
Thinking On A Higher Dimension


"Just because it’s simple doesn't mean easy.”

~ Brant ost Ivy, Mercan Savant

The challenging part of reality is all this “subjectivity” to which people are so fond of clinging. Subjective data such as “feelings” and “wants” on close-at-heart topics tend to obscure people from the objective, often simple, truth of the reality before them. A person must think beyond themselves, their circumstances, and their limitations to comprehend what is truly real. Therein lies the power to exact actual change in the universe.

In hybridizing the Adept and Mechanic Base Classes, the Savant has a brilliant intellect, further enhanced by an artificially expanded mind. The trademark of a Savant is their ability to manifest Hardlight Constructs, temporary objects or structures made from tangible light. The Savant is an expert on topics that are difficult to comprehend, can operate the cerebral Arkhan Drone, and has a vast reserve of knowledge to draw from across a variety of disciplines.

Historically Speaking

The first Savants in recorded history were some of the most extended living members of the Malowari Circles. Sages of incredible wisdom and brilliance maintained catalogs of vast knowledge, poring through the data to uncover forgotten past secrets. These Savants were often responsible for the education of the young and frequently sought after by travelers from afar in search of answers. The Savants were the first amongst the Malowari to begin the extensive body modifications the Birthrite has uniformly adopted in the current era. There is too much knowledge to retain within the frail, unadjusted human form. The Savants let their cerebral machines do the heavy thinking for them, leaving their attention to focus on the loftiest realms of thought.

The Modern Savant

Many organizations with members of the intelligentsia attempted to replicate the incredible technologies safeguarded by the Malowari Sages. Most were failures of fatal consequence, but a few were wildly successful. Nevertheless, the adoption of their implants and devices became widespread amongst scientists with a penchant for machines and the arcane, particularly among Axian Corporations and Requis Sects. Modern Savants are often valued within a Company for their research capabilities, electronics expertise, or mystical knowledge. A Savant is drawn toward a career as a scientist, inventor, or archivist. Unscrupulous Savants turn a blind eye to ethics in the search for higher echelons of knowledge.

Class Features

The Savant’s Class Features are focused on creating Hardlight Projections, operating the cerebral Arkhan Drone, and further enhancing their impressive intellect. The Savant Class benefits from having high Focus, Skill, and Will Attributes.


Hit Points Per Rank: +6

Action Points Per Rank: +6

Equipment Training

Weapons: Æthercite Catalyst, Launcher, Lumen Driver, Matrix Controller, Omni Kit, Staff, Thrown

Armor: Cloth Armor, Energy Shield

Elements: Biotic, Cryonic, Electric, Pyrotic

Class Abilities

At Savant Rank One (1), a Character receives the following pair of Class Abilities:

Innate Class Abilities: Arcana/Electronics

They gain a bonus to Class Ability Checks equivalent to half (½) of their Savant Rank. An additional Class Ability from the following list is chosen at Savant Ranks Three (3), Five (5), and Seven (7):

Selected Class Abilities: Drive, Engineering, Investigation, Nature, Perception, Stealth

Savant Ranks

When distributing a Class Rank, remember that a Character’s Hybrid Class Rank cannot exceed both of a Character’s Base Class Ranks.

Savants benefit from investing in a high Focus Attribute enhancing their Class Features such as Expanded Neocortex, improving Cast Attacks, increasing their Total Action Points and available Action Slots, and providing a bonus to any Arcana, Electronics, or Engineering Ability Checks. Savant players can also benefit from a high Will Attribute, enhancing Class Features such as Project Construct, Force Armor, Effect Duration, Initiative, and any Apothicine, Investigation, Nature, or Perception Ability Checks. Savant players also benefit from a honed Skill Attribute, improving their Ranged Attacks, Physical Armor, Initiative and Speed, effectiveness with Maneuvers, and any Acrobatics, Drive, and Stealth Ability Checks.

Rank-by-Rank Attributes/Features

Rank One (1). Focus (+2), Skill (+1), Grit (+1)—Hardlight Construct, Technomagick

Rank Two (2). Pick (+1), Charm (+1)

Rank Three (3). Focus (+1), Will (+1)—Drone Model: Arkhan

Rank Four (4). Pick (+1), Power (+1)

Rank Five (5). Skill (+1), Focus (+1), Will (+1)—Dual Cast

Rank Six (6). Pick (+1), Charm (+1)

Rank Seven (7). Focus (+1), Will (+1)—Expanded Neocortex

Rank Eight (8). Pick (+1), Power (+1)

Rank Nine (9). Skill (+1), Grit (+1)

Rank Ten (10). Focus (+2), Skill (+1), Will (+1), Charm (+1)—Beautiful Mind

Hardlight Construct

Beginning at Savant Rank One (1), as a Rapid Action, the Savant can utilize their Lumen Driver or Æthercite Catalyst to manifest a Hardlight Construct anywhere within Weapon Range. The Hardlight Construct can take the shape of any object, device, or weapon but cannot emulate living beings. The Hardlight Construct can be of any practical use, such as a ladder, bridge, or chain, and is only limited by the Savant’s imagination. Any weapons created as a Hardlight Construct can be wielded using a Cast Attack. A Hardlight Construct is Indestructible, except when targeted by Heroics and other actions that destroy or break objects, devices, or barriers. The Savant can only maintain a single Hardlight Construct at a time. The Savant can relocate an active Hardlight Construct to a new location within their Weapon Range as a Rapid Action. The maximum size or number of spaces a Hardlight Construct can occupy is equivalent to half (½) of the Savant’s Will Attribute.


Beginning at Savant Rank One (1), the Savant gains a Style Enhancement bonus equivalent to half (½) of their Will Attribute to any Focus-based Ability Checks. Additionally, the Savant may facilitate Digital Collar utilizing their Lumen Driver or Æthercite Catalyst Weapon to inflict the Possession Miscognition on Æthereal Creature Types, such as ghosts or Artificial Intelligences, binding them to the Savant’s service for the Savant’s Effect Duration in Rounds. Creatures of this type cannot be Bound to a Matrix Controller. The Savant’s Lumen Driver Training grants access to Æthercite Catalyst Heroics of comparable Rank and vice versa.

Drone Model: Arkhan

Beginning at Savant Rank Three (3), the Savant gains access to the Tiny-sized Arkhan Drone. The Arkhan maintains an active cognitive link with the Savant at all times, expanding their Passive Perception by their Effective Matrix Range. Anything perceived by the Arkhan Drone is shared with the Savant in real-time. The Arkhan Drone maintains a log that cannot be altered or destroyed, keeping any processed information secure. The Arkhan Drone can become the point of origin for any of the Savant’s Heroics, extending the Range of the Savant’s Heroics by their Effective Matrix Range. The Arkhan Drone also allows the Savant to redirect or reposition directional Heroics without compromising their current position. A comrade’s position can be used as a point of origin while the Arkhan Drone is assisting an ally through Drone Control.

Dual Cast

Beginning at Savant Rank Five (5), in response to the Savant performing a Heroic, the Savant can spend the second iteration of Action Points to utilize their Arkhan Drone to conduct a lesser copy of the triggering Heroics as a Reaction. The Copied Action originates from the Arkhan Drone’s current position and can be targeted at a new destination of the Savant’s choice. Any Attack or Impact Rolls made for the Copied Action are made at a -10 Penalty. Damage dealt by the Copied Action is automatically cut in half (½). The Copied Action cannot register as a Critical Hit. In addition, the Effect Duration of the Copied Action is cut in half (½).

Expanded Neocortex

Once at Savant Rank Seven (7), the Arkhan Drone can be equipped into the Savant’s Head or Face Gear Slot to expand their intellect artificially. The Savant can now retain a second set of Action Slots within their Arkhan Drone, with the number of Action Slots equal to half (½) of their Will Attribute. The Savant gains access to these Heroics while the Arkhan Drone is equipped as Gear. While wearing the Arkhan Drone, the Savant can remotely access any Terminal, System, or Network within their Effective Matrix Range simply by thinking about it, enabling the Savant to attempt Electronics Ability Checks to interact with terminals, systems, and devices using their thoughts alone.

Beautiful Mind

As a Master Savant, at Savant Rank Ten (10), the Savant’s Dual Cast no longer incurs penalties and can register as a Critical Hit. When using Dual Cast, the Arkhan Drone may alternatively use any Heroics from the Expanded Neocortex Action Slot List, effectively granting the Savant two (2) Actions when using Heroics. Dual Cast still expends additional Action Points as appropriate.

Savant Perks

Stable Construct

Prerequisite: Project Construct

Increase the Size Limit of your Projected Constructs to your Full Will Attribute.


Prerequisite: Technomagick

You gain access to a unique implant that can be equipped in the Head, Face, or Hand Gear Slot. Once Implanted, you are considered fitted with a Driver and Catalyst Cast Weapon at all times. These Weapons are controlled by your thoughts and do not require a Weapon Slot to wield. 

Light Arrays

Prerequisite: Drone Model: Arkhan

Your Arkhan Drone can be used to Target a Projected Construct for Drone Assist, extending its Effect Duration for the Duration of the Assist. 

Arkhan Efficiency

Prerequisite: Dual Cast

Your Arkhan's Copy Action as a part of Dual Cast costs Half(½) as many Action Points.

Knowledge Is Power

Prerequisite: Expanded Neocortex

You retain access to your expanded Action Slot List without equipping the Arkhan into a Gear Slot.

Artificial Intelligence

Prerequisite: Beautiful Mind

Your Arkhan can facilitate Class Features that do not cost Action Points, such as Project Construct, as a part of the Bonus Action of Beautiful Mind.

Savant Heroics

Asset Block

Prerequisite: Savant(Rank 1) 

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Rapid Action

Range: Driver Range

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Rapid Action, you can quickly fire a disruptive pulse at a System Asset, such as a Camera or Turret, to knock it offline through the Deactivated Condition for the Effect Duration. Then, the Target can attempt a Force Save against your Force Impact to Negate the Condition.

Hardlight Weapon

Prerequisite: Savant(Rank 2) 

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Move Action

Range: Driver Range

As a Move Action, you can concentrate your energies to manifest an indestructible Hardlight Weapon in your hands. Your Hardlight Weapon can take any form you wish but becomes a solid, unchangeable Object once hardened. Your Hardlight Weapon can be used to attempt Cast Weapon Attacks on Targets within your Effective Driver Range and inflicts your normal Weapon Damage with an additional 1D8 Electric Damage for every Two(2) Points of your Focus Attribute. This does not expend a Daily Use of Project Construct and can be used while actively maintaining a Hardlight Construct. If you become disarmed or otherwise separated from your Hardlight Weapon, it will dissolve into nothingness. 

Plane Projection

Prerequisite: Savant(Rank 3) 

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Driver Range

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Standard Action, you can utilize your Lumen Driver to project a flat Hardlight plane through your Project Construct Class Feature that functions as a wall, barrier, or platform. This does not expend a Daily Use of Project Construct and can be used while actively maintaining a Hardlight Construct. The Plane Projection will persist until the Effect Duration, after which it dissipates into nothingness.


Prerequisite: Savant(Rank 4) 

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Cast Weapon Attack

Range: Driver Range

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Standard Action, you can attempt a Cast Weapon Attack against a Target Machine within your Effective Drive Range. If successful, in addition to your normal Weapon Damage, you can issue your Target the Command Miscognition, allowing you to input a Command of up to Six(6) Words that the Machine must attempt to complete to the best of its ability over the Effect Duration. At the end of the Effect Duration, the Machine reverts to its previous programming. Finally, the Target can attempt a Force Save against your Attack Roll to Negate the Miscognition. 

Quantum Processing

Prerequisite: Savant(Rank 5) 

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Dual Cast

Suppose you score a Critical Hit on your initial Heroic when utilizing Dual Cast. In that case, your Drone’s Copy Action will also register as a Critical Hit while still accounting for any penalties. 

Digital Presence

Prerequisite: Savant(Rank 6) 

AP Cost: 60

Action Type: Interaction

As a part of an Interaction, whenever you are interacting with a System through a Driver or Terminal, you can use any System Asset, such as a Camera or Turret, as the Point of Origin for any of your Heroic Actions as though it were your Arkhan Drone performing a Copy Action. 


Prerequisite: Savant(Rank 7) 

AP Cost: 70

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Driver Range/Half(½) Will Attribute(Radius)

As a Full Action, you can manifest a flying Hardlight Platform that can lift and move any Creatures, Objects, or Devices within a Radius equal to Half(½) of your Will Attribute from any Space within your Effective Driver Range. In addition, you must use a Standard Action each Turn to maintain the Elevator. Finally, as a Move Action, you can shift the Elevator in a straight line in any direction of your choice equal to Half(½) of your Focus Attribute.

Security Takeover

Prerequisite: Savant(Rank 8) 

AP Cost: 80

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Driver Range(Radius)

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a Full Action, you can attempt a Force Impact to seize control over every System Asset as though Possessed by your Digital Collar Class Feature and disrupt the communications of any Devices within your Effective Driver Radius with the Jammed Condition. Any exposed Lumen Drivers or Matrix Controllers within the Affected Area are rendered inoperable for the Effect Duration. Affected Targets can attempt a Force Save against your Force Impact to Negate the Miscognition or protect their Devices. 

Calculated Barrage

Prerequisite: Savant(Rank 9) 

AP Cost: 90

Action Type: Cast Weapon Attack

Range: Driver Range

As a Standard Action, you can attempt a number of Cast Weapon Attacks equal to Half(½) of your Focus Attribute against any number of Targets within your Effective Drive Range. You can facilitate your Attacks from any System Asset you have access to within your Effective Drive Range as a Point of Origin. Successful Attacks inflict your normal Weapon Damage as Electric Damage with an additional 3D6 Electric Damage for every Two(2) Points of your Focus Attribute.  

Triple Cast

Prerequisite: Savant(Rank 10) 

AP Cost: 100

Action Type: Beautiful Mind

As part of your Beautiful Mind Class Feature, you can effectively use Three(3) Heroics instead.