Two(2) Handed Weapon Range: 3

Base Scale: 3 Weapon Damage: 1D10

Damage Type: Pierce Ammunition Capacity: 2

A wide-barreled pump-action firearm launches heavy slugs or a spread of bearings, such as a spreadshot, brush gun, or poaching cannon. Shotguns aim to inflict incredible destructive force in a tight spread within a short-to-mid Weapon Range. A Shotgun at the table is sure to remind everyone of the consequences of hostility. Investing in Shotgun Training will enhance a Character’s Physical Save and Tact Ability Statistics every Odd Rank and their Attack and Damage Rolls with Ranged Weapons and Armor Penetration with all Weapons on Even Ranks. At Rank Five(5) and Ten(10), the Character’s Base Scale with any Weapon increases by plus One(+1), permanently increasing their Weapon Damage with all Weapons. A New Equipment Modification Slot becomes available at the First(1st) Equipment Rank and every Three(3) Equipment Ranks after that.

Shotgun Weapon Heroics

Concussive Slug

Prerequisite: Shotgun (Rank 1)

AP Cost: 5

Action Type: Ranged Weapon Attack

Range: Weapon Range

As a Standard Action, you can attempt a Ranged Weapon Attack against a Target within Weapon Range that sends your Target stumbling backward. If successful, your Target suffers your normal Weapon Damage as Crush Damage and is knocked back a single Pace away from you. 

Staggering Shot

Prerequisite: Shotgun (Rank 1)

AP Cost: 5

Action Type: Ranged Weapon Attack

Range: Weapon Range

As a Standard Action, you can attempt a Ranged Weapon Attack against a Target within your Weapon Range with a heavy shot that knocks its Target off-balance. If successful, in addition to normal Weapon Damage, your Target suffers the Staggered Injury until the end of their next Turn. 


Prerequisite: Shotgun (Rank 2)

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Ranged Weapon Attack

Range: Adjacent

As a Standard Action, you can attempt a Two(2) Handed Ranged Weapon Attack against an Adjacent Target by placing your barrel directly to your Target and pulling the trigger. If successful, in addition to normal Weapon Damage, your Attack receives a Damage bonus equal to your Skill Attribute. 

Rochshot Clip

Prerequisite: Shotgun (Rank 2)

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Reload

As a part of a Reload, you can load your Ranged Weapon with special ammunition that fragments on impact, granting your Ranged Weapon Attacks Splash Damage that strikes anything Adjacent to your Target until your Ranged Weapon is Reloaded. Splash Damage is inflicted as Minimum Damage to all Affected Targets, including the initial Target. 


Prerequisite: Shotgun (Rank 3)

AP Cost: 15

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Weapon Range(Cone)

As a Standard Action, you can expend One(1) Ammo to inflict 1D8 Pierce Damage for every Point of your Skill Attribute to any Targets within a Cone up to your Weapon Range. In addition, affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Physical Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½).

Rack Terror

Prerequisite: Shotgun (Rank 3)

AP Cost: 15

Action Type: Move Action

Range: Weapon Range

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Move Action, you can attempt an Intimidation Ability Check to rack your Equipped Shotgun Weapon to create a terrifying sound for any Targets within your Weapon Range, inflicting the Fear Miscognition against Targets for the Effect Duration. Creatures must be able to hear and understand you to be affected by Rack Terror. Affected Targets can attempt a Force Save against your Intimidation Ability Check to Negate the Miscognition.

Blast Back

Prerequisite: Shotgun (Rank 4)

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Ranged Weapon Attack

Range: Adjacent

As a Standard Action, you can attempt a Ranged Weapon Attack against an Adjacent Target by leveling your Shotgun Weapon at point-blank Range and blasting your Target back. If successful, in addition to your normal Weapon Damage, your Target is knocked back to the end of your Weapon Range. 

Sliver Shot

Prerequisite: Shotgun (Rank 4)

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Ranged Weapon Attack

Range: Weapon Range

You can attempt a Ranged Weapon Attack against a Target within your Weapon Range that annihilates unarmored Targets as a Standard Action. If successful, your Attack Doubles(2*) your Flat Weapon Damage bonuses against your Target, however, your Target’s Damage Resistances against this Attack are Tripled(3*).

Flechette Clip

Prerequisite: Shotgun (Rank 5)

AP Cost: 25

Action Type: Reload

As a part of a Reload, you can instead load your Ranged Weapon with Ammo that shreds its Target’s vitals on contact. Your Ranged Weapon Attacks will inflict Stacks of the Bleed Injury equal to Half(½) of your Skill Attribute on successful Ranged Weapon Attacks until Reloaded. Affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Attack Roll to Negate the Injury Effect.

Mitigate Fall

Prerequisite: Shotgun (Rank 5)

AP Cost: 25

Action Type: Reaction

As a Reaction to suffering Fall Damage, during your Fall, you can expend One(1) Ammo to fire your Shotgun Weapon towards the ground to reduce the velocity of your fall. Negate a number of Paces of Fall Damage equal to your Weapon Range. 

Swarm Shredder

Prerequisite: Shotgun (Rank 6)

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Ranged Weapon Attack

Range: Weapon Range

As a Standard Action, you can attempt a Ranged Weapon Attack against a Target within your Weapon Range by firing a shot that disperses into a cloud of razor-sharp quills. If successful, in addition to normal Weapon Damage, if your Target is a Swarm of Tiny-sized Creatures or Smaller, they suffer 1D10 Pierce Damage for every Point of your Skill Attribute. 

Prayer Sprayer

Prerequisite: Shotgun (Rank 7)

AP Cost: 35

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Weapon Range(Cone)

As a Full Action, you can expend all remaining Ammo in your Ranged Weapon to fire wildly on any Targets within a Cone up to your Weapon Range away. Affected Targets suffer 1D8 Damage for every Two(2) Points of your Skill Attribute for each Ammo expended in this way. Additionally, affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Physical Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½). 

Double Pump

Prerequisite: Shotgun (Rank 8)

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Ranged Weapon Attack

Range: Adjacent

As a Standard Action, you can attempt a Ranged Weapon Attack against an Adjacent Target by leveling your Shotgun Weapon at point-blank Range and blasting your Target back. If successful, in addition to normal Weapon Damage, your Target is knocked back to the end of your Shotgun Weapon Range. As a Move Action, you can expend One(1) additional Ammo to deliver a second, unavoidable Ranged Weapon Attack on your Target that inflicts Maximum Weapon Damage. Double Pump does not suffer any penalties for attempting a Ranged Weapon Attack against an Adjacent Target and does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity from Threatening Creatures. 

Racks On Racks

Prerequisite: Shotgun (Rank 9)

AP Cost: 45

Action Type: Ritual(One Hour)

As a Ritual during a Rest Period, you can spend One(1) Hour going through the motions of hurriedly loading slugs into your Shotgun. Then, until your next Rest Period, as a Reaction to attempting a Ranged Weapon Attack with a Shotgun Weapon, you can load One(1) Ammo into your Shotgun Weapon.


Prerequisite: Shotgun (Rank 10)

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Ranged Weapon Attack

Range: Weapon Range

As a Standard Action, you can attempt a Ranged Weapon Attack against a Target within Weapon Range by eviscerating their armor with a series of powerful blasts. If successful, in addition to normal Weapon Damage, your Target suffers 1D10 Pierce Damage for every point of Damage Resistance your Target possesses. The Damage of Equalizer bypasses all forms of Damage Resistance.