Class Introduction

What do I want to do? It’s the most critical question a Quantum State player can consider when developing their Character. Class selections primarily determine the scope of everything a Character can do, so it’s essential to select the Classes that most accurately depict the style of play a player wishes to experience.

Classes represent skills, disciplines, lifestyle choices, or practices that shape a Character’s ability to interact with themselves, others, and the environment. Every Character gains four (4) Classes they distribute their Character Levels into as they grow and develop into a full-fledged Company of adventurers.

Selecting Classes

Every Character shares the Tenderfoot Class, a prerequisite for the Base Classes that represent a Character’s rookie, squire, student, apprentice, or journeyman phase of their adventuring career. The Tenderfoot is unique in that it is universal among all characters. All its offerings are entirely customizable, allowing players to shape their Character as they see fit while leaning more heavily into their specializations or acquiring skills or equipment generally outside the scope of their Base or Hybrid Classes to create a truly unique and authentic Character.

Players also select two (2) Base Classes for their characters. In the Core Rules, players have nine (9) Base Classes to choose from that represent overall adventurer archetypes for survival in Salt. Each Base Class brings new Attributes, Class Features, Equipment, Perks, and Heroics. Since the Tenderfoot Class is a default, and the Hybrid Class is determined based on a Character’s Base Classes, the Base Class selection significantly influences a Character’s overall design and abilities.

As Characters grow and flourish, they blossom into a unique Hybrid Class predetermined based on their Base Class selections. The Hybrid Class offers more excellent Attribute bonuses, new or improved Class Features, Heroics, Perks, and Equipment. A Hybrid Class represents the absolute pinnacle of a Character’s skills, powers, and abilities.

Class Ranking Rules

A player can place a single new Class Rank anytime the Docent rewards the Company with a Character Level. When placing a Rank, remember to adhere to these guidelines to avoid potential balance issues:

●        Base Classes can never have a higher Rank than the Tenderfoot Class

●        The Hybrid Class can never have a higher Rank than both of a Character’s Base Classes.

●        The Hybrid Class cannot receive Ranks until both Base Classes are at least Rank Three (3).


We All Have Room to Grow

“Are you afraid? How hard could it truly be? Truly? Aren’t you curious? Don’t you want to know? “ 

~ Kilo Udon, Empire Ensign

No one begins their adventure as a master. Instead, every Character participates in ongoing education, where they learn the intricacies of their trade. Within the world of Quantum State, this is represented through the Tenderfoot Class. The Tenderfoot could be considered a rookie, squire, or apprentice Class and describes a Character’s growth on a more subconscious level, representing an overall depth of experience, maturity, or personal development. In addition, the Tenderfoot Class Features provide a great degree of soft enhancement, passively improving a Character’s growth through extra Attributes, new Equipment, and improved Abilities in direct contrast to the hard-lined offering Class Features of the Base and Hybrid Classes.

Growing Pains

The critical concept to understand when it comes to the Tenderfoot Class is that it was designed for players to finely optimize their Characters and refine them to operate better using the player’s style of play. Therefore, every option built into the Tenderfoot is a customizable choice for the player. Players could use these choices to balance out their Character’s flaws, further lean into heavy specializations, or opt for abilities typically outside the scope of their Base or Hybrid Classes. However, players opting for a balanced approach may be unable to measure up against tasks requiring advanced specialization.

Student Mindset

Within the context of the Core State, Tenderfeet are novices looking to improve their skills and explore their interests. As they develop, they can slowly shape their talents into real expertise. A Tenderfoot tends to reflect on the advice of more experienced veterans, get in touch with their needs and limits, and seek knowledge wherever they can acquire it. A big part of the Tenderfoot's progression is finding out what works and what doesn’t work. A Tenderfoot is a sponge for new information and actively works on physical, mental, and spiritual development.

Class Features

The Tenderfoot’s Class Features are built around choice, education, and experience. As they grow, they obtain additional bonuses for their Attributes, Class Abilities, and Equipment.


Hit Points Per Rank: +5

Action Points Per Rank: +2

Equipment Training

When gaining a Tenderfoot Rank, the player may distribute a Training Rank into any Weapon, Armor, or Elemental Training. In addition, the first Equipment Type selected for the Tenderfoot Class becomes the Character’s Knack.

Class Abilities

Unlike other Classes, the Tenderfoot does not select any inherent Class Abilities, instead choosing them over time through the Studious Class Feature.

Tenderfoot Ranks

The Tenderfoot Class is always a Character’s highest (or tied for highest) Class Rank. Most Tenderfoot Ranks enable a Character to enhance an Attribute or Class Ability of their choice.

Rank-by-Rank Attributes/Features

Rank One (1).Birthrite, Knack

Rank Two (2). Pick (+1) — Studious

Rank Three (3). Pick (+1)

Rank Four (4). Pick (+1) — Studious

Rank Five (5). Pick (+1) —Apprenticeship

Rank Six (6). Pick (+1) — Studious

Rank Seven (7). Pick (+1)

Rank Eight (8). Pick (+1) — Studious

Rank Nine (9). Pick (+1)

Rank Ten (10). Pick (+2)— Studious, Apprenticeship, Mastery


The foundation of any Character, the Birthrite, is selected at the Tenderfoot Rank One (1). Their Birthrite carries with it the following adjustments (as described in the Birthrites chapter):

●        +2 to a single Attribute (pre-determined)

●        -1 to a single Attribute (pre-determined)

●        +1 to one (1) of two (2) Attributes (selection)

●        -1 to one (1) of two (2) Attributes (selection)

They are also able to select one (1) of two (2) Class Abilities as if they were a part of their Studious Class Feature.

Each Birthrite brings a wealth of experiences, customs, and practices that may benefit those who practice them. The Tenderfoot gains access to the following Rituals, unique long-form Heroics that can be practiced in their Downtime in exchange for temporary benefits. Some Rituals require a Station, a particular kind of space that provides the proper environment, to complete. Tenderfoot Rituals are selected based on the Character’s chosen Birthrite:

Beauty Routine

Prerequisite: Axis or Requiem Birthrite

Action Type: Ritual (1 hour)

As a Ritual at a Creative Space during a Rest Period, this Character spends one (1) hour primping and prepping their appearance. As a result, they receive a bonus equal to half (½) of their Will Attribute to any Charm-based Ability Checks as a Rally Enhancement until their next Rest Period.

Community Service

Prerequisite: Kronin Birthrite

Action Type: Ritual (1 hour)

As a Ritual during a Rest Period, this Character spends one (1) hour tending to the needs of the other members of their Company. Because of this, their comrades receive a bonus equal to half (½) of this Character’s Focus Attribute to any Ability Checks made to Craft or Recover as an Assisted Condition for the remainder of the Rest Period.

Deep Prayer

Prerequisite: Requiem Birthrite

Action Type: Ritual (1 hour)

As a Ritual during a Rest Period, this Character spends one (1) hour in deep meditative thought to fortify their faith. This Character’s next Force Save to prevent a Miscognition from affecting them becomes an automatic success. This Ritual fades by the next Rest Period.

Dust Bath

Prerequisite: Bulleteater Birthrite

Action Type: Ritual (1 hour)

As a Ritual during a Rest Period, this Character spends one (1) hour rolling around in the dirt until they get a nice, even layer. This Character’s next Physical Save to reduce damage from an area of effect becomes an automatic success. This Ritual fades by the next Rest Period or if this Character suffers the Soaked Condition.

Empathy Exercises

Prerequisite: Kronin or Requiem Birthrite

Action Type: Ritual (1 hour)

As a Ritual at a War Table during a Rest Period, this Character spends one (1) hour trying better to understand the feelings and emotions of those around them. As a result, they receive a bonus equivalent to half (½) of their Focus Attribute to their Charm-based Ability Checks as a Rally Enhancement until their next Rest Period.

Fitness Routine

Prerequisite: Armistice Birthrite

Action Type: Ritual (1 hour)

As a Ritual during a Rest Period, this Character spends one (1) hour performing their personal fitness regimen. As a result, they receive a bonus equivalent to half (½) of their Power Attribute to any Skill-based Ability Checks as a Rally Enhancement until their next Rest Period.

Fortune & Fame

Prerequisite: Mercan Birthrite

Action Type: Ritual (1 hour)

As a Ritual during a Rest Period, this Character spends one (1) hour visualizing or fantasizing about their future social or financial successes. In addition, they receive a bonus equivalent to half (½) of their Charm Attribute to any Skill-based Ability Checks as a Rally Enhancement until their next Rest Period.


Prerequisite: Axis or Armistice Birthrite

Action Type: Ritual (1 hour)

As a Ritual at a Creative Space during a Rest Period, this Character spends one (1) hour playing or betting on games of skill or chance. They receive a bonus equivalent to half (½) of their Skill Attribute to their Will-based Ability Checks as a Rally Enhancement until their next Rest Period.

Hair of the Dog

Prerequisite: Axis Birthrite

Action Type: Ritual (1 hour)

As a Ritual during a Rest Period, this Character spends one (1) hour drinking off their hangover so they can think straight. They receive a bonus equivalent to half (½) of their Charm Attribute to their Will-based Ability Checks as a Rally Enhancement until their next Rest Period.


Prerequisite: Axis or Kronin Birthrite

Action Type: Ritual (1 hour)

As a Ritual at a War Table during a Rest Period, this Character spends one (1) hour itemizing their Company’s supplies and equipment. The Company can Reload all Ranged Weapons, Restore all partially used Ammo Bags, and Repair any minor or cosmetic Damage to any Armor or Weapon.

Read The Wind

Prerequisite: Homestead Birthrite

Action Type: Ritual (1 hour)

As a Ritual during a Rest Period, this Character spends one (1) hour appreciating nature and honing their senses. They receive a bonus equivalent to half (½) of their Will Attribute to any Skill-based Ability Checks until their next Rest Period.

Recognitive Stasis

Prerequisite: Remnant Birthrite

Action Type: Ritual (1 hour)

As a Ritual during a Rest Period, this Character spends one (1) hour in a recuperative shutdown state to recalibrate their body and mind. Recognitive Stasis meets all of their bodily demands to survive, negating the need to eat, sleep or drink. Some Remnants still choose to do those things anyway.

Spit Shine

Prerequisite: Kronin or Armistice Birthrite

Action Type: Ritual (1 hour)

As a Ritual at a Forge during a Rest Period, this Character spends one (1) hour doing the hard work of maintaining their personal equipment. This Character’s next Physical Save to protect a piece of Equipment from the Broken Condition becomes an automatic success. This Ritual fades by the next Rest Period.

Superiority Complex

Prerequisite: Armistice or Requiem Birthrite

Action Type: Ritual (1 hour)

As a Ritual at a Creative Space during a Rest Period, this Character spends one (1) hour reaffirming their position in the social hierarchy. In addition, they receive a bonus equivalent to half (½) of their Power Attribute to their Charm-based Ability Checks as a Rally Enhancement until their next Rest Period.

Tranquil Retreat

Prerequisite: Malowari Birthrite

Action Type: Ritual (1 hour)

As a Ritual during a Rest Period, this Character spends one (1) hour to take some time for themselves in a graceful headspace. In addition, they receive a bonus equivalent to half (½) of their Focus Attribute to their Skill-based Ability Checks as a Rally Enhancement until their next Rest Period.


A Tenderfoot’s first Equipment Training Rank is something they never forget. At Tenderfoot Rank One (1), the first Training Rank placed becomes their Knack. Players can put a Training Rank into their Character’s Knack regardless of Class Equipment limitations. In addition, Knack allows a Character to use an Equipment Type outside their Base and Hybrid Classes.


A Tenderfoot is here to learn. Over their career, they pick up some tricks and improve their Abilities. Beginning at Tenderfoot Rank Two (2), and every second (2nd) Rank after that, the Tenderfoot selects a new Ability to become a Tenderfoot Class Ability, gaining a bonus equal to half (½) of their current Tenderfoot Rank to the chosen Ability. By Tenderfoot Rank Ten( 10), they should have six (6) Studious Class Abilities, granting a bonus (+5) to the selected Abilities, counting the additional Class Ability granted by their Birthrite.


An experienced Tenderfoot has been around long enough to know what they don’t know. Apprenticeship allows them to concentrate on their training, fine-tune their talents, or work on their flaws. At Tenderfoot Rank Five (5), they select an additional two (2) Attributes and gain a permanent bonus (+1) for each. At Tenderfoot Rank Ten (10), these double to an extra (+2) for each. The Attribute bonuses of the Apprenticeship Class Feature are separate from their typical Attribute increases at Tenderfoot Rank Five (5) or Tenderfoot Rank Ten (10), a Pick (+1), and Pick (+2), respectively.


Eventually, there is a day when there is nothing left to learn. At Tenderfoot Rank Ten (10), this Character can select an additional Equipment Mastery Perk. However, they must meet any Perk prerequisites and may not choose a Mastery Perk they already possess.