Cast Weapons Equipment Perks Equipment Heroics

Matrix Controller Training

Two(2) Handed Effective Range: 5

Base Scale: 3 Weapon Damage: 1D10

Damage Type: Varies Bandwidth: 1

A shortwave transmitter linked through an input processing core can bind a Machine's operating system to its control, allowing its wielder to issue Commands to a Bound Machine within the Effective Range. On its own, a Matrix is unable to inflict Damage on any Target directly. Instead, the Matrix allows its Wielder to issue a Command to a Machine bound to its controls. During Combat, a Command can be given as a Move Action. The Machine will act to the best of its ability to carry out any Commands during its Matrix Holder's Turn. A Bound Machine will typically have a Standard and Move Action available each Turn. Improvised Commands issued during Combat are limited to Six(6) Words, with more complex Matrix Commands available as Heroic Actions. 

Bound Machines that attempt Weapon Attacks as a result of a Matrix Command will use the Matrix Holder's Cast Weapon Attack as the Machine's Attack and, if successful, will inflict the Matrix Holder's Weapon Damage as the Machine's Damage, as if the Bound Machine were an extension of the Matrix Holder.

A Deactivated or Willing Machine can be bound to a Matrix as an Eight(8) Hour Ritual through an Electronics Ability Check at an Archive Link. Keeping a Machine Bound to a Matrix Controller will require available Matrix Bandwidth, with more complex Machines requiring greater Bandwidth to operate. Characters with the Mechanic Base Class can also utilize a Matrix Controller to operate a customized Drone to Assist nearby Allies. Mechanics can also bind Machines to a Matrix without an Electronics Ability Check or Archive Link access in a Quarter(25%,¼) of the time.

Investing in Matrix Training will enhance a Character’s Effective Matrix Range and Drive Ability Statistics at every Odd Rank, their Attack and Damage Rolls with Cast Weapons, and their Matrix Bandwidth on Even Ranks. At Rank Five(5) and Ten(10), the Character’s Base Scale with any Weapon increases by plus One(+1), permanently increasing their Weapon Damage with all Weapons. A New Equipment Modification Slot becomes available at the First(1st) Equipment Rank and every Three(3) Equipment Ranks after that.

Matrix Controller Heroics

Assault Command

Prerequisite: Matrix (Rank 1)

AP Cost: 5

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Matrix Range(Radius)

As a Standard Action, you can utilize your Matrix Controller to issue a Command to a Bound Machine. While within your Effective Matrix Radius, your Machine will actively seek out Hostile Creatures to engage in Combat until issued a new Command. Outside of your Effective Matrix Radius, your Machine will divert to its default programming. 

Defense Command

Prerequisite: Matrix (Rank 1)

AP Cost: 5

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Matrix Range(Radius)

As a Standard Action, you can utilize your Matrix Controller to issue a Command to a Bound Machine. While within your Effective Matrix Radius, your Machine will receive a bonus to their Physical and Force Armors equal to Half(½) of your Will Attribute until issued a new Command. Outside of your Effective Matrix Radius, your Machine will divert to its default programming. 

Martyr Command

Prerequisite: Matrix (Rank 2)

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Reaction

Range: Matrix Range(Radius)

As a Reaction to being the Target of an Attack, before the Attack is Rolled, you can issue a Command to an Adjacent Machine to take the hit for you. The Attack is redirected to your Machine as an Automatic Success. 

Sentinel Command

Prerequisite: Matrix (Rank 2)

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Matrix Range(Radius)

As a Standard Action, you can utilize your Matrix Controller to issue a Command to a Bound Machine. While within your Effective Matrix Radius, your Machine will use any movement to stay near you and position itself between you and any perceived threats. Your Machine will engage Hostile Creatures that enter your Machine’s, Attack Range. Outside of your Effective Matrix Radius, your Machine will divert to its default programming. 

Bind Override

Prerequisite: Matrix (Rank 3)

AP Cost: 15

Action Type: Cast Weapon Attack

Range: Matrix Range(Radius)

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Full Action, you can attempt a contested Cast Weapon Attack with the controller of a Bound Machine within your Effective Matrix Radius. If successful, you seize temporary control of their Bound Machine through the Possession Miscognition, binding it to your Commands for the Effect Duration. 

Seize Command

Prerequisite: Matrix (Rank 3)

AP Cost: 15

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Matrix Range(Radius)

As a Standard Action, you can utilize your Matrix Controller to issue a Command to a Bound Machine within your Effective Matrix Radius. Your Machine will use their movement to engage on a Target. They can perceive that you are designate to initiate a contested Grapple Maneuver using your Matrix Cast Weapon Attack in place of a Maneuver Roll to pin their Target to the ground eventually. If the Grapple Maneuver fails or is broken, your Machine returns to its previous Command. 


Boost Command

Prerequisite: Matrix (Rank 4)

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Rapid Action

Range: Matrix Range(Radius)

As a Rapid Action, you can utilize your Matrix Controller to issue a Boost Command to a Bound Machine within your Effective Matrix Radius, granting your Bound Machine an additional Move Action this Turn.

Hunt Command

Prerequisite: Matrix (Rank 4)

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Matrix Range(Radius)

As a Standard Action, you can utilize your Matrix Controller to issue a Command to a Bound Machine within your Effective Matrix Radius. Your Bound Machine will seek out a designated Target or Type of Target to attack, kill, disable, pursue, capture, or retrieve a designated Target, even operating outside of your Effective Matrix Radius. You can issue a return Command to a Hunting Machine as a Rapid Action to cancel a Hunt at any distance, Commanding your Machine to return to your Effective Matrix Radius. 

Cargo Mode

Prerequisite: Matrix (Rank 5)

AP Cost: 25

Action Type: Interaction/Exploration

As a part of an Interaction or while Exploring, you can issue a Command to a Bound Machine to enter a passive Standby State, allowing it to compact itself down Two(2) Size Categories Smaller, making it easy to load or transport as if it were an Item or Object of equal size. Likewise, a Machine can exit Cargo Mode through a Matrix Command as a Full Action.

Legion Command

Prerequisite: Matrix (Rank 5)

AP Cost: 25

Action Type: Free Action

Range: Matrix Range(Radius)

As a part of issuing any Matrix Command to a Bound Machine, as a Free Action, you can instead issue your Command to all Machines Bound to your Matrix. 

Assimilation Repair

Prerequisite: Matrix (Rank 6)

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Matrix Range(Radius)

As a Standard Action, you can utilize your Matrix Controller to issue a Command to a Bound Machine within your Effective Matrix Radius. As a Full Action, your Bound Machine will dismantle itself to assimilate its body with an Adjacent Machine Target, destroying it and transferring its remaining Hit Points to the Target, in addition to 1D10 Hit Points for every Point of Will Attribute and your Repair Modifier. 

Parting Gift

Prerequisite: Matrix (Rank 7)

AP Cost: 35

Action Type: Reaction

Range: Matrix Range(Radius)/Adjacent

As a Reaction to a Machine that is Bound to your Matrix Controller dying, you can grant the dying machine an immediate Move Action in which it will engage a Target within your Machine's Speed before self-destructing, inflicting 1D10 Electric and 1D10 Pyrotic Damage to any Adjacent Targets. Affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½). Parting Gift outright destroys your Bound Machine, leaving no remains or salvageable repair.

Strike Command

Prerequisite: Matrix (Rank 8)

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Matrix Range(Radius)

As a Standard Action, you can utilize your Matrix Controller to issue a Command to a Bound Machine within your Effective Matrix Radius. As a Full Action, your Bound Machine will attempt Matrix Weapon Attack against a Target within Ranged utilizing their most advanced Weapon Systems available. If successful, your Attack inflicts your normal Weapon Damage multiplied by your Bound Machine’s Bandwidth Requirements.

Paint Target

Prerequisite: Matrix (Rank 9)

AP Cost: 45

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Matrix Range(Radius)

As a Full Action, you can designate a Target within your Effective Matrix Radius to be immediately eliminated by the Machines Bound to your Matrix. All Bound Machines within your Effective Radius that can attempt a Matrix Cast Attack against your Target may do so as a Free Action. Any successful Attack Rolls inflict your normal Weapon Damage. 


Prerequisite: Matrix (Rank 10)

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Ritual(One Hour)

As a Ritual at an Archive Link during a Rest Period, you can spend One(1) Hour programming a Machine that is Bound to your Matrix Controller to deatomize itself on Command, digitally storing itself in its current state within your Matrix Controller. This programming endures for as long as your Machine is Bound to your Matrix, allowing you to instantly store or deploy your Bound Machine as a Full Action from an Adjacent Space. You can only keep Bound Machines in this way. If your Matrix Controller were to be destroyed, any stored Machines would be destroyed with it.