
Gigas Impact


“There is little that a whelp like you could do to harm me. Look at you. You can’t even hurt my feelings!”

~ Bolt Hacksaw, Bulleteater Aegis

There is excellent potential lying deep within the ruins scattered across Salt. Potential for power. Wealth. Fame. The possibility to grip destiny with an iron fist and steer fate unhindered. Those that desire true power must wrest control of its reigns from the slumbering depths of yesterday to forge their world anew. It takes an unbreakable spirit and comprehension beyond what is knowable to even dream of holding such reigns.

As the hybridization of the Cavalier and Adept Base Classes, the Aegis is an indomitable defender utilizing the flow of Æther to create barriers and blasts. The trademark of an Aegis is their Jupiter Armor, an Æthercite-embedded armor that empowers their Attacks and Abilities. The Aegis can absorb incoming Force Damage, create explosive elemental barriers, and root themselves to the ground to empower their Æthercite Catalyst Attacks.

Historically Speaking

The Aegis can trace their history to the upper ranks of the Armistician Empire, shortly after the period marked by the incursion into Requiem by Empire forces. Officers in the Empire were quick to claim armors and trinkets adorned with Æthercite as spoils of war. Like wildfire, the following surge of Adept Awakenings throughout the ranks of the Empire opened new paths for rising hopefuls to seize power and influence. Officers seeking to lay the foundations of their legacy drafted disciples talented in magicks after the heavy losses sustained during the Armistician Incursion. The efforts yielded a degree of success, leading to the implementation of an Honor Guard consisting of highly specialized mage knights called the Aegis. In addition, the Aegis enforced the will of an interior special forces group within the Empire called the Senate Magus.

The Modern Aegis

The Senate Magus acts on behalf of the Empire in cutthroat competition with other organizations who have a vested interest in the exploration and seizure of the rare and powerful artifacts lost in the depths of forgotten ruins. The Aegis quickly became dominant players on the global stage in arcane conflicts, their methodology being prized for its ability to sustain forces against magick assaults. Modern Aegis are often key members of adventuring Companies due to their mystic knowledge, assault resilience, and indomitable presence. An Aegis would find a fit career as a guardian, researcher, or knight. However, an unscrupulous Aegis wields unfathomable power through arcane means at the expense of the world around them.

Class Features

The Aegis’ Class Features focus on deflecting Cast Attacks, utilizing force-resistant armor, and empowering their arcane strength. The Aegis Class benefits from having high Focus, Grit, and Will Attributes.


Hit Points Per Rank: +8

Action Points Per Rank: +4

Equipment Training

Weapons: Æthercite Catalyst, Blade, Hammer, Polearm, Staff

Armor: Heavy Armor, Plate Armor, Energy Shield, Heavy Shield

Elements: Biotic, Cryonic, Electric, Pyrotic

Class Abilities

At Aegis Rank One (1), a Character receives the following pair of Class Abilities:

Innate Class Abilities: Arcana/Tact

They gain a bonus to Class Ability Checks equivalent to half (½) of their Aegis Rank. An additional Class Ability from the following list is chosen at Aegis Ranks Three (3), Five (5), and Seven (7):

Selected Class Abilities: Athletics, Culture, Deception, Drive, Electronics, Intimidation

Aegis Ranks

When distributing a Class Rank, remember that a Character’s Hybrid Class Rank cannot exceed both of a Character’s Base Class Ranks.

Aegis see the most benefit from investing in a high Focus Attribute, enhancing their Class Features such as Absorption Barrier, improving Cast Attacks, increasing their Total Action Points and available Action Slots, and giving a bonus to any Arcana, Electronics, or Engineering Ability Checks. Aegis players benefit from having a high Grit Attribute, enhancing their Class Features such as Jupiter Armor, pumping up their pool of Hit Points and Total Essence, and increasing their overall survivability. Aegis players can also benefit from investing in a high Will Attribute, enhancing Class Features such as Jupiter Armor, improving Force Armor, Effect Duration, and Initiative, and increasing any Apothicine, Investigation, Nature, or Perception Ability Checks.

Rank-by-Rank Attributes/Features

Rank One (1). Focus (+2), Power (+1), Will (+1)—Absorption Barrier, Prismatic Shield

Rank Two (2). Pick (+1), Charm (+1)

Rank Three (3). Grit (+1), Focus (+1)—Jupiter Armor

Rank Four (4). Pick (+1), Skill (+1)

Rank Five (5). Grit (+1), Focus (+1), Will (+1)—Arcane Cannon

Rank Six (6). Pick (+1), Charm (+1)

Rank Seven (7). Grit (+1), Focus (+1)—Gigas

Rank Eight (8). Pick (+1), Focus (+1)

Rank Nine (9). Power (+1), Will (+1)

Rank Ten (10). Focus (+2), Grit (+1), Will (+1), Charm (+1)—Flux State

Absorption Barrier

Beginning at Aegis Rank One (1), the Aegis can now utilize Missile Deflect to Parry projectiles created by Cast Attacks or Heroics. Whenever the Aegis successfully Parries an instance of Force or Elemental (Biotic, Cryonic, Electric, or Pyrotic) Damage, the Aegis recovers 1D6 Action Points per 2 points of their Focus Attribute.

Prismatic Shield

Beginning at Aegis Rank One (1), the Aegis passively retains an Energy Shield without occupying an Equipment Slot as long as they wear Armor. As an alternate use of Force Burst, the Aegis can Discharge their Energy Shield to cause an immediate burst of Force Damage, inflicting Force Burst Damage on any adjacent actors as Force Impact. A Physical Save cuts any damage taken in half (½).

Jupiter Armor

Beginning at Aegis Rank Three (3), the Aegis outfits their armor with a rare Jupitarian Reactor of their own design. As a Full Action, the Aegis can gain a single Jupiter Charge. The Jupiter Armor holds a maximum number of Jupiter Charges equivalent to half (½) of the Aegis’ Grit Attribute. For each Jupiter Charge, the Aegis gains a Barrier Enhancement bonus to their Damage Resistance against Force Damage equal to half (½) of their Will Attribute.

Arcane Cannon

Beginning at Aegis Rank Three (3), the Aegis can utilize their Jupiter Armor to anchor themselves to the ground and empower their Æthercite Catalyst Attacks. As a Full Action, the Aegis locks themselves where they stand, reducing their Speed to zero (0) and gaining the Sturdy Enhancement, becoming unaffected by any Forced Movement Effects. The Aegis can remove their anchor as a Move Action.

While anchored, the Aegis receives a Precision Enhancement bonus to the Weapon Range of their Æthercite Catalyst Attacks equivalent to their Focus Attribute. In addition, while anchored, the Aegis’ Cast Attacks gain a Splash Radius (1). Targets within the Splash Radius suffer Minimum Damage. In addition, each Cast Attack made while anchored removes a single Jupiter Charge from the Aegis. Reaching zero (0) Jupiter Charges causes the Aegis to release their anchor immediately.


Once at Aegis Rank Seven (7), the Aegis can expend a Jupiter Charge to trigger a Critical Effect of their equipped weapon on any Attack roll. Gigas also extends to any Heroics that include an Attack roll as a part of the action. Gigas does not require a declaration and can be used with any successful Attack.

Flux State

As a Master Aegis, at Aegis Rank Ten (10), the Aegis can now gain a Jupiter Charge as a Standard Action, up from a Full Action. If the Aegis has zero (0) Jupiter Charges, they earn two (2) instead.

Aegis Perks

Symbiotic Barrier

Prerequisite: Absorption Barrier

Increase the Scale of your Absorption Barrier Action Point Recovery by One(1). (D6→D8)

Refracted Shield

Prerequisite: Prismatic Shield

Your Prismatic Shield's Elemental Burst no longer Discharges your Energy Shield.

Jupiter Rising

Prerequisite: Jupiter Armor

You immediately receive Three(3) Jupiter Charges at the beginning of a Combat.

Æthereal Anchor  

Prerequisite: Arcane Cannon

You can now Anchor yourself to the ground as a Standard Action, down from a Full Action.

Hollow Gigas

Prerequisite: Gigas

You can continue to utilize Gigas without available Jupiter Charges. However, using Gigas with Jupiter Charges still consumes the Charge as usual. 

Flux Capacitor

Prerequisite: Flux State

You can regain a Jupiter Charge as a Move Action, down from a Standard Action.  

Aegis Heroics

Counter Blast

Prerequisite: Aegis(Rank 1) 

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Parry

As a part of any successful Parry, you can return fire at your Attacker with an immediate Cast Weapon Attack if your Attacker is within your Effective Catalyst Range. 

Prismatic Bubble

Prerequisite: Aegis(Rank 2) 

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Prismatic Shield

Range: Catalyst Range

Effect Duration: Rounds

As an Alternate Use of your Prismatic Shield Class Feature, you can instead project a protective bubble on a Target within your Effective Catalyst Range. Then, Roll your Prismatic Shield's Damage and grant it to the Target as Temporary Hit Points. Once broken or at the end of the Effect Duration, the Prismatic Bubble bursts, inflicting your Prismatic Shield Damage to any Adjacent Targets.

Jupiter Guard

Prerequisite: Aegis(Rank 3) 

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Reaction

As a Reaction suffering Elemental Damage, you can expend a single Jupiter Charge to Negate a single Source of Elemental Damage against you this Turn. 

Sentinel Beam 

Prerequisite: Aegis(Rank 4) 

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Cast Weapon Attack

Range: Catalyst Range(Line)

As a Standard Action, you can attempt a Cast Weapon Attack against all Targets within a straight line up to your Effective Catalyst Range by firing a penetrative beam of pure energy. If successful, this Attack inflicts your normal Weapon Damage with an additional 1D8 Force Damage for every Point of your Focus Attribute. You can Double(2*) the Range of Sentinel Beam as a Move Action. The Damage of Sentinel Beam Bypasses all forms of Damage Resistance. 

Arcane Shield

Prerequisite: Aegis(Rank 5) 

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Arcane Cannon

As a part of your Arcane Cannon Class Feature, whenever you anchor yourself to the ground, you grant yourself a magick shell that issues 1D10 Temporary Hit Points for every Two(2) Points of your Focus Attribute that persists for as long as you are anchored. You can Double(2*) the Temporary Hit Points of Arcane Shield by expending a Jupiter Charge. 

Æther Catch

Prerequisite: Aegis(Rank 6) 

AP Cost: 60

Action Type: Parry

Range: Catalyst Range

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a part of a successful Parry, whenever you Parry on a non-Physical projectile, you can instead levitate the missile in your hand for the Effect Duration before it dissipates into nothingness. As a Standard Action, you can fire a captured shot as a Cast Weapon Attack against any Target within your Effective Catalyst Range, inflicting your normal Weapon Damage in addition to the original effects of the projectile.

Mobile Artillery

Prerequisite: Aegis(Rank 7) 

AP Cost: 70

Action Type: Arcane Cannon

As a part of your Arcane Cannon Class Feature, you can instead anchor to your Steed, allowing you to remain mobile while engaged as long as you are mounted. 

Gigas Frequency

Prerequisite: Aegis(Rank 8) 

AP Cost: 80

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Half(½)Effective Catalyst Range(Cone)

As a Full Action, you can expend any number of Jupiter Charges to unleash a wave of harmful pulses in a Cone up to Half(½) of your Effective Catalyst Range. For each Jupiter Charge spent, unleash a wave to sear Affected Targets for 1D10 Force Damage for every Two(2) Points of your Focus Attribute. You can redirect your pulses between waves to strike alternate Targets. Affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½).

Spirit Charge

Prerequisite: Aegis(Rank 9) 

AP Cost: 90

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Catalyst Range(Splash)

While engaged in your Arcane Cannon Class Features, as a Full Action, you hold your arms over your head to channel a massive orb of Æthereal energies that inflicts your normal Weapon Damage against a Target within your Effective Catalyst Range. Each Turn, you must spend a Full Action and expend a Jupiter Charge to maintain your Spirit Charge, increasing your Effective Catalyst Range and Weapon Splash Radius by Two(2) Paces and an additional 3d6 Force Damage for every Point of your Focus Attribute. You may only Channel this energy for as long as you have Jupiter Charges. Whenever you choose, as a Full Action, or whenever your Jupiter Charges are depleted, you can launch your channeled energy at your Target. All Creatures caught in the blast suffer the compiled Force Damage of the Attack from a single Damage Source. If you take Damage while Channeling this ability, you must make a Force Save against the amount of total Damage received since you began Channeling. If you fail the Save, you break focus, and the energy dissipates harmlessly. 

Flux Ascendant

Prerequisite: Aegis(Rank 10) 

AP Cost: 100

Action Type: Reaction

As a Reaction to reaching Zero(0) Jupiter Charges, you can restore your Jupiter Charges to your total Capacity.