
Fortify Your Life


“If you can’t adapt your world, adapt yourself.”

~ Horace Whitaker, Homestead Engineer

People like to get caught up in their ideas of how things should be. It distracts them from work needed to be done right now. Regardless of their beliefs, the world still needs someone who can swing a wrench. It’s easy to forget that Engineers do the heavy lifting for society regarding critical architecture and infrastructure.

As the hybridization of the Cavalier and Mechanic Base Classes, the Engineer is the ultimate defender with a vast array of mechanical tools and constructs available to work at their command. The trademark of an Engineer is their mighty constructed companion, the Golem, that they can outfit with a plethora of effective upgrades. The Engineer can administer a defensive network, create auto-turrets, and maintain significant sturdy structures.

Historically Speaking

The few surviving members of the Engineering Corps of the Fonterra went on to found Anvil, an Axian construction and excavation corporation, which still exists today as a long-standing member of Vercon. It was Anvil that put Axis on the map, literally. Engineers working under the firm stripped the interior of the Cardinal Khan to construct a mega metropolis as humanity had never before seen. The construction of Axis within the Khan took hundreds of years to see through to fruition. Nevertheless, their works and practices inspired construction methods the world over, particularly within the Armistician Empire and the Fourneau Sect of Requiem. Following a number of infrastructural disasters, such as the Great Collapse, the modern rules of Engineering have been written in stone and blood.

The Modern Engineer

Moreso than other Mechanics, an Engineer understands the gravity of their work and how it can affect the population at large. But this understanding of what makes a structure safe also makes them just as dangerous when tearing down an established institution. These walking factories are responsible for building a world fit for any who walks it. Modern Engineers are one of the most vital parts of any Company due to their defensive coverage, mechanical expertise, and indomitable presence. An Engineer can easily find a career as a constructor, guard, or inventor. However, unscrupulous Engineers can construct horrid war machines capable of widespread destruction.

Class Features

The Engineer's Class Features are focused on reinforcing a defense network, manufacturing automated defenses, and constructing fortifications. In addition, the Engineer Class benefits from having high Will, Grit, and Focus Attributes.


Hit Points Per Rank: +8

Action Points Per Rank: +4

Equipment Training

Weapons: Blade, Hammer, Launcher, Lumen Driver, Matrix Controller, Omni Kit, Polearm, Thrown

Armor: Heavy Armor, Light Armor, Plate Armor, Energy Shield, Heavy Shield, Light Shield

Elements: Biotic, Cryonic, Electric, Pyrotic

Class Abilities

At Engineer Rank One (1), a Character receives the following pair of Class Abilities:

Innate Class Abilities: Engineering/Investigation

They gain a bonus to Class Ability Checks equivalent to half (½) of their Engineer Rank. An additional Class Ability from the following list is chosen at Engineer Ranks Three (3), Five (5), and Seven (7):

Selected Class Abilities: Athletics, Culture, Drive, Electronics, Perception, Tact

Engineer Ranks

When distributing a Class Rank, remember that a Character’s Hybrid Class Rank cannot exceed both of a Character’s Base Class Ranks.

Engineers see the most benefit from investing in a high Will Attribute, enhancing Class Features such as Mason, Force Armor, Effect Duration, Initiative, and any Apothicine, Investigation, Nature, or Perception Ability Checks. Engineer players also see benefits from having a high Grit Attribute, improving their Class Features such as Golem, pumping up their pool of Hit Points and Total Essence, and increasing their overall survivability. Engineer players also see benefits from having a high Focus Attribute, enhancing Cast Attacks, increasing their Total Action Points and available Action Slots, and benefiting any Arcana, Electronics, or Engineering Ability Checks.

Rank-by-Rank Attributes/Features

Rank One (1). Will (+2), Power (+1), Grit (+1)—Golem, Defense Matrix

Rank Two (2). Pick (+1), Skill (+1)

Rank Three (3). Focus (+1), Will (+1)—Drone Model: Explorer

Rank Four (4). Pick (+1), Charm (+1)

Rank Five (5). Grit (+1), Focus (+1), Will (+1)—Auto-Turret

Rank Six (6). Pick (+1), Skill (+1)

Rank Seven (7). Focus (+1), Will (+1)—Mason

Rank Eight (8). Pick (+1), Charm (+1)

Rank Nine (9). Power (+1), Grit (+1)

Rank Ten (10). Will (+2), Skill (+1), Grit (+1), Focus (+1)—Fortress


Beginning at Engineer Rank One (1), the Engineer gains access to the following Rituals:

Golem Construction

Prerequisite: Engineer

Action Type: Ritual (8 hour)

As a Ritual at a Forge during Downtime, the Engineer can spend eight (8) hours constructing a Golem, a Medium-sized mechanical companion creature. The Golem is loyal, sentient, and intelligent but unable to communicate; however, it can perform complex tasks and follow detailed instructions. The Golem maintains a constant connection with the Engineer, can convey information and receive new commands in real-time at any distance, and does not need to be Bound to a Matrix Controller or use Bandwidth. During Combat, the Golem acts on the Engineer's turn with its own set of actions. In addition, the Golem may perform Power-based or Skill-based Ability Checks using the Engineer's Ability Statistics. The Golem can perform Heroics by pulling directly from the Engineer’s pool of Action Points.

Golem Statistics

(10+Engineer's Grit)*Character Level = Total Hit Points

2+(Half (½) Engineer's Skill)= Golem Speed

(1D10/2 Engineer’s Will Attribute) + Engineer's Cast Damage Bonus = Golem Damage (Crush)

Golem Tune-up

Prerequisite: Engineer

Action Type: Ritual (1 hour)

As a Ritual at a Forge during Downtime, the Engineer spends one (1) hour installing or swapping out the Golem with a upgrade from the list below. The Golem can have a maximum number of Golem Upgrades equivalent to half (½) of the Engineer's Will Attribute.

Golem Upgrades

Adamantite Plating. The Golem retains a Barrier Enhancement bonus to Damage Reduction against all Damage Types equivalent to half (½) of the Engineer’s Grit Attribute.

Apothical Module. During Downtime, the Golem can function as a fully equipped Apothical Laboratory. Using the Engineer's statistics, the Golem can now attempt Apothicine and Nature Ability Checks.

Archive Relay. During Downtime, the Golem can function as a fully equipped Archive Link. Using the Engineer's statistics, the Golem can now attempt Arcana and Electronics Ability Checks.

Bouncer Frame. Increase the Golem’s physical Size from Medium to Large.

Chest Cannon. The Golem is equipped with a Launcher Weapon with a Weapon Range equivalent to half (½) the Engineer’s Will Attribute that can be loaded with explosive munitions and fired. Using the Engineer's statistics, the Golem can now attempt Ranged Attacks.

Combat Processor. The Golem can now attempt the Disarm, Impale, Knockback, and Trip Maneuvers.

Exosuit. As a Full Action, the Engineer can equip or unequip the Golem as Gear to their Body Gear Slot. While wearing their Golem, the Engineer is granted the direct benefit of any installed Golem Upgrades. The Golem’s remaining Hit Points are transferred to the Engineer as Temporary Hit Points. If this pool of Temporary Hit Points is reduced to zero (0), the Golem is instantly destroyed.

Kinetic Thrusters. The Golem’s base Speed is increased (+2).

Personable Programming. The Golem is uploaded with a personality and gains the ability to speak any human language. Using the Engineer's statistics, the Golem can now attempt any Charm-based Ability Checks.

Plasma Forge. During Downtime, the Golem can function as a fully equipped Forge. Using the Engineer's statistics, the Golem can now attempt Drive and Engineering Ability Checks.

Pneumatic Actuators. The Golem’s base Damage roll is increased to 1D6 per point of the Engineer’s Will Attribute.

Rocket Grip. The Golem can now attempt the Grapple Maneuver. Additionally, the Golem’s arms have been outfitted with retractable extensions with an Effective Range equivalent to half (½) of the Engineer’s Will Attribute. As a Full Action, the Golem can fire Rocket Grip through a contested Maneuver to initiate a Grapple with an opponent, pulling a target of lesser Size to an adjacent space. Alternatively, the Golem can utilize Rocket Grip to assist their movements or claim an unattended object.

Scramblewall. The Golem receives Immunity to the Command and Possession Miscognitions and the Jammed Condition.

Storage Compartments. The Golem now has an inventory capable of storing a number of items equivalent to half (½) of the Engineer’s Grit Attribute.

Turret Mount. The Golem can be mounted with an Engineer’s Auto-Turret that fires on targets designated by the Golem. This Auto-Turret is counted separately from the Engineer’s Auto-Turret Capacity.

Defense Matrix

Beginning at Engineer Rank One (1), the Engineer can facilitate Missile Deflect through Cast Attacks. The Engineer's Cover Condition bonus to Armor from Provide Cover extends to targets being assisted by their Drone. The Engineer's Golem also extends Provide Cover to an adjacent comrade. Additionally, the Golem can attempt Missile Deflect as a Reaction, using the Engineer’s Cast Attack to Parry.

Drone Model: Explorer

Beginning at Engineer Rank Three (3), the Engineer gains access to the navigational Explorer Drone, capable of operating far outside the Effective Range of their Matrix Controller. The Explorer Drone’s function range extends by three (3) paces per point of the Engineer's Will Attribute. As a Standard Action, the Engineer can command their Explorer Drone to deploy an infrascan centered at any point within the Explorer's Range. The Explorer scans its immediate surroundings, instantly Revealing any beings, creatures, traps, objects, or pathways within a Radius (5) that are Invisible or Hidden by Stealth. Anything Revealed in this way cannot become hidden again for as long as the Explorer Drone maintains the infrascan. The Explorer Drone can retain infrascan in a fixed location for as long as the Engineer remains within the Effective Range. The Engineer can redirect an actively scanning Explorer Drone to a new point within the Explorer Effect Range as Move Action.


Beginning at Engineer Rank Five (5), as a Full Action, the Engineer can rapidly construct an Automatic Gun Turret. The Auto-Turret indiscriminately fires on any Hostile targets within range. During Combat, each active Auto-Turret fires once end of each Round. The Engineer can only maintain a number of active Auto-Turrets equivalent to half (½) of their Will Attribute. At the time of their construction, the Engineer Rolls 1D10 per point of their Will Attribute to establish an Auto-Turret’s Hit Points and an Engineering Ability Check to determine the Auto-Turret’s offensive capabilities. The Auto-Turret lasts until destroyed, utilizing the Engineer's Armor and Saves and other defensive values when targeted by an Attack. When the Turret fires on a target, weigh the established Engineering Ability Check against the target's Physical Armor. If the Attack exceeds the Armor, the target suffers 1D8 Pierce Damage for every 2 points of the Engineer's Will Attribute. An Auto-Turret has Ammo (4) and must be loaded with a single Repeater Magazine to function. The Engineer can reload an Auto-Turret as a Rapid Action. Additionally, the Engineer can issue a Kill Command to any number of their Auto-Turrets as a Free Action, instantly destroying the Auto-Turret(s).


Once at Engineer Rank Seven (7), the Engineer increases the size (length, width, or height) of any wall, barrier, or stationary construct by one (1) Space per point of their Will Attribute. The Engineer’s Heroics and Class Features that create, build, or erect walls, barriers, objects, devices, or structures as a part of the action performed an action type faster. (Full → Standard → Move → Rapid)


As a Master Engineer, at Engineer Rank Ten (10), the Engineer gains access to the following Ritual:

Deploy Fortress

Prerequisite: Engineer

Action Type: Ritual (8 hour)

As a Ritual during Downtime, the Engineer spends eight (8) hours constructing a device that unfurls into a mighty Fortress, large enough to house their entire Company easily. Once built, the Fortress protects its inhabitants while they rest during Downtime. Those sleeping within the Fortress have access to all stations for crafting, creating, and planning during their Downtime. The Fortress can only exist while the Engineer is present. If the Engineer were to leave the grounds for more than a week, the Fortress would collapse into nothingness.

Engineer Perks

Projectile Control

Prerequisite: Defense Matrix

You can attempt to Missile Deflect any projectile within your Effective Matrix Range.

Battle Build

Prerequisite: Golem

Increase your Golem's bonus to Armor, Saves, Impacts, and Maneuvers to your Full Will Attribute.

All Seeing Eye

Prerequisite: Drone Model: Explorer

Your Explorer's Infrascan Radius is Doubled (2*) to Ten(10) Paces.

Efficient Loader

Prerequisite: Auto-Turret

Increase the Ammo Capacity of your Auto-Turrets by Three(3).


Prerequisite: Mason

Adjacent Walls, Objects, or Structures can be made Indestructible by your Provide Cover.

Home Defense

Prerequisite: Fortress

Your Fortress is constructed equipped with your total capacity of Auto-Turrets, fully loaded and operational.

Engineer Heroics

Repair Matrix

Prerequisite: Engineer(Rank 1) 

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Defense Matrix

As a Full Action, release a stream of reparative nanites that instantly restore Hit Points to any Mechanical Creatures or Machines that are within the coverage of your Defense Matrix Class Feature. You restore 1D10 Hit Points for every Two(2) Points of your Will Attribute in addition to your Repair Modifier to all Affected Targets. Repair Matrix can also be used to repair Damaged walls, doors, and other structures. 

Manifest Structure

Prerequisite: Engineer(Rank 2) 

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Ritual(One)

As a Ritual during a Rest Period, you can spend One(1) or more Hours rapidly constructing your designed structure, including walls, pillars, and internal fixtures. Your construct can occupy One(1) Space for every Two(2) Points of your Will Attribute for each Hour spent on its construction. 


Prerequisite: Engineer(Rank 3) 

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Half(½) Will Attribute (Radius)

As a Standard Action, you can issue your Explorer Drone to enter its Oculatus mode. While in this form, your Explorer Drone maintains a constant Infrascan around you in a Radius equal to Half(½) of your Will Attribute. While in Oculatus, in addition to the other effects of Infrascan, you are granted immunity to Sneak Attacks. Oculatus persists until your Explorer Drone is issued a new Command. 


Prerequisite: Engineer(Rank 4) 

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Adjacent

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Standard Action, you can slap an Adjacent Machine or Mechanic Creature with a healthy slab of Repair Nanites, granting your Target a Stack of the Regeneration Enhancement for every Point of your Will Attribute for the Effect Duration.

Suit Up

Prerequisite: Engineer(Rank 5) 

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Ritual (Four Hour)

As a Ritual at a Forge during a Rest Period, you can spend Four(4) Hours converting your Golem into a pilotable frame. Then, as a Full Action, you can equip your Golem as a suit of armor, granting yourself all of your Golem’s Upgrades for personal use. Your Golem’s Current Hit Points are given to you as Temporary Hit Points. If your Temporary Hit Points were to reach Zero(0), your Golem dies instantly, ending the effects of Suit Up. You can exit Suit Up as a Move Action, immediately reconstructing your Golem with its Current Hit Points equal to the remaining Temporary Hit Points. 

Ballistic Command

Prerequisite: Engineer(Rank 6) 

AP Cost: 60

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Matrix Range/Auto-Turret Range(Line)

As a Standard Action, you can use your Matrix Controller to issue a Command to an Auto-Turret to dump its entire payload as a barrage of Attacks that strike all Targets in a straight line within your Auto-Turret’s Weapon Range, inflicting an instance of your Auto-Turret’s Damage to all Targets in the Affected Area for each remaining Ammo expended by the Auto-Turret. In addition, affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Auto-Turret’s Engineering Ability Check to cut any Damage in Half(½).

Guardian Charge

Prerequisite: Engineer(Rank 7) 

AP Cost: 70

Action Type: Standard Action/Reaction

Range: Double(2*) Speed(Charge

As a Standard Action or a Reaction to being in the Path of Travel of a Charging Creature, you can issue an emergency call to your Golem. Your Golem instantly breaks into a sprint in a straight line towards you up to Twice(2*) its Speed as a Charge, knocking Prone any equal-sized Creatures or smaller with 1D8 Crush Damage for every Point of your Grit Attribute, ending its Charge to protect you. If you are within the Path of Travel of a Charging Target, your Golem will intercept the Charger to become the new Target. Affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½) and Negate the Forced Movement Effect. 


Prerequisite: Engineer(Rank 8) 

AP Cost: 80

Action Type: Ritual(Eight Hour)

As Ritual at a Forge during a Rest Period, you can spend Eight(8) Hours to hybridize your Steed and Golem into a single Massive-sized Sentient Vehicle that can support and transport up to Eight(8) Medium-sized Creatures. Your Panzer has a number of Hit Points equal to the combined Hit Points of your Golem and Steed while still using your Rolls and Statistics as needed. The Panzer is as conscious and intelligent as your Golem and Steed and continues to benefit from any Perks, Heroics, or Upgrades granted to either. 

Hyperion Buster

Prerequisite: Engineer(Rank 9) 

AP Cost: 90

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Will Attribute(Line)

As a Full Action, while Adjacent to, wearing or piloting your Golem, you can convert your Golem into a massive cannon where it stands, channeling an enormous beam of deadly lighting that inflicts 3D6 Electric Damage for every Point of your Will Attribute against all Targets in a straight line up to your Will Attribute in Range. Affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½). Any Creatures killed by Hyperion Buster are vaporized to ashes, leaving no trace behind. In addition, Hyperion Buster instantly destroys any Structure within its Affected Area. 

Base Of Operations

Prerequisite: Engineer(Rank 10) 

AP Cost: 100

Action Type: Fortress

As a part of your Fortress Class Feature, you can make your Fortress a permanent installation, allowing it to persist without your presence.