
Unbreakable Inertia


“Fire everything you’ve got; I’m not going anywhere.”

~ Kyri Piston, Homestead Juggernaut

How does someone hold up under pressure? When a threat encroaches on everything they hold precious, how do they keep the darkness at bay? To repeat a Juggernaut's guidance: "One can find more time in the deepest breaths.” Heavy gunners should know a thing or two about operating under pressure.

As the hybridization of the Marine and Cavalier Base Classes, the Juggernaut is an unstoppable bulwark on the battlefield, well-suited for defending a position or providing cover for Allies under fire. The trademark of a Juggernaut is their ability to manage their Ammunition and their Action Economy while handling heavy Ranged Weapons. The Juggernaut can interrupt Ranged Attacks, rapidly reload multiple guns at once, and increase their Initiative whenever they aim.

Historically Speaking

The Juggernaut can trace their history to the outset of the joint invasion of the Kronin Canyon by Axian Corporations and the Armistician Empire, known to history as the Nexus War. Empire Cavalry units were outfitted with heavyweight chainguns, and the Empire trained their riders extensively in tactical logistics and defensive support. These Juggernauts played a crucial role in pushing and holding the line of engagement during the invasion against Krone Forces. While the raid was ultimately a failure for the Empire, the Juggernauts were considered highly influential during the conflict, and their training and combat methodology were permanently adopted into the Empire's military lexicon. Juggernauts set new standards for equipment and inventory maintenance that ripples throughout the ranks of the Empire to this day.  Heavy gunners throughout the Oversalt still rely on methods derived during the Nexus War for best practices in aerial defense and ammunition management.

The Modern Juggernaut

Juggernauts these days make the backbone of any organization, often serving as pilots or gunners aboard a ship or vessel. Others help ground forces or ride personal vehicles, operating heavy equipment and laying down fire support where needed. Some Juggernauts have even been recorded as having a ferocious beast companion that they ride into battle. A modern Juggernaut makes for great auxiliary support for any Company, as they are unrelenting gunmen, stalwart defenders, and enduring operatives. A Juggernaut can quickly settle into a career with a guardian, marauder, or sailor role. Unscrupulous Juggernauts ride through the wilds unleashing an endless hail of gunfire on passersby.

Class Features

The Juggernaut's Class Features are focused on holding down a defensive position and providing supporting fire and ammunition management. The Juggernaut Class benefits from having high Skill, Will, and Grit Attributes.


Hit Points Per Rank: +9

Action Points Per Rank: +2

Equipment Training

Weapons: Blade, Chaingun, Hammer, Launcher, Polearm, Rifle, Shotgun, Thrown

Armor: Heavy Armor, Plate Armor, Heavy Shield, Light Shield

Elements: Biotic, Cryonic, Electric, Pyrotic

Class Abilities

At Juggernaut Rank One (1), a Character receives the following pair of Class Abilities:

Innate Class Abilities: Drive/Investigation

They gain a bonus to Class Ability Checks equivalent to half (½) of their Juggernaut Rank. An additional Class Ability from the following list is chosen at Juggernaut Ranks Three (3), Five (5), and Seven (7):

Selected Class Abilities: Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, Tact

Juggernaut Ranks

When distributing a Class Rank, remember that a Character’s Hybrid Class Rank cannot exceed both of a Character’s Base Class Ranks.

Juggernauts benefit from a high Skill Attribute, enhancing Class Features such as Dreadnaut Armor, their Ranged Attacks, their Physical Armor, their Initiative and Speed, their effectiveness with Maneuvers, and any Acrobatics, Drive, and Stealth Ability Checks. In addition, Juggernaut players significantly benefit from a high Grit Attribute, enhancing their Class Features such as Ammo Dump, pumping up their pool of Hit Points and Total Essence, and increasing their overall survivability. Juggernaut players also benefit from investing in a high Will Attribute, enhancing Force Armor, Effect Duration, and Initiative while increasing any Apothicine, Investigation, Nature, or Perception Ability Checks.

Rank-by-Rank Attributes/Features

Rank One (1). Skill (+2), Power (+1), Grit (+1)—Walking Bunker, Missile Defense

Rank Two (2). Pick (+1), Charm (+1)

Rank Three (3). Skill (+1), Will (+1)—Dreadnaut Armor

Rank Four (4). Pick (+1), Focus (+1)

Rank Five (5). Skill (+1), Grit (+1), Will (+1)—Ammo Dump

Rank Six (6). Pick (+1), Charm (+1)

Rank Seven (7). Skill (+1), Will (+1)—Center Mass

Rank Eight (8). Pick (+1), Focus (+1)

Rank Nine (9). Power (+1), Grit (+1)

Rank Ten (10). Skill (+2), Grit (+1), Will (+1), Charm (+1)—Bullet Storm

Walking Bunker

Beginning at Juggernaut Rank One (1), whenever the Juggernaut uses Draw a Bead, the Precision Enhancement bonus to Ranged Attack and Damage Rolls extends to any adjacent comrades protected by Provide Cover. While the Juggernaut has any Two-Handed Ranged Weapon equipped, they are considered to be wearing a Heavy Shield and retain all of the accompanying Equipment Bonuses and Encumbrances of wearing one. The Juggernaut's Two-Handed Ranged Training also grants access to Heavy Shield Heroics of comparable Rank.

Missile Defense

Beginning at Juggernaut Rank One (1), in response to a comrade becoming the target of a Ranged Attack by a gunner within the Juggernaut’s equipped Weapon Range, the Juggernaut may expend a round of Ammo to attempt a Parry against an incoming Attack roll with a Ranged Attack as a Reaction.

Dreadnaut Armor

Beginning at Juggernaut Rank Three (3), the Juggernaut upgrades their armor to feed off their kinetic inertia. Whenever the Juggernaut uses Draw a Bead, they increase their current Initiative in the Order of Priority by an amount equal to half (½) of their Skill Attribute. If the Juggernaut passes another Character in the Order of Priority due to this increase, they take their turn before that Character or foe while executing actions. If the Juggernaut has the highest Initiative of any combatant at the beginning of a new Round, their Initiative resets to zero (0), allowing them to take two (2) turns, once at the start and once at the end of the Round.

Ammo Dump

Beginning at Juggernaut Rank Five (5), the Juggernaut gains a Style Enhancement bonus to the Ammo Capacity of their Ranged Weapons equivalent to half (½) of their Grit Attribute. In addition, whenever the Juggernaut Reloads a Ranged Weapon, any adjacent comrades can also Reload a Ranged Weapon as a Reaction.

Center Mass

Once at Juggernaut Rank Seven (7), whenever the Juggernaut successfully lands a Ranged Attack, they can expend an extra round of Ammo to attempt an additional Ranged Attack. Extra Attacks made in this way cannot Critically Hit or be used to trigger any effects or abilities but otherwise deal typical Weapon Damage, if successful. In addition, Center Mass can be activated for each successful Ranged Attack made per round, including those from Class Features and Heroics that include Multiple Attack rolls as a part of the action. Center Mass can also be triggered whenever the Juggernaut successfully deflects a Ranged Attack with Missile Defense.

Bullet Storm

As a Master Juggernaut, once at Juggernaut Rank Ten (10), the Juggernaut can maintain a constant hail of gunfire. Whenever the Juggernaut fails to hit a target with a Ranged Attack roll, they can expend an extra round of Ammo to reroll their Attack. The Juggernaut can continue to reroll Ranged Attacks in this way until they hit the target or run out of Ammo, whichever happens first.

Juggernaut Perks

Barrel Chested

Prerequisite: Walking Bunker

You no longer incur Encumbrance from equipping a Chaingun Weapon or a Heavy Shield.

Ruin Trajectory

Prerequisite: Missile Defense

Your Ranged Attacks made as a part of no longer consume Ammo.

Kinetic Exosuit

Prerequisite: Dreadnaut Armor

Your Dreadnaut Armor triggers the Initiative Charge every Turn, instead of only when using Draw A Bead.

Trigger Guard

Prerequisite: Ammo Dump

You become Immune to harmful effects that Force the expenditure of Ammo from your Ranged Weapons.

Efficient Grouping

Prerequisite: Center Mass

The bonus Ranged Attacks of Center Mass no longer cost a round of Ammo. 


Prerequisite: Bullet Storm

Your consecutive Ranged Attacks made through Bullet Storm receive a plus Three(+3) bonus to Attack Rolls for each Attack missed this Turn.

Juggernaut Heroics

Return Fire

Prerequisite: Juggernaut(Rank 1) 

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Missile Defense

Whenever you successfully deflect a Ranged Weapon Attack with your Missile Defense Class Feature, you can expend One(1) Additional Ammo to inflict your normal Weapon Damage to the Attacker.

Body Slam

Prerequisite: Juggernaut(Rank 2) 

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Melee Weapon Attack

Range: Adjacent

As a Standard Action, you can attempt a Melee Weapon Attack by throwing the total weight of your equipment into a shoulder charge against an Adjacent Target. If successful, in addition to normal Weapon Damage, your Target suffers 1D10 Crush Damage for every Two(2) Points of your Grit Attribute and for each point of Encumbrance your Equipment imposes before any reductions. Your Target is knocked back a single Pace away from you. The Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Attack Roll to cut any Damage in Half(½) and Negate the Forced Movement Effect.

Blast Shields

Prerequisite: Juggernaut(Rank 3) 

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Move Action

Range: Adjacent

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Move Action, you can deploy Two(2) fortified Blast Shields in any Two(2) Adjacent Spaces that persist for the Effect Duration before dissolving into nothingness. Additionally, any Comrades Adjacent to a Blast Shield can benefit from your Provide Cover Class Feature. 


Prerequisite: Juggernaut(Rank 4) 

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Ranged Weapon Attack

Range: Weapon Range

As a Full Action, you can attempt a compiling number of Two(2) Handed Ranged Weapon Attacks against a single Target within Weapon Range. Then, for each Ranged Weapon Attack made after the first, increase the Ammo spent per Attack Roll by an additional plus One(+1). You can continue firing in this way until you need to Reload. 

Depot Loader

Prerequisite: Juggernaut(Rank 5) 

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Reload

Range: Adjacent

As a part of Reloading a Ranged Weapon, you can simultaneously Reload a single Ranged Weapon for any Adjacent Comrade in tandem.

Hyper Feeder

Prerequisite: Juggernaut(Rank 6) 

AP Cost: 60

Action Type: Move Action

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Move Action, you can activate a flawless Hyper Feeder into your Ranged Weapons’ firing mechanism. For the Effect Duration, whenever you successfully inflict Ranged Weapon Damage, you can expend an extra One(1) Ammo to inflict Maximum Damage. 

Bullet Riddle

Prerequisite: Juggernaut(Rank 7) 

AP Cost: 70

Action Type: Center Mass

As a part of your Center Mass Class Feature, you can continue attempting Ranged Weapon Attacks until you miss or your Ammo is depleted. 


Prerequisite: Juggernaut(Rank 8) 

AP Cost: 80

Action Type: Ritual(One Hour)

As a Ritual at a Forge during a Rest Period, you can spend One(1) Hour heavily outfitting your Mount or Vehicle from your Steed Class Feature to spearhead the battlefront. In addition, your Steed is granted immunity to Piercing Damage and now breaks Line of Sight for Hostile Creatures until your next Rest Period. 

Lead Generator

Prerequisite: Juggernaut(Rank 9) 

AP Cost: 90

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Adjacent

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a Full Action, you can produce a unique Device that automatically generates live Ammo directly within Ranged Weapons. For the Effect Duration, you or any Adjacent Comrade can restore One(1) Ammo to a Ranged weapon as a Rapid Action. 


Prerequisite: Juggernaut(Rank 10) 

AP Cost: 100

Action Type: Full Action

As a Full Action, you can attempt a number of Ranged Weapon Attacks equal to Half(½) of your Skill Attribute against any number of Targets within Weapon Range. If you run out of Ammo at any time during your assault, you can instantly Reload your Ranged Weapon to continue firing.