Table Of Contents



Creating A Character

The Character Sheet 

Character Statistics 


Class Introduction

Base Classes 

Hybrid Classes

Character Equipment



Creating A Character

Once a player understands Quantum State's basics, they are ready to create their Character. As a tutorial, we create one alongside the reader to assist and explain the different variables that go into making a complete Character.

The Character Sheet

Before a player creates their Character, it is essential that they understand their Character Sheet and what each designation is meant to represent as it pertains to their Character. So let us begin by looking at the basest expression of a Character: Attributes.


Attributes make up the basic building blocks when determining Character Statistics. There are six (6) Attributes that every Character and creature in Quantum State are assigned to gauge their effectiveness against each other and their environment. In addition, all other statistics and abilities are influenced by a Character’s Attributes as follows:


The Power Attribute measures raw physical strength. It governs the following:

●        Melee Weapon Accuracy

●        Melee Weapon Damage

●        Maneuvers

●        Physical Impacts

●        Athletics Ability Checks

●        Inventory Slots


The Skill Attribute measures dexterity, hand-eye coordination, and manual alacrity. It governs the following:

●        Ranged Weapon Accuracy

●        Physical Armor

●        Maneuvers

●        Speed

●        Initiative

●        Physical Impacts

●        Acrobatics Ability Checks

●        Drive Ability Checks

●        Stealth Ability Checks


The Grit Attribute measures endurance, hardiness, and overall health. It governs the following:

●        Total Hit Points

●        Total Essence

●        Physical Impacts


The Focus Attribute measures intellect, recall, and mental acuity. It governs the following:

●        Cast Weapon Accuracy

●        Total Action Points

●        Total Heroics Slots

●        Force Impacts

●        Arcana Ability Checks

●        Electronics Ability Checks

●        Engineering Ability Checks


The Will Attribute measures wits, awareness, and mental fortitude. It governs the following:

●        Initiative

●        Effect Duration

●        Force Armor

●        Force Impacts

●        Repair Modifiers

●        Apothicine Ability Checks

●        Investigation Ability Checks

●        Nature Ability Checks

●        Perception Ability Checks


The Charm Attribute measures charisma, empathy, and social influence. It governs the following:

●        Force Impacts

●        Healing Modifiers

●        Culture Ability Checks

●        Deception Ability Checks

●        Intimidation Ability Checks

●        Tact Ability Checks

Attribute Progression

When making a new Character, all Attributes start at a baseline of zero (0). After that, Characters receive adjustments to Attributes as selected by the player, their chosen Birthrite, and the gains earned by distributing Character Levels that make a Character more capable as they progress through a Campaign. Attributes have a hard capacity of thirty (30), meaning that no Attribute can ever exceed that amount, including any temporary bonuses.

Tutorial 0: Attributes

After reviewing the Attributes, we have decided to make a Character with high Power and Skill Attributes, as we feel those would most compliment the Character we would like to play.

Picking a Birthrite

Everyone is from somewhere. The lore of Quantum State places the Company in the wild Frontierland of Salt. Salt is populated by several complex societies and cultures called Birthrites. There are nine (9) Birthrites to choose from in the Core Rules, as detailed in the Birthrites chapter. The player’s chosen Birthrite substantially impacts the background of their Character, as the Birthrite reflects their experiences leading up to the beginning of the story.

Birthrites are indicative of the values a Character was subjected to during their early development as a person. These can indicate various cultural pressures, societal norms, or standard practices and disciplines that may be ingrained into their belief system. In short, a Birthrite is ultimately the jumping-off point for starting a new Character.

Take the time to read through the next chapter, where Birthrites are detailed in-depth, to choose the Birthrite most reflective of a Character’s upbringing. Once a player has selected a Birthrite, they apply the listed changes to their Character’s Attributes. They gain a pre-determined bonus (+2) to a single Attribute and a pre-determined penalty (-1) to a single Attribute. The player is granted a choice between two (2) Attributes to gain a bonus (+1) and a choice between a separate pair of Attributes to take a penalty (-1). The Birthright also enables players to select a free Class Ability for their Character’s Tenderfoot Class. Be sure to mark these adjustments on the Character Sheet.

Tutorial 1: Select A Birthrite

After reviewing the Birthrites chapter, we decided that Axis best represents the background for our Character, Paffik. Paffik used to be a poor kid on the glitzy and grimy streets of Axis, taking whatever jobs they could to scrape together a living. Eventually, they landed a pretty sweet gig as a Corporate Fixer, earning bling hand over fist in exchange for violence. Life was pretty sweet, that is until they fell from the good graces of their employer.

By selecting the Axis Birthrite, Paffik immediately gains a bonus (+2) to their Charm Attribute and takes a penalty (-1) to their Power Attribute. We had to choose to issue a bonus (+1) between the Skill and Will Attributes. For Paffik, we decided on the Skill Attribute (+1). We also needed to issue a penalty (-1) between the Grit and Focus Attributes. We decided on the Focus Attribute (-1). We also selected between Deception and Electronics as a Tenderfoot Class Ability. For Paffik, we chose the Deception Ability.

Picking Classes

Once a player has established their Birthrite, we need to quantify their scope of abilities. What about their specialized knowledge or techniques enable them to excel as adventurers? Classes determine these aspects for any given Character.

During Session Zero, the Docent should have established a starting Character Level for the Company. That indicates the number of Class Ranks players have available to distribute when they create their Characters. Anytime a Docent grants a Character Level to the players, they can tandemly increase the Rank of any of their Classes. That means the Character Level will always equal the sum of a Character’s Class Ranks. All Classes have a hard Rank capacity of ten (10).

Understanding Tenderfoot

First, let us look at the universal Tenderfoot Class. Every Character has Ranks in their Tenderfoot Class, as the Tenderfoot represents the “Journeyman” phase of Character development. The Tenderfoot is often depicted as a rookie, squire, or scholar honing their training or disciplines. The Tenderfoot is unique in that all its choices and selections are completely customizable, allowing the player to shape a Character’s scope of ability. Players can learn more about the Tenderfoot Class in the upcoming chapter on Classes. When placing Class Ranks, no other Class can be a higher Rank than the Tenderfoot Class.

Picking Base Classes

Once the players have satisfied the appropriate Tenderfoot requirements, they will be ready to advance their Character’s expertise into the realms of specialization. The player must select a pair of Base Classes to determine this. Players can choose any two (2) Base Classes to shape how their Character grows over their career as an adventurer. As detailed in the Classes chapter, there are nine (9) Base Classes to choose from in the Core Rules.

Anytime a Character gains a new Class Rank, they receive a small bonus to their Hit Points and Action Points. Players should be very thoughtful in their Base Class choices, as these selections shape a Character more than any other in the entire game. Base Classes determine the distribution of Attributes, shaping the passive qualities of a Character. They also impact the choices available to players for many Perks, Equipment Training, and Heroics, further shaping their Character’s scope of capabilities.

When placing Class Ranks, a Character can never have a Base Class that is a higher Rank than their Tenderfoot Class. Players should review the available Base Classes in the Classes chapter of this book and decide what pair of disciplines best suit their desired Character. Apply the Class Ranks by making the appropriate adjustments to Attributes and Class Abilities on the Character Sheet.

 Because the tutorials started in past tense, I've kept that consistent throughout.

 You use the term without the number earlier, which is clearer; since this number isn't used for any math, there's no need to use the numeral.

Tutorial 2: Select Classes

After carefully reviewing our options, we felt the Delinquent and Armsman Base Classes best represent how Paffik was able to survive the harsh streets of Axis. As a Delinquent, Paffik is street-smart and ruthless, able to move undetected and strike when least expected. As an Armsman, Paffik is a specialist with melee weapons, able to inflict heavy damage against opponents at a close range.

During Session Zero, the Docent established that everyone in the Company would begin this Campaign at Character Level five (5). That means we have five (5) Class Ranks to distribute. We place two (2) Class Ranks in the Tenderfoot Class, two (2) Class Ranks in the Delinquent Class, and one (1) Class Rank in the Armsman Class.

According to the Classes chapter, Paffik receives the following adjustments:

●        With two (2) Tenderfoot Class Ranks, we mark the changes indicated by Paffik’s Axis Birthrite and a bonus (+1) to an Attribute of our choice. We select the Focus Attribute. The Tenderfoot Class grants Paffik additional Hit Points (+5) and Action Points (+2) per Rank, for a total of Hit Points (+10) and Action Points (+4).

●        With two (2) Delinquent Class Ranks, Paffik gains a bonus (+1) to their Skill, Will, and Charm Attributes and a +1 Bonus to an Attribute of our choice. We choose Paffik’s Skill Attribute. The Delinquent Class grants Paffik additional Hit Points (+5) and Action Points (+3) per Class Rank, for a total of Hit Points (+10) and Action Points (+6).

●        With one (1) Armsman Class Rank, Paffik gains a bonus (+1) to their Power, Skill, and Grit Attributes. The Armsman Class grants Paffik additional Hit Points (+7) and Action Points  (+2) per Class Rank.

Total Hit Point bonus from Class Ranks: 27

Total Action Point bonus from Class Ranks: 12

Paffik begins their adventure with the following spread of Attributes:

Power: 0

Skill: 4

Grit: 1

Focus: 0

Will: 1

Charm: 3

When applying Tenderfoot Rank one (1), we see that we must select a signature Equipment Training for Paffik as a part of the Knack Class Feature. Paffik would never be caught dead without their trusty pistol, so we select Sidearm Training as Paffik’s Knack. When applying Tenderfoot Rank Two (2), we select a Class Ability for the Studious Class Feature. For Paffik, we select Stealth as a Tenderfoot Class Ability. Players can learn more about the Knack and Studious Class Features in the Tenderfoot section of the Classes chapter.

When applying Delinquent and Armsman Rank one (1), we choose Three (3) Class Abilities from a preselected list for each Class. We choose the Acrobatics, Deception, and Stealth Class Abilities from the Delinquent list and Acrobatics, Perception, and Stealth Class Abilities from the Armsman list. Selecting an Ability to be a Class Ability provides a bonus to that Ability equal to half (½) the Character’s Class Rank.

Getting Equipped

Now that the players know the scope of their Character’s talents, they can decide on the tools they use to accomplish the job. Every time a Character gains a Class Rank, they also gain a Training Rank, which players can place toward mastering an Equipment Type. When starting a new Character, the player effectively begins with a number of Training Ranks equal to their Character Level. The available selection of Equipment that a Character has access to at the beginning of the Campaign should be established by the Docent during Session Zero.

Each Class has a list of Equipment Types to choose from when placing a Training Rank. Ranks invested in the Tenderfoot Class can be placed in any Equipment Type. Equipment Training has a maximum Rank capacity of ten (10). Players can reference the Equipment chapter to decide which Equipment Types best suit their Character. Players should consider their Character’s Training Ranks an overall proficiency or skill level in using a designated Equipment Type. There are thirty-two (32) Equipment Types to choose from, including Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons, Cast Weapons, Armor, and Elemental disciplines.

Each Rank put toward Mastery confers various bonuses to a Character. They can receive bonuses to Attack and Damage Rolls, Armor, Hit Points and Action Points, Ability Checks, and many other potential benefits to their statistics. As players assign Training Ranks, their Characters gain access to new, powerful Equipment Perks, and more Heroics become available. Whenever a Character reaches Rank ten (10) in Equipment Training, they also gain a powerful Mastery Perk.

Tutorial 3: Select Equipment

To select Paffik’s Equipment Training, we turned to the Equipment chapter to review their options. Previously, we chose Sidearm Training as a part of Paffik’s Knack Class Feature of the Tenderfoot Class. That means one of the selections was already made. We had four (4) remaining Training Ranks to place.

One (1) Training Rank remaining was distributed from Paffik’s two (2) Tenderfoot Class Ranks. We could put this into any Equipment Training. We decided to place it into Light Armor for the sake of survival. We had two (2) Training Ranks remaining from their two (2) Delinquent Class Ranks. We could place them toward any Equipment Training from the Delinquent Equipment List. For Paffik, we set two (2) Training Ranks for their Sidearm Training.

We also had one (1) Training Rank remaining from their one (1) Armsman Class Rank. However, we noticed in the Armsman section of the Classes chapter that the Armsman has a unique Class Feature: Way of the Warrior. Whenever we place a Training Rank gained from earning an Armsman Class Rank toward a Melee Weapon, it counts as two (2) Training Ranks. With that in mind, we placed a Training Rank toward our Blade Training to take full advantage of the Armsman Class.

After reviewing the Equipment Training selected for Paffik, we had the following results:

Sidearm Ranged Weapon: 3

Blade Melee Weapon: 2

Light Armor: 1

Not a shabby spread for a “Puckish rogue.” We applied these adjustments to our Character Sheet. After a quick review of the Training section of the Equipment chapter, we calculated that Paffik received the following bonuses:

●        With three (3) Training Ranks, their Sidearm Training grants Paffik a bonus (+1) to Ranged Attack and Damage, a bonus (+2) to Critical Hit Damage, a bonus (+2) to Initiative, and a bonus (+2) to Stealth Ability Checks.

●        With two (2) Training Ranks, their Blade Training grants Paffik a bonus (+1) to Melee Attack and Damage, a bonus (+1) to Physical Impacts, a bonus (+1) to Parrying, and a bonus (+1) to Bleed Injuries.

●        With one (1) Training Rank, Light Armor grants Paffik a bonus to Hit Points (+10) and Action Points (+10), a bonus (+1) to Physical Impacts, and a bonus (+1) to Acrobatics Ability Checks.

●        Paffik’s combined Training increases the number of Equipment Modifications they can maintain to four (4).

Selecting Perks

Now that the players have worked out their Character’s equipment choices, it’s time to add a little more personal styling. They can accomplish this with a thoughtful selection of Perks, which are passive alterations to how a Character functions. Players can add a new Perk to their Character Sheet for every even Character Level (2, 4, 6, etc.). A new Character begins with a number of Perks equal to half of their Character Level. There are five hundred and sixty (560) Perks in the Core Rules from which to choose. While referring to the Perks chapter, notice that the Perks are divided into different categories based on accessibility and function.

The different Perk categories are organized as follows:

Interaction. Perks that adjust how you perform outside of combat.

Combat. Perks that change how you perform in combat.

Class. Perks that adjust your Class Features or provide Class-specific adjustments.

Equipment. Perks that alter how you interact with Equipment based on your selected Training.

Mastery. Perks that are earned from mastering an Equipment Training.

Tutorial 4: Select Perks

After sorting out their Equipment, we selected some Perks for Paffik. With a Character Level of Five (5), Paffik could select Two (2) Perks. While reviewing our choices for Perks, we spotted two that fit perfectly with what we had in mind for Paffik: Hard to Find and Hitman.

Hard to Find makes Paffik harder to detect while hidden, meaning Paffik has an easier time sneaking around Unaware creatures and Characters. Additionally, the Hitman Perk enables Paffik to bypass the Light Melee Requirement needed to make Sneak Attacks, a key Delinquent Class Feature, compensating for their lack of Light Melee Training in favor of Sidearm Training. Pistols are more Paffik’s style than knives, after all.

From the Interaction Perks and Class Perks (Delinquent) lists:

Hard to Find

Any Perception Ability Checks to locate this Character while using Stealth suffers a penalty (-5) for the attempt.


This Character can perform Sneak Attacks with Sidearms.

Character Statistics

Once the players have selected their Character’s Perks, they have completed all the choices needed to create a Character Sheet for playing Quantum State. That means we are ready to calculate Character Statistics!

Who is ready for some MODERATE math!?

We understand that the “doing the math” part of creating a Character for Quantum State (or any other Tabletop Roleplaying Game) can be a daunting task and a significant barrier for some people to enjoy these games. That’s why we wanted to include largely automated options for keeping a Character Sheet and creating a Character available across multiple digital mediums to make that part easy for the player. Accessibility is the heart of Quantum State. Once players have become familiarized with Attributes, Classes, Equipment, and Perks, they can calculate the remaining statistics for their Character Sheets.

Hit Points

Hit Points (HP) reflect a Character’s state of health or physical wellness and the total amount of harm they can withstand before they begin Dying. Any Damage taken is deducted from a Character’s current Hit Points, and if their Hit Points are reduced to zero (0), the Character loses consciousness and begins Dying. Dying is a Condition that requires creatures to make Essence Saves to determine if they become Stabilized or Dead. Players can restore Hit Points to their Character during Recovery through a Rest Period, by using a curative item, or as the result of Class Features or Heroics. Restoring Hit Points cures the Bleed Injury and restores Dying Characters to consciousness.

Hit Point Calculation

(Hit Points per Class per Rank) + (Grit Attribute*Character Level) + Equipment Bonus

Tutorial 5a: Paffik’s Hit Points

((2*5) + (2*5) + (1*7)) + (1*5)+(1*10) = 42 Total Hit Points

Action Points

Action Points (AP) reflect a Character’s stamina, magick, or energy reserves. Action Points are the undefined source of power that fuels a Character’s Heroics. Characters without sufficient Action Points to utilize Heroics can still perform the action if they have at least half of the required Action Point Cost in their reserves, reducing their Action Points to zero (0). If a Character’s Action Points are reduced to zero (0), they suffer the Exhaustion Injury until their next Long Rest. Exhausted Characters cannot benefit from Critical Hits or perform non-recovery actions during Downtime.

Action Point Calculation

(Action Points Per Class Per Rank) + (Focus Attribute*Character Level) + Equipment Bonus

Tutorial 5b: Paffik’s Action Points

((2*2)+(2*3)+(1*2))+(0*5)+(1*10) = 22 Total Action Points


Essence is the connection between a Character’s soul and physical body. If a Character’s Essence is set to zero (0), they are Dead and unable to be revived or resurrected without extreme intervention. Whenever a Character’s Hit Points are reduced to zero (0), and they are actively Dying; on their turn, they are required to make an Essence Save to prevent death from claiming their soul. Essence has a minimum capacity of one (1) and a maximum capacity of five (5).

Each turn, a Dying Character must roll a D10; if a Character making an Essence Save roll of five or less (≤5), they lose Essence (1) and are required to make another Essence Save on their next turn. If the Dying Character rolls a six or greater (≥6), they become Stabilized, remaining Comatose with zero (0) Hit Points but no longer Dying or required to make Essence Saves.

If a creature is left to Stabilize for one (1) hour, they recover Hit Points and Action Points as though they spent one (1) hour Recuperating during a Rest Period. If a Character has their Essence reduced to zero (0), even if they still have Hit Points remaining, they bypass the Dying Condition, becoming Dead instantly.

Essence Calculation

Half (½) Grit Attribute

Tutorial 5c: Paffik’s Essence

Paffik has a Grit Attribute of 1.

(1/2) = 0

Paffik has the minimum Essence of 1

Attacks & Damage

Attack and Damage modifiers reflect a Character’s ability to wield a specific array of weapons to attempt Attacks and inflict Damage on specified targets. Attack statistics are applied as a flat bonus to any Attack rolls made using a weapon of the corresponding type. Likewise, Damage statistics are applied as a flat bonus to any Damage rolls made to calculate the harm inflicted by a weapon of the corresponding type.

Depending on the Damage Type inflicted by the Attack, Attack rolls are weighed against the intended target’s Physical and Force Armor. If an Attack exceeds the target’s Armor, the Attack is a success, inflicting the wielder’s Weapon Damage to the target’s current Hit Points. Attack and Damage rolls can be further altered by Equipment Training and Modification, Perks, Class Features, and Heroics. Damage rolls are governed utilizing a weapon’s Scale, which has a base level set by the attacker’s Weapon Frame and is further enhanced through Equipment Training. Statistics like Parry and Critical Damage can also adjust Attack and Damage rolls, with select Perks and Equipment Training granting bonuses when deflecting incoming Attacks or increasing Damage dealt by Critical Hits.

Weapon Attacks and Damage are divided into three (3) different categories:

Melee. A weapon designed for close-quarters engagement, inflicting harm by striking a target with a hardened edge, bludgeoning surface, or hand-to-hand combat.

Ranged. A weapon designed with a mechanism for the precision launching of projectiles, enabling a wielder to strike a target from a significant distance.

Cast. A weapon designed for a specialized purpose or application, requiring deep study or understanding to wield effectively.

Melee Calculations

Attack: Power Attribute + Equipment Bonus

Damage: Power Attribute + Equipment Bonus

Two-handed Melee Attacks gain an additional Damage bonus equal to half (½) of the wielder’s Power Attribute.

Ranged Calculations

Attack: Skill Attribute + Equipment Bonus

Damage: Equipment Bonus

Cast Calculations

Attack: Focus Attribute + Equipment Bonus

Damage: Equipment Bonus

Tutorial 5d: Paffik’s Attack & Damage

Paffik has a Power Attribute of zero (0), and their Blade Training grants a bonus (+1) to Melee Attacks and Damage.

0 + 1 = 1 Melee Attack

0 + 1 = 1 Melee Damage

Paffik has a Skill Attribute of four (4), and their Sidearm Training grants a bonus (+1) to Ranged Attacks and Damage.

4 + 1 = 6 Ranged Attack

1 = 1 Ranged Damage

Paffik has a Focus Attribute of zero (0), and they have not invested in any type of Cast Training.

0 + 0 = 0 Cast Attack

0 = 0 Cast Damage

Paffik gains a bonus (+1) to Parrying from their Blade Training and a bonus (+2) to their Critical Damage from their Sidearm Training.

1 = 1 Parry

2 = 2 Critical Damage


Armor reflects a Character’s ability to avoid Damage from direct Attacks and is critical to their survival. Armor scores primarily determine the effectiveness of Attack rolls targeted at a Character. Attack rolls that do not exceed a target’s Armor fail to inflict Damage, with some exceptions. Characters can improve their Armor rating by wearing an Armor set (Cloth, Light, Heavy, or Plate) and investing in the Equipment Training required to utilize it effectively. In addition, investments made into Armor Training improve a Character’s base Hit Points and Action Points.

Armor is divided into two (2) categories: Physical Armor and Force Armor. Whether an Attack is weighed against a Character’s Physical or Force Armor depends on the Attack's Damage Type. An Attack that delivers multiple Damage Types could potentially weigh against both Armors. Every Character and creature has a Base Armor of five (5).

Physical Armor

Physical Armor represents a Character’s ability to protect themselves from all kinds of Physical Damage, including its Damage Subtypes: Slash, Pierce, and Crush Damage.

Physical Armor Calculation

Base Armor + Skill Attribute + Equipment Bonus

Force Armor

Counter to Physical Armor; Force Armor represents a Character’s ability to protect themselves from all kinds of Force Damage, including its Damage Subtypes: Biotic, Cryonic, Electric, and Pyrotic Damage.

Force Armor Calculation

Base Armor + Will Attribute + Equipment Bonus

Damage Resistance

Damage Resistance is a direct reduction of any Damage matching the corresponding Damage Type (or Subtype) to a Character’s Hit Points. Damage Resistance can be improved or altered through Equipment Training, Perks, Class Features, or Heroics. Damage Resistance can also be influenced by Status Effects, such as the Immune, Resilient, or Vulnerable Conditions.


Initiative reflects a Character’s reflexes, alertness, and readiness to act suddenly. At the beginning of each combat, every participating Character not a part of the Mob rolls for Initiative to establish an Order of Priority, rolling a D10 and adding their Initiative statistic. The results are then placed in a descending order (highest to lower) to determine which Character’s actions take priority over others.

Characters with higher placement on the Order of Priority can target Characters with a lower place at any point during their target’s movement. In contrast, Characters with a lower station can only target higher Initiative Characters at their movement destination. Mob Non-Player Characters do not have Initiative statistics, as they act in unison at the end of a combat round. 

Initiative Calculation

Skill Attribute + Will Attribute + Equipment Bonus

Tutorial 5e: Paffik’s Armor & Resistance

Base Armor is 5, and Paffik has a Skill Attribute of 4. Wearing Light Armor provides Paffik with an Equipment bonus (+1) to Physical Armor

5 + 4 + 1 = 10 Physical Armor

Base Armor is 5, and Paffik has a Will Attribute of 1. Wearing Light Armor provides Paffik with an Equipment bonus (+1) to Force Armor.

5 + 1 + 1 = 7 Force Armor

Paffik has not invested in any type of Damage Resistance.

Tutorial 5f: Paffik’s Initiative

Paffik has a Skill Attribute of 4 and a Will Attribute of 1. Paffik’s Sidearm Training grants a bonus  (+2) to Initiative.

4 + 1 + 2 = 7 Initiative


Speed reflects how fast a Character can travel. During combat, their Speed dictates the number of paces a Character can traverse with a single Move Action. Every Character has a Base Speed of five (5).

Speed Calculation

Base Speed + half (½) Skill Attribute + Equipment Bonus

Tutorial 5g: Paffik’s Speed

Base Speed is 4, and Paffik has a Skill Attribute of 4.

4 + (4/2) + 0 = 6 Speed


Maneuvers reflect a Character’s ability to handle themselves in contests of physical control or tactical positioning. Unlike Attacks, Maneuvers do not typically inflict Damage and are primarily used to directly control an opponent or their position on the battlefield. Attempted Maneuvers are usually resolved through a contested roll involving both participants, with the victor securing a strategic advantage over the defeated.

Maneuver Calculation

Power Attribute + Skill Attribute + Equipment Bonus

Tutorial 5h: Paffik’s Maneuvers

Paffik has a Power Attribute of 0 and a Skill Attribute of 4.

0 + 4 + 0 = 4 Maneuver


Encumbrance reflects how the weight of a Character’s Equipment hampers their mobility. Heavy Equipment often carries with it an increase in Encumbrance. Select Perks and Equipment Modifications can assist with mitigating the cost of Encumbrance. Each point of Encumbrance a Character endures incurs a penalty (-1) to their Initiative, Speed, Maneuvers, Physical Saves, and Inventory Slots, with a greater penalty (-2) to all Skill-based and Power-based Ability Checks. If Encumbrance exceeds a Character’s Power Attribute, their Speed is set to zero (0), and they cannot move until they lighten their load.

Action Slots

Action Slots reflect the total number of Heroics that a Character can access at any given time. It may help to think of this as a spellbook or a list of signature techniques that players can adjust as their Character grows. Currently selected Heroics can be swapped with different Heroics that a Character has unlocked through their Class or Training Ranks by spending an hour Meditating during a Rest Period. Every Character has a Base Action Slot count of four (4).

Action Slot Calculation

Base Slots + half (½) Focus Score + Equipment Bonus

Tutorial 5i: Paffik’s Action Slots

Base Slot Count is 4.

Paffik has a Focus Attribute of 0.

4 + (0/2) + 0 = 4 Action Slots

Effect Duration

Effect Duration dictates how long a Character’s effects will last before fading. Effect Durations typically apply to Class Features, Heroics, and Status Effects. Effect Duration can be scaled by Rounds, minutes, or hours, as indicated in the description of the ability that incurs the effect. Effect Duration has a minimum capacity of one (1).

Effect Duration Calculation

Half (½) Will Attribute

Tutorial 5j: Paffik’s Duration

Paffik has a Will Attribute of 1.

(1/2) = 0

Paffik has the minimum Effect Duration of 1.

Impacts & Saves

Saves and Impacts determine a Character’s overall effectiveness at performing tasks that require the entirety of their bodily or mental control. Much like Armor, Impacts and Saves are further separated into Physical and Force categories, with the Physical governing a Character’s body and Force governing their mind. Impacts represent a Character’s ability to engage in such tasks offensively, while Saves represent their ability to protect themselves.

Physical and Force Impacts reflect a Character’s overall physical and mental prowess when performing extraordinary tasks, typically invoked as a part of a Class Feature or Heroics. Whenever a Character utilizes a Physical or Force Impact to determine the effectiveness of one of their actions, it is almost always contested by a Physical or Force Save from their affected target(s).

Physical and Force Saves reflect a Character’s natural ability to withstand effects directly disrupting their body or mind, respectively. Physical and Force Saves are typically contested against Physical and Force Impacts to determine the effectiveness of a Class Feature or Heroics. However, environmental factors like traps and hazards also require Characters to make a Save. Physical Saves are utilized to endure devastating Effects like explosions, poisons, injuries, and other Effects that target a Character’s physical form. At the same time, Force Saves are utilized to withstand attempts to influence a Character’s thoughts and emotions and resist miscognitions and other Effects that target mental stability.

Physical Impact Calculation

Power Attribute + Skill Attribute + Grit Attribute + Equipment Bonus

Force Impact Calculation

Focus Attribute + Will Attribute + Charm Attribute + Equipment Bonus

Physical Save Calculation

Half (½) Physical Impact + half (½) Character Level + Equipment Bonus

Force Save Calculation

Half (½) Force Impact + half (½) Character Level + Equipment Bonus

Tutorial 5k: Paffik’s Impacts & Saves

Paffik has a Power Attribute of 0, a Skill Attribute of 4, and a Grit Attribute of 1. Paffik’s Blade Training and Light Armor Training each grant a bonus (+1) to Physical Impact.

0 + 4 + 1 + 2 = 7 Physical Impact

Paffik has a Focus Attribute of 0, Will Attribute of 1, and Charm Attribute of 3.

0 + 1 + 3 + 0  = 4 Force Impact

Paffik has a Physical Impact of 6 and a Character Level of 5.

(7/2) + (5/2) + 0 = 5 Physical Save

Paffik has a Force Impact of 4 and a Character Level of 5.

(4/2) + (5/2) + 0 = 4 Force Save


An Ability reflects a Character’s current level of effectiveness when performing a specialized task or acting with technical knowledge, typically resolved through an Ability Check. Abilities Checks are among the most common rolls made in the game.

There are fifteen (15) Abilities in the Core Rules of Quantum State:

Acrobatics. (Skill) A Character’s ability to jump, balance, or traverse difficult obstacles efficiently.

Apothicine. (Will) A Character’s ability to practice medicine or their studied knowledge of biological, chemical, and anatomical sciences.

Arcana. (Focus) A Character’s ability to utilize latent magicks, magickal artifacts, or their studied knowledge of history.

Athletics. (Power) A Character’s ability to effectively exert their physical strength, typically by climbing, swimming, lifting, or breaking objects.

Culture. (Charm) A Character’s ability to engage in artistic performances, proper etiquette, or their studied knowledge of traditions and languages outside of their native culture.

Deception. (Charm) A Character’s ability to lie, bluff, or intentionally misdirect other characters, or their talent for creating convincing disguises.

Drive. (Skill) A Character’s ability to operate a mundane machine, vehicle, or ship, perform stunts, or handle and ride animals.

Electronics. (Focus) A Character’s ability to hack or otherwise interface with terminals, digital devices, system networks, and machine programming.

Engineering. (Focus) A Character’s ability to craft or repair mechanical devices, objects, and structures, or their studied knowledge of mathematics and architecture.

Intimidation. (Charm) A Character’s ability to incite fear in other Characters, provoke creatures into aggression, or coerce others to act.

Investigation. (Will) A Character’s ability to utilize deductive reasoning, loot items, search for clues or secrets, or discern reality from falsehood.

Nature. (Will) A Character’s ability to survive, navigate, or track in the wilderness without modern amenities or their studied knowledge of astronomy, meteorology, or ecology.

Perception. (Will) A Character’s ability to utilize innate senses, such as sight and hearing, to detect creatures, objects, or events in their immediate surroundings.

Stealth. (Skill) A Character’s ability to mask their presence to other creatures, sneak, or avoid detection.

Tact. (Charm) A Character’s ability to present themselves diplomatically, convince or persuade other Characters, trade, negotiate, or draft ironclad contracts.

Ability Calculation:

Base Attribute + Class Bonus + Equipment Bonus

Tutorial 5l: Paffik’s Abilities

Using the above calculation, Paffik has the following Ability statistics:

4+2+1 = 7 Acrobatics

1+0+0 = 1 Apothicine

0+0+0 = 0 Arcana

0+0+0 = 0 Athletics

3+0+0 = 3 Culture

3+2+0 = 5 Deception

4+0+0 = 4 Drive

0+0+0 = 0 Electronics

0+0+0 = 0 Engineering

3+0+0 = 3 Intimidation

1+0+0 = 1 Investigation

1+0+0 = 1 Nature

1+1+0 = 2 Perception

4+3+2 = 9 Stealth

3+0+0 = 3 Tact

Training Modifiers

As players develop their Character’s Equipment Training, they may gain additional Modifiers that apply during specific circumstances. Training Modifiers are slight numerical adjustments that enhance a Character’s latent capabilities to perform select actions. These Modifiers can improve things like Hit Point Recovery, elemental Effects, and weapon characteristics.

Life/Machine Modifiers

Healing - Apply when restoring Hit Points to an organic creature. The Healing Modifier receives a bonus equal to the Character’s Charm Attribute.

Repair - Apply when restoring Hit Points to a mechanical creature. The Repair Modifier receives a bonus equal to the Character’s Will Attribute.

Bandwidth - Increases the total quantity or quality of machines that can be bound to a Matrix wielded by this Character.

Bleed - When inflicting the Bleed Injury, increase the number of stacks delivered by this modifier.

Poison - When inflicting the Poison Injury, increase the number of stacks delivered by this modifier.

Elemental Modifiers

Elemental Weapon - Apply to Attack and Damage rolls that inflict Elemental Damage (Biotic, Cryonic, Electric, Pyrotic)

Elemental Heroic - Apply to rolls for Heroics that require Elemental Training(Biotic, Cryonic, Electric, Pyrotic)

Weapon Modifiers

Armor Penetration - Damage this Character inflicts bypasses this modifier’s points of Damage Reduction.

Range - This modifier increases the effective Weapon Range of all Ranged Weapons.

Ammo Capacity - This modifier increases the number of Attacks this Character can make with any Ranged Weapon before needing to Reload.

Bag Capacity - This modifier increases the number of Munitions (Repeater Magazines, Shell Boxes, Primed Casings, Ordnance, or Volatile Concoctions) that a Character can store in a designated bag or pouch.

Splash  - This modifier increases the Splash Radius of Ranged Weapons with a Splash Attack, including launchers and thrown grenades.

Tutorial 5m: Paffik’s Modifiers

After reviewing Paffik’s Attributes and Equipment Training, the Modifiers they need to account for are:

+3 Healing

+1 Repair

+1 Bleed

Inventory & Gear

Inventory Slots are the number of Tools, Containers, or Consumable Items a Character can carry on their person. Every Character has a base Inventory Slot count of two (2). In addition, each Character has a fixed number of Gear Slots, one (1) each, for their Head, Face, Neck, Chest, Back, Waist, Hands, Feet, and Body. Gear could be any type of rare artifact, magick device, technical gadget, cybernetic implant, or genetic mutation that alters a Character’s senses, appearance, or utility. Gear can potentially grant a passive Effect, enhancement, or access to new Heroics.

Inventory Calculation

Base + half (½) Power + Equipment Bonus

Tutorial 5n: Inventory

The base Inventory Slot count is 2, and Paffik has a Power Attribute of 0.

2 + (0/2) + 0 = 2 Inventory Slots


One final step, and we will be ready to throw some bones. All that remains is for the players to choose their Character’s Heroics! It helps to think of Heroics as a Character’s “super moves.” More than 1,300 Heroics are available in the Core Rules of Quantum State. Heroics are displays of incredible skill or ability only possible due to a Character’s training and personal talent. How a Character’s Heroics manifest themselves is up to the player and Docent as part of the story-telling process. Heroics can be portrayed as spells, secret techniques, hidden powers, mutations, inventions, gadgets, feats of strength, innate magickal abilities, or any other displays of greatness a Character can use to overcome a challenge.

Players can select several Heroics depending on how many Action Slots their Character gained during the previous section of this chapter. The available number of Heroics a player can choose from is based on the Class and Training Ranks distributed when creating their Character. Every Character begins with a base of four (4) Heroics, gaining additional Action Slots through their Focus Attribute or Equipment Training, as indicated earlier in this chapter.

Players can find the complete list of heroics in the Heroics chapter. Each player must fill their Action Slots with Heroics selections while ensuring they meet the prerequisites needed to use the selected Heroics. Once all players choose their Heroics, they have completed their Characters and are ready to play!

Tutorial 6: Paffik’s Heroics

Now that Paffik looks pretty and polished, we picked out some flourishes. And by that, we mean heroics. Paffik has four (4) Action Slots, meaning we could select four (4) Heroics for them to utilize. Before checking the Heroics, we should know what Heroics Paffik is qualified to use. So we looked at our Class and Equipment Selections. For Class Ranks, they have two (2) Class Ranks in Delinquent and one (1) Class Rank in Armsman. Their Training Ranks are three (3) Ranks in Sidearm Training and two (2) Ranks in Blade Training.

That means Paffik can pull 4 Heroics from the following Heroics Categories:

Delinquent - Up to Rank 2

Armsman - Rank 1 Only

Sidearm- Up to Rank 3

Blade - Up to Rank 2

To ensure we have a solid variety of Heroics, we selected one (1) from each list as follows:


Prerequisite: Delinquent (Rank 2)

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Standard

Range: Adjacent

Effect Duration: Until Treated

As a Physical Impact, inflict the Silenced Injury on an adjacent creature. A Physical Save negates the injury.


Prerequisite: Armsman (Rank 1)

AP Cost: 5

Action Type: Reaction

Range: Adjacent

In response to suffering Damage from an Attack by an adjacent attacker, attempt a standard Melee Attack against the attacker.

Sink Shot

Prerequisite: Sidearm (Rank 3)

AP Cost: 15

Action Type: Standard

Range: Adjacent

As a contested Maneuver, attempt to Trip to knock an adjacent creature Prone. If successful, expend one (1) Ammo to inflict standard Weapon Damage to the downed target.

Graceful Slash

Prerequisite: Blade (Rank 2)

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Reaction

Range: Adjacent

In response to evading an incoming Melee Attack, perform a Physical Impact to counter with a delicate but lethal cut to the attacker, inflicting standard Weapon Damage and an additional 1D6 Slash Damage for every two (2) points of their Skill Attribute. A Physical Save cuts any damage in half (½).

Finally! Paffik is ready to play!

Leveling Up

Once the players have had their chance to get their hands dirty after a Session, they’ve gained some experience and are ready to advance their Character’s progression. Quantum State does not utilize a system of experience points that one might find in most traditional roleplaying games, where XP is awarded to players per “monster” killed or pot smashed. In Quantum State, players cannot count how many more wild boars they must hunt to reach Character Level 40.

Instead, Quantum State embraces the Milestone system of Character advancement. That means that the Docent grants the entire Company of players a Character Level once they feel they have achieved a measurable accomplishment. The Docent issues Character Levels for resolving conflicts (through violence, cunning, diplomacy, or any other means), exploring significant plot points, or exploring personal Character development related to the Campaign. When issued, Character Levels are usually granted at the end of the Session to avoid any unnecessary game interruptions.

Once the Docent has decided to grant a Company a Character Level, the players can follow the following procedure to level up their Character properly:

Distribute a Class Rank. Increase the Class Rank of one of the Character’s Classes by one (1). This increase provides gains to their Attributes, Hit Points, and Action Points, as well as potential access to new Class Features, Perks, or Heroics. Remember: Base Classes cannot exceed the Tenderfoot Class Rank, and the Hybrid Class cannot exceed BOTH of the Base Class Ranks.

Distribute a Training Rank. Increase an Equipment Training from the Equipment List of the improved Class for this Character Level by one (1) Rank. This increase provides gains to a Character’s statistics, additional perks, and new heroics. Reaching Training Rank ten (10) also grants the Character a powerful Mastery Perk.

New Perks. If a player has reached an even Character Level (2, 4, 6, etc.), they are able to select a new Perk for their Character. However, many Perks have prerequisites a Character must meet before a player can choose them.

New Heroics. Characters will always gain access to new Heroics every time they level up. Be sure to periodically meditate during Rest Periods to keep the selection of Heroics fresh and up-to-date.

Tutorial 7: Leveling Up Paffik

After meeting up with a Company, Paffik found themselves making a few good connections, culminating in them being on the winning side of a bar fight. At the end of the Session, the Docent decided to grant Paffik’s Company a Character Level, from five (5) up to six (6). We chose to place Paffik’s new Class Rank into their Armsman Class. Then we selected a new Attribute Bonus for Paffik. We put it into their Power Attribute to enhance their Character statistics. We also recorded the increase in Hit Points (+7) and Action Points  (+2) in the Character Sheet. 

Since we placed Paffik’s Class Rank into their Armsman Class, we had to select an Equipment Type from the Armsman Equipment List to distribute a Training Rank, or we could place the point into Paffik’s Knack, Sidearm Training. To take advantage of the Way of the Warrior Class Feature, we set the Training Rank into Blade Training again to gain two (2) Ranks, now at a total of four (4) Ranks. Paffik gains a bonus (+1) to their Melee Attack and Damage Rolls, Bleed Modifier, Physical Impact, and a Parry due to the new Blade Training Ranks.

To reflect those changes in Paffik’s Character Sheet:

Power Attribute: 0 → 1

Hit Points: 42 → 50

Action Points: 22 → 24

Melee Attack/Damage: 1/1 → 3/3

Parry: 1 → 2

Maneuvers: 4 → 5

Physical Save: 5 → 7

Physical Impact: 7 → 8

Athletics Ability: 0 → 1

Being an even Character Level, Paffik could also select a new Perk. We decided on one from the Armsman Class List that augments the Armsman Class Feature, Wound:

Mortal Strike

Whenever this Character Wounds an adversary, inflict an additional Wound for every four (4) points of their Skill Attribute. This Perk cannot apply multiple iterations of the same Wound Type.

Perfect. Paffik is all leveled up and ready to continue on their adventure.

Hybrid Bloom

After the players have earned enough Class Ranks, the scopes of skill that define their Character’s Base Classes begin to hybridize into a unified skillset, unlocking their Character’s true potential in the form of the Hybrid Class. Once a Character has reached Class Rank Three (3) with BOTH of their Base Classes, they can place Ranks into their uniquely powerful Hybrid Class. A player does not directly select their Hybrid Class. Instead, it is pre-determined based on the combination of Base Classes they chose during Character creation.

With nine (9) Base Classes, there are up to thirty-six (36) unique Hybrid Classes combinations in the Core Rules of Quantum State. The Hybrid Class awards more significant Attribute increases, new or improved Class Features, and Class-exclusive Perks and Hybrid Heroics. When leveling up the Hybrid Class, remember that the Hybrid Class Rank cannot exceed BOTH Base Class Ranks; however, it can be higher than ONE Base Class. Players can lean more heavily into one of their Character’s Base Classes as a specialization choice throughout Character development. Like all other Classes, Hybrid Classes have a maximum rank capacity of ten (10).

Tutorial 8: Paffik the Assassin

After several Sessions in the Campaign, Paffik’s Company had quite a few scraps. After surviving an ill-fated Train Robbery, the Docent granted the Company a new Character Level, bringing the current Character Level to ten (10).

Paffik’s current Class Rank spread follows:

Tenderfoot : 3

Delinquent: 3

Armsman: 3

Since both of Paffik’s Base Classes were Rank Three (3), we could place a Rank into their Hybrid Class. The Delinquent and Armsman as a Hybrid Class become the Assassin. We put their Class Rank into the Assassin Class, following the same level-up process as the other Classes.

Journey Onward

The players have done it! Great Job! That’s everything they need to know to create and maintain their very own Characters in Quantum State. The remaining chapters of this book cover the in-depth exploration of the different Birthrites, Classes, Equipment, Perks, and Heroics for reference. All that is left is to play Quantum State.