Ranged Weapons

Sidearm ○ HandcannonRifleLongarmShotgunChaingunLauncherThrown Weapons

While primarily consisting of Firearms, a Ranged Weapon is any tool capable of launching a deadly projectile across a distance with lethal accuracy. Ranged Weapons can strike Targets at a distance in exchange for Ammunition, or Ammo, depleted by One(1) with every attempted Attack. Once a Ranged Weapons remaining Ammo is reduced to Zero(0), the Ranged Weapon will be unable to be fired again until it is Reloaded. Most Ranged Weapons utilize various munitions that can be hand loaded, placed in a magazine, or box loaded. Additional clips and magazines can be stored in an Ammo Bag and carried in a Character's Inventory. Reloading a Two(2) Handed Weapon requires a Full Action, and a One(1) Handed Weapon requires a Standard Action. 

A Character's Ranged Attack Bonus is the sum of the Character's Skill Attribute and any Equipment Bonuses earned through Training. It can be further adjusted by Perks, Heroic Actions, or Class Features. When Attacking with a Ranged Weapon, the Player will Roll a 1D10 and add the result to their Ranged Attack Bonus and weigh that against their Target's Physical and Force Armor. If the Attack exceeds the appropriate Armor, it is a success. You can only attempt Ranged Weapon Attacks against Targets within the specified Weapon Range. Characters can enhance their Weapon Range with Ranged Weapon Training, Perks, Equipment Modifications, Heroic Actions, and Class Features. Additionally, Weapon Range is increased by one(1) for every Space of height difference the Attacker has over their Target or decreased by One(1) for every Space lower than their Target. 

Attempting a Ranged Weapon Attack against an Adjacent Target will provoke an Attack of Opportunity for the Target. The Attacker will also suffer a minus Five(-5) Penalty to their Ranged Weapon Attack Roll. A Character's Ranged Damage Bonus is the sum of any Equipment Bonuses earned through Training and can be further adjusted by Perks, Heroic Actions, or Class Features. On a successful Ranged Weapon Attack, the Target suffers the Attacker's Ranged Weapon Damage plus their Ranged Damage Bonus against their current Hit Points. In addition, some Ranged Weapons can inflict Splash Damage. Weapons with a Splash Radius deal Minimum Damage to anything caught within the Splash Radius of the projectile’s destination. Splash Damage is often unavoidable and calculated separately from any normal Weapon Damage. 
