
Feeling Comfortable In Your Skin

Delinquent Apothic

“I am as you have always known me; this is how you have always remembered me. Honest.”

~ Powder, Krone Solmnir

How well does anyone know their acquaintances? Would you notice if something were a bit…off? If they part their hair on the opposite side or begin writing with their non-dominant hand? Did they forget they are not supposed to enter the Redacted Area? Should you tell someone? It’s probably nothing. Right?

As the hybridization of the Delinquent and Apothic Base Classes, the Solmnir fits the role of the deceptive shapeshifter, able to steal the identity of their victims and infiltrate enemy ranks. The trademark of a Solmnir is to utilize Apothicine to alter their genetic expressions and assume a stolen identity. A Solmnir is a cunning imposter who relies on ambushing Unaware targets with the element of surprise.

Historically Speaking

Solmnir can trace their origins alongside the impressive medical research orchestrated through the Nexus in Kronin Canyon. The first Solmnir were selected at birth and trained in the ways of espionage and Apothicine through brutal trials that altered their genetic integrity to become more flexible and malleable to influence. The Nexus deployed the Solmnir to alter rival organizations' internal structures without detection. A Solmnir capitalizes on chaos and disarray to implant themselves in enemy ranks, isolating and eliminating critical members of the opposition without witness, only to assume the identity of their victim moments later. Sudden changes in behavior that always seemed to favor Krone Interests became increasingly common as the Nexus expanded its reach into rival territories. As more influential elites, officers, and clergy were outed as replicants, powerful interests invested into the methodology of the Solmnir, solidifying their place in the annals of history.

The Modern Solmnir

Apothics looking to conceal their identity and make themselves harder to find undoubtedly find merit in the Solmnir shape-shifting capabilities. Solmnir become particularly crucial assets when dealing with research-oriented goals, able to burrow deep into an organization's infrastructure to learn how its heart beats—and capable of smothering it if deemed necessary. A modern Solmnir finds little issue working with Companies that can use their variety of talents, as they are subversive spies, lethal rogues, and practiced doctors. A Solmnir can ease into a late-career role of a practitioner, double agent, or scientist. Unscrupulous Solmnir kill and replace personnel of vital importance and work to destroy an organization internally.

Class Features

The Solmnir’s Class Features are built to incapacitate targets quickly, assume their identity, and exploit their identity to bypass security measures. The Solmnir Class benefits from having high Charm, Skill, and Power Attributes.


Hit Points Per Rank: +7

Action Points Per Rank: +5

Equipment Training

Weapons: Compound Lance, Light Melee, Omni Kit, Sidearm, Thrown

Armor: Cloth Armor, Light Armor, Light Shield

Elements: Biotic, Cryonic, Electric, Pyrotic

Class Abilities

At Solmnir Rank One (1), a Character receives the following pair of Class Abilities:

Innate Class Abilities: Apothicine/Deception

They gain a bonus to Class Ability Checks equivalent to half (½) of their Solmnir Rank. An additional Class Ability from the following list is chosen at Solmnir Ranks Three (3), Five (5), and Seven (7):

Selected Class Abilities: Acrobatics, Culture, Intimidation, Perception, Stealth, Tact

Solmnir Ranks

When distributing a Class Rank, remember that a Character’s Hybrid Class Rank cannot exceed both of a Character’s Base Class Ranks.

The Solmnir gains the most benefit from a high Charm Attribute, allowing them to assume the role of the Company face, enhancing multiple Class Features such as Imposter, providing a bonus to their Healing Modifier, and improving their Culture, Deception, Intimidation, and Tact Ability Checks. Solmnir players can also benefit from a high Skill Attribute, enhancing Class Features such as Imposter, their Ranged Attacks, their Physical Armor, their Initiative, their effectiveness with Maneuvers, and any Acrobatics, Drive, and Stealth Ability Checks. Solmnir players also benefit from a high Will Attribute, enhancing their Force Armor, extending the Duration of their Effects, enhancing Initiative, and aiding their Apothicine, Investigation, Nature, and Perception Ability Checks.

Rank-by-Rank Attributes/Features

Rank One (1). Charm (+2), Skill (+1), Grit (+1)—Imposter, Compact Injector

Rank Two (2). Pick (+1), Power (+1)

Rank Three (3). Focus (+1), Charm (+1)—Element of Surprise

Rank Four (4). Pick (+1), Will (+1)

Rank Five (5). Skill (+1), Focus (+1), Charm (+1)—Replicant

Rank Six (6). Pick (+1), Power (+1)

Rank Seven (7). Focus (+1), Charm (+1)—Sheep’s Clothing

Rank Eight (8). Pick (+1), Will (+1)

Rank Nine (9). Skill (+1), Grit (+1)

Rank Ten (10). Charm (+2), Power (+1), Skill (+1), Focus (+1)—Metamorphosis


Beginning at Solmnir Rank One (1), the Solmnir can spend ten (10) minutes creating a perfect disguise of a captured human or humanoid creature to steal their Identity. To complete the process, the Solmnir requires uninhibited access to the target they are attempting to replicate. The target must be cooperative, dead, unconscious, or incapacitated for the Solmnir to create a believable disguise. The Solmnir gains a Style Enhancement bonus equal to half (½) of their Skill Attribute to any Charm-based Ability Checks made to pose as their new identity. An Imposter disguise fails after the Solmnir's Effect Duration in hours. When an Imposter Disguise fails, a discarded pile of wasted material remains as evidence. This evidence remains until handled.

Compact Injector

Beginning at Solmnir Rank One (1), the Solmnir can perform Sneak Attacks using an equipped Compound Lance as a Cast Attack. The Solmnir’s Compound Lance Training also grants access to Light Melee Heroics of the corresponding Rank and vice versa. In addition, on a successful Sneak Attack, the Solmnir can inject their opponent with the contents of their Compound Lance, bypassing any Saves to resist the effect.

Element of Surprise

Beginning at Solmnir Rank Three (3), any successful Attacks against a Delusional or Unaware target that has failed to see through their Imposter Disguise registers as an automatic Critical Hit, including their Sneak Attack Damage. Element of Surprise also applies to any Heroics that include an Attack roll as a part of the action.


Beginning at Solmnir Rank Five (5), the Solmnir can assume a new Imposter Disguise as a Full Action, even during combat. The Solmnir no longer needs uninhibited access to the target of their Imposter Disguise, requiring only a simple genetic sample, such as blood, hair, or saliva. While in their Imposter Disguise, the Solmnir is now genetically identical to their target, allowing them to bypass any form of Biometric Security or Detection, such as face and eye scans, blood tests, and fingerprints. When a Replicant Disguise fails, a discarded pile of biological material remains as evidence. This evidence evaporates into nothingness after one (1) hour.

Sheep’s Clothing

Once at Solmnir Rank Seven (7), in response to landing a Killing Blow against a human or humanoid creature target that is a suitable candidate for Imposter, the Solmnir can immediately assume an Imposter Identity of their slain victim as a Reaction.


As a Master Solmnir, at Solmnir Rank Ten (10), the Solmnir can assume an Imposter Disguise of any suitable adjacent actor, provided the Solmnir can make skin-to-skin contact with the target. Assuming an Imposter Disguise can now be performed as a Standard Action. Discarding an Imposter or Replicant Disguise no longer leaves behind evidence of any kind.

Solmnir Perks

Without A Trace

Prerequisite: Imposter

Whenever your Imposter Disguise fails, it evaporates into nothingness. 

Toxic Ambusher

Prerequisite: Compact Injector

Whenever you deliver a Sneak Attack with a Compound Injector Weapon, you can alternatively issue a number of Poison Stacks in place of your Sneak Attack Damage Dice. 

Careful Timing

Prerequisite: Element Of Surprise

Your Weapon Attacks made against Unaware Targets that have not seen through your Imposter Disguise are an Automatic Success. 

Gene Bank

Prerequisite: Replicant

You can retain a number of Imposter Identities within your biology equal to Half(½) of your Charm Attribute. You can shift to any of these stored Identities as use of Imposter.


Prerequisite: Sheep’s Clothing

As a part of Sheep’s Clothing, you can choose to instantly dissolve any evidence of the Target’s remains into nothingness. 

Former Life

Prerequisite: Metamorphosis 

Whenever you Assume an Imposter Identity, you access your Imposter’s thoughts and memories up to the point of extraction for the Duration of the Identity.

Solmnir Heroics

Memory Theft

Prerequisite: Solmnir(Rank 1) 

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Interaction

Effect Duration: Hours

As a part of an Interaction, you can consume a Genetic Sample from a dead or incapacitated Organic Target to retain a clutch of memories from their life. You gain your Target’s knowledge of locations, personnel information, passwords, and memories of the previous day’s events, up to the time you took the Genetic Sample (or their death if your Target is dead) for the Effect Duration. 

Paralytic Agent

Prerequisite: Solmnir(Rank 2) 

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Ritual(One Hour)

Effect Duration: Hours

As a Ritual at an Apothical Lab during a Rest Period, you can spend One(1) Hour transmuting a single dose of your Toxin into an Alternate Form, called the Paralytic Agent. When successfully administered, in place of your typical Toxin Effects, the Paralytic Agent will cause your Target to suffer the Paralyzed Injury for the Effect Duration. 


Prerequisite: Solmnir(Rank 3) 

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Element of Surprise

As a Reaction to successfully Killing an Unaware Target as a part of your Element of Surprise Class Feature without any witnesses, you can immediately assume your Target’s Identity as a part of your Imposter Class Feature as a Free Action. 

Shifter’s Garb

Prerequisite: Solmnir(Rank 4) 

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Ritual(Four Hours)

As a Ritual at an Apothical Lab during a Rest Period, you can spend Four(4) Hours crafting a unique piece of Gear that you can only wear in your Body Gear Slot. The Shifter’s Garb is a fantastic bodysuit imbued with your Genetic Material that can instantly reform its shape and texture to match any other fabric or clothing temporarily. When assuming a new identity through your Imposter Class Feature, your Shifter’s Garb will automatically alter its form to mirror the dress of your Target. While in your True Identity, your Shifter’s Garb naturally blends in with your surroundings, granting a bonus to your Stealth Ability Checks equal to Half(½) of your Charm Attribute. 

Beast Blood

Prerequisite: Solmnir(Rank 5) 

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Ritual(One Hour)

As a Ritual at an Apothical Lab during a Rest Period, you can spend One(1) Hour implementing a bestial genetic expression into your biology. You can apply your Scoundrel Senses Class Feature to any Perception Checks using your sense of Hearing, Sight, or Smell. You receive the Echolocate, Nightvision, Scent, or Vibralocate Enhancement until your next Rest Period. 


Prerequisite: Solmnir(Rank 6) 

AP Cost: 60

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Adjacent

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Full Action, you can consume your current Impost Identity by corrupting the genetics and forcing them to the exterior of your body, manifesting the Devourer, an Abomination that reaches forward and wraps an Adjacent Target in the Entangled Condition for the Effect Duration. For each Turn spent Entangled, the Target suffers 1D10 Biotic Damage for every Point of your Charm Attribute and a Stack of the Poison Injury for every Two(2) Points of your Charm Attribute. The Target can attempt an Athletics or Engineering Ability Check against your Force Impact to break the Entangled Condition. The Devourer can be instantly destroyed by Pyrotic Damage.

Gene Vault

Prerequisite: Solmnir(Rank 7) 

AP Cost: 70

Action Type: Ritual(Four Hours)

As a Ritual at an Apothical Lab during a Rest Period, you can spend Four(4) Hours crafting a unique Tool that you can hold in an Inventory Slot. The Gene Vault can retain a number of Genetic Samples equal to your Charm Attribute. Using a Genetic Sample from the Gene Vault will destroy the Genetic Sample. 


Prerequisite: Solmnir(Rank 8) 

AP Cost: 80

Action Type: Cast Weapon Attack

Range: Adjacent

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a Standard Action, you can attempt a Cast Weapon Attack against an Adjacent Organic Target by loading your Compound Injector with Blabbermouth and injecting it into your Target. If successful, in addition to your normal Weapon Damage, your Target suffers a unique variant of the Command Miscognition for the Effect Duration. You can issue Commands to your Target that they are not obligated to follow; however, they can not stop themselves from compliantly speaking and verballing reaffirming anything you tell them. The Target will retain control of their Actions, but any communications sent by your Target will be a repetition of your Commands for the Effect Duration. 

Shed Skin

Prerequisite: Solmnir(Rank 9) 

AP Cost: 90

Action Type: Move Action/Reaction

As a Move Action or a Reaction to being confined, while Disguised, you can destroy your Imposter Identity to slither out of your skin, leaving behind an empty husk and revealing your true identity. Additionally, you can attempt a Stealth Ability Check to Hide while moving up to your Speed, automatically escaping from any binds, restraints, or confinement, such as a Grapple or the Entangled Condition. 

Monstrous Expression

Prerequisite: Solmnir(Rank 10) 

AP Cost: 100

Action Type: Full Action

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Full Action, you can consume your current Imposter Identity to fully express both your True Identity and Imposter Identity simultaneously in the form of a multi-limbed amalgamation of eyes, mouths, and fingers for the Effect Duration. You cannot attempt Standard Actions while in this form, and any Targets that perceive you suffer the Panic Miscognition for the Effect Duration. Affected Targets can attempt a Force Save against your Force Impact to Negate the Miscognition each Round. You can revert to your True Identity at will, or revert at the end of the Effect Duration.