
All The World’s A Stage

Delinquent Brawler

How can you be so sure that your eyes haven’t been lying to you this entire time?  Am I even here talking to you now?” 

~ Gavin Beaumont, Requis Trickster

There is an old Axian saying that the limelight blinds someone to the hands in their pockets. This saying has never been put into more practice than in a Trickster’s repertoire. An expert of misdirection and confusion, the Trickster plots pranks and schemes to hustle anyone who gets in their way.

As the hybridization of the Delinquent and Brawler Base Classes, the Trickster fits the role of the agile sleuth, equally skilled in feats of remarkable alacrity, dastardly deceptions, and masterful misdirection. The trademark of a Trickster is the ability to create and manipulate Decoys, self-copies utilized to confuse and distract opponents. Additionally, a Trickster can be a sneaky, dexterous melee bruiser, gifted with Light Melee and Thrown Weapons.

Historically Speaking

The original Tricksters of known history came about in response to the burgeoning Axian Corporations cutting into their newly-earned fortunes in exchange for outsider intelligence, primarily gathered through the traveling merchant caravans that stretched their bloody fingers into the farthest reaches of Salt. Traveling entertainers, acrobats, and street magicians proved effective in matters of espionage; with their unpredictable sleight of hand and free-form athleticism, they made ideal candidates for the acquisition of sensitive material and information. Successful Tricksters were often compensated with lucrative Corporate Sponsorships, leading to the development and subsequent popularization of the so-called “Dupe Suit.” Initially, the Dupe Suit was explicitly a series of reflective nodes used to cast decoy holograms of its wearer out and away as a seamless illusion. In modern slang, a Dupe Suit refers to any personal duplication device, regardless of the duplication method.

The Modern Trickster

Most Tricksters stick to their roots as entertainers and performers, if not out of love for the art, as a cover for any more clandestine acts. Many still are seduced by the allure of a daring heist with a good plan. Some Tricksters find great success operating in intelligence and espionage. At the end of their career, a “retired” Trickster would make a fitting celebrity, spymaster, or diplomat. Within a Company, the Trickster may fill a role as the Company scout, rogue, muscle, or face. The Trickster relies on their Decoys to distract, outmaneuver, or overwhelm their obstacles on their way to success. Tricksters often operate best under stealth or while using an Ambush against an Unaware target distracted by their subversive methods.

Class Features

The Trickster’s Class Features are built around the creation of misleading Decoys, ambushing vulnerable opponents, and catching and throwing Light Melee and Thrown Ranged Weapons, such as Knives or Grenades. The Trickster Class benefits from having high Skill, Will, and Charisma Attributes


Hit Points Per Rank: +8

Action Points Per Rank: +4

Equipment Training

Weapons: Compound Lance, Light Melee, Omni Kit, Staff, Thrown, Unarmed

Armor: Cloth Armor, Light Armor, Light Shield

Elements: Biotic, Cryonic, Electric, Pyrotic

Class Abilities

At Trickster Rank One (1), a Character receives the following pair of Class Abilities:

Innate Class Abilities: Acrobatics/Deception

They gain a bonus to Class Ability Checks equivalent to half (½) of their Trickster Rank. An additional Class Ability from the following list is chosen at Trickster Ranks Three (3), Five (5), and Seven (7):

Selected Class Abilities: Athletics, Culture, Intimidation, Perception, Tact, Stealth

Trickster Ranks

When distributing a Class Rank, remember that a Character’s Hybrid Class Rank cannot exceed both of a Character’s Base Class Ranks.

Tricksters benefit from a high Charm Attribute, allowing them to serve as the Company face, providing a bonus to their Heal Action Modifier, and increasing their Culture, Deception, Intimidation, and Tact Ability Checks. Trickster players also benefit from a high Will Attribute, increasing the Daily Uses of their Decoy class Feature, enhancing their Force Armor, Repair Action Modifier, Effect Duration, and any Apothicine, Investigation, Nature, and Perception Ability Checks. Trickster players should consider the benefit of investing in their Power or Skill Attribute to increase their effectiveness in Combat, their Attack and Damage Rolls, and Physical Armor, and to enhance their Athletics, Acrobatics, Drive, and Stealth Ability Checks.

Rank-by-Rank Attributes/Features

Rank One (1). Charm (+2), Power (+1), Will (+1)—Decoy, Suckerpunch

Rank Two (2). Pick (+1), Grit (+1)

Rank Three (3). Skill (+1), Charm (+1)—Juggler

Rank Four (4). Pick (+1), Focus (+1)

Rank Five (5). Skill (+1), Grit (+1), Charm (+1)—Doppelganger

Rank Six (6). Pick (+1), Grit (+1)

Rank Seven (7). Skill (+1), Charisma (+1)—Wire Fighter

Rank Eight (8). Pick (+1), Focus (+1)

Rank Nine (9). Power (+1), Will (+1)

Rank Ten (10). Charisma (+2), Skill (+1), Grit (+1), Will (+1)—Infinite Jest


The trademark of the Trickster is the ability to create and manipulate identical duplicates of themselves, called Decoys. Beginning at Trickster Rank One (1), the Trickster can manifest a new Decoy in an adjacent space as a Move Action. A Decoy is a life-like incorporeal illusion, totally unable to interact with the physical world. A Decoy dissipates into nothingness if it suffers any Damage, or after the Trickster’s Effect Duration in minutes. The Trickster can manipulate a Decoy as a Rapid Action, allowing it to act in tandem with the Trickster’s Actions. The Decoy may perform a Standard and Move Action each turn when directed during combat. To be controlled, there is no limit to the Range a Decoy must be from the Trickster.

When creating a new Decoy or using Heroics that create a Decoy(s), the Trickster must make a Deception Ability Check to determine the quality of the Decoy(s) manifested. Anyone interacting with the Decoy must pass a Force Save or Investigation Ability Check (whichever is greater) to discern whether it is real. The Decoy uses the Trickster’s Character statistics as necessary, including Armor and Ability Checks.

The Trickster has a number of Daily Uses of Decoy equivalent to their Will Attribute. The limit to how many Decoys a Trickster can maintain and control at once is equal to half (½) of their Charm Attribute.


Beginning at Trickster Rank One (1), whenever the Trickster successfully lands a Sneak Attack against an adjacent target, they may trigger the use of Knockout to inflict the Stun Injury. The Trickster can now perform Sneak Attacks with Unarmed, Staff, and Thrown Attack rolls. Suckerpunch does not need to be declared before the Attack roll, as Knockout must be, provided their target is vulnerable to Sneak Attacks. The Trickster’s Light Melee Training grants access to Unarmed and Staff Heroics of a comparable Rank and vice versa.


Beginning at Trickster Rank Three (3), in response to the Trickster throwing a Light Melee Weapon as a part of a Thrown Attack, the Trickster can instantly retrieve any weapons they’ve thrown this turn as a Reaction. Additionally, in response to a projectile launched through a Thrown Attack passing through an adjacent space, the Trickster may attempt to Parry the Ranged Attack to catch the missile as a Reaction. If the projectile was an armed explosive, such as a grenade, the Trickster must throw or discard it by the end of their next turn, or it detonates in their hands.


Once at Trickster Rank Five (5), the Trickster’s Decoys are no longer incorporeal but physical, tangible beings. Decoys can be used to interact with the physical world and can perform Attacks with any equipped weapons using the Trickster’s Attack statistics. However, successful Attacks made by Decoys always inflict Minimum Damage and cannot benefit from Critical Hits. Any Assisted Rolls made by Decoys are only half (½) as effective.

Wire Fighter

Starting at Trickster Rank Seven (7), the Trickster and their Decoys utilize a series of intricate wires to facilitate Disarm, Feint, Grapple, or Trip Maneuvers against anyone within their Thrown Attack Range. Additionally, the Trickster can now use their Juggler Class Feature to capture projectiles that cross anywhere within their Thrown Attack Range, rather than only an adjacent space.

Infinite Jest

As a Master Trickster at Trickster Rank Ten (10), as a Free Action, the Trickster may regain a single Daily Use of their Decoy Class Feature by absorbing a Decoy from an adjacent space, killing it in the process.

Trickster Perks

Extended Decoy

Prerequisite: Decoy

Increase the Effect Duration of your Decoys to Minutes instead of Rounds.

Knockout Artist

Prerequisite: Suckerpunch

Your Knockouts inflicted through Suckerpunch no longer expend a Daily Use of Knockout.

Return To Sender

Prerequisite: Juggler

Whenever you successfully catch an object as a part of your Juggler Class Feature, you may perform a Thrown Ranged Attack as a Free Action using the caught object as your Weapon. 

Shadow Clone

Prerequisite: Juggler

Whenever your Decoys are destroyed, they erupt a cloud of harmless smoke that obscures vision within all Adjacent Spaces for One(1) Round. 

Gang Of One

Prerequisite: Wire Fighter

Whenever you perform Maneuver from Wire Fighter against a Target, any Decoys that also Threaten your Target can assist you, adding a bonus equal to Half(½) of your Charm Attribute to your Maneuver for each assisting Decoy.

Troupe Replenishment

Prerequisite: Infinite Jest

Absorbing a Decoy when you have Zero(0) remaining Daily Uses instead restores Three(3) Daily Uses.

Trickster Heroics

Toss Decoy

Prerequisite: Trickster(Rank 1) 

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Decoy

Range: Thrown Weapon Range

As an Alternate Use of your Decoy Class Feature, you can instead spawn a Decoy at any Space within your Thrown Weapon Range. 

Smoke Trick

Prerequisite: Trickster(Rank 2) 

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Reaction

As a Reaction to the Death or Creation of a new Decoy, you can manifest a cloud of obscuring smoke that breaks Line of Sight within the Space occupied by your Decoy for a single Round. 

Knock Silly

Prerequisite: Trickster(Rank 3) 

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Knockout

Effect Duration: Rounds

As an Alternate Use of your Knockout Class Feature, if successful, your Target suffers the Hysteria Miscognition for the Effect Duration in place of the Stunned Condition.

Toxic Friendship

Prerequisite: Trickster(Rank 4) 

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Half(½) Will Attribute(Radius)

As a Standard Action, you can trigger an Active Decoy to swell and explode into a cloud of quickly clearing poisonous gas, destroying your Decoy to inflict 1D8 Biotic Damage for every Point of your Skill Attribute and a Stack of the Poison Injury for every Two(2) Points of your Charm Attribute to any Targets within a Radius equal to Half(½) of your Will Attribute from your Decoy. Affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½) and Negate the Injury.  


Prerequisite: Trickster(Rank 5) 

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Move Action/Reaction

As a Move Action or a Reaction, you can swap places with any Active Decoy.

Buddy Bomb

Prerequisite: Trickster(Rank 6) 

AP Cost: 60

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Half(½) Will Attribute

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Standard Action, you can signal an Active Decoy to swell and explode in a fiery burst, destroying the Decoy to inflict 1D10 Pyrotic Damage for every Point of your Skill Attribute to any Target within a Radius equal to Half(½) of your Will Attribute. Buddy Bomb unleashes a cloud of obscuring smoke that breaks Line of Sight within the Affected Area for the Effect Duration. You can trigger a second Decoy to explode for Half(½) of the Action Point Cost as a Move Action. Affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½). 


Prerequisite: Trickster(Rank 7) 

AP Cost: 70

Action Type: Ritual(One Hour)

As a Ritual at a Creative Space during a Rest Period, you can spend One(1) Hour manifesting a true duplicate. Your Twin will have all of the limitations of your Doppelganger Class Feature but endures indefinitely as long as it does not come under harm. You maintain a full sensory link with your Twin, able to send and receive information in real-time at will. Your Twin is mentally ambulatory, capable of independent acts, and can stand in for you at social events, meetings or procedures. 


Prerequisite: Trickster(Rank 8) 

AP Cost: 80

Action Type: Full Action/Reaction

Range: Double(2*) Speed (Charge)

As a Full Action or Reaction to suffering Hit Point Damage, deploy a puff of smoke to obscure your body before unleashing a wave of Decoys sprinting in separate directions to facilitate your escape. Manifest a number of Decoys equal to Half(½) of your Charm Attribute that you can send sprinting in a straight line up to Twice(2*) their Speed, provoking an Attack of Opportunity from any Threatening Creatures. At the end of the Action, you assume the position of the final surviving Decoy. If there are multiple survivors, you may choose which Decoy is the real you, while the others fade into nothingness. Decoys created in this way do not count towards your total Daily Uses of Decoy.

Surprise Election

Prerequisite: Trickster(Rank 9) 

AP Cost: 90

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Thrown Weapon Range

As a Full Action, you can attempt a Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack against a Target within your Thrown Weapon Range. If successful, your Attack inflicts your normal Weapon Damage multiplied by the number of Active Decoys within Thrown Weapon Range of your Target. 

The Best Medicine

Prerequisite: Trickster(Rank 10) 

AP Cost: 100

Action Type: Infinite Jest

As an Alternate Use of your Infinite Jest Class Feature, you can absorb an Active Decoy to recover 5d10 Hit Points for every Point of your Charm Attribute.