
The Tools Of Achievement

Melee WeaponsRanged WeaponsCast WeaponsArmorsElements ○ Modifications ○ Gear

Once you understand your selected Classes and the extent of their capabilities, you are ready to choose the Equipment that your Character will be proficient in handling. Each Player's Character will typically select between Four(4) and Eight(8) different Equipment Proficiencies from the selection of Thirty-Two(32) options covered in this section throughout their Campaign. Keep in mind that it will be more effective for a Player to invest highly into a few disciplines than to distribute their talents across various proficiencies widely.

Each time the Player distributes a Character Level into one of their Classes, the Player will invest a Proficiency Point into a new Equipment Proficiency or invest further into a current Equipment Proficiency. As they increase their knowledge and talents with different types of Equipment, the Player will gain access to unique Character Statistics, Perks, and Heroic Actions. Differences in equipment choices can cause two Characters of the same Class(es) and Level to be outfitted with completely different capabilities and talents. 

Choosing Your Equipment

While most Classes may be better suited for certain types of Equipment over others and somewhat limited in their variety of Equipment selection, there is an incredible deal of flexibility when it comes to deciding what Equipment a Character should use. The Tenderfoot, which is uniform among all Characters, can invest in any Equipment they desire during a Level Up, granted further flexibility through their Knack Class Feature, allowing Players to invest in Equipment from outside of their standardized Equipment selections. Furthermore, it is essential to consider that some Classes, such as the Armsman or Adept, receive more significant benefits in investing in certain types of Equipment over others. It's also important to remember that in Quantum State, equipment is only as effective as the hand that wields it. This means that regardless of how exceptional the quality of a sword or gun is if a Character lacks the Equipment Proficiencies to use it properly, it will be ineffective as a tool in that Character's hands. In Quantum State, credit goes to the carpenter, not to the hammer. Therefore, every Character will receive new Equipment Bonuses as they invest in different Equipment disciplines.

Weapon Slots & Dual Wielding

Each Character will have Three(3) Weapon Slots to fill using their chosen tools of defense, a Main-hand Slot, Off-hand Slot, and Reserve Slot. In addition, each Character can also wear a single Armor set from One(1) of the Four(4) Armor Types. 

One(1) Handed Weapons can be wielded in both the Main-hand and Off-hand Slots and can be Dual Wielded. Off-hand Weapons can be used to Attack as a Move Action and incur a minus Ten(-10) Penalty to any Off-hand Attack Rolls. Two(2) Handed Weapons require the use of both Main-hand and Off-hand Slots to wield. You can equip any Weapon to the Reserve Weapon Slot. Many Actions will need a Free Hand to attempt, such as climbing, using an item, or driving.


Some Characters may be drawn to the protective appeal of Heavy Weapons, Shields, and Armors. Such Equipment may bring with it the burden of Encumbrance. For each point of Encumbrance a Character has accumulated, they take an equal Penalty to their Physical Saves, Initiative, Speed, Maneuvers, and Inventory Space. The Penalty doubles for any Skill-based Ability Checks. A Character's Encumbrance can not exceed their Power Attribute, or they will collapse under the weight, Immobilized until their burden is eased.

Limitations & Modifications

As one could surmise, the different types of Equipment come with varying limitations to their use or function. Limits such as effective range, handling, ammunition requirements, and target typing can each impact a piece of Equipment's ability to act as a tool to exact change on the world around it. We will cover the specific limitations under each Equipment listing in this section. Additionally, core to the Equipment system of Quantum State is the ability to alter, remove, or enhance the limitations or capabilities of a Character’s Equipment through the implementation of Equipment Modifications. For example, were you looking to make an Axe? Attach an Axe Blade to a Hammer to change its Crush Damage to Slash Damage. Is your Driver ineffective against non-Machines? Not anymore once outfitted with Laser Optics. You can implement additional Modifications into Equipment as you develop your Equipment Proficiencies closer to mastery.

Equipment Mastery 

An Equipment Proficiency is considered Mastered once it has reached the Maximum Level of Ten(10). Equipment Mastery brings with it additional benefits outside of the typical gains of enhancing Equipment Proficiency. When developing their Equipment Proficiencies, Players who consolidate their disciplines will find the greater yield for their efforts than Players who diversify their talents over an extensive array of specializations. Once Mastered, a Character can utilize any associated Equipment Modifications, Perks, or Heroic Actions without equipping their Mastered Equipment. For example, a master of Blade Weapons can implement Blade Weapon Modifications into other Weapon Frames and use Blade Heroic Actions or Blade Perks without a Blade Weapon Equipped.

Mastering an Equipment Proficiency will allow the Player to select a Perk from the Mastery Perk List covered under the Perks Section of this book. Mastery Perks are, by design, compelling in terms of scaling up a Character’s capabilities. Additionally, Once Mastered, the use or implementation of their Mastered Equipment becomes second nature to the Character, allowing them to hybridize their equipment into unique combinations. For example, how does wielding a flame-spewing Chaingun that is also functional as a Warhammer look? That’s more of a narrative decision, but we can mechanically work out its functionality through the following Equipment rules.

Weapon Combinations 

You can wield Mastered Weapons synergistically with other Equipment to an astounding effect. As a Character dominates more disciplines, they can hybridize the handling of their Equipment to increase its functionality. A Character will implement the use of any Mastered Weapons into other Equipment, allowing their equipped non-Mastered Weapon to mechanically function as both Weapons simultaneously given the context of the Action at hand. Additionally, Equipment Modifications affixed to Mastered Weapons can be used for the benefit of any Equipped Weapon.

For example, a Sniper is equipped with a Longarm Ranged Weapon but has Mastered the use of Light Melee Weapons. Therefore, even though they are equipped with a Longarm, the Sniper may perform Melee Weapon Attacks as though they had a Light Melee Weapon equipped due to their Light Melee Weapon Mastery. Thus, from a narrative perspective, the Sniper could have a heavy rifle with a detachable knife that You could quickly draw, wielded, and returned as a fluid movement without needing to change Equipment. Additionally, the Springloader Modification of the Sniper’s Light Melee Weapon now applies to all of the Sniper’s Equipment, including their unwieldy, Two(2) Handed Longarm, effectively allowing them to use a Stealth Ability Check to draw their heavy rifle in plain view without anyone noticing.

Weapon Scale & Critical Hits

Each Weapon Frame will begin with a default Scale, ranging from Zero(0) to Three(3). Scale directly translates to a Weapon's lethality, with a higher Scale indicating more significant Weapon Damage. As Characters invest further into their Weapon Proficiencies, specifically at Equipment Levels Five(5) and Ten(10), their Weapon Scale will rise by One(1), increasing lethality with all Weapons. Select Perks and Gear can also influence a Characters Weapon Scale. 

Whenever an Attacker Rolls a Ten(10) during an Attack Roll, that Attack is considered a Critical Hit. Critical Hits deal Maximum Damage, as though each dice to be Rolled for Weapon Damage was to land on its maximum value. Additionally, Equipment Modifications can enhance Weapons with a Critical Effect, an additional Act, Status Effect, or Condition triggered by a Critical Hit. Critical Effects are further covered in the Equipment Modifications Section.

Refer to the Scale & Critical Breakdown for a complete description of the Damage Calculations.
