Melee Weapons

Light ○ BladeHammerUnarmedPolearmGreatbladeWarhammerStaff

Implements for engaging in close-quarters combat, Melee Weapons typically inflict Damage by striking a Target using a honed edge or weighted head affixed to a long haft. Melee Weapon Attacks are limited to Adjacent Targets in terms of Weapon Range. As a Reaction to being Targeted by a Melee Weapon Attack, a Character equipped with a Melee Weapon can attempt to Parry the incoming Attack. Make a Contested Melee Weapon Attack Roll against the Attacker. If the Target’s Roll were to match or exceed their Attacker’s Roll, You would Negate the Attack.

A Character's Melee Attack Bonus is the sum of the Character's Power Attribute and any Equipment Bonuses earned through Training. It can be further adjusted by Perks, Heroic Actions, or Class Features. When Attacking with a Melee Weapon, the Player will Roll a 1D10 and add the result to their Melee Attack Bonus and weigh that against your Target's Physical and Force Armor. If the Attack exceeds the appropriate Armor, it is a success.

Any Melee Weapon can be Thrown as a Ranged Weapon Attack. Doing so will remove the Melee Weapon from the Thrower’s possession. A Character's Melee Damage Bonus is the sum of the Character's Power Attribute and any Equipment Bonuses earned through Training. It can be further adjusted by Perks, Heroic Actions, or Class Features. On a successful Melee Weapon Attack, the Target suffers the Attacker's Melee Weapon Damage plus their Melee Damage Bonus to their current Hit Points. 

A Character using Two(2) Hands to wield a Melee Weapon increases the Power Attribute contribution to their Melee Weapon Damage to One and a Half(1 ½) of their Power Attribute. For example, a Power Attribute of Ten(10) would grant a plus Fifteen (+15) Power Attribute Bonus to Melee Weapon Damage with a Two(2) Handed Attack. In addition, some Melee Weapons have an innate Armor Penetration. Armor Penetration allows Damage dealt by a Weapon to bypass an equal amount of Damage Resistance.

Refer to the Melee Weapon Breakdown for an overview of the different Melee Weapons. 
