
Performance Enhanced


“I’m only splitting heads so I can live my life closer to my real passion: Carpentry.”

~ Logan Keely, Axian Reaver

For most inhabitants, life on Salt can be ruthless. Those at the bottom rungs of the various societies deal with all forms of violence, at times daily, and those outside protected lands are left to the potential chaos of the Frontierland. It takes more than just strength to survive such conditions; it also takes endurance, wit, and compassion. Even the fiercest warriors understand the need for healthcare if they wish to see the next sunrise.

As the hybridization of the Armsman and Apothic Base Classes, the Reaver is an unstoppable melee bruiser that utilizes body-enhancing pharmaceuticals to reach an inhuman degree of physical strength. The trademark of a Reaver is their consumption of Adrenaloid, a high-octane performance enhancer that grants excellent strength, flexibility, and endurance. The Reaver can recover Hit Points through their Melee Attacks, inoculate their body to withstand pain, and drastically enhance their physical strength.

Historically Speaking

Reavers can trace their earliest history to the joint labor yards throughout the boroughs of Axis. Exhausted workers would turn to drugs and other performance-enhancing supplements while struggling to keep up with their quotas. Due to prohibitive expenses, many turned to the practice of Apothicine to create concoctions from what they had available. Aspiring Apothics had no shortage of willing test subjects looking for a pittance, or perhaps a way to gain an edge over their many competitors. Many believe the Reaver methodology was born of pain and desperation, as countless workers died due to malpractice and mishandling dangerous substances. But buried deep in the muck of misery, the Reavers found discovery after discovery. The drugs that worked were cataloged, reproduced, and sold on the free market, with specialists emerging with knowledge of their creation and its practical uses.

The Modern Reaver

Despite their ominous name, many Reavers today are some of the most skilled and passionate caregivers available. While also being enduring, physically intimidating warriors, Reavers are exceptionally skilled in battlefield medicine, even mending their own wounds as they cut down their enemies. Reavers have an expansive catalog of pharmaceutical knowledge that is critically important in the unforgiving Frontierland. Modern Reavers are often sought by adventuring Companies for their dominance as enduring athletes, brutal combatants, and field medics. A Reaver would find a fit career as a soldier, surgeon, or executioner. Unscrupulous Reavers lose their minds in their supplements, destroying everything they touch at great self-expense.

Class Features

The Reaver's Class Features focus on administering performance-enhancing drugs, gaining strength as they suffer Damage or Wounds, and maintaining unstoppable inertia, even on death. The Reaver Class benefits from having high Power, Charm, and Grit Attributes.


Hit Points Per Rank: +9

Action Points Per Rank: +4

Equipment Training

Weapons: Compound Lance, Greatblade, Polearm, Thrown, Warhammer

Armor: Heavy Armor, Light Armor, Plate Armor, Light Shield

Elements: Biotic, Cryonic, Electric, Pyrotic

Class Abilities

At Reaver Rank One (1), a Character receives the following pair of Class Abilities:

Innate Class Abilities: Apothicine/Intimidation

They gain a bonus to Class Ability Checks equivalent to half (½) of their Reaver Rank. An additional Class Ability from the following list is chosen at Reaver Ranks Three (3), Five (5), and Seven (7):

Selected Class Abilities: Acrobatics, Athletics, Culture, Deception, Stealth, Tact

Reaver Ranks

When distributing a Class Rank, remember that a Character’s Hybrid Class Rank cannot exceed both of a Character’s Base Class Ranks.

Reavers benefit most from a high Grit Attribute, enhancing their Class Features such as Blood Rage, pumping up their pool of Hit Points and Total Essence, and increasing their overall survivability. Reaver players can also benefit from a high Charm Attribute, allowing them to assume the role of the Company Face, enhancing Class Features such as Adrenaloid Injection, providing a bonus to their Healing Modifier, and benefiting their Culture, Deception, Intimidation, and Tact Ability Checks. Reaver players can also benefit from high Power and Skill Attributes, enhancing Class Features such as Regenerative Strikes, enhancing Melee Attacks and Damage, and Ranged Attacks, enhancing Maneuvers, Initiative, Speed, and Inventory Space, and any Athletics, Acrobatics, Drive, and Stealth Ability Checks.

Rank-by-Rank Attributes/Features

Rank One (1). Grit (+2), Power (+1), Skill (+1)—Adrenaloid Injection, Regenerative Strikes

Rank Two (2). Pick (+1), Will (+1)

Rank Three (3). Grit (+1), Charm (+1)—Blood Rage

Rank Four (4). Pick (+1), Focus (+1)

Rank Five (5). Power (+1), Grit (+1), Charm (+1)—Pain Inoculation

Rank Six (6). Pick (+1), Will (+1)

Rank Seven (7). Grit (+1), Charm (+1)—Limit Breaker

Rank Eight (8). Pick (+1), Focus (+1)

Rank Nine (9). Power (+1), Skill (+1)

Rank Ten (10). Grit (+2), Power (+1), Will (+1), Charm (+1)—Death’s Door

Adrenaloid Injection

Beginning at Reaver Rank One (1), once per Long Rest, the Reaver can self-administer a powerful performance-enhancing supplement called Adrenaloid. For the Reaver’s Effect Duration in minutes, they gain a Style Enhancement bonus equivalent to half (½) of their Charm Attribute to their Physical Attributes (Power/Skill/Grit). However, once the Adrenaloid Injection fades, the Reaver suffers the Exhaustion Injury.

Regenerative Strikes

Beginning at Reaver Rank One (1), the Reaver increases the Daily Uses of Wound by half (½) of their Charm Attribute. The Reaver also gains two (2) alternate uses of Wound. The Reaver can instead restore a number of their Hit Points equivalent to the Damage of a Melee Attack. Or the Reaver can cure themselves of one (1) of the following Injuries:

Regenerative Strikes Injury List

Injury. Blinded, Deafened, Fractured, Hobbled, Impaled, Silenced

Blood Rage

Beginning at Reaver Rank Three (3), anytime their current Hit Points are below half (½) of their Total Hit Points, the Reaver gains a Rally Enhancement bonus equal to half (½) of their Grit Attribute to all Attack and Damage rolls.

Pain Inoculation

Beginning at Reaver Rank Five (5), the Reaver gains a stacking Barrier Enhancement bonus to Damage Resistance against Physical Damage equivalent to half (½) of their Grit Attribute for each unique Injury or Miscognition the Reaver is currently suffering.

Limit Breaker

Once at Reaver Rank Seven (7), while under the effects of Adrenaloid Injection, any Hit Points recovered by the Reaver are granted as Temporary Hit Points, expiring with the end of the Adrenaloid Injection. While under the effects of Adrenaloid Injection, the Reaver recovers twice (2*) as many Hit Points from all healing sources.

Death’s Door

As a Master Reaver, at Reaver Rank Ten (10), while under the effects of Adrenaloid Injection, the Reaver can no longer be rendered unconscious when they reach zero (0) Hit Points. Instead, they maintain full combat effectiveness while they continue to make Essence Saves stay alive. Once the Reaver’s Essence is reduced to zero (0), they are instantly killed. Successful Essence Saves do not Stabilize the Reaver; they only prevent a loss of Essence. The Reaver is no longer at Death’s Door once they recover at least a single Hit Point.

Reaver Perks

Booster Shot

Prerequisite: Adrenaloid Injection

You can now use Adrenaloid Injection Twice(2*) per Long Rest.

Regenerative Flourish

Prerequisite: Regenerative Strikes

Your Regenerative Strikes now both Restore Hit Points and can remove a single Injury or Miscognition from yourself or an Adjacent Target.

Steel Rage

Prerequisite: Blood Rage

Your Blood Rage bonus now also applies to your Physical Armor.

Compartmentalize Trauma 

Prerequisite: Pain Inoculation

You receive an additional Plus Two(+2) Damage Resistance against all Physical Damage Sources for each Injury or Miscognition you are currently suffering.

Limit Removal

Prerequisite: Limit Breaker

While under the effects of Adrenaloid, you no longer suffer Penalties from Injury Effects to your Attack or Ability Rolls.


Prerequisite: Death's Door

While under the effects of Death's Door, landing a Killing Blow will instantly restore Hit Points equal to your Grit Attribute plus your Healing Modifier.

Reaver Heroics


Prerequisite: Reaver(Rank 1) 

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Adjacent(Radius)

Effect Duration: Until Treated

As a Full Action, you unleash a series of deadly cuts to all Adjacent Targets. As a result, affected Targets suffer your normal Weapon Damage with an additional 1D10 Slash Damage and a Stack of the Bleed Injury for every Two(2) Points of your Power Attribute. Additionally, affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Physical Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½) and Negate the Injury. 

Toxic Cleave

Prerequisite: Reaver(Rank 2) 

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Melee Weapon Attack

Range: Adjacent

As a Standard Weapon Attack, you can apply a Dose of your Toxin to your Weapon as a part of a Melee Weapon Attack by slashing in a wide arc that cleaves through your Target. If successful, in addition to your normal Weapon Damage, your Target and any Creatures that are Adjacent to your Target are dosed with your Toxin. Adjacent Creatures can attempt a Physical Save against your Attack Roll to Negate the Toxin. 


Prerequisite: Reaver(Rank 3) 

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Adrenaloid Injection

As a part of your Adrenaloid Injection Class Feature, in addition to the expected Effects of Adrenaloid, you receive Stacks of the Regeneration Enhancement equal to Half(½) of your Charm Attribute for the Effect Duration, healing 1D6 Hit Points for each Stack at the start of every Turn. 

Spiteful Smash

Prerequisite: Reaver(Rank 4) 

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Melee Weapon Attack

Range: Adjacent

You can attempt a Melee Weapon Attack against an Adjacent Target with a self-destructive overhead smash as a Standard Action. If successful, in addition to your normal Weapon Damage, your Target is knocked Prone, suffering an additional 1D8 Crush Damage for every Point of your Power Attribute. You suffer Half(½) of the Damage dealt by your Attack. 

Sanguine Edge

Prerequisite: Reaver(Rank 5) 

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Ritual(One Hour)

As a Ritual at an Apothical Lab during a Rest Period, you can spend One(1) Hour altering a Melee Weapon to absorb the blood of its victims. Then, on a successful Melee Weapon Attack against an Organic Target, the wielder can activate the mechanism as a Reaction, restoring Hit Points equal to their Minimum Damage. Sanguine Edge fades at the start of your next Rest Period. 

Pain Inhibitor

Prerequisite: Reaver(Rank 6) 

AP Cost: 60

Action Type: Adrenaloid Injection

As a part of your Adrenaloid Injection Class Feature, you no longer suffer the Negative Effects of any Injuries or Miscognitions you suffer during the Effect Duration.

The Juice

Prerequisite: Reaver(Rank 7) 

AP Cost: 70

Action Type: Adrenaloid Injection

As part of your Adrendaloid Injection and the other Effects of Adrenaloid, you increase your Size Category by One(1) and suffer the Berserk Miscognition for the Effect Duration, using every opportunity to engage in Melee Combat with Hostile Targets. 

Purity Formula

Prerequisite: Reaver(Rank 8) 

AP Cost: 80

Action Type: Adrenaloid Injection

As an Alternate Use of your Adrenaloid Injection, you can instead apply your Full Charm Attribute as a bonus to any One(1) Physical Attribute: Power, Skill, or Grit. 

Treacherous Divide

Prerequisite: Reaver(Rank 9) 

AP Cost: 90

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Half(½) Power Attribute(Line)

As a Full Action, you can slam your Two-handed Melee Weapon down to send forth a wave of pure devastation in a straight line up to Half(½) of your Power Attribute in Range that inflicts 1D10 Slash, Pierce, and Crush Damage for every Two(2) Points of your Power, Skill, and Grit Attributes respectively. Affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Physical Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½). Treacherous Divide easily breaks through any simple walls, doors, or pillars within the Affected Area. 

Death’s March

Prerequisite: Reaver(Rank 10) 

AP Cost: 100

Action Type: Death’s Door

As a part of Death’s Door, completely restore any lost Essence.