
Self-made Monster

Brawler ○ Apothic

“You need to work on being a little more flexible.”

~ Grimes Cullough, Axian Mutant

The miracles brought to fruition through the practice of Apothicine have genuinely made the human body a blank slate to be whoever a person desires to be. Or whoever a person is made to be. With changes self-inflicted at times, but often completed under duress or deceit, a Mutant is a person who was subjected to ruthlessly painful gene-altering procedures. As a result, their physical being has been altered to rapidly react and express new genetic materials when introduced into the system.

As the hybridization of the Brawler and Apothic Base Classes, the Mutant is the definition of adaptability in practice, capable of impressive mobility and lethality through twisted science and experimentation. The trademark of a Mutant is the ability to alter their genetic expressions into more bestial forms, enhancing their strength, dexterity, or durability. The Mutant is also gifted with a heightened sense of awareness, the ability to exude potent poisons, and physical elasticity.

Historically Speaking

The term “mutant” originally referred to a well-boasted creation of the Academy Imperica. Unique specimens created in the laboratories of White Bay, Mutants were the recipients of countless, extensive, invasive, and often life-threatening procedures that altered their control of genetic expressions. Axian Scientists introduced all manner of genetic manipulation and cybernetic augmentation into their unlimited pool of test subjects to create a more versatile, durable field agent in service to the Academy. At the cost of a massive number of unsatisfactory test subject “terminations,”; the project ultimately yielded high results of serious acclaim. The Academy became renowned for its highly adaptable Mutants with an endless list of skills and abilities at their disposal. However, rumors of exuding toxins, growing appendages, or altering the fabric of their genetic material in an instant caused many to wonder if the Academy Mutants could even be considered human.

The Modern Mutant

Following the success of the Academy Research, competitors and imitators flooded the Dark Market, paying top Bling to anyone fit enough to survive the process. An overwhelming stream of offers for a better life after a simple surgery drowned out the everyday occurrences when someone did not survive this dangerous procedure. Those that live long after their procedure have been recorded to have long-term degenerative effects that are almost always terminal. A modern Mutant is a highly productive member of any Company, as they are expert infiltrators, peerless pugilists, and adaptable inventors. A Mutant could easily find a career as a bodyguard, researcher, or fixer. Unfortunately, unscrupulous Mutants often become untethered monstrosities, lost in the pursuit of power or control.

Class Features

The Mutant's Class Features are focused on delivering a poisonous toxin, altering their physical form, and taking on a more bestial appearance. The Mutant Class benefits from having high Charm, Power, Skill, and Grit Attributes.


Hit Points Per Rank: +9

Action Points Per Rank: +5

Equipment Training

Weapons: Compound Lance, Staff, Thrown, Unarmed

Armor: Cloth Armor, Light Armor, Light Shield

Elements: Biotic, Cryonic, Electric, Pyrotic

Class Abilities

At Mutant Rank One (1), a Character receives the following pair of Class Abilities:

Innate Class Abilities: Apothicine/Athletics

They gain a bonus to Class Ability Checks equivalent to half (½) of their Mutant Rank. An additional Class Ability from the following list is chosen at Mutant Ranks Three (3), Five (5), and Seven (7):

Selected Class Abilities: Acrobatics, Deception, Intimidation, Nature, Stealth, Tact

Mutant Ranks

When distributing a Class Rank, remember that a Character’s Hybrid Class Rank cannot exceed both of a Character’s Base Class Ranks.

Mutants benefit most from a high Grit Attribute, enhancing their Class Features such as Regenerative Tumor, pumping up their pool of Hit Points and Total Essence, and increasing their overall survivability. Mutant players can also benefit from high Power and Skill Attributes, enhancing Class Features such as Extrasensory Perception, Melee Attacks and Damage, Ranged Attacks, Maneuvers, Initiative, Speed, Inventory Space, and any Athletics, Acrobatics, Drive, and Stealth Ability Checks. Mutant players can also benefit from a high Charm Attribute, allowing them to assume the role of the Company face, enhancing Class Features such as Genetic Adaptation, providing a bonus to their Healing Modifier, and benefiting their Culture, Deception, Intimidation, and Tact Ability Checks.

Rank-by-Rank Attributes/Features

Rank One (1). Grit (+2), Power (+1), Focus (+1)—Extrasensory Perception, Absorbed Compounds

Rank Two (2). Pick (+1), Will (+1)

Rank Three (3). Grit (+1), Charm (+1)—Elasticity

Rank Four (4). Pick (+1), Skill (+1)

Rank Five (5). Power (+1), Grit (+1), Charm (+1)—Genetic Adaptation

Rank Six (6). Pick (+1), Will (+1)

Rank Seven (7). Grit (+1), Charm (+1)—Regenerative Tumor

Rank Eight (8). Pick (+1), Skill (+1)

Rank Nine (9). Power (+1), Focus (+1)

Rank Ten (10). Grit (+2), Power (+1), Will (+1), Charm (+1)—Nemesis

Extrasensory Perception

Beginning at Mutant Rank One (1), the Mutant gains a Style Enhancement bonus to their Force Armor equivalent to their Skill Attribute.

Absorbed Compounds

Beginning at Mutant Rank One (1), the Mutant’s Unarmed strikes can function as a Compound Lance. Additionally, the Mutant can retain a number of genetic samples equivalent to half (½) of their Grit Attribute within their body. The Mutant’s Unarmed Training grants access to Compound Lance Heroics of the corresponding Rank and vice versa. The Mutant can absorb doses of their own Toxin to administer at will through physical contact with another creature as a Physical Impact.


Beginning at Mutant Rank Three (3), the Mutant can stretch and extend their bodily flexibility beyond human limits. The Mutant passively retains the Resilient Condition against all sources of Crush Damage, including falls and falling objects. The Mutant gains a Style Enhancement bonus to their Power and Skill-based Ability Checks equivalent to half (½) of their Grit Attribute. The Mutant also gains a Style Enhancement bonus to the Effective Range of their Melee Attacks and Maneuvers equal to half (½) of their Skill Attribute, allowing the Mutant to engage with opponents from a distance.

Genetic Adaptation

Beginning at Mutant Rank Five (5), the Mutant gains access to unique genetic adaptations called Altered States. While active, the Altered State changes the Mutant’s physical appearance into a more abominable, bestial, or botanical form. The active Altered State provides a Style Enhancement bonus to an Attribute Score, based on the chosen Genetic Adaptation, equivalent to half (½) of the Mutant’s Charm Attribute.

Altered State

Prerequisite: Mutant

Action Type: Ritual (1 hour)

As a Ritual at an Apothical Laboratory during Downtime, the Mutant spends one (1) hour adapting their genetics to manifest an Altered State. As a Move Action, the Mutant can activate or turn off an Altered State, selected from the table below.

Altered States

Shredder. (Power) The Mutant condenses its physical musculature, adopting a veiny and toned appearance marked by dense muscle mass and sharpened appendages, such as fangs and claws, for tearing through opponents.

Wraith. (Skill) The Mutant stretches and elongates its physical musculature, adopting a slender and agile frame marked with longer flexible limbs and prehensile appendages, such as tentacles or a tail.

Behemoth. (Grit) The Mutant hardens and expands its physical musculature, adopting a hulking and durable appearance marked with thick, heavy scales lining its skin and protective plates and coverings over its joints.

Regenerative Tumor

Once at Mutant Rank Seven (7), the Mutant becomes covered in a plethora of Regenerative Tumors. Regenerative Tumor has a Daily Use pool equal to half (½) of the Mutant’s Grit Attribute, combined into a shared pool with Knockout. As a Rapid Action or Reaction, the Mutant can expend a Daily Use to burst a Regenerative Tumor on their body and quickly recover Hit Points.

Regenerative Tumor Recovery

Grit Attribute + Healing Modifier = Hit Point Recovery


As a Master Mutant, at Mutant Rank Ten (10), the Mutant can assume their terrifying Nemesis Form once per Long Rest for their Effect Duration in minutes. While in the Nemesis Form, the Mutant is considered to have all Altered States active at once, providing the Attribute Bonus to their Power, Skill, and Grit Attributes simultaneously. Additionally, when using Heroics with an effect dependent on the Mutant’s Altered State, the Mutant may select the Altered State to use for the Heroic.

Mutant Perks

Malleable Genetics

Prerequisite: Embedded Injector

Increase your Gene Sample Capacity to your Full Grit Attribute.

Altered Perception

Prerequisite: Extrasensory Perception

Your Extrasensory Perception Bonus also applies to your Perception Ability Checks. 

Social Chameleon

Prerequisite: Elasticity

Your Elasticity bonus also applies to your Charm -based Ability Checks, in addition to Power and Skill-based Ability Checks. 

Flux Adaptation

Prerequisite: Genetic Adaptation

You can shift to a different Altered State as a Full Action, even during Combat. 

Metastatic Repair

Prerequisite: Regenerative Tumor

Your Regenerative Tumors restore Twice(2*) as many Hit Points.


Prerequisite: Nemesis

Increase the Effect Duration of your Nemesis Form to Hours, up from Minutes. 

Mutant Heroics

Adaptive Resistance

Prerequisite: Mutant(Rank 1) 

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Reaction

As a Reaction to suffering Force Damage (including Elemental Damage), you receive the bonus of your Extrasensory Perception Class Feature as Damage Resistance against all Sources of Force Damage until your next Turn. 

Stunning Toxin

Prerequisite: Mutant(Rank 2) 

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Embedded Injector

As a part of a successful Toxin Dosage through a Knockout, you can inject your Target with a dose of Toxin that inflicts the Stun Condition on its Target for as long as it persists. Each Round, the Target must pass a Physical Save against your Physical Impact to resist the Stun Condition for a single Turn. 


Prerequisite: Mutant(Rank 3) 

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Stance

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a Move Action, you utilize your Elasticity Class Feature to move about the Environment deftly. You can fit into Spaces up to Two(2) Sizes Smaller than usual and apply your Reach bonus to your distances cleared when Climbing or Jumping as a part of Exploring for the Effect Duration. 


Prerequisite: Mutant(Rank 4) 

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Stance

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a Move Action, you can consume a stored Gene Sample from your Embedded Injector Class Feature to instantly develop a new Genetic Expression, such as fur, wings, claws, tentacles, or any other trait from the Creature from which you took the sample. You can gain One(1) of the following Enhancements for the Effect Duration: Burrow, Echolocate, Flight, Invisible, Mercurial, Nightvision, Scent, Spyderwalk, Waterwalk, or Waterbreathing. Splice destroys the Gene Sample as part of the transformation process.

Alter State

Prerequisite: Mutant(Rank 5) 

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Full Action

As a Full Action, you can select a new Altered State for your Genetic Adaptation Class Feature.

Adapted Strike

Prerequisite: Mutant(Rank 6) 

AP Cost: 60

Action Type: Melee Weapon Attack

Range: Weapon Range

Effect Duration: Until Treated/Rounds

As a Standard Action, while your Altered State is Active, unleash a strike that alters to match the current manifestation of your Genetic Adaptation Class Feature, inflicting your normal Weapon and an additional effect to an Adjacent Target. If in the Shredder Altered State, you inflict 1D8 Slash Damage for every Point of your Power Attribute and a Stack of the Bleed Injury for every Two(2) Points of your Power Attribute until Treated. If in the Wraith Altered State, you inflict 1D8 Pierce Damage for every Point of your Skill Attribute and a Stack of the Poison Injury for every Two(2) Points of your Skill Attribute for the Effect Duration. If in the Behemoth Altered State, you inflict 1D8 Crush Damage for every Point of your Power Attribute and knockback Affected Targets One(1) Pace away from you for every Two(2) Points of your Power Attribute. 

Stem Reconstruction

Prerequisite: Mutant(Rank 7) 

AP Cost: 70

Action Type: Regenerative Tumor

As an Alternate Use of your Regenerative Tumor Class Feature, you can remove a single Injury Effect from yourself. 


Prerequisite: Mutant(Rank 8) 

AP Cost: 80

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Double(2*) Speed(Charge)

As a Full Action, while Altered State is Active, you can use your elastic body to launch yourself in a straight line in any direction up to Twice(2*) your Speed as a Charge, with the results of your Charge changing depending on your current Altered State. If in the Shredder Altered State, you inflict 1D10 Slash Damage for every Point of your Power Attribute to any Adjacent Target and inflict the Corroded Condition to any Equipped Armor. In the Wraith State, you impose 1D10 Pierce Damage for every Point of your Skill Attribute to any Targets within the Range of your Elasticity Class Feature that Bypasses all forms of Damage Resistance. In the Behemoth Altered State, you inflict 1D10 Crush Damage for every Point of your Grit Attribute to any Adjacent Targets while knocking them Prone and converting all Adjacent Terrain into Debris Difficult Terrain. Affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Physical Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½) and Negate any Conditions or Forced Movement Effects.

Split Assault

Prerequisite: Mutant(Rank 9) 

AP Cost: 90

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Weapon Range

As a Full Action, while in your Altered State, you can attempt Three(3) Melee Weapon Attacks against any number of Targets within your Weapon Range by diverging your body into your different Altered States during the assault. In addition to your normal Weapon Damage, if successful, the first(1st) Attack will deal an additional 1D10 Slash Damage for every Point of your Power Attribute, the second(2nd) Attack inflicts an additional 1D10 Pierce Damage for every Point of your Skill Attribute and the third(3rd) Attack inflicts a further 1D10 Crush Damage for every Point of your Grit Attribute. 

Symbiotic Expulsion

Prerequisite: Mutant(Rank 10) 

AP Cost: 100

Action Type: Stance

Effect Duration: Minutes

As Move Action, you can assume an abominable Stance by temporarily expelling one of your Altered States from your body to act on your behalf. For the Effect Duration, as a Rapid Action, you can manifest an Altered State into an Adjacent Space that can carry out a Full Action on your behalf, dissolving into a puddle of goo after completing their task. Your Symbiotic Expulsion can perform any Action as though you were attempting it, including Heroic Actions. Heroics used by the Symbiotic Expulsion are deducted from your Current Action Points at Half(½) Cost. You can not expel your currently chosen Altered State.