
An Adept is not born expressing mystical power but manifesting their abilities after an Awakening. The Awakening occurs after coming into contact with an Æthercite crystal attuned to an Æthereal frequency that resonates with the Adept’s unique energy signature. The Awakening manifests through many experiences, some as simple as a minor headache or vision and others mirroring catastrophic natural disasters. Not everyone is capable of being Awakened, and not everyone that Æthercite can evoke powers in comes into contact with the frequency to trigger their Awakening. Those that go through an Awakening do not always survive the process. A newly Awakened Adept is confronted with an entirely different reality, one where they can alter the characteristics of the world around them with their thoughts, feelings, and emotions. While capabilities may vary, Adepts can commonly change temperatures, generate electricity, or break down chemical structures with heavy concentration. Experienced Adepts can even combine elements to incredible effect.

Class Features

The Adept’s Class Features are built around mastering their control of the elements, creating devastating bursts of energy, and amplifying the force of Heroics. Thus, the Adept Class benefits from having a high Focus Attribute.


Hit Points Per Rank: +5

Action Points Per Rank: +4

Equipment Training

Due to the Adept’s Elementary Knowledge Class Feature, whenever applying a Training Rank to an Elemental discipline as part of gaining an Adept Rank, it counts as two (2) Training Ranks instead.

Weapons: Æthercite Catalyst, Staff

Armor: Cloth Armor, Energy Shield

Elements: Biotic, Cryonic, Electric, Pyrotic

Class Abilities

At Adept Rank One (1), a player selects Three (3) Class Abilities from the list below. They gain a bonus to Class Ability Checks equivalent to half (½) of their Adept Rank. An additional Class Ability is chosen at Adept Ranks Three (3) and Seven (7).

Class Abilities: Apothicine, Arcana, Culture, Electronics, Engineering, Nature

Adept Ranks

When distributing a Class Rank, remember that a Character’s Base Class Rank cannot exceed a Character’s Tenderfoot Class Rank.

Adepts gain the most benefit from a high Focus Attribute, enhancing the effectiveness of their Elemental Burst Class Features; increasing their pool of Action Points and their number of available Action Slots; and improving their Arcana, Electronics, or Engineering Ability Checks. In addition, Adept players should consider the benefit of investing in their Will Attribute to increase the Duration of their abilities and their Force Armor, and improve their Apothicine, Investigation, Nature, and Perception Ability Checks. Adepts can also benefit from investing in their Skill Attribute to enhance their Speed and Physical Armor and any Acrobatics, Drive, or Stealth Ability Checks.

Rank-by-Rank Attributes/Features

Rank One (1). Skill (+1), Focus (+1), Charm (+1)—Elementary Knowledge, Force Burst

Rank Two (2). Pick (+1)

Rank Three (3). Focus (+1)

Rank Four (4). Pick (+1)

Rank Five (5). Skill (+1), Focus (+1)—Amplifier

Rank Six (6). Pick (+1)

Rank Seven (7). Focus (+1)

Rank Eight (8). Pick (+1)

Rank Nine (9). Charm (+1)

Rank Ten (10). Focus (+2), Skill (+1), Grit (+1)—Æthercite Paragon

Elementary Knowledge

An Adept is a natural when it comes to learning to control the Elements. Whenever a player invests a Training Rank toward an Element (Biotic/Cyronic/Electric/Pyrotic) while distributing an Adept Class Rank, it counts as two (2) Training Ranks instead. In addition, Adepts can merge multiple Elements into potent, unique Heroics.

Additionally, as a Move Action, the Adept can concentrate to double (2*) the Weapon Range of their Æthercite Catalyst until the end of the Round.

Force Burst

A critical feature of the Adept, with great concentration through their Æthericite Catalyst, they manifest a pin-point explosion of forceful energies. Beginning at Adept Rank One (1), the Adept can use an equipped Æthercite Catalyst to deliver a focused Cast Attack against an adversary. This Attack inflicts 1D6 Force Damage for every 2 Points of the Adept’s Focus Attribute, in addition to any other effects of the Attack. Additionally, the Adept may alter the Damage Type to match any Element in which they have at least a single Training Rank.

An Adept can utilize Force Burst as a part of any Cast Attack roll or any Heroics that implement a Cast Attack roll as a part of the action. The Adept must declare their use of Force Burst before completing their Cast Attack roll. If an Attack misses, the attempt is wasted. Force Burst has a number of Daily Uses equal to half (½) of the Adept’s Focus Attribute. Daily Uses are only restored after an Eight (8) hour Rest Period.


Through the Æthercite Catalyst, the Adapt can channel their direct lifeforce through the ever-present Æther to power their psychokinetic abilities. As a result, beginning at Adept Rank Five (5), the Adept may double (2*) the current Action Point Cost of any Heroics to double the number of Damage dice rolled. Amplifier can be utilized exponentially at a compounding Action Point Cost (AP 5→AP 10/2*→AP 20/3*→AP 40/4*), increasing the multiplier by one for each cost doubling. Amplifier does not affect any Attribute, Equipment, Perks, or any other static bonuses to Damage.

Æthercite Paragon

Channeling one's lifeforce through an Æthercite Catalyst requires immense focus and concentration, leaving most mentally drained after a short time. A Master Adept, however, constantly circulates their lifeforce through their Æthercite Catalyst at all times. Once at Adept Rank Ten (10), the Adept's lifeforce has reached a fully attuned state in an ideal waveform of their Æthereal frequency. This manifests as a visible light radiating from their Catalyst, the color indicating the focus of their Mastery.

Paragon Selections

Choose a single Paragon from the list below. This selection is permanent and cannot be changed:

Chaos. Improve the Damage Scaling (1D6→1D8→1D10→2D6 etc.) of Force Burst by one for every five (⅕) points of the Adept’s Force Attribute. Their Æthercite Catalyst turns obsidian black.

Dimension. The Adept passively retains the Flight Enhancement and gains a gentle Telekinesis that can manipulate any Small-sized or smaller unattended objects within a Radius equal to their Focus Attribute. Heroics and Class Features that produce a telekinetic effect have their effective Range doubled (2*). Their Æthercite Catalyst turns a royal violet hue.

Gate. As a Ritual at an Archive Link during Downtime, the Adept can spend four (4) hours opening a portal to a familiar location. The portal is large enough to transport any Massive-sized or smaller creature or object, closing abruptly after a number of people, creatures, or objects equivalent to half (½) of the Adept’s Focus Attribute safely cross the threshold. Their Æthercite Catalyst turns a swirling, cloudy white.

Knowledge. The Adept has encyclopedic expertise on all subjects. Any Ability Checks made to recall information, identify a Character, object, or location, or use an ancient device are an automatic success. Their Æthercite Catalyst turns a deep, calming azure.

Purity. The Adept selects a single Element in which they have Training Ranks. Any Damage suffered matching the element chosen is instead restored as Hit Points. Their Æthercite Catalyst turns crystal clear with a core reflecting the selected elemental energy.

Truth. The Adept can read the surface thoughts of any sentient creature within a Radius equivalent to half (½) of their Focus Attribute. They become immune to the Delusional Miscogniton and are unaffected by illusory effects. Their Investigation Ability Checks made to discern reality or detect lies are an automatic success. Their Æthercite Catalyst turns a golden amber hue.


Infinite Knowledge. Unlimited Power


“Which do you think is more capable of destruction, a sharp edge or a sharp mind?”

~ Ulwynn, Circle Sage

Adepts are attuned to space and the elements, relying on their abilities to understand forgotten knowledge and manipulate Æthercite to accomplish complex tasks. An Adept is a brilliant mind able to understand the arcane secrets of Salt and bend the forces of nature to their command. The trademarks of the Adept include elemental hybridization, creating powerful bursts of energy, and enhancing the power of Heroics. An Adept often chooses a position that offers intellectual challenge, typically as a dedicated researcher, a long-lived historian, or a respected advisor. Adepts can be brilliant, precise, and calculated, making them ideal as specialists or in ancillary roles in Companies. However, some Adepts, with devastating power at their fingertips, instead choose to isolate themselves in the wilds, disconnected from social niceties and the rule of law.


An Adept channels their internal lifeforce through Æthercite, a crystalline material often cut into gemstones and idols called Æthercite Catalysts. Through their Catalyst, the Adept can expand and contract their Æthereal energies through the Æthercite, allowing them to reach out through time and space to touch on the long-forgotten keys to the universe. The Æther-touched Adept can receive premonitions, scry through time and space, and manifest psychic abilities. An Adept lives in the endless pursuit of knowledge, be it out of a natural love for learning, an unquenchable curiosity, or a thirst for power. The drive to learn and acquire new information, abilities, or techniques is a common motivator for an Adept. Many Mystics dedicate their lives to compiling and cataloging information in a secluded location safe from prying eyes.

Adept Perks

Æthereal Fusion

Prerequisite: Elementary Knowledge

Your Heroic Actions that require training in two(2) different Elemental Ranks have a minus five(-5) reduction to their Action Point Cost.


Prerequisite: Elementary Knowledge

Alternatively, you can apply your other Equipment Rank from Elementary Knowledge to any second Elemental Rank.


Prerequisite: Elementary Knowledge

While equipped with your Æthercite Catalyst, you can effortlessly manifest your Magickal abilities in minor ways. For example, you gain a gentle Telekinesis on Tiny Objects, or Smaller can perform simple audiovisual effects and can perform other little tricks at will with an Effective Radius equal to your Focus Attribute. In addition, the scale of your powers may develop alongside your Elemental Equipment Ranks.

Æther Overflow

Prerequisite: Elemental Burst

Increase your Daily Uses of Elemental Burst to your Full Focus Attribute. 

Deadly Bursts

Prerequisite: Elemental Burst

Increase the Damage Scale of your Elemental Burst by One(1) (1D6 → 1D8 → 1D10)

Prismatic Burst

Prerequisite: Elemental Burst 

Your Elemental Burst applies your appropriate Elemental Heroic Modifier as additional Elemental Damage.

Amplified Reserve

Prerequisite: Amplifier 

When using multiple instances of Amplifier, the increased Action Point Cost of the first iteration of Amplifier is refunded after your Heroic Action. When only using a single instance of Amplifier, the Action Point Costs are still Doubled(2*). 

Challenger of Fate

Prerequisite: Amplifier 

As an Alternate use of Amplifier, you can Double the Action Point Cost to inflict Maximum Damage on a success. 

Deadly Amplifier

Prerequisite: Amplifier

Each instance of Amplifier increases your Heroic Damage by a flat amount equal to Half(½) of your Focus Attribute.

Chaos Unleashed

Prerequisite: Æthercite Paragon(Chaos)

Increase the Scale Bonus of the Chaos Paragon to 1/5 Focus Attribute, up from 1/6 Focus Attribute.

Divine Eyes

Prerequisite: Æthercite Paragon(Truth)

As a Ritual during a Rest Period, you can spend One(1) Hour Scrying on a Target Location, Individual, or Object. Scrying in this way does not require an Anchor to your Target.

Adept Heroics:


Psychic Touch

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 1)

AP Cost: 5

Action Type: Interaction/Exploration

Range: Catalyst Range

As a part of an Interaction or Exploring, you can telekinetically Interact with any unattended Device or Object within your Effective Catalyst Range. For example, using your psychic abilities, you can gently lift and move any Tiny-sized or Smaller Objects, press buttons, flip switches, or other minor acts. 

Sense Energy

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 1)

AP Cost: 5

Action Type: Exploration

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a part of Exploring, you can use your Passive Arcana Ability in place of your Passive Perception. In addition, you gain the Thermal Sense Enhancement for the Effect Duration. 

Arcane Armor

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 2)

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Self

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a Full Action, focus your Æthereal energies into a protective barrier against Physical Attacks. You receive the Barrier Enhancement, increasing your Physical Armor by Half(½) of your Focus Attribute for your Effect Duration. 

Staggering Burst

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 2) & Catalyst (Any Rank)

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Elemental Burst

As a part of a successful Elemental Burst, your Target loses their footing and suffers the Staggered Injury until the end of their next Turn. 


Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 3)

AP Cost: 15

Action Type: Rapid Action

Range: Adjacent

As a Rapid Action, render yourself or an Adjacent Target completely weightless, granting them the Flight Enhancement up to their Speed for a single movement. At the end of their movement, the Flight Enhancement fades, and they plummet to the ground. 


Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 3)

AP Cost: 15

Action Type: Ritual(One Hour) 

As a Ritual at a War Table or Archive Link during a Rest Period, you can spend One(1) Hour compiling all available data and information into an orderly research document to organize your tactical information, available options better, and any potential paths of progress without any Ability Checks required. You can manifest a dossier of this document to share this information with any members of your Company during the remaining Rest Period.

Null Resist

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 4) & Catalyst (Any Rank)

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Rapid 

Range: Catalyst Range

As a Rapid Action, you can Negate a single Target’s Damage Resistances against Elemental Damage within your Effective Catalyst Range. 

Fever Dream

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 4)

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Ritual(One Hour)  

As a Ritual at an Archive Link during a Rest Period, you can attempt an Arcana Ability Check to spend One(1) Hour peering through the Æther to Scry on your Target, gaining information in the form of interpretable visions, images, or thoughts about the Target’s past, present, or future. You must have access to an Anchor, an object of familiarity linking you to the Target. This could be a photograph, recording, cherished possession, genetic sample, or any other entity that provides an Æthereal pathway between you and your intended Target. You may use your memories as an Anchor if you have a personal relationship with the Target. 


Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 5)

AP Cost: 25

Action Type: Ritual(One Hour)

As a Ritual during a Rest Period, you concentrate your Æthereal powers to grant yourself the Flight Enhancement temporarily. As a result, you can Fly and maintain altitude at will, up to your Speed, until your next Rest Period. 


Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 5)

AP Cost: 25

Action Type: Move Action

Range: Focus Attribute

As a Move Action, you slip through Timespace to another location within a Range equal to your Focus Attribute. This movement provokes an Attack of Opportunity from Threatening Creatures. Thus, you can Double(2*) the Range of Teleport in exchange for Double(2*) the Action Point Cost.

Astral Projection

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 6)

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Ritual(One Hour)  

As a Ritual during a Rest Period, you can spend(One Hour) slipping into a deep meditative state as you project your Soul into the Æther. You can freely travel the world without limits just by thinking about it, observing your surroundings, and communicating with others as you travel. You can also project into the dreams of a Sleeping Target to reach them. Be warned, your vacant body is an ideal Target for malignant Possession, and if your body is Possessed, you will be unable to re-enter until the Possession is resolved. Each Hour after the first spent Astrally Projected will require you to attempt an Essence Save or lose One(1) Essence. Without Essence, your body dies, and the Æther consumes your Soul. 


Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 6)

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Reaction

Range: Line Of Sight 

As a Reaction to a Target attempting a Heroic Action within your Line Of Sight, you immediately burst forth an Æthereal block in an attempt to interrupt your Target’s Action with the Stifled Miscognition until their next Turn. Then, the Target can attempt a Force Save against your Force Impact to Negate the Miscognition. 

Force Prison

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 7) & Catalyst (Any Rank)

AP Cost: 35

Action Type: Elemental Burst

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a part of a successful Elemental Burst, you shape and strengthen your Elemental Energies into a binding prison around your Target, inflicting the Entangled Condition for the Effect Duration. For each turn, the Target is Entangled; they suffer an additional instance of Elemental Burst Damage. Finally, the Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Attack Roll to Negate the Condition. Targets Entangled by Force Prison can not break out independently but can be broken out by an outside assistant. 

Mass Levitate

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 7) 

AP Cost: 35

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Adjacent

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Full Action, you render yourself and any Target Adjacent to you completely weightless and grant them the Flight Enhancement for the Effect Duration. At the end of the Effect Duration, all affected Targets will plummet to the ground. 

Equivalent Exchange

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 8) 

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Reaction

Range: Self

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Reaction to ending your Turn, you receive protection in the form of Temporary Hit Points equal to the amount of Force or Elemental Damage you dealt during your Turn. The Temporary Hit Points fade after the Effect Duration. 


Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 8) 

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Ritual(One Hour)

As a Ritual at an Archive Link during a Rest Period, you can spend One(1) Hour manifesting a powerful Grimoire that holds the entirety of your collective knowledge, updating new information in real-time. As long as the Grimoire is in your Inventory, you receive a bonus equal to Half(½) of your Focus Attribute to any Non-Focus-based Ability Checks. You can destroy the Grimoire at will. When other Creatures attempt to read the Grimoire without your permission, they will only find blank pages. 


Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 9) 

AP Cost: 45

Action Type: Reaction

As a Reaction to performing a Heroic Action, manifest a temporary echo of yourself that perfectly duplicates anything you did, serving a copy of your Heroic Action with identical Targets using the previous Rolls or results.  

Summoning Circle

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 9) 

AP Cost: 45

Action Type: Ritual(One Hour)

As a Ritual at an Archive Link during a Rest Period, attempt an Arcana Ability Check to create an incantation circle on the ground to pull a Target through Timespace to your designated location forcefully.  You must have access to an Anchor, an object of familiarity linking you to the Target. This could be a photograph, recording, cherished possession, genetic sample, or any other entity that provides an Æthereal pathway between you and your intended Target. When successful, this can forcefully transport Targets against their will. 

Mass Teleport

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 10)

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Move Action

Range: Adjacent/Focus Attribute

As a Move Action, you and any Target Adjacent to you slip through Timespace to another location within a Range equal to your Focus Attribute. This movement provokes an Attack of Opportunity from Threatening Creatures. Creatures may be injured or killed when being Teleported into solid objects, such as walls, trees, or pillars. An unwilling Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to Negate the Forced Movement Effect. Thus, you can Double(2*) the Range of Teleport in exchange for Double(2*) the Action Point Cost.

Time Dilation

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 10)

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Free Action

As a Free Action, you can alter the Action Type of any Full Action, Standard Action, or Move Action into a Free Action. 


Manifest Acid

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 1) & Biotic (Rank 1)

AP Cost: 5

Action Type: Interaction/Exploration

Range: Catalyst Range

As a part of an Interaction or Exploring, you can manifest a simple stream of slightly corrosive Acid into the palm of your hand and move it telekinetically up to your Effective Catalyst Range. You can use this for any number of utilities, including dissolving organic matter, removing a protective coating, or cleaning a surface. Your Acid does not harm you, but Creatures that come into contact with it suffer 1D6 Biotic Damage for every Two(2) Points of your Focus Attribute each Turn they spend in contact with it. Thus, each use of Manifest Acid can fill a container occupying One(1) Space for every Two(2) Points of your Focus Attribute. 

Manifest Electricity

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 1) & Electric (Rank 1)

AP Cost: 5

Action Type: Interaction/Exploration

Range: Catalyst Range

As a part of an Interaction or Exploring, you can manifest a simple spark into the palm of your hand and move it telekinetically up to your Effective Catalyst Range. You can use this for any number of utilities, including creating light, shorting a circuit, or powering a hand-held device.

Manifest Fire

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 1) & Pyrotic (Rank 1)

AP Cost: 5

Action Type: Interaction/Exploration

Range: Catalyst Range

As a part of an Interaction or Exploring, you can manifest a simple flame into the palm of your hand and move it telekinetically up to your Effective Catalyst Range. Your Fire does not harm you, but Creatures that come into contact with it suffer 1D6 Pyrotic Damage for every Two(2) Points of your Focus Attribute each Turn they spend in contact with it. You can use this for any number of utilities, including creating light, heating an object, or starting a fire. 

Manifest Water

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 1) & Cryonic (Rank 1)

AP Cost: 5

Action Type: Interaction/Exploration

Range: Catalyst Range

As a part of an Interaction or Exploring, you can manifest a simple stream of potable water from the palm of your hand and move it telekinetically up to your Effective Catalyst Range. You can use this for any number of utilities, including washing away debris, dousing a fire, or filling a container. Each use of Manifest Water can fill a container occupying One(1) Space for every Two(2) Points of your Focus Attribute. 

Dead Weight

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 2) & Cryonic (Rank 2) & Electric (Rank 2)

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Catalyst Range

As a Standard Action, increase the weight of your Target Equipment, increasing Encumbrance by inflicting the Burdened Condition for the Effect Duration. If the Target’s Encumbrance were to exceed their Power Attribute, they fall Prone, and their Speed is reduced to Zero(0). If your Target is a Flying Creature, they begin to plummet towards the ground, suffering Maximum Fall Damage upon impact. The Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to Negate the Condition.

Gale Barrier

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 2) & Cryonic (Rank 2) & Pyrotic (Rank 2)

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Self/Adjacent

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a Full Action, rapidly shift temperatures around your body to create a constant current of wind around yourself as a Barrier Enhancement, granting you a bonus equal to your Focus Attribute to your Physical and Force Armor for the Effect Duration. As a Rapid Action, you can prematurely dispel Gale Barrier to immediately Knockback all Adjacent Targets One(1) Space away from you. 

Glow Body

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 2) & Biotic (Rank 2) & Pyrotic (Rank 2)

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Rapid Action

Range: Adjacent

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a Rapid Action, you can touch an Adjacent Target, causing it to emanate an eerie glow, prohibiting the Target from Hiding, engaging in Stealth, or benefiting from Invisibility Effects for the Effect Duration. Additionally, an Unwilling Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to Negate the Condition. 

Manifest Steel

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 2) & Biotic (Rank 2) & Electric (Rank 2)

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Interaction

As a part of an Interaction, you can draw trace metals from your surroundings to instantly manifest a small steel object into the palm of your hand. The Manifested Object is entirely metal in composition and can be any simple tool or device, no more complex than a rotor or padlock. Alternatively, you can extend a length of unremarkable steel pole a number of Spaces in Length equal to Half(½) of your Focus Attribute in Length. The Manifested Object lasts indefinitely. 

Plasmify Object

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 2) & Electric (Rank 2) & Pyrotic (Rank 2)

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Adjacent

As a Full Action, you can superheat a Medium-sized or Smaller object until it melts into a pile of unworkable goo, instantly destroying the Object. If the Target is in the possession of an Unwilling Creature, the Creature can attempt a contested Maneuver to prevent the effect.

Vine Whip

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 2) & Biotic (Rank 2)& Electric (Rank 2)

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Cast Weapon Attack

Range: Catalyst Range

You can attempt a Cast Weapon Attack against a Target within your Effective Catalyst Range as a Standard Action. If successful, in addition to normal Weapon Damage, your Target suffers 1D6 Crush Damage for every Two(2) Points of your Focus Attribute. 

Alternatively, you can use Vine Whip to attempt a contested Maneuver to Trip or Disarm your Target. You can also use Vine Whip to increase your reach when trying an Athletics or Acrobatics Ability Check while Exploring.

Ear Rupture

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 3) & Biotic (Rank 3)& Electric (Rank 3)

AP Cost: 15

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Adjacent

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Standard Action, you can clap your hands together to release a booming sound wave that will rock Adjacent Targets, inflicting 1D8 Force Damage for every Two(2) Points of your Focus Attribute and the Deafened Injury. Affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½) and Negate the Injury Effect. 

Plasma Torch

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 3) & Electric (Rank 3)& Pyrotic Element(Rank 3)

AP Cost: 15

Action Type: Interaction

As a part of an Interaction, you can concentrate your Æthereal Energies into the tip of your finger, creating a superheated jet of flame that you can use to light fires, cut locks, and weld joints together. In addition, you can apply your Pyrotic Heroic Modifier to any Engineering Ability Checks made to Disable a Device or Repair an Object, and you can perform Engineering Ability Checks without any tools or equipment. 

Radiation Dispersal

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 3) & Biotic (Rank 3) & Pyrotic Element(Rank 3)

AP Cost: 15

Action Type: Ritual(One Hour)

As a Ritual during a Rest Period, spend One(1) Hour to hone your Æthereal Energies to increase the volatility of your molecular structure. You become Immune to any Biotic or Pyrotic Damage received as the result of an Environmental Hazard until your next Rest Period.  


Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 3) & Cryonic (Rank 3) & Electric Element(Rank 3)

AP Cost: 15

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Focus Attribute(Radius)

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a Full Action, manifest a constant, heavy torrent of rain in a Radius around you equal to your Focus Attribute. Any open flames within the Effect Radius are extinguished. Any Targets within the Effect Radius receive the Soaked Condition. Any Terrain within the Effect Radius becomes Slick Difficult Terrain. The rain stays centered on you, moving with you for the Effect Duration. 

Terra Column

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 3) & Biotic (Rank 3) & Cryonic (Rank 3)

AP Cost: 15

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Catalyst Range

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Standard Action, you can raise a column of dirt and wood from a Space within your Effective Catalyst Range. The column has a height equal to your Focus Attribute. If the column were to crush a Target into a solid surface, inflict 1D8 Crush Damage for every Point of your Focus Attribute to the Target. Crushed Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½). 

Steam Cutter

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 3) & Cryonic (Rank 3)& Pyrotic (Rank 3)

AP Cost: 15

Action Type: Cast Weapon Attack

Range: Catalyst Range

As a Standard Action, you can attempt a Cast Weapon Attack to launch a gust of slashing winds against a Target within your Effective Catalyst Range. If successful, in addition to normal Weapon Damage, your Target suffers 1D8 Slash Damage for every Two(2) Points of your Focus Attribute. Windcutter bypasses all forms of Damage Resistance. 

Dampen Vibrations

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 4) & Biotic (Rank 4) & Electric (Rank 4)

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Self

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a Full Action, you slow your body’s natural rhythms until you are supernaturally still, granting you the Muffled and Vibralocate Enhancements for the Effect Duration. In addition, you gain a plus Ten(+10) bonus to any Perception or Stealth Ability Checks made during the Effect Duration.

Gamma Field

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 4) & Cryonic (Rank 4) & Electric (Rank 4)

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Half(½) Force Attribute (Radius)

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Full Action, harness your Æthereal powers to emit intense levels of harmful radiation from your body into a Radius equal to Half(½) of your Force Attribute. At the start of each Turn for the Effect Duration, you pulse radiation, inflicting 1D6 Biotic and 1D6 Pyrotic Damage to all Creatures within the Radius. In addition, machines, Security Assets, and other Mechanical Devices within the Radius are inflicted with the Jammed Condition. 


Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 4) & Cryonic (Rank 4) & Electric (Rank 4)

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Half(½) Force Attribute (Radius)

Effect Duration: Minutes 

As a Full Action, you create an intense wave of heavy gravity that affects Targets within a Radius equal to Half(½) of your Focus Attribute, flattening them to the ground with crushing force, inflicting 1D10 Crush Damage for each Point of your Focus Attribute and knocking affected Targets Prone. Any Flying Creatures affected are sent crashing to the ground, suffering Maximum Fall Damage. Affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½) and Negate the knockdown. 

Neon Orb

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 4) & Electric (Rank 4)& Pyrotic (Rank 4)

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Cast Weapon Attack

Range: Catalyst Weapon

You can attempt a Cast Weapon Attack against a Target within your Effective Catalyst Range as a Standard Action. You channel a giant orb of molten plasma into the palm of your hand and launch it at your Target. If successful, the sphere erupts at the point of impact, spewing molten plasma on any Adjacent Targets, inflicting normal Weapon Damage and an additional 1D6 Electric and 1D6 Pyrotic Damage for every Two(2) Points of your Focus Attribute. Targets that are not directly hit by the projectile can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½).

Wind Walk

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 4) & Electric (Rank 4) & Pyrotic Element(Rank 4)

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Move Action

Range: Self

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Move Action, conceal yourself with turbulent airflows as the Invisibility Enhancements, gaining a plus Ten(+10) bonus to Stealth Ability Checks for the Effect Duration. You can immediately attempt a Stealth Ability Check to Hide. Interacting with an Object, Device, or Creature will immediately end the effect. If you break Wind Walk by Attacking a Target, your Target will be sliced by deadly winds for 1D10 Slash Damage for every Two(2) Points of your Focus Attribute. 

Wooded Wall

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 4) & Biotic (Rank 4)& Cryonic (Rank 4)

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Catalyst Range(Line)

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Standard Action, you can raise a wall of dirt and wood across any Two(2) Spaces within your Effective Catalyst Range. The wall has a height equal to your Focus Attribute. If the wall were to crush a Target into a solid surface, inflict 1D10 Crush Damage for every Point of your Focus Attribute. Crushed Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½). 

Chain Tendril

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 5) & Biotic (Rank 5) & Electric (Rank 5)

AP Cost: 25

Action Type: Interaction/Exploration

Range: Focus Attribute

As a part of an Interaction or Exploring, you can manifest a heavy metal chain directly out of your body up to your Focus Attribute in length. While manifesting, you have prehensile control over the chain, able to flex and move it as you wish up to its length. You can use the chain to assist you in facilitating your Athletics or Acrobatics Ability Checks while Exploring. You can also use the chain to secure or bind any Objects, Devices, or Creatures as an Interaction. The chain can be detached from your body at the cost of being able to control it. 

Clay Layer

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 5) & Biotic (Rank 5) & Electric (Rank 5)

AP Cost: 25

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Self

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a Full Action, telekinetically coat your body in a protective layer of clay and mud and harden it with your Ætheral talents. As a result, you gain Damage Resistance against all Physical Damage equal to your Focus Attribute for the Effect Duration.

Radiation Sickness

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 5) & Cryonic (Rank 5) & Pyrotic (Rank 5)

AP Cost: 25

Action Type: Cast Weapon Attack

Range: Catalyst Range

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Standard Action, you can attempt a Cast Weapon Attack against a Target within your Effective Catalyst Range by concentrating a storm of radioactive energy at their position. If successful, the Target suffers your normal Weapon Damage and an additional 1D10 Biotic and 1D10 Pyrotic Damage for every Two(2) Points of your Focus Attribute, while also suffering the Nauseated Injury for your Effect Duration. The Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½) and Negate the Injury Effect.

Squall Sphere

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 5) & Cryonic (Rank 5) & Pyrotic (Rank 5)

AP Cost: 25

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Focus Attribute(Line)

As a Full Action, conjure a Large-sized ball of pure air current and launch it from your position in a straight line in a Range equal to your Focus Attribute. The Sphere will collect any Targets along its path of Travel, safely carrying them to the destination. The Sphere can only lift Large Targets or Smaller and ignores the height of the ground beneath it, making it ideal for crossing gaps and chasms or launching an unwanted creature into an open-air location. If the Squall hits a wall or solid object, it will bend around the curvature and continue along the path of least resistance. Unwilling Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to resist the Forced Movement Effect. You can also choose to ride safely in the Squall Sphere to the end of its Path of Travel. 

Stellar Ray

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 5) & Electric (Rank 5)& Pyrotic (Rank 5)

AP Cost: 25

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Catalyst Range(Line)

As a Full Action, you can charge an incredible amount of molten plasma into the tip of your finger and point to launch a fierce beam of pure solar energy that pierces through all Targets in a straight line up to your Effective Catalyst Range, inflicting 1D10 Electric and 1D10 Pyrotic Damage for every Two(2) Points of your Focus Attribute. Affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½). Damage from Stellar Ray bypasses all forms of Damage Resistance. 

Surface Tension

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 5) & Cryonic (Rank 5) & Electric (Rank 5)

AP Cost: 25

Action Type: Interaction/Exploration

Range: Adjacent/Focus Attribute(Radius)

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a part of an Interaction, you can touch an Adjacent liquid surface to make the surface tension unbreakable in a Radius equal to your Focus Attribute, preventing Objects, Devices, or Creatures from being able to breach the surface for the Effect Duration. 

Crushing Roots

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 6) & Biotic (Rank 6) & Cryonic (Rank 6)

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Cast Weapon Attack

Range: Catalyst Range

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Standard Action, you can attempt a Cast Weapon Attack against a Target within your Effective Catalyst Range by manipulating nearby roots or vines to constrict your Target. If successful, in addition to normal Weapon Damage, you Target suffers 1D6 Crush Damage for every Point of your Focus Attribute and is inflicted with the Entangled Condition for the Effect Duration. Furthermore, the Target suffers an additional 1D6 Crush Damage for every Point of your Focus Attribute each Turn it ends while still constricted by Crushing Roots. Finally, the Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Attack Roll to cut any Damage in Half(½) and Negate the Entangled Condition. 

Forced Mutation

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 6) & Biotic (Rank 6) & Pyrotic (Rank 6)

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Adjacent

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Standard Action, concentrate your Æthereal magicks to deliver a heavy radiation pulse to enact biological change in an Adjacent Target. You can choose to grant your Target Stacks of the Poison Injury or Regeneration Enhancement equal to Half(½) your Focus Attribute for the Effect Duration. An unwilling Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to Negate the selected Effect. 

Gravity Well

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 6) & Cryonic (Rank 6)& Electric (Rank 6)

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Catalyst Range/Half(½) Focus Attribute(Radius)

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Full Action, you can manifest a powerful well of intense gravitational pull anywhere within your Effective Catalyst Range. Any Targets within a Radius from the point of impact equal to Half(½) of your Focus Attribute will be forcefully pulled into the center of the Gravity Well, along with any unattended Devices, Objects, or Equipment, suffering 1D8 Crush Damage for every Point of your Focus Attribute. Affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½) and Negate the Forced Movement Effect.

Meld Metal

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 6) & Electric (Rank 6) & Pyrotic (Rank 6)

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Adjacent

As a Full Action, you can rapidly superheat a metal Target and quickly weld it to any Adjacent metal surface, and just as quickly, the metal cools and hardens. You can use this to affix any Two(2) metal Objects together rapidly. When applied against Machines, you can meld their limbs together or to other metal surfaces, inflicting the Immobilized Condition, inhibiting the movement or use of a limb. Affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to Negate the Immobilized Condition.


Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 6) & Biotic (Rank 6) & Electric (Rank 6)

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Adjacent

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Standard Action, you can channel your Æthereal powers through your touch into an Adjacent Object, causing it to shake and vibrate uncontrollably. Any Target that tries to Equip, Use, or Hold this Object must attempt a Maneuver against your Force Impact each Turn to do so; else they drop the Object at their feet. If the Object is unattended, it will launch itself to a random Space in a Range equal to Half(½) of your Focus Attribute away. Again, an Adjacent Target can attempt a Maneuver against your Force Impact to prevent you from touching the Target Object. 


Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 6) & Cryonic (Rank 6) & Pyrotic (Rank 6)

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Full Action/Standard Action

Range: Half(½) Focus Attribute

As a Full Action, you create a circular torrent of wind in a Radius equal to Half(½) of your Focus Attribute, centered on yourself, that will blow over any Targets within Range with icy, cutting winds, inflicting 1D6 Slash Damage and 1D6 Cryonic Damage and knocking them Prone. As a Standard Action, you can maintain an active Whirlwind for an additional Turn at Half(½) the Action Point Cost, inflicting an additional instance of Damage and knocking Affected Targets Prone. Affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½) and Negate the Forced Movement Effects. Targets that are already Prone are denied the opportunity for a Physical Save and instead are forcefully moved a number of Spaces equal to Half (½) your Focus Attribute in a circular motion around you. If their movement is prematurely halted due to striking any solid surfaces, such as a wall, tree, or pillar, they instead suffer Maximum Damage.

Blinding Radiance

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 7) & Electric (Rank 7) & Pyrotic (Rank 7)

AP Cost: 35

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Focus Attribute(Radius)

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Full Action, you surge an incredible amount of heat through your body to create a painfully brilliant light source, inflicting the Blind Injury, the Dazed Miscognition for the Effect Duration and dealing 1D10 Electric and 1D10 Pyrotic Damage against any Target that can perceive the light source, within a Radius equal to your Focus Attribute. Affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½) and Negate the Injury and Miscognition Effects. 


Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 7) & Biotic (Rank 7) & Cryonic (Rank 7)

AP Cost: 35

Action Type: Rapid Action

Range: Catalyst Range

As a Rapid Action, you channel your Æthereal magicks to manifest an intense wave of gravitational pressure on a Target within your Effective Catalyst Range, dragging them towards the ground and locking them in place with the Immobilized Condition for a single Turn. If the Target is Flying or Climbing, they instantly begin plummeting towards the ground, suffering Maximum Fall Damage on impact. Then, the Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to Negate the Immobilized Condition and any Forced Movement Effects. 

Mag Snare

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 7) & Biotic (Rank 7) & Cryonic (Rank 7)

AP Cost: 35

Action Type: Full Action/Reaction

Range: Adjacent/Half(½) Focus Attribute(Radius)

Effect Duration: Minutes/Rounds

As a Full Action, concentrate on manifesting a small hovering magnetic disc in an Adjacent Space, where it will persist for your Effect Duration in Minutes. As a Reaction, you can trigger a Mag Snare to trap any metal Devices, Objects, or Creatures in its magnetic pull for the Effect Duration in Rounds. Metal Weapons or Equipment is torn from their Holder and moved to the Mag Snare’s Space. Metal Creatures become Immobilized while within the Radius of an active Mag Snare. Affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to resist the Mag Snare’s Effects.


Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 7) & Biotic (Rank 7) & Pyrotic (Rank 7)

AP Cost: 35

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Focus Attribute

As a Full Action, you concentrate on irradiating intense nuclear energy levels in a Radius equal to your Focus Attribute, centered on you. Any Mechanical Targets within your Radius suffer 1D8 Biotic and 1D8 Pyrotic Damage for every Point of your Focus Attribute. Any unattended metal Devices or Objects within the Radius are melted and outright destroyed. In addition, any metal Equipment held by a Target suffers the Broken Condition. Affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½) and Negate the Broken Condition of their Equipment. 

Stone Beast

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 7) & Biotic (Rank 7)& Cryonic (Rank 7)

AP Cost: 35

Action Type: Cast Weapon Attack

Range: Catalyst Range/Adjacent

As a Standard Action, you can attempt a Cast Weapon Attack against a Target within your Effective Catalyst Range by manifesting a terrifying beast of rock and clay that lunges at your Target. If successful, in addition to normal Weapon Damage against your primary Target, your Stone Beast explodes into a shower of rocks and debris, inflicting 1D8 Crush Damage for every Point of your Focus Attribute and knocking your Target and any Adjacent Targets Prone. Affected Creatures can attempt a Physical Save against your Attack Roll to cut any Damage in Half(½) and Negate the Forced Movement Effect. 

Tornado Lift

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 7) & Cryonic (Rank 7)& Pyrotic (Rank 7)

AP Cost: 35

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Catalyst Range/Half(½)Focus Attribute

As a Standard Action, hone your Æthereal power to summon a vicious tornado beneath a Target within your Effective Catalyst Range, launching them a number of Paces equal to Half(½) of your Focus Attribute in a direction that you choose. The Target immediately plummets to the ground, suffering Maximum Fall Damage from their highest vertical point traveled to the end of the impact. Then, the Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to Negate the Forced Movement Effects. Alternatively, you can use Tornado Lift to lift yourself or a willing Target in any direction safely. 

Algae Bloom

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 8) & Biotic (Rank 8) & Cryonic (Rank 8)

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Focus Attribute(Radius)

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Full Action, you concentrate your Æthereal energies into growing poisonous algae, fungi, and mosses, releasing toxic spores within a Radius equal to your Focus Attribute, centered on you, inflicting Stacks of the Poison Injury equal to Half(½) of your Focus Attribute to any Organic Creatures and inflict the Corroded Condition on all Equipment within the Radius for the Effect Duration. In addition, the biomatter consumes any unattended Objects, Devices, or Items within the Radius, destroyed. Affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Focus Impact to Negate the Injuries and Conditions.

Boiling Rains

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 8) & Cryonic (Rank 8) & Pyrotic (Rank 8)

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Focus Attribute(Radius)

As a Full Action, you concentrate your Æthereal magicks to heat all of the moisture in the air, producing a cloud of boiling rain that will fall on all Targets within a Radius equal to your Focus Attribute, centered on you, dealing 1D8 Cryonic and 1D8 Pyrotic Damage and inflicting the Soaked Condition converting any surfaces into Slick Difficult Terrain. As a Standard Action, you can maintain an active Boiling Rain for an additional Turn at Half(½) the Action Point Cost, inciting an additional instance of Damage and applying the Soaked Condition to Targets. Boiling Rains extinguishes open flames and thaws any ice in the affected Radius, removing the Frozen and Chilled Conditions. Affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½). 

Death & Decay

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 8) & Biotic (Rank 8) & Pyrotic (Rank 8)

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Half(½) Focus Attribute(Radius)

As a Full Action, you harness the lifeforce from all beings around you within a Radius equal to Half(½) of your Focus Attribute to fuel your bodily restoration. You receive Stacks of the Regeneration Enhancement equal to your Focus Attribute while any Affected Targets suffer from the Nauseated Injury for their next Turn. As a Standard Action, you can maintain an active Death & Decay for an additional Turn at Half(½) the Action Point Cost, gaining additional Stacks of Regeneration and applying the Nauseated Injury to Affected Targets. Affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to Negate the Injury Effect. 

Magna Bolt

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 8) & Biotic (Rank 8) & Electric (Rank 8)

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Ritual(One Hour)

Range: Catalyst Range

As a Ritual during a Rest Period, you can spend One(1) Hour creating a strong magnetic link between you and a metal object within your possession. Then, as a Standard Action, you can attempt a Cast Weapon Attack to repel the Object away from you at incredible speed at a Target within your Effective Catalyst Range. If successful, your Target suffers your normal Weapon Damage as Pierce Damage and is automatically pierced by the Object, inflicting the Impaled Condition on the Target. Finally, as a Rapid Action, you can Recall the Object back to you from a distance equal to your Focus Attribute. Retrieving the Object from an Impaled Creature deals Minimum Weapon Damage. 

Shooting Star

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 8) & Electric (Rank 8) & Pyrotic (Rank 8)

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Double(2*) Focus Attribute(Charge)

As a Full Action, you convert your entire body into a brilliant beam of pure plasma energy, launching yourself in a straight line up to Double(2*) your Focus Attribute as a Charge. Any Targets within your path of travel are seared by burning light as you pass through them, inflicting 1D8 Electric and 1D8 Pyrotic Damage for every Point of your Focus Attribute. Affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½). The Damage of Shooting Star bypasses any form of Damage Resistance. 


Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 8) & Cryonic (Rank 8) & Electric (Rank 8)

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Adjacent

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Standard Action, you can channel your Æthereal magicks through your touch into an Adjacent Target to make a Massive-sized or Smaller Target completely weightless, floating upward at a rate of Half(½) your Focus Attribute per Turn for the Effect Duration. As a Free Action, you can break the Effect of Zero-G on your Target, sending it plummeting to the ground. If your Target were to land in another Target, both Targets suffer 1D10 Crush Damage for each Space traveled during the fall, in addition to any Fall Damage. Finally, the Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to Negate the Effect. 

Cyclone Sweep

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 9) & Cryonic (Rank 9) & Pyrotic (Rank 9)

AP Cost: 45

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Half(½) Focus Attribute(Cone)

As a Full Action, conjure forth an unexpected gust of wind that blows over any Targets in a Cone up to a Range equal to Half(½) of your Focus Attribute, dealing 1D10 Slash Damage for every Point of your Focus Attribute and knocking them back to the edge of the affected area. The Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½) and Negate the Forced Movement Effects. Finally, clear the Affected Area of any Difficult Terrain. 


Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 9) & Cryonic (Rank 9) & Electric (Rank 9)

AP Cost: 45

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Adjacent

As a Full Action, you can channel your Æthereal powers through your touch into an Adjacent Target to tear open a hole in Timespace to an empty dimension and force it through. Each Minute spent by a Creature inside an empty dimension will reduce their current Essence by One(1). If a Creature's Essence reaches Zero(0), their remains are scattered across Timespace. You can pull your Target back into reality at will, provided they are still intact. An unwilling Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to Negate the banishment.


Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 9) & Biotic (Rank 9) & Cryonic Element(Rank 9)

AP Cost: 45

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Catalyst Range(Line)/Half(½) Focus Attribute (Line)

As a Full Action, you can rapidly manifest and shift created Wooded Walls or Terra Columns around you at will. You can manifest a number of Columns or Walls equal to Half(½) your Focus Attribute at any point or between any Two(2) Points within your Effective Catalyst Range as a Free Action. Alternatively, in place of creating a structure, you can horizontally shift a single manifested Wall or Column a number of Paces equal to Half(½) your Focus Attribute, pushing around any Targets within the path of travel. Any Target crushed between a Column or Wall and a hard surface suffers 1D10 Crush Damage for every Two(2) Points of your Focus Attribute. Affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½).

Solar Beam

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 9) & Electric (Rank 9) & Pyrotic (Rank 9)

AP Cost: 45

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Catalyst Range(Line)

As a Full Action, harness the heat from nearby light sources to charge a high powered energy beam from the tip of your finger that pierces any Targets in a straight line within your Effective Catalyst Range, inflicting 1D10 Electric and 1D10 Pyrotic Damage for every Point of your Focus Attribute and setting Target's on fire with the Ignite Condition. Affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½) and Negate the Ignite Condition.


Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 9) & Biotic (Rank 9) & Electric (Rank 9)

AP Cost: 45

Action Type: Reaction

Range: Half(½) Focus Attribute(Cone)

As a Reaction to taking Hit Point Damage from an Attack or Heroic Action, you can reflect the percussive energy of the Attack towards your Attacker, releasing a heavy soundwave against all Target's within a Cone in a Range equal to Half(½) your Focus Attribute, inflicting 1D10 Force Damage for every Point of your Focus Attribute and knocking back Targets within the Affected Area a number of Paces equal to Half(½) your Focus Attribute. Damage from Subwoof bypasses any form of Damage Resistance or Forced Movement Resistance.


Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 9) & Biotic (Rank 9) & Pyrotic (Rank 9)

AP Cost: 45

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Adjacent

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Standard Action, you can channel your Æthereal magicks through your touch into an Adjacent Target, causing it to wither and decay, inflicting Stacks of the Poison Injury and a penalty to All Rolls equal to Half(½) of your Focus Attribute for the Effect Duration. Each Turn for the Effect Duration, the Target must attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to avoid a new interaction of Poison Stacks and Roll penalties. 


Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 10) & Biotic (Rank 10) & Pyrotic (Rank 10)

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Double(2*) Focus Attribute(Radius)

As a Full Action, snap your fingers to split an atom, unleashing a white-hot flash of destruction, obliterating any Targets within a Radius equal to Double(2*) your Focus Attribute in an instant inflicting 1D10 Biotic and 1D10 Pyrotic Damage to all Targets in the Radius. Blackburn does not grant an opportunity for a Save. Any Creatures killed by Blackburn are instantly vaporized, leaving behind no trace or remains. 

Manifest Machine

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 10) & Biotic (Rank 10)& Electric (Rank 10)

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Ritual(Four Hours)

As a Ritual during a Rest Period, spend Four(4) Hours manifesting a Deactivated Machine Creature to your exact design specifications using an Engineering or Arcana Ability Check. This Machine can be programmed into a degree of sentience or functionality through an Electronics Ability Check or Bound to a Matrix Controller.

Reclaim the Land

Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 10) & Biotic (Rank 10) & Cryonic (Rank 10)

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Focus Attribute(Radius)

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Full Action, you send your Æthereal energies deep underground to manifest an eruption of powerful roots and plants to overgrow a Radius around you equal to your Focus Attribute, ensnaring all Targets with the Entangled Condition for the Effect Duration. Affected Targets suffer 1D10 Crush Damage for every Point of your Focus Attribute each Turn while still constricted by Reclaim The Land. Additionally, affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to Negate the Entangled Condition. 


Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 10) & Cryonic (Rank 10) & Electric (Rank 10)

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Adjacent

As a Full Action, you can channel your Æthereal power through your touch into an Adjacent Target to condense the Target's entire matter into an Indestructible Micro-sized marble. This instantly kills any living Target while perfectly preserving their remains in an easily storable Object. You can expand a Singularity Marble as a Rapid Action to restore it to its previous physical form. Any organic Creatures will need to be resurrected or revived to survive the process. An unwilling Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to Negate the Effect. 


Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 10) & Cryonic (Rank 10) & Pyrotic (Rank 10)

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Cast Weapon Attack

Range: Catalyst Range

As a Standard Action, you can attempt a Cast Weapon Attack against a Target within your Effective Catalyst Range by forcefully creating a wind vacuum around your Target’s air intake. If successful, your Target suffers a loss of One(1) Essence and the Stunned Condition. As a Move Action, you can maintain an active Suffocate on a Target for Half(½) of the Action Point Cost, inflicting an additional Essence Loss and extending the Stunned Condition.


Prerequisite: Adept(Rank 10) & Electric (Rank 10) & Pyrotic (Rank 10)

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Cast Weapon Attack

Range: Catalyst Range

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Standard Action, you can attempt a Cast Weapon Attack against a Target within your Effective Catalyst Range by manifesting a pure drop of golden solar energy and launching it at your Target. If successful, in addition to normal Weapon Damage, you will inflict your Target with the Ignite Condition for the Effect Duration. The Ignite Condition can not be extinguished or removed by any means, with the Damage Dice rolled for the Ignite Condition Doubled(2*) each Turn.