
Brilliance In A Bottle


“The playground rulings of sovereign men always fade with the passing winds, while the laws of nature that govern our existence are eternal and unyielding. Where do you believe real power to exact change lies?”

~ Tannin Lupine, Academy Imperica Chemist

Apothics considerably understand the laws of science and nature and lean on their applications to create potent concoctions and perform miracles or monstrosities of Apothicine. An Apothic is a charming scientist able to produce Drugs, Curatives, and Poison, administer apothical care, and alter themselves or their environment through biological or chemical means. The trademarks of the Apothic include the creation of unique Toxins, the ability to Triage injuries in the field quickly, and the drive to add a discovery to the body of knowledge. An Apothic often finds themselves in a role that will allow them to benefit from their sense of curiosity, often as a whimsical explorer, an enigmatic scientist, or a distinguished doctor. An Apothic can have guile, resilience, and drive, making them ideal candidates for a Company representative or for positions of care or diplomacy in Companies. Maligned Apothics have been known to fall deep within the throws of madness in their search for knowledge and power, establishing expansive hidden lairs where they can work on their dreadful abominations of nature without interruption.


An Apothic’s life is made up of brilliant moments. Sparks of intrigue that light up a dull existence are what drive the Apothic’s decisions. The Apothic maintains a constant curiosity that causes them to learn whatever they can, wherever they find it. The Apothic understands the potential in all things and uses those connections to produce breathtaking results. These sparks of brilliance and intrigue, at times, lead to innovation, discovery, and miraculous interventions. The Apothic is capable of great scientific application, diagnosing and curing most ailments, rapidly regenerating bodily trauma, creating new and adaptable Compounds, and even raising the dead for various purposes. Apothics are naturally empathetic, knowing that a life lost is knowledge lost.


Also, why let something as petty as ethics or morals get in the way of real progress? Social repercussions aside, every Apothic feels the itchiness of the darker sides of discovery. Malosophists are more pragmatic regarding what constitutes a boundary of moral or ethical decency. To some Apothics, the end justifies the means, and if someone can’t see that, then they must not be able to understand the bigger picture. Apothics that embrace their malosophic tendencies wield unlimited potential as they bend the world around them through apothical understanding. Poisons, Bombs, Chemical reagents, and genetic alterations only scratch the surface of what a genuinely unscrupulous Apothic may find access to when trying to accomplish their goals. The steadfast proponent of malosophy believes that their only limit is what they know.

Class Features

The Apothic’s Class Features are built around creating potent Poisons, providing care to others, and crafting Pharmaceuticals and Curatives. The Apothic Class benefits from having a high Charm Attribute.


Hit Points Per Rank: +6

Action Points Per Rank: +4

Equipment Training

Weapons: Compound Lance, Light Melee, Sidearm

Armor: Cloth Armor, Light Armor, Light Shield

Elements: Biotic, Cryonic

Class Abilities

At Apothic Rank One (1), a player selects Three (3) Class Abilities from the list below. They gain a bonus to Class Ability Checks equivalent to half (½) of their Apothic Rank. An additional Class Ability is chosen at Apothic Ranks Three (3) and Seven (7).

Class Abilities: Apothicine, Arcana, Culture, Deception, Nature, Tact

Apothic Ranks

When distributing a Class Rank, remember that a Character’s Base Class Rank cannot exceed a Character’s Tenderfoot Class Rank.

Apothics benefit from a high Charm Attribute, allowing them to assume the role of the Company face; enhance their Toxin, Triage, and Discovery Class Features; provide a bonus to their Healing Modifier; and benefit their Culture, Deception, Intimidation, and Tact Ability Checks. Apothic players can also benefit from a high Will Attribute, enhancing their Force Armor, Repair Modifier, Initiative, and Effect Duration, and improving Apothicine, Investigation, Nature, and Perception Ability Checks. Apothic players should consider the benefit of investing in their Focus Attribute to increase their pool of Action Points and their available Action Slots, as well as enhancing their Arcana, Electronics, and Engineering Ability Checks.

Rank-by-Rank Attributes/Features

Rank One (1). Grit (+1), Focus (+1), Charm (+1)—Toxin, Triage

Rank Two (2). Pick (+1)

Rank Three (3). Charm (+1)

Rank Four (4). Pick (+1)

Rank Five (5). Grit (+1), Charm (+1)—Physician

Rank Six (6). Pick (+1)

Rank Seven (7). Charm (+1)

Rank Eight (8). Pick (+1)

Rank Nine (9). Focus (+1)

Rank Ten (10). Charm (+2), Power (+1), Grit (+1)—Discovery


Beginning at Apothic Rank One (1), every Apothic develops a signature Toxin recipe tucked away in their minds, just in case they might need to protect themselves.

The Apothic may apply their Toxin in several ways, always as a Rapid Action. The Toxin may be applied to a Melee Weapon that inflicts Pierce or Slash Damage, delivering the Toxin Effect to any creatures that take Hit Point Damage as a result of a Melee Attack from a coated weapon. The Weapon loses its toxicity after the Apothic’s Effect Duration in Rounds.

The Toxin may be loaded into a Compound Lance to be administered as a Cast Attack. Once loaded, the Toxin remains effective until used, and when distributed in this way, the Toxin Effect bypasses the target’s Physical Save. Alternatively, the Toxin can be mixed with a Food, Beverage, Pharmaceutical, or Curative to corrupt its intended effect and, instead, deliver the Toxin to whoever ingests it.

Any creature exposed to the Apothic’s Toxin suffers a number of Poison Injury stacks equivalent to half (½) of the Apothic’s Charm Attribute for the Apothic’s Effect Duration. Creatures that suffer multiple exposures apply any additional stacks on top of their current level of poisoning while refreshing the Effect Duration to match the most recent exposure. On exposure, a Physical Save against the Force Impact made at the Toxin’s creation negates the Injury of the dose. The Apothic is immune to their own Toxin.

Daily Batch

Prerequisite: Apothic

Action Type: Ritual (1 hour)

As a Ritual at an Apothical Laboratory during Downtime, the Apothic spends one (1) hour creating a number of doses of Toxin equivalent to half (½) of their Charm Attribute. The Apothic performs a Force Impact to determine Toxin’s efficacy during its creation. The Toxin remains potent for the Apothic’s Effect Duration in days, after which it reverts to harmless water. The Apothic may only create Toxins once per Long Rest. An Apothic with a Brewer’s Satchel can store the entire batch of Toxin doses without occupying an inventory slot.


Beginning at Apothic Rank One (1), the Apothic can tend to the wounds of others by administering careful apothical treatments to a biological creature. Over ten (10) minutes outside of combat, the Apothic heals an organic creature for 1D8 Hit Points for every 2 points of the Apothic’s Charm Attribute. The Triage Class Feature has a number of Daily Uses equal to the Apothic’s Charm Attribute. Daily Uses are only restored after an eight (8) hour Rest Period. 


Beginning at Apothic Rank Five (5), the Apothic is better equipped to meet the pharmacological needs of a Company. The Apothic can carry twice as many Consumable Curatives and Pharmaceuticals per Inventory Slot. In addition, Pharmaceutical, Poison, and Regenerative Effects caused by the Apothic have twice (2*) the Effect Duration.


The mark of a Master Apothic, at Apothic Rank Ten (10) they make a miraculous Discovery that represents the pinnacle of their research, unlocking one (1) of the following Rituals:

Discovery Selections

Abominable Laboratory

Prerequisite: Apothic

Action Type: Ritual (8 hour)

The Apothic converts an Apothical Laboratory into an Abominable Laboratory, destroying it for its conventional uses but enabling the Apothic to manifest a loyal Abomination Companion. As a Ritual at the Abominable Laboratory, the Apothic can spend eight (8) hours constructing a living Abomination, using the Mechanic’s Machine Tune-up as guidelines to determine any statistics and utilizing the Apothic’s Charm Attribute in place of any Will Attributes. The Abomination can be issued Commands that it follows to the best of its ability. The Abomination can be up to Large in size and shares a telepathic link with the Apothic that enables it to communicate observations and receive new commands in real-time, functioning wholly independent of the Apothic’s direction. An Apothic can only maintain the existence of one such creature at a time.

Doomsday Device

Prerequisite: Apothic

Action Type: Ritual (8 hour)

As a Ritual at an Apothical Laboratory, the Apothic can spend eight (8) hours constructing a device that, once activated, will destroy all Characters, creatures, or structures within an indeterminable radius, capable of destroying a significant amount of life or civilization with proper applications. The nature and function of this device depend on its creator's wishes. An Apothic can only construct a single device of this caliber during their lifetime.

Genetic Flux

Prerequisite: Apothic

Action Type: Ritual (8 hour)

As a Ritual at an Apothical Laboratory, the Apothic can spend 8 hours installing the rare Genetic Flux Augment into their Body Gear Slot. As a Move Action, the Apothic can alter their body's physical shape or form to receive an alternate sensory or mobility Enhancement. The Apothic passively retains the selected Enhancement until they use Genetic Flux to receive a different effect. The Apothic can choose from the following Enhancements: Aqualung, Burrow, Echolocate, Flight, Nightvision, Scent, Spyderwalk, Strider, Thermal Sense, or Vibralocate.

Homunculus Laboratory

Prerequisite: Apothic

Action Type: Ritual (1 hour)

The Apothic converts an Apothical Laboratory into a Homunculus Laboratory, destroying it for its conventional uses but enabling the Apothic to manifest a team of dedicated abomination laborers. As a Ritual at the Homunculus Laboratory, the Apothic can spend one (1) hour to manifest a Homunculus. This intelligent abomination creature can perform Ability Checks to perform Downtime tasks on the Apothic’s behalf, utilizing the Apothic’s Ability Checks in place of their own. Homunculi can attempt to craft or maintain items, objects, or structures, perform general construction, operate mundane machines, or provide care for other Characters as a part of Downtime operations. The Apothic can support a number of active Homunculi equivalent to half (½) of their Charm Attribute. A Homunculus cannot survive separate from the Homunculus Laboratory, dying if they stray too far from the location of their manifestation. The Apothic can only maintain a single Homunculus Laboratory at a time.

Immortality Tank

Prerequisite: Apothic

Action Type: Ritual (7 day)

The Apothic converts an Apothical Laboratory into an Immortality Tank, destroying it for its conventional uses but enabling the Apothic to maintain a tank that grows a suitable replacement body. Every seven (7) days, the Immortality Tank develops a completely functional clone of the Apothic that lies dormant until the Apothic dies. In the event of the Apothic’s death, their soul and consciousness are instantly transferred to the clone, where it awakens and emerges from the tank. If the Apothic dies before a new clone has formed in the Immortality Tank, the process fails, and their soul passes on as usual. Effects that trap an Apothic’s soul or prevent regeneration or revival negate the soul transfer of Immortality Tank.

Outer Soul

Prerequisite: Apothic

Action Type: Ritual (7 days)

As a Ritual at an Apothical Laboratory, the Apothic can spend seven (8) days extracting their soul from their body and binding it to an external device or container called an Outer Soul. The Apothic is immune to Death and any Death-inducing effects, such as the Cardiac Injury. If the Apothic’s Hit Points are reduced to zero (0), they immediately Stabilize and do not suffer any loss of Essence. If the Outer Soul is destroyed, the Apothic dies instantly.

Philosopher’s Stone

Prerequisite: Apothic

Action Type: Ritual (8 hour)

As a Ritual at an Apothical Laboratory, the Apothic spends eight (8) hours developing a one-of-a-kind Capacity Equipment Modification for their Compound Lance that enables them to siphon off the life force of other creatures to heal or empower their abilities. The Apothic’s Compound Lance begins to store charges equivalent to any Damage inflicted through a Cast Attack with the modified weapon, up to a limit equal to ten times (10*) the Apothic’s Charm Attribute. As a Rapid Action, the Apothic can consume all charges of the Philosopher’s Stone, gaining the stored Damage as either Temporary Hit Points or Temporary Action Points that fade after the Apothic’s Effect Duration in Rounds.

Portal Component

Prerequisite: Apothic

Action Type: Ritual (8 hour)

As a Ritual at an Apothical Laboratory, the Apothic spends eight (8) hours developing a one-of-a-kind Equipment Modification for their Compound Lance that enables them to open short-ranged portals between two (2) designated points. As a Standard Action, the Apothic can utilize their Compound Lance to place a Portal Marker in an adjacent space. The Apothic can maintain a number of Portal Markers equivalent to half (½) of their Charm Attribute. As a Move Action, the Apothic can open a portal between any two placed Portal Markers that remains open until closed by the Apothic with a Rapid Action. The Apothic can open a portal between any two established markers they wish, but can only maintain one open portal simultaneously.

Time Machine

Prerequisite: Apothic

Action Type: Ritual (7 Day)

Over a seven (7) day Ritual, the Apothic converts an Apothical Laboratory into a Time Machine, destroying it for its conventional uses but enabling the Apothic to travel back in time to the same exact location. The Time Machine is perfectly functional and accurately and flawlessly delivers the occupants to a specified point in the past or future in a single-use, one-way trip, the results of which cannot be undone or reversed. The Apothic’s wishes largely determine the size, nature, and function of the Time Machine, and they can only construct a single device of this caliber during their lifetime.

Transmuter Gauntlet

Prerequisite: Apothic

Action Type: Ritual (8 hour)

As a Ritual at an Apothical Laboratory, the Apothic spends eight (8) hours developing a one-of-a-kind piece of Hand Slot Gear that allows them to alter mundane surfaces' physical properties. As a Rapid Action, the Transmuter Gauntlet can transform a single space of any non-living object, material, or substance between a liquid, solid, or gaseous form. An Apothic can utilize this Discovery to create solid objects out of normally gaseous or liquid materials, or vice versa. The Transmuter Gauntlet does not affect creatures.

Apothic Perks

Batch Cook

Prerequisite: Toxin

Increase the number of Doses created during your Toxin Ritual to your Full Charm Attribute. 


Prerequisite: Toxin

Increase the number of Poison Stacks delivered by a Dose of your Toxin to your Full Charm Attribute.


Prerequisite: Toxin

Alternatively, you can create doses of Rega-Toxin during your Daily Batch in place of doses of Toxin. On use, Rega-Toxin grants stacks of the Regeneration Enhancement to the Target in place of Poison for the Effect Duration.

Battle Apothic

Prerequisite: Triage

You can use Triage during Combat as a Full Action.

Restorative Touch

Prerequisite: Triage

Increase the Scale of your Triage Healing by One(1) (In Example, 1D8 → 1D10)

Palliative Care

Prerequisite: Triage

Double the Hit Points Restored to your Allies when you use the Monitor Company Ritual during a Rest Period. 

Redefining Addiction

Prerequisite: Physician

You no longer suffer the Negative Effects of Drugs you have Crafted.

Doctor Feelgood

Prerequisite: Physician

Drugs Crafted by you no longer have Negative Effects for any user.


Prerequisite: Physician

Whenever you Craft a Consumable Curative or Drug as a part of an Apothicine Ability Check, create Twice(2*) as many. 

Emergency Siphon

Prerequisite: Discovery(Philosopher’s Stone)

Whenever your Hit Points were reduced to Zero(0), you instantly drain any stored Charges within your Philosopher’s Stone to immediately restore Hit Points.

Mature Cultures

Prerequisite: Discovery(Immortality Tank)

Reduce the time it takes to cultivate a new clone from Seven(7) Days down to Two(2) Days.

Apothic Heroics:



Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 1) & Compound (Any Rank)

AP Cost: 5

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Adjacent

As a Standard Action, you can administer a fast-acting antidote to an Adjacent Target, removing all Poison Effects. 


Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 1)

AP Cost: 5

Action Type: Ritual(One Hour)

As a Ritual during a Rest Period, you can spend One(1) Hour creating a clean laboratory, allowing you to attempt Apothicine Ability Checks to Craft, Modify, or Repair as though you were at an Apothical Lab, even without access to one.

Quick Bandage

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 1) 

AP Cost: 5

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Self/Adjacent

As a Standard Action, you can quickly apply essential apothical treatment to yourself or an Adjacent Organic Target, restoring 1D6 Hit Points for every Two(2) Points of your Charm Attribute plus your Healing Modifier. 

Brilliant Vapor

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 2) 

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Exploration

As a part of Exploring, concoct a mixture that erupts into brilliant glowing gas that lazily wafts around you, leaving an easily distinguishable trail behind you as you walk. Alternatively, when used in an Enclosed Space, the vapor will seek out an airflow exit as it fills the space, potentially revealing laser tripwires, finding a hidden entry, secret passage, or door.  

Field Discovery

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 2) 

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Interaction

As a part of an Interaction, you can immediately Identify a Substance without any Apothicine Ability Check required. 


Talk Sense

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 2) 

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Half(½) Charm(Radius)

As a Full Action, you explain the phenomenon you are witnessing to your Comrades in terms they can understand, you know, just to clear things up, removing any Fear or Confusion Miscognitions. 

Beast Tongue

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 3) 

AP Cost: 15

Action Type: Interaction

As a part of an Interaction, you can alter your speech patterns to deliver and pick up subtlety in an Interaction with a feral Creature, allowing you to speak with Beasts. You may ask a Beast a number of questions equal to Half(½) of your Charm Attribute before it can no longer communicate. Keep in mind that simple Beasts may not have much to offer in the way of insight but are instinct-driven observers of their environment.

Liquid State

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 3) & Compound (Any Rank)

AP Cost: 15

Action Type: Full Action

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a Full Action, you apply a concoction that reconfigures your body into a living pool of biological liquid, prohibiting you from Interacting with most Objects or Devices or performing Attacks while granting you Immunity to Physical Damage and allowing you to fit through tight spaces or vents or bars for the Effect Duration. You can break Liquid State as a Rapid Action and revert to your Liquid State as a Move Action until the end of the Effect Duration.


Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 3) 

AP Cost: 15

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Self/Adjacent

As a Full Action, you can administer apothical care to yourself or an Adjacent Organic Target to restore 1D8 Hit Points for every Two(2) Points of your Charm Attribute. You can Double(2*) the Action Point Cost of Recovery instead to restore Hit Points to all Adjacent Organic Targets.

Neutralizing Agent

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 4) & Compound Rank(Any Rank)

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Exploration

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a part of Exploring, you can administer an effective counteragent to an exposed Environmental Hazard that Negates any potential threats that inflict Elemental Damage for the Effect Duration.


Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 4) 

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Ritual(One Hour)

As a Ritual at an Apothicine Lab, you can spend One(1) Hour to manifest a more empathy-driven headspace. In addition, you can automatically identify when any Creature you Interact with is suffering from a Miscognition until your next Rest Period.

Sensory Restoration 

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 4) 

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Adjacent

As a Standard Action, you can perform an apothical technique that instantly restores sensory function to an Adjacent Target, removing any Injuries that affect sight, hearing, or the throat or voice, such as the Blinded, Deafened, or Silenced Injuries.

From The Brink

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 5) 

AP Cost: 25

Action Type: Ritual(Eight Hours)

As a Ritual at an Apothical Lab during a Rest Period, you can spend Eight(8) Hours performing experimental apothicine to bring a well-preserved Dead Organic Creature back to life. The Target’s Body must be in decent condition to be a candidate for revival, as even a perfect candidate may suffer from the loss of a limb or organ from the process, requiring a Cybernetic or Genetic Replacement. Every Two(2) Hours of the procedure, you will be required to make an Apothicine Ability Check to determine the success of that portion of the surgery. A single failure may result in a limb or organ loss, and multiple failures may cause the procedure to fail. If the operation fails, the Target Dead Body is no longer resurrectable by any means. 

Injury Treatment

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 5) 

AP Cost: 25

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Adjacent

As a Full Action, provide expert apothical care to an Adjacent Target, removing a single Injury Effect of your choice.

Therapy Sesh

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 5) 

AP Cost: 25

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Adjacent

As a Full Action, assist an Adjacent Target in the self-actualization of their mental struggles, removing a single Miscognition of your choice.

Molecular Flux

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 6) & Compound (Any Rank)

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Self

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a Full Action, you apply a concoction that creates space between the atoms of your body through gaining the Mercurial Enhancement, prohibiting you from Interacting with most Objects or Devices or performing Attacks while granting you Immunity to all Physical Damage and allowing you to walk through walls, doors and other Structures with no more than One(1) Space of depth. While Mercurial, you no longer suffer a Speed Penalty while moving through Threatened Spaces. You can break the Mercurial Enhancement as a Rapid Action and revert to your Mercurial Enhancement as a Move Action until the end of the Effect Duration.

Revival Compression

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 6)

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Adjacent

As a Standard Action, you apply expert apothical care to an Adjacent Organic Target’s cardiovascular system, restoring 1D10 Hit Points for every Two(2) Points of your Charm Attribute plus your Healing Modifier to the Target. If your Target is Dying or has Zero(0) Hit Points, restore Twice(2*) as many Hit Points. 


Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 7) & Compound (Any Rank)

AP Cost: 35

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Self/Adjacent

As a Full Action, you can administer a unique compound that relieves a wide variety of ailments from an Adjacent Target. You remove a number of Injury Effects or Miscognitions from your Target equal to Half(½) of your Charm Attribute. 


Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 7)

AP Cost: 35

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Self/Adjacent

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Full Action, you apply precision apothical care to yourself or an Adjacent Organic Target, restoring 1D6 Hit Points for every Point of your Charm Attribute and applying Stacks of the Regeneration Enhancement equal to Half(½) of your Charm Attribute for the Effect Duration.

Guided Therapy

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 8)

AP Cost: 35

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Charm Attribute(Radius)

As a Full Action, you offer sound apothical advice to any Comrades within a Radius equal to your Charm Attribute on managing their wellness best. As a Reaction to Guided Therapy, any Comrade within the Affected Area can restore 1D8 Hit Points for every Point of your Charm Attribute and remove a single Injury Effect or Miscognition of their choice. Your Comrade must be able to perceive you to React to your advice.

Infinity Vial

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 8)

AP Cost: 35

Action Type: Ritual(One Hour)

As a Ritual at an Apothical Lab during a Rest Period, you can spend One(1) Hour Crafting a unique container that appears to be empty glass when handled by others, but while in your hands, the Infinity Vial will endlessly pour a liquid substance from a seemingly infinite source at a slow, but consistent rate. You must have access to the substance you wish the Infinity Vial to generate at the time of its creation. The Infinity Vial becomes inert during your next Rest Period with proper maintenance. 

Vapor State

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 9) & Compound (Any Rank)

AP Cost: 45

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Self

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a Full Action, you apply a concoction that reconstructs your state of matter into a sentient cloud of gasses and vapors, prohibiting you from Interacting with most Objects or Devices or performing Attacks while granting you Immunity to all Physical Damage and allowing you to pass under doors, through vents, or through other Spaces in which air can flow freely. You can break the Vapor State as a Rapid Action and revert to your Vapor State as a Move Action until the end of the Effect Duration.


Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 9)

AP Cost: 45

Action Type: Ritual(One Hour) 

As a Ritual at an Apothical Lab during a Rest Period, you can spend One(1) Hour providing expert apothical treatment to a Company Member, fully restoring their Hit Points and Essence and removing any Injury Effects or Miscognitions. 

New You

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 10)

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Ritual(Eight Hours)

As a Ritual at an Apothical Lab during a Rest Period, you can spend Eight(8) Hours attempting to create a new body from a genetic sample of a Dead Organic Creature by placing the sample in a unique apparatus to facilitate new tissue growth. After the Ritual is completed, a new identical body, complete with all the memories of its predecessor until the Genetic Sample was taken, will awaken and revive anew. Any Cybernetic Implants previously possessed will be lost, as all limbs and organs are perfectly restored to their original state. Attempting to clone an Organic Creature that is still alive may come with devastating long-term consequences. 

Wonder Drug

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 10) & Compound (Any Rank)

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Self/Adjacent

As a Standard Action, you can administer a unique cocktail of curatives to yourself or an Adjacent Organic Target. First, you remove all Injury Effects and Miscognitions from your Target, restoring 5D10 Hit Points plus your Healing Modifier for each Injury Effect or Miscognition removed in this way. 


Dead Memories

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 1) 

AP Cost: 5

Action Type: Ritual(One Hour)

As a Ritual at an Apothical Lab during a Rest Period, you can spend One(1) Hour utilizing a Genetic Sample of a Dead Organic Creature to learn about its dying moments. Then, as a Scrying Effect, you can perfectly recreate the Target’s final moments, understanding a number of events equal to Half(½) of your Charm Attribute that lead to its death. 

Draught Sample

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 1) & Compound (Any Rank) 

AP Cost: 5

Action Type: Rapid Action

Range: Compound Weapon

As a Rapid Action, you can forcefully remove a Genetic Sample from an Adjacent Organic Target that can be stored in your Inventory. A Noncompliant Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to Negate your collection attempt. 

Sensory Alteration

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 1) 

AP Cost: 5

Action Type: Ritual(One Hour)

As a Ritual at an Apothical Lab during a Rest Period, you can spend One(1) Hour temporarily reconstructing your Sensory Organs, granting yourself either the Echolocate or Scent Enhancement until your next Rest Period. 

Detachable Limb

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 2) 

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Full Action

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a Full Action, you can ingest an experimental concoction to detach an Organic limb from your body and temporarily transmute it into a Small-sized Abomination Creature that can Interact with Objects and Devices on your behalf for the Effect Duration. At the time of detachment, you suffer a loss of 1D6 Hit Points for every point of your Charm Attribute to determine your Detachable Limb’s Hit Points. You can reattach your Limb at any time as a Move Action from an Adjacent Space, restoring any remaining Hit Points of your Detachable Limb to your current Hit Points. However, suppose your Detachable Limb were to die or fail to be reattached before the end of the Effect Duration. In that case, the Detachable Limb reverts to its original structure in the form of a severed limb on the ground, causing you to immediately suffer the Fractured Injury and Stacks of the Bleed Injury equal to your Charm Attribute. 


Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 2) 

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Interaction

As a part of an Interaction, you can attempt an Apothicine Ability Check to destroy a Dead Organic Creature, eliminating any trace of its body or death from any would-be investigators.

Nocturnal Retina

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 2) & Compound (Any Rank)

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Full Action

Target: Self/Adjacent

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a Full Action, you inject a dilating compound into your or an Adjacent Organic Target’s eye, granting Nightvision for the Effect Duration. 

Dearly Departed

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 3)

AP Cost: 15

Action Type: Interaction

As a part of an Interaction, you can perform a system-shocking apothical procedure to spark life in the Dead momentarily, allowing you to speak with a Dead Organic Target for a conversation. You may ask a Dead Creature a number of questions equal to Half(½) of your Charm Attribute before it can no longer communicate. Keep in mind that the Dead may still hold their opinions from life or could be unwilling to cooperate with you if your disposition with them is contentious. The Dead Target must be able to perceive or understand you to communicate with you effectively. 


Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 3)

AP Cost: 15

Action Type: Ritual(One Hour)

As a Ritual at an Apothical Lab during a Rest Period, you can attempt an Apothicine Ability Check to spend One(1) Hour peering through the remains of a Dead Organic Creature to Scry on a Target, gaining information in the form of interpretable visions, images, or thoughts about the Target’s past, present, or future. 

Staged Forensics

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 3)

AP Cost: 15

Action Type: Interaction

As a part of an Interaction, you can attempt an Apothicine Ability Check to redress a scene to plant false evidence or to obscure the evidential truth in any way ranging from removing biological traces of evidence to altering an apparent cause of death to concealing or altering the scene of a fight or struggle.  

Corpse Explosion

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 4) & Compound (Any Rank)

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Compound Range

As a Standard Action, you can inject a volatile concoction into a Dead Organic Creature, prompting it to explode in a shower of corrosive chemicals and bone, inflicting 1D8 Biotic and 1D8 Pierce Damage to all other Adjacent Targets. Affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½).


Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 4) & Compound (Any Rank)

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Compound Range

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Standard Action, you can proliferate the poison in a Target within your Effective Compound Range that is suffering from your Toxin to make them a potent vector for infection, forcing any Organic Creatures that come Adjacent to your Target to make a Physical Save against your Force Impact or suffer a new application of your Toxin for the Effect Duration. 

Viscoelastic Tongue

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 4)

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Half(½) Charm Attribute

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a Full Action, you can ingest a viscous substance that causes your tongue to become elastically stretchy for the Effect Duration. As a Rapid Action, you can launch your Viscoelastic Tongue on any Target within a Range equal to Half(½) of your Charm Attribute, either moving a Targeted Small-sized Device, Object, or Creature to an Adjacent Space from you or moving yourself to an Adjacent Space next to a Targeted Medium-sized or Larger Device, Object, or Creature. A Noncompliant Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to Negate the Forced Movement Effect.

Coagulant Coating

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 5)

AP Cost: 25

Action Type: Move Action

Range: Self/Adjacent

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a Move Action, you quickly apply a high-strength adhesive to the feet of your Target, granting you or an Adjacent Creature the ability to effortlessly walk and climb along walls and ceilings or across the surface of liquids up to their Speed until the end of the Effect Duration. 

Reanimate Corpse

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 5)

AP Cost: 25

Action Type: Ritual(Two Hours) 

As a Ritual at an Apothical Lab during a Rest Period, you can surgically restore a Large-sized or Smaller Dead Organic Creature to bring its biological mechanisms back to a semblance of working order. You can partially revive the Targeted body into a hollow husk of its former self as an Abomination-type Creature. The Target is restored for an indefinite Duration and capable of performing simple, repetitive tasks after being guided through intense instruction; however, the Reanimated Corpse will not engage in hostile actions and is incapable of following any type of Command without careful instruction. Reanimated Corpses are highly susceptible to Possession Effects, automatically forfeiting any chance at a Save against the Possession Miscognition.  


Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 5) 

AP Cost: 25

Action Type: Ritual(One Hour)

As a Ritual at an Apothical Lab during a Rest Period, you can spend One(1) Hour consuming a Genetic Sample acquired from a non-Human Organic Creature into your genome to gain a desired genetic expression until your next Rest Period. As a result, you can potentially earn the Echolocate, Flight, Invisibility, Muffled, Nightvision, Scent, Thermal Sense, or Vibralocate Enhancement, provided your Genetic Sample was drawn from a Creature that naturally expressed the Enhancement desired.

Altered Beast

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 6)

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Self

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a Full Action, you can ingest a potent concoction that awakens your inner-beast through the Rally Enhancement, granting you a bonus equal to Half(½) of your Charm Attribute to any Attack or Damage Rolls and your Physical and Force Armors for the Effect Duration.

Taste Tester

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 6) 

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Reaction

As a Reaction to using or serving a Consumable Curative, Drug, or Food Item to a Comrade, you also gain the Consumable’s Effect. If the Item were to be Poisoned, you could Negate the Poison Effect. 


Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 7) & Compound (Any Rank)

AP Cost: 35

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Adjacent

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a Standard Action, inject an Adjacent Organic Target with a Compound that shreds their immune system, increasing the remaining Effect Duration of any Injury or Miscognition Effects the Target is currently suffering by the new Effect Duration.


Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 7)

AP Cost: 35

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Adjacent

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a Full Action, you imbibe a concoction that ungulates within you before spewing forth from your eyes, nose, and mouth, solidifying into a slimy, simulated version of yourself as an Abomination Creature. You are stuck with the Sleep Miscognition as your consciousness is directly translated to your Simulacra for the Effect Duration. Your Simulacra mimics your body in shape but lacks any definitive form or structure, able to pass under doors, through vents, and pipes while retaining the ability to Interact with most Objects or Devices. Your Simulacra can perform Weapon Attacks using its body mass to simulate your equipment, inflicting your Weapon Damage as Biotic Damage if successful. Your Simulacra is Immune to Physical Damage and Biotic Damage, with any Force Damage (including Elemental Damage) it suffers being immediately inflicted upon your actual body. You can wake up from your Sleep Miscognition as a Free Action. If you wake up from your Sleep Miscognition, your link to the Simulacra breaks, killing it instantly as it dissolves into a puddle on the floor before evaporating into nothingness. 

Create Monstrosity

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 8)

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Ritual(Two Hours) 

As a Ritual at an Apothical Lab during a Rest Period, you can surgically combine multiple Large-sized or Smaller Dead Organic Creatures to stitch together a Massive-sized monstrosity. You can mostly revive the tissues of the Target into a pained amalgamation of its former selves as an Abomination-type Creature. The Target is restored for an indefinite Duration and capable of performing simple, repetitive tasks while attempting to follow any Commands given by you to the best of its ability. The Monstrosity can engage in hostile actions while utilizing your Combat Statistics and your Cast Weapon Attacks and Damage to facilitate its Attacks.  Monstrosities are highly susceptible to Possession Effects, automatically forfeiting any chance at a Save against the Possession Miscognition. 

Zombie Dust

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 8) 

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Adjacent

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a Full Action, you mix a unique inhalant powder and blow it into the face of an Adjacent Organic Target, inflicting the Command and Pacify Miscognitions for the Effect Duration. Your Target will no longer engage in hostile actions, regard all Creatures as friendly, and follow your Commands to the best of its ability for the Effect Duration. The Target can attempt a Force Save against your Force Impact to Negate the Miscognitions. 


Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 9) 

AP Cost: 45

Action Type: Ritual(Two Hours)

As a Ritual at an Apothical Lab during a Rest Period, you can destroy a Dead Organic Creature to fully restore the Hit Points and remove an Injury Effects from an Abomination-type Creature under your care. In addition, you can use Patchwork to update your Abomination’s Statistics as if using the Mechanic’s Tune-Up Ritual on a Bound Machine. 

Volatile Experiment

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 9) 

AP Cost: 45

Action Type: Ritual(Two Hours)

As a Ritual at an Apothical Lab during a Rest Period, you spend Two(2) Hours manufacturing a devastating Small-sized bomb that can be armed and remotely detonated from an unlimited Range as a Full Action. Once discharged, your bomb obliterates all Targets within a Radius equal to your Twice(2*) your Charm Attribute, dealing 1D10 Biotic and 1D10 Pyrotic Damage for every Point of your Charm Attribute and inflicting your Toxin on all Targets within the Affected Area. Creatures within the blast Radius are not afforded a Save to reduce Damage or Negate your Toxin. You can only keep one active Volatile Experiment at a time. 

Soul Receptacle

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 10) 

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Ritual(One Hour)

As a Ritual at an Apothical Lab during a Rest Period, you can spend One(1) Hour designing and crafting a unique device, the Soul Receptacle, that can be held in your Inventory. As a Reaction to an Organic Creature dying in an Adjacent Space, you can launch your Soul Receptacle at your Target, capturing their Soul within. The Target can attempt a Force Save against your Force Impact to Negate the Soul Capture. Alternatively, you can Target any Æthereal-typed Creatures or any Target that has projected itself from their body, such as through Heroics like Astral Projection or Virtual Self. 

Technically Teleportation

Prerequisite: Apothic(Rank 10) 

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Ritual(Two Hours)

As a Ritual at an Apothical Lab during a Rest Period, you can spend Two(2) Hours converting your Apothical Lab into an Apothical Gate,  a wide-mouthed cauldron of mysterious bubbling liquid. During its creation, you take a sample from your Apothical Gate to create a unique sprayable canister with a number of sprays equal to Half(½) of your Charm Attribute that can be held in your Inventory. As a Rapid Action, you can spray yourself or a living Medium-sized or Smaller Adjacent Organic Target with the canister to kill your Target instantly as a green flame engulfs and incinerates their body into nothingness in a flash. Once consumed, an identical copy of the Target will emerge from the Apothical Gate with all memories up to the point of death intact and retaining any current Damage or other detrimental factors they were suffering at the time of death. Once the sprayer has consumed all of its uses, the Apothical Gate will become inert. A Noncompliant Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to Negate the Teleportation Effect.