Base Classes

How do you make a living? How do you survive, thrive, and find success in a world as unforgivingly harsh as Salt? The skills, talents, and techniques coalesce to form an adventuring archetype, commonly referred to as a Base Class. Each Base Class grants a Character predetermined Attribute increases, a selection of Class Abilities, additional Heroics, and Class Features that alter how they function in the environment, during social encounters, and engaged in combat.

Players select two (2) from the nine (9) different Base Classes when creating their Character. These selections significantly impact the player’s gameplay, altering what Equipment, Perks, or Heroics are accessible to their Character.

The following is a short description of each Base Class:


Primary Attributes: Focus, Will

HP/AP Per Rank: +5/+4

Weapons: Æthercite Catalyst, Staff,

Armor: Cloth Armor, Energy Shield

Elements: Biotic, Cryonic, Electric, Pyrotic

Class Abilities: Apothicine, Arcana, Culture, Electronics, Investigation, Nature

Class Features: Elementary Knowledge, Force Burst, Amplifier, Æthercite Paragon

The Adept is the archetypical mage, sorcerer, or spellcaster, an adventurer who wields powerful magicks by channeling energies through an Æthercite Catalyst. The Adept’s innate magickal talents allow them to bend and manipulate persistent æthereal energies to launch devastating attacks or shape the environment around them.


Primary Attributes: Focus, Charm

HP/AP Per Rank: +6/+4

Weapons: Compound Lance, Light Melee, Sidearm

Armor: Cloth Armor, Light Armor, Light Shield

Elements: Biotic, Cryonic

Class Abilities: Apothicine, Arcana, Culture, Deception, Nature, Tact

Class Features: Triage, Toxin, Physician, Discovery

The Apothic is the archetypical scientist, doctor, or advocate, an adventurer who relies on their apothical prowess and affable personality to overcome challenges. The Apothic can heal injured comrades through apothical treatments or concoct potent poisons to incapacitate their adversaries.


Primary Attributes: Power, Skill

HP/AP Per Rank: +7/+2

Weapons: Blade, Greatblade, Hammer, Polearm, Thrown, Warhammer

Armor: Light Armor, Heavy Armor, Plate Armor, Light Shield, Heavy Shield

Class Abilities: Acrobatics, Athletics, Drive, Intimidation, Perception, Stealth

Class Features: Way of the Warrior, Wound, Armor Conditioning, Armsmæster

The Armsman is the archetypical warrior, fighter, or battle master, an adventurer dedicated to a life of studying martial weaponry and close-quarters engagements. The Armsman is a melee combatant who can deliver grievous wounds and break the body and mind of their adversaries.


Primary Attributes: Power, Grit

HP/AP Per Rank: +7/+3

Weapons: Staff, Thrown, Unarmed

Armor: Cloth Armor, Light Armor

Class Abilities: Acrobatics, Apothicine, Athletics, Intimidation, Perception, Stealth

Class Features: Knockout, Rope-a-Dope, Fitness, Wrestler

The Brawler is the archetypical boxer, monk, or martial artist, an adventurer who has put their body through relentless training and physical conditioning to transform themselves into a lethal weapon. The Brawler is a melee combatant who utilizes high mobility, utility, and practiced techniques to secure an advantage over their adversaries.


Primary Attributes: Grit, Charm

HP/AP Per Rank: +7/+2

Weapons: Blade, Hammer, Polearm

Armor: Light Armor, Heavy Armor, Plate Armor, Light Shield, Heavy Shield

Class Abilities: Athletics, Culture, Drive, Intimidation, Investigation, Tact

Class Features: Provide Cover, Missile Deflect, Steed, Commander

The Cavalier is the archetypical knight, defender, or guardian, an adventurer sworn to place themselves in harm’s way when protecting the lives of their comrades. The Cavalier is a durable soldier who carries a shield to deflect attacks and provide cover for nearby allies.


Primary Attributes: Skill, Charm

HP/AP Per Rank: +5/+3

Weapons: Compound Lance, Light Melee, Omni Kit, Sidearm, Thrown

Armor: Cloth Armor, Light Armor

Elements: Biotic, Electric

Class Abilities: Acrobatics, Culture, Deception, Engineering, Perception, Stealth

Class Features: Scoundrel Sense, Sneak Attack, Slippery, Miraculous Dodge

The Delinquent is the archetypical thief, rogue, or prowler, an adventurer who surpasses their challenges with guile, cunning, and dexterous movements. The Delinquent relies on their talents for masking their presence to subvert their opponent’s defenses or expectations to secure victory from the shadows.


Primary Attributes: Skill, Will

HP/AP Per Rank: +6/+2

Weapons: Shotgun, Sidearm, Rifle, Thrown

Armor: Heavy Armor, Light Armor,

Class Abilities: Acrobatics, Drive, Investigation, Nature, Perception, Stealth

Class Features: Turf, Draw a Bead, Empty the Clip, Exterminator

The Marine is the archetypical gunner, marksman, or survivalist, an adventurer who pairs precision accuracy with firearms and a practical understanding of the wilderness and its inhabitants. The Marine is a ranged combatant who can deliver lethal shots from a distance while maintaining a clear awareness of their surroundings.


Primary Attributes: Power, Will

HP/AP Per Rank: +5/+4

Weapons: Launcher, Lumen Driver, Matrix Controller, Omni Kit, Thrown

Armor: Cloth Armor, Light Armor, Energy Shield, Light Shield

Elements: Electric, Pyrotic

Class Abilities: Arcana, Drive, Electronics, Engineering, Investigation, Perception

Class Features: Drone Control, Digital Collar, Hack Savvy, Create & Destroy

The Mechanic is the archetypical technician, hacker, or technologist, an adventurer who utilizes advanced technology to control machines and other complex tools. The Mechanic is proficient while working with mechanical and digital devices, typically with assistance from their Drone and other machines that they command with their Matrix Controller.


Primary Attributes: Will, Charm

HP/AP Per Rank: +6/+3

Weapons: Hammer, Staff, Unarmed

Armor: Cloth Armor, Energy Shield

Elements: Cryonic, Pyrotic

Class Abilities: Culture, Deception, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Tact

Class Features: Aura, Retribution, Dome, Null State

The Warden is the archetypical influencer, manipulator, or controller, an adventurer who overcomes challenges by empowering or inhibiting those around them. The Warden’s words project a persistent presence of comfort to their comrades while instilling doubts and undue stresses into their adversaries.