
Good Vibrations


“I’m more of a sextuple threat.”

~ Tula Supreme, Axian Vibe

Everyone is the products of their environment; how a space is manicured impacts a person’s feelings, health, and spiritual wellness. They decorate their rooms with art and their time with music to enhance their senses, focus, or ambitions. By changing the immediate setting, a person becomes a curator in understanding feelings, eliciting reactions, and creating connections.

As the hybridization of the Warden and Apothic Base Classes, the Vibe is the life of the party, able to rally those around them to influence their decisions and optimize their performance. The trademark of a Vibe is its ability to manifest audiovisual illusions and special effects. The Vibe can enhance nearby comrades through the tasteful application of lights and music, as well as utilize apothical treatments to improve their physical attractiveness. As a result, they can dominate the attention of everyone in the room.

Historically Speaking

The Vibe can follow their history in tandem with the rise of the Corporations and Gangs of Axis. Wealthy companies often sought to sponsor popular performers, artists, or celebrities to steal business from their competition. Those with infinite stockpiles of Bling would settle for nothing but the best. Young hopefuls would dedicate their lives to developing the skills, talents, and, most importantly, the aesthetic required to make it big. The competition for work among these performers, commercially advertised as “Vibes,” was fatally cutthroat. Rivals would frequently arrange assassinations of competitors to secure exclusivity on roles and sponsorships that could make or break their careers. It became crucial for any hopeful in the scene to maintain a fierce entourage, as an attempted hit could break out at any moment. Those that saw success would pour their earnings into enhancing production value, personal appearance, or public image.

The Modern Vibe

The Vibes’ influence reached far beyond the shadow of Cardinal Khan. Populations developed small, obsessive fandoms, particularly in Requiem and Armistice, over media ferried through the Axian merchant networks. Naturally, admirers and imitators began to spring up within a variety of locales throughout the world. Modern Vibes are often the most visible member of a Company for their performance talents, social clout, or interpersonal expertise. A Vibe is naturally suited for a career as a performer, celebrity, or advisor. Unfortunately, unscrupulous Vibes create manipulative plots that convince the feebleminded to do their dirty work for them.

Class Features

The Vibe’s Class Features are focused on keeping their allies healthy and in good spirits, manifesting audiovisual illusions, and demanding the attention of those around them. In addition, the Vibe Class benefits from having high Charm, Focus, and Will Attributes.


Hit Points Per Rank: +8

Action Points Per Rank: +5

Equipment Training

Weapons: Compound Lance, Hammer, Light Melee, Sidearm, Staff, Unarmed

Armor: Cloth Armor, Light Armor, Energy Shield, Light Shield

Elements: Biotic, Cryonic, Electric, Pyrotic

Class Abilities

At Vibe Rank One (1), a Character receives the following pair of Class Abilities:

Innate Class Abilities: Culture/Tact

They gain a bonus to Class Ability Checks equivalent to half (½) of their Vibe Rank. An additional Class Ability from the following list is chosen at Vibe Ranks Three (3), Five (5), and Seven (7):

Selected Class Abilities: Apothicine, Deception, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Stealth

Vibe Ranks

When distributing a Class Rank, remember that a Character’s Hybrid Class Rank cannot exceed both of a Character’s Base Class Ranks.

Vibes see the most benefit from investing in a high Charm Attribute, allowing them to assume the role of the Company face, enhancing Class Features such as Genetic Adaptation, providing a bonus to their Healing Modifier, and increasing their Culture, Deception, Intimidation, and Tact Ability Checks. Vibe players can also benefit from a high Will Attribute, enhancing multiple Class Features such as Overlord, Force Armor, Effect Duration, Initiative, and any Apothicine, Investigation, Nature, or Perception Ability Checks. Vibes also benefit from a honed Focus Attribute, enhancing their Cast Attacks, providing a bonus to their pool of Action Points, allowing for more Action Slots, and increasing their Arcana, Electronics, and Engineering Ability Checks.

Rank-by-Rank Attributes/Features

Rank One (1). Charm (+2), Power (+1), Will (+1)—Soothing Resonance, Life Echo

Rank Two (2). Pick (+1), Grit (+1)

Rank Three (3). Skill (+1), Charm (+1)—Crescendo

Rank Four (4). Pick (+1), Focus (+1)

Rank Five (5). Skill (+1), Will (+1), Charm (+1)—Mainstage

Rank Six (6). Pick (+1), Grit (+1)

Rank Seven (7). Skill (+1), Charm (+1)—Pheromone Injectors

Rank Eight (8). Pick (+1), Focus (+1)

Rank Nine (9). Power (+1), Will (+1)

Rank Ten (10). Charm (+2), Skill (+1), Grit (+1), Will (+1)—Master of the Arts

Soothing Resonance

Beginning at Vibe Rank One (1), the Vibe sings while tending the hurt of others. Whenever the Vibe uses Triage to replenish Hit Points to an ally, any biological creatures within the Vibe’s Aura Radius are healed for half (½) of the amount restored to the initial target. Recipients must be sentient and able to hear and perceive the Vibe’s song to be affected by Soothing Resonance.

Life Echo

Beginning at Vibe Rank One (1), as an alternate use of Retribution, the Vibe can respond to Heroics to restore Hit Points to an ally within their Aura Radius as a Reaction. Life Echo replenishes Hit Points equivalent to the Damage that the Vibe would have inflicted with Retribution to the target of the triggering Heroic, plus any Healing Modifiers or other improvements to healing effects. The recipient and the aggressor must be within the Vibe’s Aura Radius to trigger Life Echo.


Beginning at Vibe Rank Three (3), the Vibe gains access to unique tool, the Crescendo Projector, that can be equipped to the Head, Chest, Hands, or Feet Gear Slot. Using the Crescendo, the Vibe can project audiovisual illusions through a Force Impact anywhere within their Aura Radius as a Free Action. These projections have a holographic quality that others cannot mistake for corporeal objects; however, they are aesthetically pleasing and difficult to ignore. Anyone interacting with or observing these projections must attempt a Force Save or Investigation Ability Check (whichever is greater) against the Vibe’s Force Impact, or they suffer the Enthralled Miscognition, absently fixated on the projections for the Vibe’s Effect Duration in Rounds. Illusory effects created through Crescendo can only persist within the Vibe’s Aura Radius.

The Crescendo Projector alters the Vibe’s Aura to no longer provide a Rally Enhancement bonus to Force Saves to nearby comrades. Instead, the Vibe may choose one (1) of the following Aesthetics from the Aesthetics List below, granting the listed bonuses as a Rally Enhancement to the Vibe and any comrades within the Vibe’s Aura Radius, equivalent to half (½) of the Vibe’s Charm Attribute. In addition, the Vibe can swap for a new Aesthetic as a Full Action.

Aesthetics List

Liquale. This cool, calming aesthetic provides a bonus to Force Saves and Force Armor.

Pyrato. This vibrant, fiery aesthetic provides a bonus to Attack and Damage Rolls.

Rumbrata. This exciting, bouncing aesthetic provides a bonus to Maneuvers and Speed.

Toccata. This rhythmic, downbeat aesthetic provides a bonus to Physical Saves and Physical Armor.


Beginning at Vibe Rank Five (5), once per Long Rest, as a Full Action, the Vibe can deliver a stunning performance through a Force Impact that demands the attention of all that witness it for their Effect Duration in minutes, captivating their audience with the Enthralled Miscognition through the performance. A Force Save negates the Miscognition. During combat, the Vibe must spend a Standard Action each turn to maintain Mainstage. Onlookers can be reduced to tears or only capable of dumb-struck awe as they are emotionally overwhelmed by the quality of the Vibe’s performance. Mainstage interrupts the action of any target that fails the Save. If the Vibe is struck dead, unconscious, or otherwise incapacitated and unable to continue their performance, their hold on their audience instantly fades. Once Mainstage completes, the Vibe suffers the Exhaustion Injury until treated.

Pheromone Injectors

Once at Vibe Rank Seven (7), the Vibe increases the number of Doses created in their Daily Batch of Toxin by an amount equivalent to half (½) of their Will Attribute. The Vibe can now take doses of their Toxin to alter their body chemistry temporarily. When exposed to their own Toxin, the Vibe’s physical appearance subtly changes, reshaping their body's contours and natural symmetry and causing their features to develop a more attractive appearance. After ingesting, for the Vibe’s Effect Duration in minutes, the Vibe gains a Style Enhancement bonus equivalent to half (½) of their Will Attribute to any Charm-based Ability Checks and a Style Enhancement bonus equivalent to half (½) of their Charm Attribute to any Will-based Ability Checks. At the end of the effect, the Vibe’s appearance reverts to its previous state.

Master of the Arts

As a Master Vibe, at Vibe Rank Ten (10), the Vibe’s Crescendo simultaneously provides the bonus of any pair of Aesthetics simultaneously. Additionally, the Vibe can alter their selected set of Aesthetics as a Standard Action.

Vibe Perks

Regenerative Resonance

Prerequisite: Soothing Resonance

Any Creatures healed through the Vibes Aura as a part of Soothing Resonance will be Healed for the total restoration amount.

Echo Chamber

Prerequisite: Life Echo

You can now use Life Echo as a Free Action.

Instrumental Integration

Prerequisite: Crescendo

Your Crescendo can be equipped without using a Gear Slot.

Stunt Double

Prerequisite: Mainstage

As an alternative use of Mainstage, create an Enthralling Illusion that persists in a fixed location. For example, you can maintain Mainstage as a Move Action. 

Cross Pollinator 

Prerequisite: Pheromone Injector

You can dose other Targets with your alternate Toxin from Pheromone Injector.


Prerequisite: Master Of The Arts

You can now alter your Aesthetic as a Move Action. 

Vibe Heroics

Vital Word

Prerequisite: Vibe(Rank 1) 

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Aura

As a Standard Action, you can share words of inspiration with a Comrade within the Radius of your Aura, granting your Target a bonus equal to Half(½) of your Charm Attribute to their Attack and Damage Rolls as a Rally Enhancement for the Effect Duration for as long as they remain within the Radius of your Aura. You must be able to speak, and your Target must hear and understand you to benefit from Vital Word. 


Prerequisite: Vibe(Rank 2) 

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Rapid Action

Range: Aura

As a Rapid Action, release a healing pulse of energy that restores Hit Points equal to your Charm Attribute and your Healing Modifier to any Organic Creatures within the Radius of your Aura. 


Prerequisite: Vibe(Rank 3) 

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Move Action

As a Move Action, you can release an incredible visual or auditory Flourish, Doubling(2*) the Aesthetic bonuses granted by your Crescendo Class Feature until your next Turn.


Prerequisite: Vibe(Rank 4) 

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Interaction

As a part of an Interaction, your reputation as an artist precedes itself, assuring your access to a social function. You can always procure an invitation, be placed on a guest list, or be granted VIP access at private functions.


Prerequisite: Vibe(Rank 5) 

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Aura

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Standard Action, you can grant a Comrade within the Radius of your Aura a bonus equal to Half(½) of your Charm Attribute to their Speed as the Haste Enhancement for the Effect Duration for as long as they begin their movement within the Radius of your Aura. 

Lip Sync

Prerequisite: Vibe(Rank 6) 

AP Cost: 60

Action Type: Mainstage

As a part of your Mainstage Class Feature, you subtly replace yourself with an Illusion while granting yourself the Invisibility Enhancement for the Effect Duration, allowing you to move freely while your Mainstage performance plays out.


Prerequisite: Vibe(Rank 7) 

AP Cost: 70

Action Type: Ritual(One)

As a Ritual as a Creative Space during a Rest Period, you can spend One(1) Hour getting glam to enhance your persuasiveness. Your successful Charm-focused Ability Checks made to alter a disposition, ask for favors, or gather information yield Twice(2*) as much influence until your next Rest Period. 

Dance Fever

Prerequisite: Vibe(Rank 8) 

AP Cost: 80

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Aura

As a Full Action, you can utilize your Crescendo Class Feature manifest a hopping dance floor within the Radius of your Aura that irresistibly calls all within the Affected Area to uncontrollably dance through the Hysteria Miscognition, preventing them from Acting during their next Turn. Affected Targets can attempt a Force Save against your Force Impact to Negate the Miscognition. As a Standard Action, you can maintain an Active Dance Fever for an additional Turn at Half(½) the Action Point Cost, extending the Effect Duration on Affected Targets and requiring a new Save for Unaffected Targets. 

Fast Friends

Prerequisite: Vibe(Rank 9) 

AP Cost: 90

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Aura

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a Full Action, you can attempt a Force Impact to entice a Hostile Creature with friendship, inflicting the Pacify Miscognition for the Effect Duration. If the Target remains Pacified until the end of Combat, you will set their Disposition to Friendly towards you and Neutral towards your Comrades. The Target can attempt a Force Save against your Force Impact to Negate the Miscognition. If the Target suffers any Damage from any Source during the Effect Duration, the Miscognition will be broken. You may only attempt Fast Friends on a Creature a single time.  

Beat Drop

Prerequisite: Vibe(Rank 10) 

AP Cost: 100

Action Type: Crescendo

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a part of your Crescendo Class Feature, any time you select a new Aesthetic, you can grant  3D6 Temporary Hit Points for every Point of your Charm Attribute to all Comrades within the Radius of your Aura for the Effect Duration.