
First Blood


“Don’t you feel it? That sour, burning terror clogs your veins. Making you slow. Docile. It's a personal favorite.”

~ Charles Klein, Axian Ranger

There are deadly things in the wilderness: all fauna and flora exhibit many elusive, enduring, and fatal traits and mutations. Understanding and embracing the wild's ways takes a unique blend of grit and knowledge. Those that feel most at home in this natural element, Rangers, utilize the tools made by nature to forge a new destiny.

In hybridizing the Marine and Apothic Base Classes, the Ranger is a master survivalist, using their advanced knowledge of Apothicine and Nature to create deadly traps and poisons. The trademark of a Ranger is their ability to erect horrific effigies to spread fear amongst their enemies. In addition, the Ranger can construct hidden surprises, fire poison-filled cartridges, and create gruesome trophies out of their kills.

Historically Speaking

The Ranger can trace their earliest history to the settlers of the Veiled Forest, which lies as a shifting border between the territories of the Corporations of Axis and the Holy City of Requiem. Those that ventured into the woodlands to establish settlements, townships, or homesteads quickly discovered the inhospitality of the deadly wildlife beneath the misted canopies. Over generations, the strongest among the survivors pulled lessons in marksmanship learned from Axian mercenaries, the naturalistic traditions of the Verdant Sect of the Path, and tips and tricks told in the tall tales of Homestead campfires. Most notably, well-studied survivalists compiled and printed a Survival Handbook out of the tested methodologies, titled Surviving the Range, a famous tome whose knowledge and application set the fundamentals for surviving on one's own in the Frontierland. Dedicated adventurers, called Rangers, still adhere to the principles established by that manual all those years ago.

The Modern Ranger

The one true constant of Salt is the lethality of its environment. Expert survivalists are in high demand for operations outside the protection of heavy walls. Others still bring the deadly tools of nature into urban tracking and warfare. Rangers construct deadly traps and potent poisons to utilize lethal efficiency. Modern Rangers are more than capable of surviving the Frontierland on their own but find themselves sought by Companies for their skills as expert pathfinders, masterful hunters, and knowledgeable pharmacists. Typically, a Ranger falls into a career as a guide, tracker, or forager. Unscrupulous Rangers set deadly Ambushes in isolated areas, waiting for their next victim.

Class Features

The Ranger's Class Features focus on setting hidden traps, poisoning creatures with various effects, and collecting and displaying trophies. The Ranger Class benefits from having high Skill, Will, and Charm Attributes.


Hit Points Per Rank: +8

Action Points Per Rank: +4

Equipment Training

Weapons: Chaingun, Handcannon, Light Melee, Longarm, Shotgun, Sidearm, Thrown

Armor: Cloth Armor, Light Armor, Light Shield

Elements: Biotic, Cryonic, Electric, Pyrotic

Class Abilities

At Ranger Rank One (1), a Character receives the following pair of Class Abilities:

Innate Class Abilities: Apothicine/Nature

They gain a bonus to Class Ability Checks equivalent to half (½) of their Ranger Rank. An additional Class Ability from the following list is chosen at Ranger Ranks Three (3), Five (5), and Seven (7):

Selected Class Abilities: Acrobatics, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Stealth, Tact

Ranger Ranks

When distributing a Class Rank, remember that a Character’s Hybrid Class Rank cannot exceed both of a Character’s Base Class Ranks.

Rangers see the most benefit from a high Skill Attribute, enhancing Class Features such as Trapper, Ranged Attacks, Physical Armor, Initiative and Speed, effectiveness with Maneuvers, and any Acrobatics, Drive, and Stealth Ability Checks. Ranger players can also benefit from a high Charm Attribute, allowing them to assume the role of the Company face, enhancing Class Features such as Opportunist, providing a bonus to their Healing Modifier, and increasing their Culture, Deception, Intimidation, and Tact Ability Checks. Ranger players can also benefit from investing in a high Will Attribute, enhancing Force Armor, Effect Duration, and Initiative while improving any Apothicine, Investigation, Nature, or Perception Ability Checks.

Rank-by-Rank Attributes/Features

Rank One (1). Skill (+2), Focus (+1), Charm (+1)—Trapper, Survivalist

Rank Two (2). Pick (+1), Will (+1)

Rank Three (3). Skill (+1), Grit (+1)—Poison Cartridge

Rank Four (4). Pick (+1), Power (+1)

Rank Five (5). Skill (+1), Grit (+1), Charm (+1)—Effigy

Rank Six (6). Pick (+1), Will (+1)

Rank Seven (7). Skill (+1), Grit (+1)—Opportunist

Rank Eight (8). Pick (+1), Power (+1)

Rank Nine (9). Focus (+1), Charm (+1)

Rank Ten (10). Skill (+2), Grit (+1), Will (+1), Charm (+1)—Headhunter


Beginning at Ranger Rank One (1), the Ranger can quickly deploy deadly traps. As a Standard Action, through a Physical Impact, the Ranger manifests a trap in an adjacent space that the Ranger can detonate at any time as a Rapid Action or Reaction. When activated, the trap explodes in an array of shrapnel, inflicting 1D8 Pierce Damage for every 2 points of the Ranger’s Skill Attribute to any adjacent creatures. A Physical Save cuts any damage in half (½). Additionally, a dose of the Ranger’s Toxin can be applied to a trap as a delivery device. The Ranger can maintain a maximum number of traps equivalent to half (½) of their Skill Attribute. Constructing a new trap while at capacity cause the oldest built trap to malfunction and disarm.


Beginning at Ranger Rank One (1), the Ranger can use their Triage Class Feature to remove any single Injury or Miscognition from an ally.

Poison Cartridge

Beginning at Ranger Rank Three (3), when brewing their Daily Batch of Toxin Doses, the Ranger can load any number of those doses into a Poison Cartridge Primed Casing. When loaded into a Ranged Weapon and fired, the Poison Cartridge delivers the Ranger’s Toxin through a Ranged Attack. On a successful shot, the target does not suffer Damage and is not afforded a Save, immediately suffering the Toxin effects. Additionally, when brewing Toxins, the Ranger can apply one (1) additional Status Effect to the batch from the following list. Any extra Status Effects from Poison Cartridge fade with Toxin.

Poison Cartridge Effects

Injuries. Blind, Deafened, Nauseated, Silenced

Miscognitions. Berserk, Hysteria, Pacify, Sleep


Beginning at Ranger Rank Five (5), as a Full Action, through a Force Impact, the Ranger can construct a terrifying Effigy from nearby materials. Any Unaware targets that perceive the Effigy suffer the Fear Miscognition with the Effigy as the fear source, preventing affected targets from moving any closer toward the Effigy. The Fear Miscognition causes a penalty equivalent to half (½) of the Ranger’s Charm Attribute to any Attack rolls, Saves, and Ability Checks attempted while their fear source remains within their line of sight for the Ranger’s Effect Duration in Rounds. A Force Save negates the Miscognition. In addition, if the Ranger uses the remains of a Dead creature as a part of the Effigy’s construction, any affected creatures that share a Creature Type instead suffer the Panic Miscognition, dropping anything in their hands and utilizing their actions to flee the scene.


Once at Ranger Rank Seven (7), the Ranger gains a Rally Enhancement bonus equivalent to their Charm Attribute to any Damage Rolls made against foes suffering from an Injury or Miscognition.


As a Master Ranger, at Ranger Rank Ten (10), the Ranger gains access to Headhunter Trophies. Each Trophy, while equipped, grants a Style Enhancement bonus to any Attack, Damage, or Impact Rolls equivalent to half (½) of the Ranger’s Charm Attribute. This bonus also extends to any Investigation or Nature Ability Checks made to track or identify Creatures of the same Creature Type. The Ranger can only wear a single Trophy per Creature Type, and the bonuses of multiple Trophies do not stack against the same target, even if the creature has multiple Creature Types.

Carve Trophy

Prerequisite: Ranger

Action Type: Ritual (2 hour)

As a Ritual during Downtime, the Ranger spends two (2) hours harvesting a Headhunter Trophy from a Dead creature. These trophies are a unique piece of gear that can be equipped to any of the Ranger’s open Gear Slots.

Ranger Perks


Prerequisite: Trapper

Increase your Trap Capacity to your Full Skill Attribute.


Prerequisite: Survivalist

Your Survivalist now removes all Injuries and Miscognitions from a single Target.  


Prerequisite: Poison Cartridge

You can now use Poison Cartridge as a part of a Thrown Ranged Weapon Attack to silently fire a small dart at your Target. Attacks made using 'Blowdart' do not deal Weapon Damage and do not incur a penalty to Stealth.  

Distracting Idols

Prerequisite: Effigy

As an Alternative Use of Effigy, create an Effigy that inflicts the Enthralled Miscognition in place of the Fear Miscognition. 

Pragmatic Selection

Prerequisite: Opportunist

Your Opportunist bonus applies to Physical and Force Impacts made against Target's inflicted with an Injury or Miscognition.

Hybrid Hunter

Prerequisite: Headhunter

Your unique Trophies now stack against Creatures with multiple Creature Types.

Ranger Heroics

Wide Snare

Prerequisite: Ranger(Rank 1) 

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Trapper

Effect Duration: Rounds

As an Alternate Use of your Trapper Class Feature, you can place a Wide Snare Trap. In addition to the expected effects of your Traps, the Wide Snare Trap inflicts any Affected Targets with the Ensnared Condition for the Effect Duration. Affected Targets that pass their Physical Save Negate the Condition. 

Venomous Spines

Prerequisite: Ranger(Rank 2) 

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Trapper

Effect Duration: Rounds

As an Alternate Use of your Trapper Class Feature, you can place a Venomous Spine Trap. In addition to the expected effects of your Traps, the Venomous Spine Trap inflicts any Affected Targets with Stacks of the Poison Injury equal to Half(½) of your Charm Attribute for the Effect Duration. Affected Targets that pass their Physical Save Negate the Injury.

Crippling Toxin

Prerequisite: Ranger(Rank 3) 

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Toxin

Whenever you create your Daily Batch of Toxin Doses, you can alter any number of Toxin Doses into a Crippling Toxin. In place of Damage, the Crippling Toxin inflicts the Crippled Injury, setting your Target’s Speed to Zero(0) for the Effect Duration. 

First Blood

Prerequisite: Ranger(Rank 4) 

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Reaction

Range: Weapon Range

As a Reaction to an Unaware Creature within your Weapon Range failing a Save against a Trap, you can expend One(1) Ammo to attempt a Ranged Weapon Attack against the Triggering Target as a Free Action. If successful, in addition to your normal Weapon Damage, your Target suffers 1D8 Pierce Damage for every Point of your Skill Attribute and a Stack of the Bleed Injury for every Two(2) Points of your Skill Attribute. 

Wild Vapors

Prerequisite: Ranger(Rank 5) 

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Ritual(One Hour)

As a Ritual at an Apothical Lab during a Rest Period, you can gather and inhale a concoction of smoke from wild herbs and fungi. In addition, you receive a bonus equal to Half(½) of your Charm Attribute to your Passive Perception and all Perception Ability Checks until your next Rest Period. 


Prerequisite: Ranger(Rank 6) 

AP Cost: 60

Action Type: Reaction

Range: Weapon Range

As a Reaction to a Creature within your Weapon Range failing a Save against your constructed Effigy, you can expend One(1) Ammo to attempt a Ranged Weapon Attack against the Triggering Target as a Free Action. If successful, in addition to your normal Weapon Damage, your Target suffers 1D10 Pierce Damage for every Point of your Charm Attribute. Any Targets suffering from the Fear Miscognition due to your Effigy are inflicted with the Panic Miscognition for as long as the Effigy is within their Line of Sight.

Twister Clip

Prerequisite: Ranger(Rank 7) 

AP Cost: 70

Action Type: Reload

As a part of Reloading, you can load your Ranged Weapon with Twister Ammo, which rapidly spins on impact to worsen any current traumas. Until Reloaded, your Ranged Weapon will inflict an additional 1D10 Slash Damage for every Two(2) Points of your Skill Attribute for each Injury, Condition, or Miscognition your Target currently suffers. 

Crusher Net

Prerequisite: Ranger(Rank 8) 

AP Cost: 80

Action Type: Trapper

As an Alternate Use of your Trapper Class Feature, you can manifest a Crusher Net Trap that will subdue a single Target in a tightening net. The Target is caught in the Crusher Net through the Entangled Condition, suffering 1D10 Crush Damage for every Point of your Skill Attribute each Turn they fail to escape the Trap. Additionally, an Entangled Target can escape through an Athletics or Engineering Ability Check against your Physical Impact. 

Fool’s Idol

Prerequisite: Ranger(Rank 9) 

AP Cost: 90

Action Type: Effigy

Range: Adjacent(Radius)

As an Alternate Use of your Effigy Class Feature, you can instead manifest an alluring trap that inflicts the Enthralled Miscognition on Creatures that perceive it, drawing them in closer. Creatures that perceive your Effigy will spend their movement slowly approaching the Effigy until it is touched. At that point, it explodes into a deadly fireball that engulfs any Adjacent Targets for 1D10 Pyrotic Damage for every Point of your Charm Attribute. Fool’s Idol does not afford a chance at a Save to reduce incoming damage. 

Reaper Shot

Prerequisite: Ranger(Rank 10) 

AP Cost: 100

Action Type: Full Action

As a Full Action, you can expend One(1) Ammo to make a well-timed shot against a Target that shares a Creature Type with an equipped Trophy from your Headhunter Class Feature that registers as an Automatic Critical Hit across all Damage Rolls.