abilities are chosen when administering Ranks to your Character's Classes.

Ability Training

Prerequisite: None

Select an additional Class Ability from your Base or Hybrid Class Class Ability Lists. You may not use Ability Training for an Ability you have already previously selected as a Class Ability.

Acrobatic Steps

Prerequisite: Acrobatics Class Ability

Ignore the first Four(4) Paces of Difficult Terrain when moving.

Agile Athlete

Prerequisite: Athletics Class Ability

Your Skill Attribute now governs your Athletics Ability Checks instead of your Power Attribute. 

Action Point Reserve

Prerequisite: None

Gain an extra Two(2) Total Action Points per Character Level.


Prerequisite: Acrobatics or Athletics Class Ability

Moving through Standing Water Difficult Terrain no longer incurs a Speed Penalty.

Armored Agility

Prerequisite: Acrobatics, Drive, or Stealth Class Ability

Encumbrance no longer incurs a Penalty to your Skill-based Ability Checks.


Prerequisite: Arcana Class Ability

Your Will Attribute now governs your Arcana Ability Checks instead of your Focus Attribute. 

Beastial Intimidator

Prerequisite: Intimidation or Nature Class Ability

You can now use your Intimidation Ability Checks to Taunt Beast-typed Creatures, even if they can not understand you.

Bedside Manner

Prerequisite: Apothicine Class Ability

Your Charm Attribute now governs your Apothicine Ability Checks instead of your Will Attribute.

Belly Crawl

Prerequisite: Acrobatics or Athletics Class Ability

You can now move up to Half(½) of your Speed while Tripped or Prone. 

Brash Stealth

Prerequisite: Stealth Class Ability

You can attempt to Hide in bright light or while being observed. When Hiding in this way, suffer a minus Five(-10) Penalty to your Stealth Attempt for each Creature aware of your presence. 


Prerequisite: Deception or Tact Class Ability

Your Charm-based Ability Checks made to influence others to receive a plus Ten(+10) circumstantial bonus when offering an item, device, or object the Target considers valuable as part of the request.

Calculated Assaults

Prerequisite: None

You gain a plus Two(2) bonus to your Physical Impacts.

Calculated Plots

Prerequisite: None

You gain a plus Two(2) bonus to your Force Impacts.

Careful Flyer

Prerequisite: Drive Class Ability

You are no longer required to perform Drive Ability Checks to stay airborne while Flying at Half(½) Speed.

Cat's Landing

Prerequisite: Acrobatics Class Ability

Your Acrobatics Ability Checks reduce Falling Damage by Twice(2*) as much. Therefore, whenever you successfully reduce Falling Damage, you always land on your feet.

City Navigator

Prerequisite: Acrobatics or Culture Class Ability

You no longer treat Moving Through A Crowd as Difficult Terrain. As a result, your Acrobatics Ability Checks made to Jump in Urban Environments are Twice(2*) as effective.

Close Call

Prerequisite: Electronics or Engineering Class Ability

When attempting to Disarm A Device as a part of an Electronics or Engineering Ability Check, before the Docent declares the result of your Roll, you may Re-roll your attempt. You must use the second(2nd) Roll, even if it is worse. 

Combat Medic

Prerequisite: Apothicine Class Ability 

You can now use an Apothicine Ability Check to treat an Injury or remove the impaling Object from an Impaled Creature during Combat as a Full Action. 

Concealed Self

Prerequisite: Deception or Stealth Class Ability

While in a Disguise, Creatures that fail to see through your disguise are unaware of your Actions as if Stealth hid you.

Concrete Jungle

Prerequisite: Investigation or Nature Class Ability

You may use Nature Ability Checks in place of Investigation Ability Checks while in an Urban Environment.


Prerequisite: Deception or Tact Class Ability

When attempting to influence others as a part of a Deception or Tact Ability Check, before the Docent declares the result of your Roll, you may Re-roll your attempt. However, you must use the second(2nd) Roll, even if it is worse.


Prerequisite: Acrobatic Class Ability

You can use an Acrobatics Ability Checks in place of an Athletics or Engineering Ability Check to escape binding. 

Cover Tracks

Prerequisite: Investigation or Nature Class Ability

Increase the Goal to track you by Ten(10) when moving at Full Speed and Twenty(20) when moving at Half (½) Speed. Reduce this Goal by Two(2) for each Creature traveling with you. 

Dampened Steps

Prerequisite: Stealth Class Ability

You can Hide from Creatures with Echolocate, even while openly within their Perception Radius.

Deep Diver

Prerequisite: Athletics Class Ability

You can hold your breath while swimming for an additional number of Minutes equal to your Grit Attribute. In addition, you gain a plus Five(+5) bonus to any Physical Saves made to avoid drowning. 

Disconcerting Knowledge

Prerequisite: None

You can use any applicable Ability Check made to Identify a Creature in place of an Intimidation Ability Check made to Taunt or Demoralize a sentient Creature that can understand you. 

Eagle Eye

Prerequisite: Perception Class Ability

You can Ignore up to the first minus Ten(-10) of any Perception penalty incurred from low light or poor visibility conditions.

Ear For Dialects

Prerequisite: Culture Class Ability

Your Culture Ability Checks are now governed by your Will Attribute instead of your Charm Attribute. 

Edge Runner

Prerequisite: Acrobatics or Athletics Class Ability

You can move up to your Full Speed while traversing a narrow path or along a ledge. 

Expeditious Sleuth

Prerequisite: Investigation Class Ability

Your Investigation Ability Checks made to Search An Area, Loot, or Track A Creature are accomplished in Half(½) the time.

Fast Recovery

Prerequisite: Apothicine Class Ability

Your Healing Modifier now applies to Hit Points, and Action Points recovered while spending One(1) Hour Resting as a part of a Rest Period.

Fear Monger

Prerequisite: Intimidation Class Ability

You gain a plus Two(+2) bonus to Intimidation Ability Checks made to Demoralize for each Creature subjected to the attempt. 

Field Repair

Prerequisite: Engineering Class Ability

You no longer suffer a penalty to Engineering Ability Checks made to perform Repairs without Tools or Materials.

Fleet Footed

Prerequisite: Athletics Class Ability

You gain a plus One(+1) bonus to your Speed.


Prerequisite: Nature Class Ability

Your Charm Attribute now governs your Nature Ability Checks instead of your Will Attribute.

Gang Up

Prerequisite: None

You can Flank any Adjacent Creature regardless of your positioning relative to your Allies.

Hard To Find

Prerequisite: Stealth Class Ability 

Perception Ability Checks are made to locate you, while Stealthed is made at a minus Five(-5) Penalty.

Heroic Slot Expansion

Prerequisite: None

You expand your total Heroic Action Slots by One(1).

Hit Point Reserve

Prerequisite: None

Gain an extra Three(3) Total Hit Points per Character Level.

Improved Initiative

Prerequisite: None

You gain a plus Two(+2) bonus to your Initiative.

Intimidating Stature

Prerequisite: Intimidation Class Ability

Your Power Attribute now governs your Intimidation Ability Checks instead of your Charm Attribute.

Intuitive Engineer

Prerequisite: Engineering Class Ability

Your Engineering Ability Checks are now governed by your Will Attribute instead of your Focus Attribute.

Intuitive Programmer

Prerequisite: Electronics Class Ability

Your Electronics Ability Checks are now governed by your Will Attribute instead of your Focus Attribute.

Inventory Expansion

Prerequisite: None

You expand your total number of Inventory Slots by Two(2). 

Iron Gullet

Prerequisite: None

You gain a plus Five(+5) bonus to any Physical Saves made to avoid being Nauseated or Poisoned.

Ironclad Logic

Prerequisite: Tact Class Ability

Your Focus Attribute now governs your Tact Ability Checks instead of your Charm Attribute.


Prerequisite: Deception Class Ability

You gain a plus Five(+5) bonus to any Force Saves made to avoid having your thoughts or mind read. 

Keen Sniffer

Prerequisite: Perception Class Ability

You gain Scent within your Perception Radius.

Last Leg

Prerequisite: None

Once per Long Rest, if your Hit Points were to reach Zero(0), instead of Dying, you would immediately Stabilize, gaining Temporary Hit Points equal to your Grit Attribute multiplied by a factor of Five(5). The Temporary Hit Points fade after your Duration in Rounds. Reaching Zero(0) Hit Points again will cause you to resume Dying as normal. 

Lasting Dominance

Prerequisite: Intimidation Class Ability

Creatures influenced by your Intimidation Ability Checks made to Coerce A Target to Act will no longer suffer a negative disposition change towards you.

Learned Doctor

Prerequisite: Apothicine Class Ability

Your Focus Attribute now governs your Apothicine Ability Checks instead of your Will Attribute.

Light Step

Prerequisite: Acrobatics or Stealth Class Ability

Moving through Debris Difficult Terrain no longer incurs a Speed Penalty.

Machine Socialite

Prerequisite: Engineering Class Ability

Your Charm Attribute now governs your Engineering Ability Checks instead of your Focus Attribute.

Mental Fortitude

Prerequisite: None

You gain a plus Two(2) bonus to your Force Saves.


Prerequisite: Athletics Class Ability

Your distance traveled while Climbing as a part of an Athletics Ability Check is doubled when traveling vertically. 

Punchable Face

Prerequisite: Intimidation Class Ability

Your successful Intimidation Ability Checks made to Taunt a Creature last for your Effect Duration in Rounds instead of a single Turn.

Purgative Induction

Prerequisite: Apothicine Class Ability

As a Full Action, you cure yourself of any Poison Effects but suffer the Nauseated Injury for the remainder of the Poison Duration.

Press To The Wall

Prerequisite: Intimidation or Stealth Class Ability

When determining the Flanked Condition, you treat solid objects that occupy space, such as a tree, pillar, or wall, as a Threat to your Target.  

Resilient Fortitude

Prerequisite: None

You gain a plus Two(2) bonus to your Physical Saves.

Resolute Grudge

Prerequisite: None

You gain a plus Five(+5) to Attack and Damage Rolls against Creatures that have affected you through a harmful Miscognition.

River Raider

Prerequisite: Athletics or Stealth Class Ability

You are unnoticed while using an Athletics Ability Check to Swim as if hidden by Stealth. Always Act during an Ambush while in water.

Saddle Jumper

Prerequisite: Acrobatics or Drive Class Ability

Your successful Acrobatics Ability Checks made to jump to an unpiloted Mount or Vehicle allow you to Remount as a Free Action instantly.


Prerequisite: Electronics or Engineering Class Ability

You can now fail an Electronics or Engineering Ability Check Twice(2*) before triggering a Trap or becoming locked out of a Device or System.

Scanner Darkly

Prerequisite: Deception or Electronics Class Ability 

You can use a Disguise to fool digital security measures and other automated security systems as a part of your Deception Ability Check.


Prerequisite: Athletics or Acrobatics Class Ability

You may Sidestep to an Adjacent Space as a Reaction to avoiding an Attack.

Size Up

Prerequisite: Investigation Class Ability

You may use an Investigation Ability Check in place of an Arcana, Apothicine, Engineering, or Nature Ability Check made to Identify A Creature.

Student of Nature

Prerequisite: Nature Class Ability

Your Focus Attribute now governs your Nature Ability Checks instead of your Will Attribute.

Subtle Persuader

Prerequisite: Deception or Tact Class Ability

Your Charm-based Ability Checks made to influence others are unnoticed by the passive Perception of onlookers.


Prerequisite: Deception or Tact Class Ability

You may use a Deception Ability Check in place of a Tact Ability Check when bartering or negotiating.


Prerequisite: None

You can not be Flanked. Flanking you does not offer bonuses to opponents. You can not be made vulnerable to Sneak Attacks by Flanking. 

Tearing Remarks

Prerequisite: Deception Class Ability

You may use a Deception Ability Check in place of your Intimidation Ability Checks made to Demoralize.


Prerequisite: Electronics Class Ability

Your Charm Attribute now governs your Electronics Ability Checks instead of your Focus Attribute.

Traditional Offerings

Prerequisite: Culture Class Ability

You can use a Culture Ability Check in place of Tact Ability Checks made to change your disposition. 

Underwater Combatant

Prerequisite: Athletics Class Ability

You no longer suffer Attack Penalties for attempting Melee Attacks underwater. In addition, swimming through a Threatened Space no longer triggers an Attack of Opportunity against you.