
Eyes Up, Ears Open, Knives Out


“Everyone thinks they are hard. Right up until you get them real good in the squishy bits.”

~ Tika McGray, Darkmarket Grifter

Delinquents live on the outskirts of the realm of social acceptability. Avoidant and mischievous, a Delinquent specializes in ambushing vulnerable targets, finding hidden paths and objects, and evading their opponents. A Delinquent often lives the surreptitious life of a scrappy street urchin, daring spy, puckish rogue, or merciless thief. However, they can also be acrobatic, convincing, or resourceful. Their skills in obtaining valuables make a Delinquent an ideal candidate for any Company.


Delinquents are masters of the art of acquisition. They employ all manner of dirty tricks to obtain their prize. They can be skilled at picking locks or bypassing security assets. Delinquents can be deadly when launching surprise attacks or deploying devices that misdirect, distract, or disable potential threats. Delinquents have a nose for locating valuables, be it material, something sentimental, or information most critical. Even when suspicions have been aroused about their behavior, Delinquents always seem to have a way of shifting focus away from themselves while they make a hasty retreat.


A creeping shadow lurking over one’s shoulder, a Delinquent won’t be seen until it’s too late. Delinquents move in silence with great agility while observing their prey. Any successful Delinquent makes a habit of being in the right place at the right time. Delinquents are remarkably fast, agile foot runners, and able to clear complex obstacles in record time, all while giving or avoiding a hot pursuit. In addition, Delinquents are natural at blending in with their surroundings. Usually, the Delinquent is long gone before their deeds have been discovered.

Class Features

The Delinquent’s Class Features are built around alertness, surprise attacks, and evasion. In addition, the Delinquent Class benefits from having high Skill, Will, and Charm Attributes.


Hit Points Per Rank. +5

Action Points Per Rank. +3

Equipment Training

Weapons: Compound Lance, Light Melee, Omni Kit, Sidearm, Thrown

Armor: Cloth Armor, Light Armor

Elements: Biotic, Electric

Class Abilities

At Delinquent Rank One (1), a player selects Three (3) Class Abilities from the list below. They gain a bonus to Class Ability Checks equivalent to half (½) of their Delinquent Rank. An additional Class Ability is chosen at Delinquent Ranks Three (3) and Seven (7).

Class Abilities: Acrobatics, Culture, Deception, Engineering, Perception, Stealth

Delinquent Ranks

When distributing a Class Rank, remember that a Character’s Base Class Rank cannot exceed a Character’s Tenderfoot Class Rank.

Delinquents benefit from a high Skill Attribute, enhancing multiple Class Features such as Sneak Attack, providing a bonus to their Ranged Attacks, their Physical Armor, Speed, Maneuvers, Initiative, and benefiting their Acrobatics, Drive, and Stealth Ability Checks.

Delinquent players also benefit from a high Power Attribute, providing a bonus to their Melee Attacks and Damage, their effectiveness with Maneuvers, and aiding their Athletics Ability Checks.

Delinquent players can also benefit from a high Will Attribute, which increases their Force Armor, Repair Action Modifier, and Effect Duration, and enhances Apothicine, Investigation, Nature, and Perception Ability Checks. Delinquent players gain the most benefit from a high Charm Attribute, allowing them to assume the role of the Company face, providing a bonus to their Healing Modifier, and benefiting their Culture, Deception, Intimidation, and Tact Ability Checks.

Rank-by-Rank Attributes/Features

Rank One (1). Skill (+1), Will (+1), Charm (+1)—Scoundrel Senses, Sneak Attack

Rank Two (2). Pick (+1)

Rank Three (3). Skill (+1)

Rank Four (4). Pick (+1)

Rank Five (5). Skill (+1), Charm (+1)—Slippery

Rank Six (6). Pick (+1)

Rank Seven (7). Skill (+1)

Rank Eight (8). Pick (+1)

Rank Nine (9). Will (+1)

Rank Ten (10). Skill (+2), Focus (+1), Charm (+1)—Miraculous Dodge

Scoundrel Senses

A Delinquent has a keen sense of awareness and perception. The Delinquent gains a bonus as a Precision Enhancement equivalent to half (½) of their Skill Attribute to any Perception Ability Checks made to act during an Ambush or discover a hidden creature, object, or door.

Sneak Attack

A signature feature of the Delinquent is the blind-siding of vulnerable targets with a knife in the dark. Beginning at Delinquent Rank One (1), a Delinquent can deal heavy damage with a Light Melee Weapon against a target under specific circumstances, depending on their target's status. Sneak Attack applies to any Attacks or Heroics that include an Attack roll as a part of the action. Sneak Attacks can typically only be performed while attacking with Light Melee without additional Perks or Equipment Modifications.

Whenever a Delinquent successfully strikes a susceptible target with an Attack, they deal an additional 1D6 Damage for every 2 points of the Delinquent's Skill Attribute. The damage of Sneak Attack bypasses all forms of Damage Resistance.

Sneak Attack Qualifiers

The following Status Effects cause a creature to become susceptible to Sneak Attacks:

Injury. Blinded, Crippled, Deafened, Fractured, Paralyzed, Staggered, Stunned

Condition. Entangled, Flanked, Frozen, Grappled, Pinned, Unaware

Miscognition. Comatose, Confused, Delusional, Enthralled, Panicked, Sleep


An experienced Delinquent can skillfully utilize their surroundings to avoid harmful blasts and explosions. Beginning at Delinquent Rank Five (5), whenever a Delinquent successfully passes a Physical Save to cut damage from an area of effect in half (½), they instead reduce that damage to zero (0).

Miraculous Dodge

A Master Delinquent has a firm grip on their fate. Once at Delinquent Rank Ten (10), in response to an Attack exceeding their Physical or Force Armor, the Delinquent may attempt the Evade Reaction. If the Delinquent's Evade matches or exceeds the Attack roll, they negate the effects of the attack. Typically, a Character must declare their Evade Reaction before an Attack roll is completed.

Delinquent Perks

Forger Sense

Prerequisite: Scoundrel Senses

Your bonuses from Scoundrel Senses apply to any Ability Checks made to detect or craft a Forgery.

Betrayal Sense

Prerequisite: Scoundrel Senses

Your bonuses from Scoundrel Senses apply to Ability Checks made to see through a Disguise or Discern Lies.

Danger Sense

Prerequisite: Scoundrel Senses

You always Act during an Ambush.


Prerequisite: Sneak Attack & Sidearm (Any Rank)

You can perform Sneak Attack as a Ranged Weapon Attack using an equipped Sidearm Weapon.

Sneak Maneuver

Prerequisite: Sneak Attack

You gain a bonus equal to Half(½) of your Skill Attribute when performing a Maneuver on a Target vulnerable to Sneak Attacks.

Relentless Ambush

Prerequisite: Sneak Attack

Your Sneak Attack Damage dealt during an Ambush is Rolled at Maximum Damage.

Blasted To Safety

Prerequisite: Slippery

Whenever you use Slippery to Negate Area of Effect Damage, you may instantly move yourself to the nearest safe point outside of the Effective Radius.

Divert Harm

Prerequisite: Slippery

Whenever you use Slippery to Negate Area of Effect Damage, you may choose to instead divert your Half(½) of the Effect's Damage to an Adjacent Creature. 

Heads Down

Prerequisite: Slippery

Whenever you use Slippery to Negate Area of Effect Damage, any Adjacent Allies that also made a successful Physical Save will Negate the Area of Effect Damage. 

Active Evader

Prerequisite: Miraculous Dodge

You gain a plus Five(+5) bonus to your Active Dodge Rolls made as a part of Miraculous Dodge. 

Miracle Roll

Prerequisite: Miraculous Dodge

Whenever you successfully evade an Attack using Miraculous Dodge, you may move up to Half(½) of your Speed.

Delinquent Heroics


Cheap Shot

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 1)

AP Cost: 5

Action Type: Sneak Attack

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a part of a successful Sneak Attack, you also inflict the Dazed Miscognition on your Target. Dazed Creatures are unable to use Reactions for the Effect Duration.

Darkness Dust

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 1)

AP Cost: 5

Action Type: Rapid Action

Range: 3 Paces (Cone)

Effect Duration: Until Treated

As a Rapid Action, throw a handful of light-smothering chemical powder in a Cone up to 3 Paces in Range. All Light Sources, digital or otherwise, are immediately snuffed out by the powder and can not be relit until the powder is removed.

Low Crawl

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 1)

AP Cost: 5

Action Type: Move Action

Move up your Full Speed while Prone, up from Half(½) of your Speed. 

Desperate Grip

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 2)

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Reaction

Range: Adjacent

As a Reaction to failing a Maneuver or an Athletics Ability Check to keep your grip, you can re-attempt your Roll with a plus Five(+5) Bonus. 

Friends In Low Places

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 2)

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Interaction/Exploration

Range: Self

You can apply your Scoundrel Senses to a Culture or Tact Ability Check made to Seek Information or Ask A Favor. 


Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 2)

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Adjacent

Effect Duration: Until Treated

As a Standard Action, you inflict the Silenced Injury on an Adjacent Target. The Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Physical Impact to negate the Injury. 

Exploding Pants

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 3)

AP Cost: 15

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Adjacent 

As a Standard Action, perform a Steal Maneuver against an Adjacent Target. If successful, you may activate a live Grenade or other Consumable Explosive to detonate at the start of your Target’s Next Turn. During the explosion, the Target suffers your Maximum Thrown Weapon Damage. All Creatures with the Splash Radius of the Effect stuffer Minimum Damage, in addition to the other effects of the Device. 


Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 3) & Light Melee (Any Rank)

AP Cost: 15

Action Type: Melee Weapon Attack

Range: Adjacent

As a Standard Action, attempt a Melee Weapon Attack against an Adjacent Target. If successful, your Attack is also considered a successful Steal Maneuver against your Target. You must declare your intent to Mug before your Attack Roll. 

Sticky Fingers

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 3)

AP Cost: 15

Action Type: Move Action

Range: Self

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a Move Action, coat your hand in a sticky adhesive. For the Effect Duration, your Scoundrel Senses will apply to any Maneuvers or Ability Checks made to keep your grip on an object, device, or surface. 


Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 4)

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Interaction

As a part of a Deception or Stealth Ability Check, you can attempt to walk through a checkpoint without drawing attention to yourself. Targets monitoring the checkpoint must pass a Force Save against your Check, or they become inflicted with the Enthralled Miscognition, preoccupied with an absent mind. Enthralled Creatures will not acknowledge or respond to alerts to your presence.

Rend Vision

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 4)

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Melee Weapon Attack

Range: Adjacent

Effect Duration: Until Treated

As a Standard Action, attempt a Melee Weapon Attack against an Adjacent Target. If successful, your Target suffers the Blinded Injury. However, the Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Attack Roll to negate the Injury.


Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 4)

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Reaction

As a Reaction to landing a Killing Blow with Sneak Attack, you eliminate any noises or sounds made by the Target and retain your current Stealth Ability Check. 

Buck Pass

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 5)

AP Cost: 25

Action Type: Reaction

As a Reaction to landing a Sneak Attack against an Unaware Target, you may place the blame for the Attack on another creature as a Deception Ability Check against the Target’s Force Save or Investigation Ability Check, whichever is greater.

Controlled Fall

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 5)

AP Cost: 25

Action Type: Reaction

As a Reaction to taking Fall Damage, reduce your Fall Damage to Minimum Damage. You can only use Controlled Fall on falls of a distance less than your Skill Attribute.  

Ready Whistle

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 5)

AP Cost: 25

Action Type: Reaction

Range: 25 Paces (Radius)

As a Reaction to acting during an Ambush, you can alert all your company members within earshot, allowing them to Act during the Ambush.

Coincidental Object

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 6)

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Interaction

During an Interaction requiring the use of a tool or consumable item, such as a Tek-pik to Disable a Device or Dummy Card to Create A Keycard, as long as you have a free Inventory Slot, you can pull the exact item you need for your attempt from a hidden pocket, even if you don’t recall ever obtaining it. But, of course, you can only use this to get easily replicated or consumable items. 


Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 6)

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Adjacent

Effect Duration: Rounds

You pin an Adjacent Target’s shadow to the ground, locking them in place with the Immobilized Condition for your Effect Duration. Then, the Target can attempt a Force Save against your Physical Impact to negate the Condition.

Bottomless Pocket

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 7)

AP Cost: 35

Action Type: Ritual (One Hour)

As a Ritual during a Rest Period, spend One(1) Hour reorganizing your items to cram as many things into your pockets as possible. Increase your Inventory Space by Half(½) of your Skill Attribute until your next Rest Period.

Shiv Spiral

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 7)

AP Cost: 35

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Half(½) Skill Attribute(Radius)

As a Standard Action, unleash a fan of knives and blades against any Target you wish within a Radius equal to Half(½) of your Skill Attribute, centered on you. Designated Targets struck by this Attack suffer your normal Melee Weapon Damage, including Sneak Attack Damage. In addition, Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Physical Impact to cut any Damage received in Half(½). 

Incredulous Swipe

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 8)

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Skill Attribute

As a Standard Action, you can perform a Sneak Maneuver against any Target within a distance equal to your Skill Attribute. The Target is completely Unaware of your action, even if you fail. On a success, a single item from the Target's Inventory appears in your Inventory, as if by magick. You can also use incredulous Swipe to plant an Item on a Target without their knowledge. 


Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 8)

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Skill Attribute

As a Standard Action, you can attempt a Steal Maneuver against an Adjacent Target. If successful, you can Steal any number of items from the Target's Inventory.

Escape Artist

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 9)

AP Cost: 45

Action Type: Move Action

As a Move Action, you can escape from any type of hold, shackles, or binding Condition such as Grappled or Entangled. 

Key Ring

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 9)

AP Cost: 45

Action Type: Ritual (One Hour)

As a Ritual at a Forge during a Rest Period, manifest a Key Printer that you can hold in your Inventory. Any locks picked as an Engineering Ability Check made to Disable a Mechanical Device will instantly create a Key for your Key Ring. Devices that you have a Key to can be unlocked as a Rapid Action. You must maintain the Key Printer each Rest Period, or it malfunctions.

Miraculous Grift

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 10) & Light Melee(Any Rank)

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Miraculous Dodge

Whenever you successfully Negate an Attack from an Adjacent Creature with Miraculous Dodge, you can rifle through their Inventory and Steal a single item as if you had a successful Steal Maneuver.

Nothing Personal

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 10) & Light Melee(Any Rank)

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Skill Attribute

As a Full Action, instantly Teleport behind a Target within a distance equal to your Skill Attribute. You may attempt a Light Weapon Attack against your Target that, if successful, is an Automatic Critical Hit. This Teleportation does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity.


Blind Spot

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 1)

AP Cost: 5

Action Type: Rapid Action

Range: Self

You can attempt to Hide as a Rapid Action, even while being observed. However, your Stealth Ability Check suffers a minus Five(-5) Penalty.

Could Be Anyone

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 1)

AP Cost: 5

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Self

As a Full Action, take a moment to rearrange your appearance into a generic, unassuming disguise. At the time of creation, perform a Deception Ability Check to determine the effectiveness of your camouflage.

Stealth Run

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 1)

AP Cost: 5

Action Type: Move Action

Range: Self

When using a Move Action while Hidden by a Stealth Ability Check, you can move up to your Full Speed, up from Half(½) your Speed while Hidden. 

Bloody Mess

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 2) 

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Sneak Attack

Effect Duration: Until Treated

Whenever you successfully land a Sneak Attack, you inflict a number of stacks of the Bleed Injury equal to the number of dice rolled for your Sneak Attack Damage on your Target.

Dash Slide

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 2)

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Double(2*) Speed (Charge)

As a Full Action, you sprint up to Twice(2*) your Speed in a straight line. This movement does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity when moving through a Threatened Space. When arriving at your destination, you may attempt a Stealth Ability Check to Hide. 

Disguise Weapon

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 2)

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Self

As a Full Action, you can alter your Weapon to change its appearance, conceal it, or make it more unassuming. You can perform a Deception Ability Check to determine the effectiveness of your disguise. 


Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 3) & Light Melee(Any Rank)

AP Cost: 15

Action Type: Sneak Attack

Whenever you successfully land a Sneak Attack, you can instead deal your Sneak Attack Damage as Maximum Damage. Backstab does not affect your normal Weapon Damage.


Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 3)

AP Cost: 15

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Self

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a Full Action, you become entirely transparent or enveloped in shadows, gaining the Invisibility Enhancement. In addition, you gain a plus Ten(+10) bonus to your Stealth Ability Checks. Interacting with an Object, Device, or Creature will immediately end the effect. 

Serenity Trick

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 3)

AP Cost: 15

Action Type: Interaction

As a Reaction to performing a hostile or aggressive act towards a Creature that is not hostile towards you, you can attempt a Deception or Stealth Ability Check against the Passive Perception of any potential witnesses to have your Action go unnoticed, even if performing the act outside of Stealth or out in the open. The apparent results of your actions will still be readily apparent, but the source of your actions will be concealed.

Chameleon Blade

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 4) & Light Melee(Any Rank)

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Self

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a Full Action, grant a Light Weapon in your possession the Invisibility Enhancement. Then, for the Effect Duration, you apply your Scoundrel Senses to Melee Attack Rolls that utilize your Chameleon Blade and your Maneuvers made to Disarm, Feint, or Steal.

City Portal

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 4)

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Move Action

Range: Speed/Skill Attribute

As a Move Action, while moving up to your Speed, you can teleport between any Two(2) doorways, entering one door and exiting another. The door you are entering must have a clear Line of Sight to the door you are exiting. The distance between Two(2) doors is limited to a number of Paces equal to your Skill Attribute. 

Vertical Step

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 4)

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Move Action

Range: Skill Attribute

As a Move Action, you can instantly vanish in a puff of smoke, Teleporting yourself to another Space directly above or below you within a distance equal to your Skill Attribute. Vertical Steps can travel through solid surfaces, such as between the floors of buildings. Vertical Step provokes an Attack of Opportunity when moving through a Threatened Space. 


Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 5)

AP Cost: 25

Action Type: Sneak Attack

As a part of your Sneak Attack, increase the Scale of your Sneak Attack Damage Dice by One(1). You can utilize multiple instances of Assassinate on a single Sneak Attack.

(1D6 → 1D8 → 1D10 → 2d6, etc)

Lightning Reflex

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 5)

AP Cost: 25

Action Type: Reaction

As a Reaction to acting during an Ambush, increase your Initiative Roll by plus Ten(+10).


Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 5)

AP Cost: 25

Action Type: Rapid

Range: Self

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Rapid Action, grant yourself the Invisibility Enhancement and perform a Stealth Ability Check to become Hidden. Your Stealth Ability Checks receive a plus Fifteen(+15) bonus to your Stealth Ability Checks for the Effect Duration. Interacting with an Object, Device, or Creature will immediately end the effect. 


Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 6)

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Reaction

Range: Adjacent

As a Reaction to successfully initiating a Grapple Maneuver against an Unaware Target, inflict your Melee Weapon Damage, including Sneak Attack Damage, against your Target. 


Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 6)

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Move Action

Range: Skill Attribute

As a Move Action, vanish in a puff of smoke to instantly Teleport to any Space within a distance equal to your Skill Attribute. You provoke an Attack of Opportunity from any Threatening Creatures during your departure, but not during your arrival. You may perform a Stealth Ability Check to Hide immediately upon landing at your destination.

Conceal Company

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 7)

AP Cost: 35

Action Type: Interaction/Exploration

Range: Skill Attribute(Radius)

Whenever you perform a Stealth Ability Check to Hide, any Allied Target within a Radius equal to your Skill Attribute can also Hide using your Stealth Ability Check. If any Ally that Hides in this way breaks their Stealth, the entire Company is revealed. 

Urban Veil

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 7)

AP Cost: 35

Action Type: Move Action

Range: Self

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a Move Action and for the Effect Duration, grant yourself the Invisibility Enhancement anytime you are Adjacent to Three(3) or more Creatures. While Invisible, you receive a plus Twenty(+20) bonus to your Stealth Ability Checks. This Invisibility Enhancement does not break when you interact with Objects, Devices, or Creatures. 

Escape Plan

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 8)

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Full Action

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a Full Action, manifest a number of encoded Escape Markers equal to Half(½) of your Will Attribute. An Escape Marker can be adhered to any flat surface to mark a path of escape for you and your Company. Any Creature that knows the meaning of an Escape Markers will move at Double(2*) their Speed while moving towards an Escape Marker. The Escape Markers dissipate into nothingness after the Effect Duration. 

Exploit Opening

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 8)

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Reaction

Range: Adjacent

As a Reaction to an Ally missing an Attack Roll against a Target that is Adjacent to you, you can attempt a Melee Weapon Attack against the Target's exposed vitals. If successful, this Attack deals your normal Weapon Damage plus 2D8 Pierce Damage for every Two(2) Points of your Power Attribute.


Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 9)

AP Cost: 45

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Adjacent

As a Full Action, you can disguise a dead body to appear to be mindlessly performing a simple task with a Deception Ability Check. You scrap together hidden pulleys and strings to make the dead body appear to be moving.

Flurry Of Fangs

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 9) & Light Melee (Any Rank)

AP Cost: 45

Action Type: Melee Weapon Attack

Range: Adjacent

As a Standard Action, use an Equipped Light Weapon to unleash Three(3) Melee Weapon Attacks on an Adjacent Target. Each successful Attack inflicts your normal Weapon Damage and Sneak Attack Damage if your Target is Vulnerable to Sneak Attacks. 

Miraculous Vault

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 10) 

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Miraculous Dodge

Range: Adjacent

Whenever you successfully Negate an Attack with Miraculous Dodge, you can move up to your Full Speed and attempt a Stealth Ability Check to Hide. This movement can pass through any Space occupied by other Creatures without hindrance or provoking an Attack of Opportunity.

Veil Of Shadows

Prerequisite: Delinquent(Rank 10) 

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Adjacent

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a Full Action, you and any Adjacent Targets that you choose receive the Invisibility Enhancement for the Effect Duration, granting a plus Twenty(+20) bonus to their Stealth Ability Checks. The Invisibility will break if anyone interacts with an Object, Device, or Creature. The Invisibility Enhancement is granted individually, so if One(1) Creature breaks their Invisibility, the others remain Hidden.