
Quantum State’s land of Salt is populated with a complex weave of cultures, ideologies, and ways of life. Over time, these ideas solidify into a unique cultural identity known as a Birthrite. A Birthrite establishes dominant philosophies, structures of governance, or local traditions that heavily contribute to the overall environment that a Character was shaped by during their formative years.

Choosing a Birthrite

Within the game mechanics of Quantum State, a Birthrite carries minor Attribute changes and an additional Tenderfoot Class Ability. Aesthetically, the Birthrite can influence a Character’s appearance or social presentation. However, a Birthrite does not determine height, weight, eye/hair/skin color, or state of attractiveness. In Quantum State, every Birthrite is full of humans of different sizes, shapes, and colors.

When considering a Character’s physical characteristics, remember that Quantum State provides access to the levels of technology Characters and Non-Player Characters need to completely alter their appearance in any way imaginable. These alterations include genetic augmentation, cybernetic implants and prosthetics, mad science of questionable ethics, and even straight-up magick to influence a Character’s appearance. With this level of control over personal appearance, what it means to be a “human” becomes more and more flexible.

There are nine (9) distinct Birthrites in the Core State:


Within the shadow of the Cardinal Khan

"Axis is a tough place if you got nothin'…then again, if you have somethin' worth havin', you got a thousand hungry eyes staring daggers into your back. Scheming to make it theirs. But you don't get to worry about that until after you make it big, cause around here, if you ain't winnin', you’re losin'."

 ~ Paffik, Corporate Fixer 

Thirteen Boroughs. Home to the hustle and bustle of Axis beneath the watchful eye of what was once the tallest mountain in all of Salt: the Cardinal Khan. Axis is a nation-state with no official ruling government and only a single law, as can be read engraved on the Gilded Gate: 

Commerce Is King 

The Axian Boroughs are under the control of countless gangs, syndicates, and corporations with little to no oversight. Most Axians live in the endless pursuit of Bling, a representation of material wealth driven by a cutthroat society that places profit over all else.  

Attribute Changes

The Axis Birthrite grants a +2 Charm Attribute bonus. 

Glitz, glam, and glitter—Axians live for a good time and love a well-thrown party. Entertainers, artists, and personalities wield massive influence over popular opinion among the working poor, while socialites and aristocrats indulge in every hedonistic delicacy within their budget. However, most Axians have a positive outlook, natural charm, and candor that many find endearing.  

The Axis Birthrite grants a -1 Power Attribute penalty. 

A shared trait among the populace of Axis is the irresistible urge to shirk accountability and the responsibilities of one’s actions. Axians are frequently accused of cheating, running out on a bill, or scapegoating others. Often, an Axian will do everything within their power to push their responsibilities onto a subordinate. The average Axian citizen wouldn’t raise a finger if they didn’t have to. These bad habits of work avoidance have impacted their physique, making Axians softer in tests of physical strength.


The Axis Birthrite grants a choice:

+1 Skill Attribute bonus


+1 Will Attribute bonus 

Gambling and games of skill or chance are prevalent in Axis. Every household is known to carry at least a deck of cards for the entertainment of guests, amongst other displays to signify their wealth and importance. A long history of barkers and hustlers running rigged street games to steal an unfortunate sucker’s last bit of Bling has instilled some Axians with a strong sense of wariness around swindlers and cheats.


The Axis Birthrite grants a choice:

-1 Grit Attribute penalty


-1 Focus Attribute penalty 

Living a life without limits comes with a price. The extravagant lifestyles and hoarding of wealth have created massive levels of poverty within the Axian Territories. Many do not have access to proper nutrition, with most maintaining a heavily processed diet and some without regular access to food. In addition, factors like the noise and stimulation from the bustle of the city, the constant barrage of advertisements, and unmitigated drug use cause many Axians to suffer in their ability to concentrate.

Tenderfoot Class Abilities

Deception -or- Electronics


This choice applies as an additional selection to the Tenderfoot’s Studious Class Feature.


Embrace the Veil of Ethos

“Our Crest is more than decoration. This is our body’s purest expression. It’s our declaration of self. Our tether to each other across the infinite darkness. With our Crest, we are never alone.”

 ~ Willow, Krone Charlatan

A deep scar rips through the lands to the south. A vast series of winding canyons seclude the people of the Kronin from the rest of Salt. Spiraling out from the canyons’ central hub, the Nexus, is the shimmering splendor of the Veil of Ethos. Kronin is an anarchist society in which every member of the populace is considered a part of the familial unit. No individual is left with their needs unmet. However, things viewed as “wants” go unaddressed. Krones have unique genetic expressions due to their creation; most notably, a Crest adorns their chest, back, and shoulders. A Crest is a reactive design unique to each Krone, radiating through their skin in response to specific stimuli.

Attribute Changes

The Kronin Birthrite grants a +2 Focus Attribute bonus.

The Children of Kronin are its greatest resource. Shortly after receiving their Crest, a young Krone is placed into the care of the Vocatiary for the complete monitoring and shaping of their development to help the child reach their full potential. Each Krone exits the Vocatiary as a well-rounded problem-solver with a broad scope of training.

The Kronin Birthrite grants a -1 Will Attribute penalty.

Outside of the Veil of Ethos, Krones are known to experience feelings of intense isolation, loneliness, or depression. These feelings are further compounded by other outside stressors, making Krones particularly vulnerable to Miscognitions of Fear or Paranoia and the manipulations of others.

The Kronin Birthrite grants a choice:

+1 Grit Attribute bonus


+1 Charm Attribute bonus

Healthy living spaces and carefully monitored healthcare have provided many benefits to the Krone public. Comprehensive healthcare for every member of society has fostered one of the world's most robust and enduring populations. In addition, mandatory time spent caring for and in the care of others promotes a level of compassion and sympathy among Krones.


The Kronin Birthrite grants a choice:

-1 Power Attribute penalty


-1 Skill Attribute penalty

Krones are typically inclined toward pacifism, as members of the populace not suited for violence are most often shielded from its ravages by the stronger and more capable. Krones view every life as valuable, and violence should only be a final resort, often hesitating before lifting a blade or pulling a trigger. It’s often said that no other options are left if a Krone starts shooting.

Tenderfoot Class Abilities

Arcana -or- Tact


This choice applies as an additional selection to the Tenderfoot’s Studious Class Feature.


Bound by the Chain of Honor

"What is worth fighting for? Honor? Treasure? Love? Power? If you lose, does it even matter? It is the victors that carve the slate of history with blood-stained hands."

 ~ Legate Paolo Udani

A small tribe defeats a rival, absorbing its people with their lands. The conquered yield the secrets of their strengths and are purged of their weaknesses. Again. And again. And again. For a thousand generations, what would become the Empire of Armistice laid waste to all they encountered, assimilating the defeated into their ranks and purging what was viewed as weak from their culture. The Armistician Empire is an imperialist stratocracy ruled over by the emperor. The empire fields the largest standing military and holds the most territory of any nation in the world.

Attribute Changes

The Armistice Birthrite grants a +2 Power Attribute bonus.

Personal fitness is explicitly detailed within the Code of Armana, espoused by Armisticians as the best way to live. As such, intense workout regimens are incredibly common in the daily routines of the empire’s population. These exercises range across various activities, such as the daily group hustle, intense physical conditioning, or combat training.

The Armistice Birthrite grants a -1 Focus Attribute penalty.

Armisticians are incredibly headstrong and stubborn. The people of the Empire typically opt for a straightforward solution over a convoluted plot. Inflated egos and a shared apprehension to admit failure has created a streak of ignorance and closed-mindedness in the population.

The Armistice Birthrite grants a choice:

+1 Skill Attribute Bonus


+1 Grit Attribute Bonus

The degree of fitness maintained by Armisticians makes them naturally talented explorers, scouts, and hunters. A common Armistician tactic is to set an Ambush or exhaust their prey to clinch victory. The people of Armistice are typically athletic and healthy due to their active lifestyle.

The Armistice Birthrite grants a choice:

-1 Will Attribute Penalty


-1 Charm Attribute Penalty

The arrogant nature of many Armisticians can lead to their downfall. People of the empire can sometimes be gullible, and others can see their brash demeanor as abrasive. The conflation of “sickness” with “weakness” drives Armisticians to be poor caregivers.

Tenderfoot Class Abilities

Acrobatics -or- Athletics


This choice applies as an additional selection to the Tenderfoot’s Studious Class Feature.


Travelers of the Path

"I can assure you, my friend: you will not find a more beautiful place to be burned alive for heresy."

 ~ Inquisitor Leon DeCalice 

Requiem is the Holy City of Travelers, true believers that walk the Path. The smallest and eldest of the great nations, Requiem holds an iron grip on the production of Æthercite, a rare crystalline mineral that, when appropriately treated, can unlock latent psychic energies within capable individuals. The world's dominant religion, known only as the Path, is a sectarian, philosophy-driven belief system in which its followers, called Travelers, embrace their true purpose as they navigate the complexities of life and existence. Requiem is ruled by the Pontiff, an appointed Saint selected by the Prelates Council, comprised of the most influential member from the most influential Sects in Requiem. The Holy City is divided amongst the Sects, autonomous from each other and left to their own devices.

Attribute Changes

The Requiem Birthrite grants a +2 Will Attribute bonus.

The Requis are, if anything, stalwart in their devotions. The people of Requiem hold on to their beliefs wholeheartedly and without a shade of doubt in their minds. With keen perceptions and intuition, Requis do not doubt their reality's true nature.

The Requiem Birthrite grants a -1 Skill Attribute penalty.

The Sects of the Holy City demand outward displays of faith from their Travelers. Requis showcase their dedication in their clothing, accessories, and attitudes. An air of pomp and regality causes the people of Requiem to stick out in a crowd, with their dangling jewelry and accessories impeding their more dexterous abilities.

The Requiem Birthrite grants a choice:

+1 Power Attribute Bonus


+1 Charm Attribute Bonus

The Requis are empowered by their faith. Their devotion shines through their actions to others. Requis fight more fiercely because they fight for their Truth, a universal constant that grounds their spirit. They speak with conviction because they know that the Path they Travel will lead them unscathed through perdition.

The Requiem Birthrite grants a choice:

-1 Focus Attribute Penalty


-1 Grit Attribute Penalty

Requiem is no stranger to sacrifice. Patrons of the Holy City often imbibe hallucination-inducing sacraments to enhance their experience during Rituals and visions. In addition, Requis sometimes engage in long vows of fasting during periods of repentance or meditation.

Tenderfoot Class Abilities

Culture -or- Engineering

This choice applies as an additional selection to the Tenderfoot’s Studious Class Feature.


An Open Sky and a Dusty Road

"Got a lot of time to think out here on the frontier. Time to watch. Time to listen. You can learn all kinds of things for yourself if you’re willing to pay attention."

 ~ Yaro Blight, Tradewinds Rancher 

Outside of the jurisdiction of the four great nations, life on the Frontierland requires rugged individualism, a keen survival instinct, and sharp wits. Homsteaders typically live in small farms or settlements in remote areas all over Salt, except their central hub, Tradewinds. Homesteaders are from everywhere that isn’t anywhere. Rural occupants of the wild Frontierland that is unclaimed and untamed, Homesteaders are accustomed to outdoor living. They can survive off the land and the creatures that inhabit it. Homesteaders typically live outside the protections of the law, instead choosing to practice a personal code of honor derived from their experiences in the world and encounters with outsiders.

Attribute Changes

The Homestead Birthrite grants a +2 Skill Attribute bonus.

Homesteaders live simple lives with a great deal of expendable time. Everyone that grows up on a Homestead has had the time to work on their aim, practice piloting a vehicle, or learn to hunt.

The Homestead Birthrite grants a -1 Focus Attribute penalty.

Growing up on a Homestead means figuring things out for oneself. While savvy enough to survive the wilds, Homesteaders lack formal training or education. As a result, they often view more cerebral pursuits as frivolous.

The Homestead Birthrite grants a choice:

+1 Grit Attribute Bonus


+1 Will Attribute Bonus

Homesteaders must be one (1) of two (2) things to make it in the Frontierland: hard or sharp. Homesteaders know how to tough it out when things get rough, keep their wits under pressure, and learn to pay attention to their surroundings.

The Homestead Birthrite grants a choice:

-1 Power Attribute Bonus


-1 Charm Attribute Bonus

In the Frontierland, an injury could mean certain death without access to adequate medical care. As a result, many Homesteaders know it’s probably best to stay out of a fight, with some avoiding confrontation altogether.

Tenderfoot Class Abilities

Drive -or- Nature

This choice applies as an additional selection to the Tenderfoot’s Studious Class Feature.


You Are What You Eat

"They said it wasn’t smart to drink right out of the tank while it’s running, but I’m fed, and they’re dead. How smart is that?”

 ~ Slick Wjeld, Guz’Gazzan Engineer 

A collection of roving warbands, traders, and pirates that dominate the Northern Dust and the Longtooth Coastline, the Bulleteaters are clever and ruthless marauders and inventors known for their deadly war machines and otherworldly fortitude. The Bulleteaters are a veritable horde of clans and tribes, each led by an independent warchief . Bulleteater tribes are entirely autonomous from each other but join as a collective to face efforts made to exterminate them. While there is not a direct seat of power, the capital city of Guz’Gazzan serves as a neutral meeting point for the Bulleteater warchiefs. While many Bulleteaters are merciless raiders, others engage with outside groups to trade and cooperate. Others still have made an incredible impact on the world through their clever inventions and innovations. Bulleteater ingenuity is nothing short of miraculous, but this same cleverness makes them an even deadlier threat.

Attribute Changes

The Bulleteater Birthrite grants a +2 Grit Attribute bonus.

True to their name, Bulleteaters regularly ingest gunpowder, drink gasoline, and chew on metal. Early in this cultural practice, those too weak to survive were culled by the hardships of the Bulleteater lifestyle. Over generations, those that survive this brutal culture are incredibly hardy, able to stomach many substances that others would consider fuel or munitions. 

The Bulleteater Birthrite grants a -1 Will Attribute penalty.

Bulleteaters are frequently exposed to roaring engines, explosions, and constant screaming. It’s said that they still hear engines even when sitting in silence. Bulleteaters pay little mind to their surroundings and are easily spooked. Constant exposure to heavy industrial fumes can also harm their sanity.

The Bulleteater Birthrite grants a choice:

+1 Skill Attribute Bonus


+1 Focus Attribute Bonus

Bulleteaters have excellent hand-eye coordination. Many Bulleteaters have an innate understanding of complex devices, machines, or explosives. Bulleteaters are clever and subversive, able to figure their way around complex problems and think outside the box.

The Bulleteater Birthrite grants a choice:

-1 Power Attribute Bonus


-1 Charm Attribute Bonus

Due to the inherent recklessness of their way of life, many Bulleteaters suffer from long-lasting injuries. Moreover, when they do engage, Bulleteaters often eschew social norms and make any performative gestures with the bare minimum of grace.

Tenderfoot Class Abilities

Drive -or- Engineering

This choice applies as an additional selection to the Tenderfoot’s Studious Class Feature.


Gripped By the Musicas

"There are no monarchs within the Mercan Ariste, for what prince could deny themselves a title as glorious as ‘King-Slayer’?"

 ~ Mercan Ariste Phillipe Tucci

The most powerful naval force in Salt, the Mercan Ariste, or merchant princes, wield the might of the Iron Armada to lay claim to all that fall within the range of their cannons. Every Mercan dreams of attaining princedom or, at the very least, finding a worthy prince to serve. Youthful Mercan often set out to claim fame, fortune, and a battleship to bring to the Iron Armada in hopes of being accepted as a Mercan Ariste. The Mercan are nomadic explorers that dominate the waters of the Nairi and Imiri Oceans. They make shrewd traders, persuasive diplomats, and daring pirates that are a welcome addition to any Company.

Attribute Changes

The Mercan Birthrite grants a +2 Skill Attribute Bonus

The Mercan Ariste are famed as daredevils, explorers, and pilots. A natural litheness and limberness of frame are shared among the Mercan people. Mercan are also renowned for their skill at sleight of hand and thievery.

The Mercan Birthrite grants a -1 Power Attribute Penalty

Mercan often live on a lean diet of tropical fruits and seafood. This diet, paired with the crowded living spaces within the Iron Armada, has promoted a slender physique among the Mercan public.

The Mercan Birthrite grants a choice:

+1 Will Attribute Bonus


+1 Charm Attribute Bonus

Mercan are greatly motivated by treasure. They are skilled appraisers with a high degree of naturalistic intelligence. Moreover, their keen perceptions and passionate expressions make Mercan fit as charming influencers and talented negotiators.

The Mercan Birthrite grants a choice:

-1 Focus Attribute Bonus


-1 Grit Attribute Bonus

Mercan often fall victim to their delusions of grandeur and lose sight of the task at hand when tempted with thoughts about the big picture. In addition, the cramped living conditions and small body frames of the Mercan populace can make them prone to illness and fatigue.

Tenderfoot Class Abilities

Acrobatics -or- Tact

This choice applies as an additional selection to the Tenderfoot’s Studious Class Feature.


Make Something of Oneself

"It is the Seed that wills life into Salt. It is our sacred duty to see to its fecundity."

 ~ Ren, Malowari Sage

Deep within the recesses of the secluded Gaien Jungles lies the Seed of the World. Its sworn protectors, the Malowari, are transhumanistic druids that act as guardians of nature against those that would seek it harm. The Malowari live together in isolationist Circles, small settlements secluded by nature and led by their eldest druids, the Circle Sages. The Malowari actively seek to enhance their bodies, minds, and spirits through advanced scientific means. Cybernetic implants, gene splicing, and Æthercite integration are commonly practiced within the Malowari Circles.

Attribute Changes

The Malowari Birthrite grants a +2 Focus Attribute bonus.

The Malowari are keepers of secrets long forgotten or locked away from time. They have access to lost realms of technology, magick, and science and place great significance on knowledge and clarity of mind.

The Malowari Birthrite grants a -1 Will Attribute penalty.

Malowari are often called dreamers. This is because they sleep very soundly and often let their minds wander during a conversation. As a result, Malowari can be easily distracted from an objective of minor importance.

The Malowari Birthrite grants a choice:

+1 Power Attribute Bonus


+1 Skill Attribute Bonus

The Malowari openly embrace body modifications. They frequently install cybernetic implants to improve their physical performance and utilize gene splicing to ingrain inhuman qualities within themselves.

The Malowari Birthrite grants a choice:

-1 Grit Attribute Bonus


-1 Charm Attribute Bonus

Unfortunately, sometimes modifications can be rejected, leading to permanent injury. Malowari are removed from the social machinations of the rest of the world. When forced to interact, they can sometimes be awkward or aloof.

Tenderfoot Class Abilities

Apothicine -or- Electronics

This choice applies as an additional selection to the Tenderfoot’s Studious Class Feature.


Old World Blues

"Rightly, boss, I’m not ready to give up what I had. Who I used to be."

 ~ Pygar, Remnant Dragoon 

The Remnants are synthetic humans artificially created with a purpose that was destroyed with the fall of the Fonterra—an Old World superstructure that plummeted to Salt— eons ago. Remnants awaken from a deep stasis into Salt's desolate, unforgiving world. Most Remnants awaken within the Last Bastille, but others are abandoned to the forgotten ruins in the Frontierland. The Remnants are too few to hold substantial political power on the world stage, with the overwhelming majority locked in a semi-permanent stasis. As Remnants age, they also universally have a deteriorating mental condition called Statica, more commonly known as White Eye.

Attribute Changes

The Remnant Birthrite grants a +2 Grit Attribute bonus.

Remnants are created without physical flaws or imperfections. They have long, ageless lives operating an eternal post or searching for deeper meaning.

The Remnant Birthrite grants a -1 Charm Attribute penalty.

Remnants are unaccustomed to interpersonal interaction. As a result, they often come off as disconnected or vacant during social interactions. Based on their experiences, Remnants are often hesitant to engage with outsiders.

The Remnant Birthrite grants a choice:

+1 Power Attribute Bonus


+1 Focus Attribute Bonus

Remnants experience a rare degenerative Miscognition called Statica, in which their perception of reality is overlaid with the illusion of memories from their former life. In a moment, a Remnant can slip into a memory from the Old World—a time of advanced technology and wonder—recalling experiences of past battles and long-forgotten techniques.

The Remnant Birthrite grants a choice:

-1 Skill Attribute Bonus


-1 Will Attribute Bonus

Although they are built to perfection and are agelessly long-lived, Remnants suffer from deterioration over time. For example, muscular actuators can wear out, contributing to clumsy performances at dexterous tasks. White Eye can also cause intense dissociative episodes, leaving a Remnant potentially vulnerable during a critical moment.

Tenderfoot Class Abilities

Electronics -or- Engineering

This choice applies as an additional selection to the Tenderfoot’s Studious Class Feature.