
With Friends Like These

Delinquent Cavalier

“If you’re the first one to shoot, you might be the only one to shoot.”

 ~ Len au Falçon, Mercan Smuggler

Salt is full of open skies. The plains, deserts, and oceans are home to all types of travelers, traders, and merchants, eking out a living in the wilderness. Some thrive in the trading networks and merchant guilds of the Ecostream; these are Corsairs, drinking the world in with deep breaths, gripping the reins of life, and riding it for all it's worth. As the Hybridization of the Delinquent and Cavalier Base Classes, the Corsair fits the role of the cunning smuggler, one who is as persuasive as they are underhanded, capable of charming influence and daring feats of roguery, all with a steady hand. The trademark of a Corsair is the ability to take a Target Hostage, using them as a living shield while maintaining a Grapple. A Corsair is a resilient, alacritous pirate that relies on their wits, stealth, and sheer luck to make a big score.

Historically Speaking

Corsairs can trace their origins to the earliest sailors and pirates of the Mercan Iron Armada. The Mercans were heralded and scorned across the oceans for their most skilled privateers' ’ashing and dastardly accomplishments. Soon a standard for naval and trade warfare was enforced by the piracy carried out by the Corsairs of the Mercan Ariste. With a growing majority of the Mercan Ariste being former Corsairs, their skills were immortalized in the naval training of the Black Iron Armada's’most decorated sailors. As a result, Corsairs worldwide have been recognized, as they would place themselves in reputable situations while seeking the accommodations needed to claim Princedom.

The Modern Corsair

With the codification of their methods etched into the foundation of a navy and the aerial dominance of the Mercan Black Iron Armada, Corsairs became known throughout the Oversalt for their heroic deeds and daring escapades. Devilishly cunning skirmishers and smugglers, they glide across the flats, looking to move their contraband on the Dark Markets, keeping a keen eye open for any Empire Agents or rival corporate acquisitions teams looking to capture their haul. A Corsair can find work wherever there is commerce, quickly embedding into clandestine operations. Modern Corsairs can always rely on a Company to hire them, as they are skillful pilots, charismatic spies, and tactful negotiators. A Corsair who successfully retires into less dangerous endeavors may become a captain, prince, or honest merchant. Unscrupulous Corsairs cruise through the land, air, or sea as indiscriminate pirates, raiding ships and stealing away captives for ransom.

Class Features

The Corsair's Class Features are built around defensive maneuvering, commanding a ship or vehicle, or making their luck. The Corsair Class benefits from having high Skill, Grit, and Charm Attributes.


Hit Points Per Rank: +8

Action Points Per Rank: +3

Equipment Training

Weapons: Blade, Compound Lance, Hammer, Handcannon, Light Melee, Omni Kit, Polearm, Sidearm, Thrown

Armor: Heavy Armor, Light Armor, Plate Armor, Heavy Shield, Light Shield

Elements: Biotic, Cryonic, Electric, Pyrotic

Class Abilities

At Corsair Rank One (1), a Character receives the following pair of Class Abilities:

Innate Class Abilities: Deception/Tact

They gain a bonus to Class Ability Checks equivalent to half (½) of their Corsair Rank. An additional Class Ability from the following list is chosen at Corsair Ranks Three (3), Five (5), and Seven (7):

Selected Class Abilities: Acrobatics, Athletics, Drive, Intimidation, Investigation, Stealth

Corsair Ranks

When distributing a Class Rank, remember that a Character’s Hybrid Class Rank cannot exceed both of a Character’s Base Class Ranks.

Corsairs gain the most benefit from a high Charm Attribute, allowing them to assume the role of the Company face, enhancing multiple Class Features such as Luck, providing a bonus to their Healing Modifier, and benefiting their Culture, Deception, Intimidation, and Tact Ability Checks. Corsair players also highly benefit from having a high Grit Attribute, enhancing multiple Class Features such as Privateer, increasing their Total Hit Points, and improving their general survivability. Corsair players can also benefit from a high Skill Attribute, enhancing their Ranged Attacks, their Physical Armor, their effectiveness with Maneuvers, and any Acrobatics, Drive, and Stealth Ability Checks.

Rank-by-Rank Attributes/Features

Rank One (1). Charm (+2), Skill (+1), Will (+1)—Hostage, Scapegoat

Rank Two (2). Pick (+1), Power (+1)

Rank Three (3). Grit (+1), Charm (+1)—Privateer

Rank Four (4). Pick (+1), Focus (+1)

Rank Five (5). Charm (+1), Skill (+1), Grit (+1)—Luck

Rank Six (6). Pick (+1), Power (+1)

Rank Seven (7). Grit (+1), Charm (+1)—Negotiator

Rank Eight (8). Pick (+1), Focus (+1)

Rank Nine (9). Skill (+1), Will (+1)

Rank Ten (10). Charm (+2), Power (+1), Skill (+1), Grit (+1)—Bruté


Beginning at Corsair Rank One (1), whenever the Corsair successfully performs a Sneak Attack on an adjacent target of equal size or smaller, the Corsair’s Attack roll is also treated as a Grapple Maneuver. The target must complete a competing Maneuver against the Attack roll to avoid becoming Grappled, with the Corsair in the dominant position as the target is taken as a Hostage. While engaged in the Grapple, the Corsair benefits as though they have a Heavy Shield equipped, enabling the use of Heroics and Class Features that require the use of a shield, such as Provide Cover. Grappling contests between the Corsair and the Target still occur to maintain Hostage. The Corsair can only benefit from Hostage while they control the Grapple.


Beginning at Corsair Rank One (1), whenever a Corsair successfully uses Missile Deflect, they can instead redirect the projectile to target an adjacent target. The Attack is an automatic success if the Scapegoat is currently the Corsair’s Hostage. The Corsair does not require a shield equipped to use Missile Deflect in this way, as long as they have an adjacent target to Scapegoat.


Beginning at Corsair Rank Three (3), the Corsair gains a Style Enhancement bonus equivalent to half (½) of their Grit Attribute to any Acrobatics, Athletics, Drive, Engineering, or Perception Checks made to operate, navigate, or fight aboard a ship, mount, or vessel. These bonuses also extend to Ability Checks made by the Corsair’s Steed. Additionally, the Corsair retains any Shield or Armor Equipment Bonuses earned through Training without a Shield or Armor equipped.


Beginning at Corsair Rank Five (5), the Corsair learns how to make their own fate. The Corsair may reroll any Attack, Evade, Parry, or Ability Check and select the better roll. Luck has a number of Daily Uses equivalent to half (½) of the Corsair’s Charm Attribute. Daily Uses are restored after an eight (8) hour Rest Period.


Once at Corsair Rank Seven (7), the Corsair gains a Precision Enhancement bonus equal to half (½) of their Grit Attribute to any Tact, Deception, and Intimidation Ability Checks made to lie, coerce, or alter a target’s disposition. In addition, Attack rolls made during an Ambush against targets with a Neutral Disposition or greater are automatically successful.


As a Master Corsair, at Corsair Rank Ten (10), successful Attack rolls against targets with a Friendly or Higher Disposition register as automatic Critical Hits. Sneak Attack Damage against targets with a Friendly or Higher Disposition is always rolled as maximum Damage. In addition, the Corsair retains a passive Precision Enhancement bonus equivalent to their Charm Attribute to their Sneak Attack Damage.

Corsair Perks

Surprise Submission  

Prerequisite: Take Hostage

Your Grapple Maneuvers to take a Hostage during a Sneak Attack are automatically successful.

Inhibited Deflection

Prerequisite: Scapegoat

Any Attacks redirected by Scapegoat following a successful Parry are automatically successful against their new Target. 


Prerequisite: Privateer & Steed

As an alternative Steed, you instead command a semi-sentient Massive-sized Vehicle or Ship that can be called and interacted with as a regular Steed but can also be boarded and piloted with up to Four(4) passengers.

Make Your Luck

Prerequisite: Luck

Increase your Daily Uses of Luck to your Full Charm Attribute.

Fool Me Twice

Prerequisite: Negotiator & Investigation Class Ability

You apply your Negotiator bonus to any Investigation Ability Checks made to discern lies, detect forgeries, or see through disguises.

Terminate Alliance

Prerequisite: Brute

As a part of Brute, your Target’s Disposition falls to Neutral instead of Hostile.

Corsair Heroics


Prerequisite: Corsair(Rank 1) 

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Grapple

As a part of maintaining a Grapple, in addition to the other effects, you can inflict your Sneak Attack Damage to your Target.

Human Shield

Prerequisite: Corsair(Rank 2) 

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Scapegoat

As a part of your Scapegoat Class Feature, whenever you successfully redirect Weapon Damage to an Adjacent Target, you can inflict your Sneak Attack Damage as bonus Damage to your Scapegoat. 


Prerequisite: Corsair(Rank 3) 

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Double(2*) Speed

Effect Duration: Until Treated

As a Full Action, while piloting a Massive-sized or Smaller Ship or Vehicle, you can attempt a Drive Ability Check to accelerate to ramming velocity, running over any Targets within your Path of Travel up to Twice(2*) your Ship or Vehicle’s Speed as a Charge. At the end of your Charge, you perform a sharp turn, slamming any potential Targets with the side of your vessel while repositioning yourself in a direction of your choice. Any Large-sized or Smaller Targets struck by your vehicle suffer 1D10 Crush Damage for every Point of your Grit Attribute and the Crippled Injury for the Effect Duration. Affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Drive Ability Check to cut any Damage in Half(½) and reduce the Crippled Injury to knocked Pronely. A Massive-sized or Larger Creature will immediately halt your Path of Travel, inflicting Maximum Damage and allowing you to Reposition immediately.


Prerequisite: Corsair(Rank 4) 

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Reaction

As a Reaction to any Mount, Ship, or Vehicle passing through a Space Adjacent to you, you can immediately board the vessel, initiating the appropriate Drive Ability Checks. 

Share The Wealth

Prerequisite: Corsair(Rank 5) 

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Luck

Range: Line Of Sight

As a part of your Luck Class Feature, you can instead allow a Comrade within your Line of Sight to Reroll. 

Loaded Dice

Prerequisite: Corsair(Rank 6) 

AP Cost: 60

Action Type: Luck

As an Alternate Use of your Luck Class Feature, you add your Luck Roll as a bonus to your Roll instead of a replacement. 


Prerequisite: Corsair(Rank 7) 

AP Cost: 70

Action Type: Full Action

As a Full Action, you can attempt to halt an open Combat between your Company and Hostile Combatants who perceive and understand you. Additionally, you can try a single Intimidation or Tact Ability Check to alter your enemy’s Disposition towards your Company.

Stacked Deck

Prerequisite: Corsair(Rank 8) 

AP Cost: 80

Action Type: Luck

You can use your Luck Class Feature as a Free Action for the remainder of your Turn, allowing you to attempt multiple Rerolls on a single attempt. 

Gunboat Diplomacy

Prerequisite: Corsair(Rank 9) 

AP Cost: 90

Action Type: Ritual(One Hour)

As a Ritual during a Rest Period while on a Ship or Vehicle, for the duration of your stay on the vessel, the results of your Intimidation and Tact Ability Checks are Twice(2*) as effective, such as when altering disposition, asking for a favor, or procuring information, until your next Rest Period. 

Death Of A Friend

Prerequisite: Corsair(Rank 10) 

AP Cost: 100

Action Type: Brute

As an Alternate Use of Brute, your Target’s Hit Points are reduced to Zero(0), and they immediately begin dying.