
Locked. Loaded. Lethal.


“There is nothing left to say. The irons will settle this. Now draw!”

~ Jericho Dice, Homestead Bronco

Marines are hunters that understand the wilderness, relying on the terrain and their marksmanship for survival. A Marine is trained to use guns and other ranged weaponry to eliminate their prey effectively. The Marine’s trademarks include a developed understanding of the environment, dealing deadly damage from a distance, and gaining specialized knowledge to eliminate specific creatures. A Marine prefers a secluded life defined by natural intuition, often provided as a patient forester, a relentless hunter, or a resourceful scout. A Marine can be cunning and dexterous and offer a tactical perception of their surroundings, making them popular candidates for Companies or mercenary groups in need of an extra gun.


Marines maintain awareness of the external factors around them. Distance, elevation, wind speed, and the condition of their weapon are among the countless factors considered when a Marine decides to pull the trigger. As they hone their shooting skills, a Marine can hit vital targets, inflict detrimental injuries on their targets, and perform impressive feats of marksmanship. The Marine knows to make every shot count. They rely on a steady hand and an incredible wit to land a critical shot at a crucial moment. Talented Marines can accurately aim at a specific part of their target’s body, their equipment, or a feature of the environment.


A Marine is painfully cognizant that awareness is only half of the battle. As it turns out, the other half of the battle is decisive action. A Marine incorporates all survival techniques, tools, and munitions to get the job done. The Marine alters their surroundings, uses unique equipment, tools, or specialized knowledge about their environment to accomplish their goals. A Marine can produce specialized munitions and weapon alterations to maximize their Ranged Damage potential. The Marine has the guts to justify their existence in the harshness of the wilderness.

Class Features

The Marine’s Class Features are built around environmental awareness, Ranged Attacks, and categorical specializations. In addition, the Marine Class benefits from having high Skill, Focus, and Will Attributes.


Hit Points Per Rank: +6

Action Points Per Rank: +2

Equipment Training

Weapons: Rifle, Shotgun, Sidearm, Thrown

Armor: Heavy Armor, Light Armor

Class Abilities

At Marine Rank One (1), a player selects Three (3) Class Abilities from the list below. They gain a bonus to Class Ability Checks equivalent to half (½) of their Marine Rank. An additional Class Ability is chosen at Marine Ranks Three (3) and Seven (7).

Class Abilities: Apothicine, Drive, Investigation, Nature, Perception, Stealth

Marine Ranks

When distributing a Class Rank, remember that a Character’s Base Class Rank cannot exceed a Character’s Tenderfoot Class Rank.

Marines gain the most benefit from a high Skill Attribute, enhancing multiple Class Features such as Draw a Bead, providing a bonus to their Ranged Attacks, their Physical Armor, Speed, Maneuvers, and Initiative; and benefiting their Acrobatics, Drive, and Stealth Ability Checks. Marine players can also benefit from a high Will Attribute, enhancing their Class Features such as Turf, as well as their Force Armor, Repair Action Modifier, Effect Duration, and any Apothicine, Investigation, Nature, and Perception Ability Checks. Marine players should also consider investing in their Focus Attribute to enhance their Class Features such as Exterminator, Action Point Total, their repertoire of available Heroics, and for the benefit to their Arcana, Electronics, and Engineering Ability Checks.

Rank-by-Rank Attributes/Features

Rank One (1). Skill (+1), Grit (+1), Focus (+1)—Turf, Draw a Bead

Rank Two (2). Pick (+1)

Rank Three (3). Skill (+1)

Rank Four (4). Pick (+1)

Rank Five (5). Skill (+1), Focus (+1)—Empty the Clip

Rank Six (6). Pick (+1)

Rank Seven (7). Skill (+1)

Rank Eight (8). Pick (+1)

Rank Nine (9). Grit (+1)

Rank Ten (10). Skill (+2), Focus (+1), Charm (+1)—Exterminator


Beginning at Marine Rank One (1), the Marine can become acquainted with their hunting grounds. A Marine worth their salt knows the lay of the land, how best to survive on what is available, and how to use their surroundings to outwit their prey. While in a chosen environment, the Marine gains a bonus as a Rally Enhancement equivalent to half (½) of their Skill Attribute to their Initiative Rolls and to any Apothicine, Investigation, Nature, or Perception Ability Checks. Once a Marine has selected a Turf, they cannot change their selection.

Turf Biomes

The Marine may select a total number of Turfs equivalent to half (½) of their Will Attribute from the following list:

Cold. Arctic, Mountains, Subterran

Temperate. Coastal, Forest, Plains, Stormflats

Hot. Desert, Jungle, Swamps, Volcanic

Human. Fortress, Industrial, Ruins, Urban

Draw a Bead

The Marine takes a deep breath, reads the wind, and lines up the shot. Beginning at Marine Rank One (1), whenever they take the time to level their aim, the Marine receives a bonus to their Ranged Attack and Damage Rolls. As a Move Action, the Marine can draw a bead, gaining a Precision Enhancement bonus equivalent to half (½) of their Skill Attribute to any Ranged Attack or Damage Rolls made until the end of the Round.

Empty the Clip

Sometimes, a Marine just needs to keep shooting until their gun clicks. Beginning at Marine Rank Five (5), the Marine gets access to Empty the Clip. As a Full Action, the Marine can continue making Ranged Attacks until their equipped Ranged Weapon runs out of Ammunition. Each Attack roll after the first is made at a compounding Attack penalty (-3,-6,-9, etc.). Any successful Attacks inflict the Marine’s typical Weapon Damage.


A Master Marine has studied their prey inside and out. How to avoid them, track them, and, most importantly, eliminate them. Once at Marine Rank Ten (10), the Marine may permanently select a creature category for every 3 Points of their Will Attribute. A Marine’s Ranged Damage rolls against targets with the chosen Creature Type gain a Rally Enhancement bonus equivalent to the Marine’s Skill Attribute.

Exterminator Types

The Marine can choose from the following Creature Types for Exterminator:

Abominations. Unnatural creations and mutated monsters that are an affront to all life.

Æthereal. Creatures without concrete physical forms, including spirits, magickal beings, and AIs.

Beasts. Animals living as natural inhabitants of the wilderness that serve a role in the local ecology.

Botanic. Sentient plants that are found in the wilderness and serve a role in the local ecology.

Corporate. Characters, creatures, and machines driven or designed by a motive to extract profit.

Divine. Characters, creatures, or machines motivated by their faith or belief structure.

Empire. Characters, creatures, or machines designed to service an overwhelming military force.

Rebellion. Characters, creatures, or machines rebelling against authority or enforcing communal values.

Machine. Non-organic mechanical creatures, devices, and constructs.

Old World. Ancient characters, creatures, or machines that predate the modern era of creation.

Marine Perks

Beast Hunter

Prerequisite: Turf

While on your Turf, any Ability Checks made to track a Beast you have previously Identified are automatically successful.


Prerequisite: Turf

While on your Turf, your Turf bonus applies to your Ranged Weapon Damage.

Keen Awareness 

Prerequisite: Turf

While on your Turf, always Act during an Ambush.

Coordinate Fire 

Prerequisite: Draw A Bead

While under the effects of Draw A Bead, Targets of your Ranged Weapon Attacks are considered Flanked by any Adjacent Comrades until your next Turn.

Lie Low

Prerequisite: Draw A Bead & Stealth Class Ability

While lying Prone, Hidden by Stealth, and under the effects of Draw A Bead, your Stealth Penalty for Firing A Ranged Weapon is reduced by Five(5)

Terrain Coverage

Prerequisite: Draw A Bead

Draw A Bead also grants a bonus to your Physical Armor.


Prerequisite: Empty The Clip

When using Empty The Clip, your Attacks gain a compiling Plus Two(+2) Weapon Damage Bonus for each Attack Roll after the first (0, +2, +4, etc.).

Recoil Control

Prerequisite: Empty The Clip

When using Empty The Clip, your Attacks only receive a minus Two(-2) compiling Attack Penalty instead of a minus Three(-3).

Six In The Ten Range

Prerequisite: Empty The Clip

When using Empty The Clip, compile the Damage of all Attacks dealt into a single lump sum, allowing the Target only a single instance of Damage Resistance for multiple Weapon Attacks. 

Trigger Lust

Prerequisite: Exterminator

When Targeting an Exterminator Creature Type, you can use Empty the Clip as a Standard Action. 

Favored Exploits

Prerequisite: Exterminator

Your Ranged Weapon Attacks made against Exterminator Creature Types bypass all forms of Damage Resistance. 

Marine Heroics


Ammo Scrounge 

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 1)

AP Cost: 5

Action Type: Reaction

As a Reaction to having a Ranged Weapon with Zero(0) remaining ammunition, you can restore One(1) Ammo to your Ranged Weapon.


Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 1)

AP Cost: 5

Action Type: Ranged Weapon Attack

Range: Adjacent

As a Standard Action, you can attempt a Ranged Weapon Attack against an Adjacent Target without incurring a penalty or provoking an Attack of Opportunity. 


Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 1) & Rifle (Any Rank)

AP Cost: 5

Action Type: Rapid Action

As a Rapid Action, increase the Weapon Range of your equipped Ranged Weapon by Half(½) your Skill Attribute until the end of your Turn. Double(2*) this bonus if you are firing while Prone.

Aim: Arm

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 2)

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Ranged Weapon Attack

Range: Weapon Range

Effect Duration: Until Treated

You can attempt a Ranged Weapon Attack against a Target within your equipped Weapon Range as a Standard Action. If successful, in addition to normal Weapon Damage, the Target is inflicted with the Fractured Injury, disabling the use of One(1) of their upper limbs. The Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Attack Roll to Negate the Injury Effect.

Aim: Leg

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 2)

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Ranged Weapon Attack

Range: Weapon Range

Effect Duration: Until Treated

You can attempt a Ranged Weapon Attack against a Target within your equipped Weapon Range as a Standard Action. If successful, in addition to normal Weapon Damage, the Target is inflicted with the Hobbled Injury, cutting their Speed in Half(½) and disabling the use of a lower limb. The Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Attack Roll to Negate the Injury Effect.


Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 2) & Sidearm (Any Rank)

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Ranged Weapon Attack

Range: Adjacent/Weapon Range

As a Standard Action, perform a single Ranged Weapon Attack Roll in an Attack aimed at Two(2) Targets, striking an Adjacent Target followed by opening fire on another Target within your Weapon Range. If successful, you will make a single Weapon Damage Roll that applies to both Targets. 

Aim: Hand

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 3)

AP Cost: 15

Action Type: Ranged Weapon Attack

Range: Weapon Range

You can attempt a Ranged Weapon Attack against a Target within your equipped Weapon Range as a Standard Action. If successful, in addition to normal Weapon Damage, the Target is Disarmed of their Weapon. The Target can attempt a Maneuver against your Attack Roll to Negate the Disarm Maneuver.


Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 3)

AP Cost: 15

Action Type: Draw A Bead

As a part of Draw A Bead, Double(2*) your Weapon Range bonus earned through Height Advantage. 

Pin Down

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 3)

AP Cost: 15

Action Type: Ranged Weapon Attack

Range: Weapon Range

You can attempt a Ranged Weapon Attack against a Target within your equipped Weapon Range as a Standard Action. If the Target uses any movement to leave their current Space before your next Turn, you can attempt another Ranged Weapon Attack against the Target as a Free Action. 

Aim: Torso

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 4)

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Ranged Weapon Attack

Range: Weapon Range

Effect Duration: Until Treated

You can attempt a Ranged Weapon Attack against a Target within your equipped Weapon Range as a Standard Action. If successful, in addition to normal Weapon Damage, you inflict a number of stacks of the Bleed Injury equal to Half(½) of your Skill Attribute. The Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Attack Roll to Negate the Injury Effect.

Aim: Weapon

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 4)

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Ranged Weapon Attack

Range: Weapon Range

You can attempt a Ranged Weapon Attack against a Target within your equipped Weapon Range as a Standard Action. If successful, in addition to normal Weapon Damage, the Broken Condition is applied to Target’s equipped Weapon. The Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Attack Roll to prevent the Condition.  

AP Clip

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 4) & Rifle (Any Rank)

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Reload

As a part of Reloading a Ranged Weapon, you grant your Ranged Weapon additional Armor Penetration equal to your Skill Attribute until your Ranged Weapon is Reloaded.

Aim: Head

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 5)

AP Cost: 25

Action Type: Ranged Weapon Attack

Range: Weapon Range

You can attempt a Ranged Weapon Attack against a Target within your equipped Weapon Range as a Standard Action. This Attack will also register a Critical Strike on a Roll of Nine(9).

Aim: Wings

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 5)

AP Cost: 25

Action Type: Ranged Weapon Attack

Range: Weapon Range

As a Standard Action, you can attempt a Ranged Weapon Attack against a Flying Target within your equipped Weapon Range. If successful, your Target will plummet straight to the ground, suffering Maximum Fall Damage. The Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Attack Roll to remain airborne. 


Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 5) & Shotgun (Any Rank)

AP Cost: 25

Action Type: Ranged Weapon Attack

Range: Weapon Range

As a Standard Action, you can load and fire a heavy slug as a part of a Ranged Weapon Attack. If successful, in addition to normal Weapon Damage your Target suffers 1D10 Crush Damage for every Two(2) Points of your Skill Attribute. 

Aim: Eye

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 6)

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Ranged Weapon Attack

Range: Weapon Range

Effect Duration: Until Treated

You can attempt a Ranged Weapon Attack against a Target within your equipped Weapon Range as a Standard Action. If successful, in addition to normal Weapon Damage, the Target is inflicted with the Blind Injury, inhibiting their vision and actions and abilities requiring a Line of Sight to their Target. The Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Attack Roll to Negate the Injury Effect.

Aim: Spine

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 6)

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Ranged Weapon Attack

Range: Weapon Range

Effect Duration: Until Treated

You can attempt a Ranged Weapon Attack against a Target within your equipped Weapon Range as a Standard Action. If successful, in addition to normal Weapon Damage, the Target is inflicted with the Crippled Injury, reducing their Speed to Zero(0). The Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Attack Roll to Negate the Injury Effect.

Rail Driver

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 7)

AP Cost: 35

Action Type: Ranged Weapon Attack

Range: Weapon Range (Line)

As a Standard Action, load and fire a high-power metal slug that penetrates all Targets in a straight line, up to your equipped Weapon Range. In addition to your normal Weapon Damage, any Targets struck by the slug suffer 2D6 Pierce Damage for every Two(2) Points of your Skill Attribute. Additionally, any Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Physical Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½).

Rain Shrapnel

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 7) & Shotgun (Any Rank)

AP Cost: 35

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Weapon Range/Half(½) Skill Attribute(Radius)

As a Full Action, expend One(1) Ammo to fire into an overhead surface, causing debris and shrapnel to rain down on Targets below. You can aim at any Space within your equipped Weapon Range, causing debris to fall on Targets within a Radius equal to Half(½) of your Skill Attribute of your selected Space, inflicting 4D6 Pierce Damage for every Two(2) Points of your Skill Attribute. The affected Radius becomes Debris Difficult Terrain. Any Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Physical Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½).

Aim: Heart

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 8)

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Ranged Weapon Attack

Range: Weapon Range

You can attempt a Ranged Weapon Attack against a Target within your equipped Weapon Range as a Standard Action. If successful, in addition to normal Weapon Damage, the Target loses One(1) Essence. The Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Attack Roll to Negate the Essence loss. 

AT Slug

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 8)

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Ranged Weapon Attack

Range: Weapon Range

You can attempt a Ranged Weapon Attack against a Target within your equipped Weapon Range as a Standard Action. If successful, this Attack bypasses all forms of Damage Resistance.

Velocitor Round

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 9) & Rifle (Any Rank)

AP Cost: 45

Action Type: Ranged Weapon Attack

Range: Weapon Range 

As a Standard Action and Ranged Weapon Attack, load and fire a unique round of Ammo that gains momentum as it travels against a Target within your equipped Weapon Range. If successful, in addition to normal Weapon Damage, the Target suffers 1d10 Pierce Damage for each Space between you and your Target. 

Heartseeker Bullet

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 9)

AP Cost: 45

Action Type: Ranged Weapon Attack

Range: Weapon Range 

Load and fire a unique round of Homing Ammo that seeks out a Target within your equipped Weapon Range as a Standard Action and Ranged Weapon Attack. This Attack ignores any cover or Line of Sight requirements, allowing you to fire blindly. 

Out To Pasture

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 10)

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Adjacent

As a Full Action, while Adjacent to a Target with a selected Exterminator Creature Type, you can use your Ranged Weapon to perform a point-blank Execution, killing the Creature instantly. Unwilling Creatures can attempt a Physical Save against your Physical Impact to Negate the Death Effect.

Three Paces

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 10) & Sidearm (Any Rank)

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Interaction

As a part of an Interaction, you can challenge a willing participant to engage in a proper pistol duel. You and your Target each take Three Paces, turn, and fire, making contested Ranged Weapon Attack Rolls. The losing Character’s Hit Points are automatically set to Zero(0). As a result of a tie, both Characters suffer normal Weapon Damage.



Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 1)

AP Cost: 5

Action Type: Exploration

Apply your Turf bonus to a Stealth Ability Check made Hide, even while not on your Turf. Double(2*) your Turf bonus to a Stealth Ability Check if you are on your Turf.

Cauterize Bleed

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 1)

AP Cost: 5

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Self/Adjacent

As a Full Action, apply heated metal to a bleeding wound to seal it shut. Remove all Bleed Effects from yourself or an Adjacent Target.


Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 1)

AP Cost: 5

Action Type: Full Action

As a Full Action, dig and construct a Low Wall in the malleable ground or with nearby debris with a number of Paces in length equal to Half(½) of your Will Attribute. While under cover of this wall, you receive a plus Five(+5) Armor bonus from Cover against Ranged Weapon Attacks. Spaces occupied by the Low Wall are considered Debris Difficult Terrain. 


Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 2)

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Interaction

As a part of an Interaction, you can Reroll any Investigation or Perception Ability Check and use the better result. 

Natural Remedy

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 2)

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Self/Adjacent

As a Full Action, you can cure any Poison Effects from yourself or an Adjacent Target.

Rifleman’s Drop

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 2)

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Reaction

As a Reaction to being the Target of a Ranged Weapon Attack, you can immediately drop Prone, receiving a plus Ten(+10) Armor bonus against the Attack. 

Mule Salvo

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 3) & Shotgun (Any Rank)

AP Cost: 15

Action Type: Ranged Weapon Attack

Range: Adjacent

As a Standard Action, load and fire a unique concussive round from your Equipped Ranged Weapon into an Adjacent Target. If successful, in addition to normal Weapon Damage, the Target is knocked back a number of Paces equal to Half(½) of your Skill Attribute. The Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Attack Roll to Negate the Forced Movement Effect. 


Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 3)

AP Cost: 15

Action Type: Ritual(One Hour)

As a Ritual during a Rest Period, you acclimate your eyes to see in total darkness. As a result, you gain the Nightvision Enhancement until your next Rest Period.

Suppressing Fire

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 3) & Rifle (Any Rank)

AP Cost: 15

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Weapon Range(Cone)

As a Full Action, expend One(1) Ammo to suppress the actions of all Targets in a Cone up to your Weapon Range. All Targets with the affected area are inflicted with the Indecisive Miscognition until your next Turn. Any Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Physical Impact to Negate the Miscognition. 

Makeshift Splint

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 4) 

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Self/Adjacent

As a Full Action, rapidly construct a makeshift splint to support a broken or injured limb for yourself or an Adjacent Target. Your Target can ignore the adverse effects of a Fractured or Hobbled Injury for the Effect Duration.

Survival Tips

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 4) 

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Interaction

As a part of an Interaction, you can apply your Turf bonus to any Power, Charisma, or Focus-based Ability Check, even while not on your Turf. 


Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 4) 

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Ritual(One Hour)

As a Ritual during a Rest period, you spend One(1) Hour tending to the Beasts and animals within your Company’s care. Creatures are fed and groomed, restoring 1D10 Hit Points for every Two(2) Points of your Will Attribute. Alternatively, you can tend to a Beast’s medical needs, removing all Injury Effects from a Target Beast within your Company’s care.

Infinite Clip

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 5) 

AP Cost: 25

Action Type: Move Action

As a Move Action, replenish a number of rounds of Ammo equal to Half(½) of your Skill Attribute to your currently equipped Ranged Weapon without Reloading it. 

Iron Sights

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 5) 

AP Cost: 25

Action Type: Ritual(One Hour)

As a Ritual during a Rest Period, you take careful consideration into your eye protection and health. As a result, you are Immune to the Blind Injury and do not suffer Penalties for Perception Ability Checks until your next Rest Period. 

Tame Beast

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 5) 

AP Cost: 25

Action Type: Ritual(One Hour)

As a Ritual during a Rest Period, you may spend One(1) Hour trying to bond with a captive Beast in an attempt to increase its Disposition towards you by a single stage as a Nature or Tact Ability Check. However, you can only attempt Tame Beast once per day, and some Beasts may prove untamable. 


Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 6) 

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Maneuver/Exploration

Range: Skill Attribute

As a Standard Action, produce a looped rope or chain length and throw it at a Target within a distance equal to your Skill Attribute. If your Target is a Creature, perform a contested Maneuver to initiate a Grapple. If successful, your Target is inflicted with the Entangled Condition in addition to being Grappled by you. As a part of controlling this Grapple Maneuver, you can pull your Target a number of Paces towards you equal to Half(½) of your Skill Attribute. If your Target takes control of the Grapple, they can break free from your Lasso. 

Alternatively, You can use Lasso to attach a length of rope or chain to a Target Object to assist in movement or exploration.


Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 6) 

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Ranged Weapon Attack

Range: Weapon Range

Load and fire a unique fragment tipped projectile at an Organic Target within Weapon Range as a Standard Action and a Ranged Weapon Attack. If successful, in addition to normal Weapon Damage the Target suffers 1D10 Pierce Damage and One(1) stack of the Bleed Injury for every Two(2) Points of your Skill Attribute. 

Homing Sands 

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 7) 

AP Cost: 35

Action Type: Move Action

Range: Thrown Weapon Range

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Move Action, you douse a Target within your Thrown Weapon Range in magnetized Homing Sands. As a result, the Target can no longer benefit from Cover, and Line of Sight no longer factors in your ability to attempt Ranged Weapon Attacks against the Target for your Effect Duration. Instead, the Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Physical Impact to Negate the Effect.  


Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 7) 

AP Cost: 35

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Weapon Range

As a Full Action, you Threaten all Spaces within your equipped Weapon Range until the start of your next Turn. During this time, you can perform an Attack of Opportunity as a Free Action. 

Cattle Puncher

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 8) 

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Adjacent/Double(2*) Speed(Charge)

As a Full Action, strike an Adjacent non-Hostile Beast to spur it into a fierce Charge, up to Twice(2*) its Speed in the direction of your choice. Any Targets in the Path of Travel are trampled for 1D8 Crush Damage for every point of your Will Attribute. You can use cattle Puncher to spur a Beast you are currently Riding as a part of a Drive Ability Check. Any trampled Creatures can attempt a Physical Save against your Physical Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½).

Fast Rappel

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 8) 

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Exploration

Range: Double(2*) Skill Attribute

You tether yourself to a rope or chain and tie yourself off on a sturdy anchor. You can quickly descend a vertical surface at a distance equal to Twice(2*) your Skill Attribute. You can hold your descent at the end of your Effect Range or extend your decline as a Move Action. After your drop, the rope or chain remains to support an Athletics Ability Check made to Climb the surface.


Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 9) 

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Maneuver

As a part of controlling a Grapple Maneuver against a Pinned Target, you can rapidly move to tie down or constrict your Pinned Target, inflicting the Entangled Condition. Then, the Target can attempt a single Athletics or Engineering Ability Check against your Maneuver to escape, or they will be bound until released. 

Lonesome Dove

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 9) 

AP Cost: 45

Action Type: Empty The Clip

As a part of Empty The Clip, you Negate your compounding Attack Penalties for each additional Attack made; however, you must choose a new Target with each Attack and can not select the same Target more than once. 

Hunting Grounds

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 10) 

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Ritual(One Hour) 

As a Ritual during a Rest Period, spend One(1) Hour determining nearby locations of interest and local creatures' habits. Your Investigation, Nature, and Perception Ability Checks made to Track or Locate a selected Exterminator Creature Type while on your Turf are automatically successful until your next Rest Period. 

Survival Instinct

Prerequisite: Marine(Rank 10) 

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Rapid Action/Reaction

Effect Duration: Hours

As a Rapid Action or Reaction to reaching Zero(0) Hit Points, you instead retain One(1) Hit Point and remain conscious while feigning your untimely demise. Thus, you appear to be Dead by all measurable means but can shake off the Condition at will or the end of the Effect Duration.