
Weaponized Awareness

Brawler ○ Mechanic

 “I still haven’t found a gadget that beats punching people in the face, but research is an ongoing endeavor.”

~ Archa Devos, Axian Agent

Vast mounds of twisted scrap litter the planetside of Salt, the result of catastrophic events, countless wars, and ruthless industrial expansion. Buried within the innumerable ruins, wreckages, and abandoned facilities lie hidden secrets accessible only to those with the physical ability and mental acuity to navigate such treacherous locations. Agents are dauntless explorers that rely on their mechanical intuition and innate athleticism to overcome every challenge.

In hybridizing the Brawler and Mechanic Base Classes, the Agent prefers to get their hands dirty in the field using sophisticated technology and deadly takedowns. The trademark of an Agent is the ability to deploy multipurpose Spyder Bots, useful both in combat and surveillance. The Agent also wields command over the subversive Crawler Drone, with remote deployment abilities and optional gear features.

Historically Speaking

The Agent can trace their origins to the earliest days of the Axian industrialization of the Cardinal Khan, in which excessive industrial waste, discarded materials, and other wreckage of obsolescence began to flow by the ton outward and into the Frontierland. Resourceful scrappers and survivalists combed the wastelands in search of salvageable technology, giving way to a robust global community of prospectors and technology hunters. Those of keen intuition with the will to endure the harsh environments of Salt fleshed out a unique adventuring skillset that proved useful to the burgeoning Corporations. Freelancers, referred to as Agents, were frequently contracted to delve into dangerous ruins, infiltrate foreign facilities, or seek out rumors of lost technology buried deep within the Frontierland. Built through hands-on experience with the wits to survive unlikely circumstances, many early Agents founded several prominent and long-standing treasure-seeking organizations. These various guilds, gangs, and clans developed a loose set of standards for efficient and practical exploring that are still effective for modern expeditions.

The Modern Agent

Companies and other agencies operate throughout the entire Oversalt, with no shortage of weathered explorers with a litany of experiences to indulge a greenhorn freelancer looking to avoid biting the big one out in the Dust. The Agent works with what's available, using whatever is on hand to manifest a Tiny-sized Spyder Bot that can record its surroundings and be repurposed as a trap or explosive. Agents are further supported by the arachnid Crawler Drone Model, with spindled limbs to assist in mechanical endeavors. A modern Agent is an incredibly versatile member of their Company, as they are resourceful technicians, skilled pugilists, and keen surveyors. An Agent will often work their way into a career with a spy, fixer, or specialist role. On the other hand, an unscrupulous Agent can set deadly Ambushes to trap and stalk the Unaware.

Class Features

The Agent's Class Features are focused on manipulating mechanical devices, manifesting dynamic Spyder Bots, and commanding the subversive Crawler Drone. The Agent Class benefits from having high Will, Power, and Grit Attributes.


Hit Points Per Rank: +8

Action Points Per Rank: +5

Equipment Training

Weapons: Hammer, Launcher, Lumen Driver, Matrix Controller, Omni Kit, Staff, Thrown, Unarmed

Armor: Cloth Armor, Light Armor, Energy Shield, Light Shield

Elements: Biotic, Cryonic, Electric, Pyrotic

Class Abilities

At Agent Rank One (1), a Character receives the following pair of Class Abilities:

Innate Class Abilities: Athletics/Engineering

They gain a bonus to Class Ability Checks equivalent to half (½) of their Agent Rank. An additional Class Ability from the following list is chosen at Agent Ranks Three (3), Five (5), and Seven (7):

Selected Class Abilities: Acrobatics, Drive, Electronics, Investigation, Perception, Stealth

Agent Ranks

When distributing a Class Rank, remember that a Character’s Hybrid Class Rank cannot exceed both of a Character’s Base Class Ranks.

Agents see the most benefit from investing in a high Will Attribute, enhancing Class Features such as Spawn: Spyder, Force Armor, Effect Duration, Initiative, and any Apothicine, Investigation, Nature, or Perception Ability Checks. Agent players can also benefit from a high Power Attribute, improving Class Features such as Industrial Takedown, enhancing Melee Attacks and Damage, increasing Maneuvers and Inventory Space, and bumping up any Athletics Ability Checks. Agent players should also consider investing in their Skill Attribute to improve their Ranged Attacks, their Physical Armor, Maneuvers and Speed, and any Acrobatics, Drive, or Stealth Ability Checks.

Rank-by-Rank Attributes/Features

Rank One (1). Power (+2), Focus (+1), Will (+1)—Industrial Takedown, Spawn: Spyder

Rank Two (2). Pick (+1), Skill (+1)

Rank Three (3). Power (+1), Grit (+1)—Drone Model: Crawler

Rank Four (4). Pick (+1), Charm (+1)

Rank Five (5). Power (+1), Grit (+1), Will (+1)—Spyder Efficiency

Rank Six (6). Pick (+1), Skill (+1)

Rank Seven (7). Power (+1), Grit (+1)—Crawler Gadgetry

Rank Eight (8). Pick (+1), Charm (+1)

Rank Nine (9). Focus (+1), Will (+1)

Rank Ten (10). Power (+2), Skill (+1), Grit (+1), Will (+1)—Mass Production

Industrial Takedown

Beginning at Agent Rank One (1), the Agent may perform Knockouts with an Omni Kit Weapon or a Matrix Controller by proxy through a Possessed or Bound Machine as a Cast Attack. The Agent’s Omni Kit Training grants access to Unarmed and Staff Heroics of the corresponding Rank, and vice versa. In addition, the Agent gains a Style Enhancement bonus equivalent to half (½) of their Power Attribute to any Attack and Damage Rolls made against a machine, mechanical creature, or a mechanical object in the environment.

Spawn: Spyder

Beginning at Agent Rank One (1), the Agent can quickly manifest a Spyder Bot, a Tiny-sized mechanical creature, and bind it to their Matrix as a Move Action. Spyder Bots do not require Bandwidth, though the Agent may only maintain a limit of Spyder Bots equivalent to half (½) of their Will Attribute at any given time. Creating a new Spyder Bot while at capacity destroys the oldest existing Spyder Bot. Spyder Bots passively retain the Spyderwalk Enhancement, enabling them to walk along walls and ceilings at a Speed equal to half (½) of the Agent’s Will Attribute. Spyder Bots are equipped with a Microphone and Camera, relaying information back to the Agent in real-time, effectively increasing the Agent's Perception Radius as long as the Spyder Bot remains within the Agent’s Effective Matrix Range. The Agent may issue a Command to a Spyder Bot as a Rapid Action, granting the Spyder Bot a single Standard Action. Spyder Bots are not equipped with Weapons and cannot facilitate the Agent's Matrix Cast Attacks. In addition, Spyder Bots cannot act independently and are incredibly fragile, being destroyed after receiving any amount of Damage from any source.

Drone Model: Crawler

Beginning at Agent Rank Three (3), the Agent gains access to the versatile Small-sized Crawler Drone. Its thin, spindly limbs and remote maintenance capabilities define the Crawler. With four to ten (4-10) legs and the Spyderwalk Enhancement, the Crawler can carefully creep along walls, ceilings, and through hard-to-reach spaces, such as vents or pipes. The Crawler allows the Agent to perform Engineering Ability Checks targeting any machine or mechanical device within their Effective Matrix Range as if the Agent were adjacent to the target. Additionally, the Agent can use the Crawler to manifest a new Spyder Bot anywhere within their Effective Matrix Range. When not in use, the Crawler can be surreptitiously equipped to an Agent's Back, Chest, or Waist Gear Slot as a non-descriptive article of clothing.

Spyder Efficiency

Beginning at Agent Rank Five (5), the Agent may issue Commands to their Spyder Bots and Crawler Drone without utilizing a Matrix Controller. Spyder Bots can now be Commanded to Attack as a Cast Attack, in which the Spyder Bot leaps at a target and self-destructs, instantly killing the Spyder Bot and dealing typical Weapon Damage as Pyrotic Damage, if successful. As a Move Action, the Agent can issue a Command to all Spyder Bots within their Effective Matrix Range. While wearing their Crawler Drone in a Gear Slot, the Crawler will assist the Agent's Spyder Production, creating two (2) Spyder Bots as a single Move Action.

Crawler Gadgetry

Once at Agent Rank Seven (7), wearing the Crawler in a Gear Slot significantly enhances the Agent's physical capabilities. While equipped to a Gear Slot, the Crawler grants the Agent the ability to walk along walls and ceilings at Half (½) of their Speed and automatically succeeds at any Athletics Ability Checks made to climb a surface. Additionally, the Agent gains a Precision Enhancement bonus equal to their Will Attribute to their Melee and Cast Damage rolls while equipped, as well as an Assisted Condition bonus equivalent to half (½) of their Will Attribute to Engineering Ability Checks made to craft, conduct repairs, or disable a device.

Mass Production

As a Master Agent, at Agent Rank Ten (10), while the Crawler Drone is equipped in a Gear Slot, the Agent can mass-produce Spyder Bots. The Agent can immediately create their entire Capacity of Spyder Bots as a Full Action. The Agent's Effective Matrix Range no longer limits the Agent’s connection with Spyder Bots. Spyder Bots can now fire a single-target Laser Weapon with a Range equal to half (½) of the Agent's Will Attribute that deals Pyrotic Damage as a Cast Attack.

Agent Perks

Manual Override

Prerequisite: Industrial Takedown

Your Industrial Takedown Bonus also applies to your Physical and Force Impacts Targeting Machines, Objects, or the Environment. 

Spyder Calibration

Prerequisite: Spawn: Spyder

Increase the Speed of your Spyders to your Full Will Attribute.

Integrated Crawler

Prerequisite: Drone Model: Crawler

Your Crawler Drone can be equipped as Gear without occupying a Gear Slot. 

Meticulous Constructor

Prerequisite: Spyder Efficiency

You can create Two(2) Spyders whether or not you have the Crawler Equipped as Gear.

Crawler Mobility

Prerequisite: Crawler Gadgetry

While Equipped as Gear, your Crawler Gadgetry Ability Check Bonus applies to any Power-based or Skill-based Ability Checks. 

Private Eye

Prerequisite: Mass Production

Your Spyders gain the Invisibility Enhancement. 

Agent Heroics

Hard Override

Prerequisite: Agent(Rank 1) 

AP Cost: 10

Action Type: Knockout

Effect Duration: Rounds

As an Alternate Use of Knockout, in place of the Stunned Condition, you can instead inflict the Possessed Miscognition as though you scored a success through your Digital Collar Class Feature on an Adjacent Machine Target for the Effect Duration. 

Spyder Tracer

Prerequisite: Agent(Rank 2) 

AP Cost: 20

Action Type: Interaction

Range: Adjacent

As a part of an Interaction, you can attempt an Engineering or Stealth Ability Check to secretly attach a Spyder Bot to an Adjacent Target without its knowledge, allowing you to track and trace its movements for as long as the Spyder Bot exists.

Crawler Jacket

Prerequisite: Agent(Rank 3) 

AP Cost: 30

Action Type: Standard Action

Range: Matrix Range

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Standard Action, you can utilize your Matrix Controller to issue a Command to your Crawler Drone to bind its body around a Target within your Effective Matrix Range, inflicting the Entangled Condition for your Effect Duration. Then, the Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to Negate the Condition. 

Infinite Eyes

Prerequisite: Agent(Rank 4) 

AP Cost: 40

Action Type: Stance

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a Move Action, you can activate a power-intensive surveillance mode in your currently deployed Spyder Bots. For the Effect Duration, you retain the Perception Extension with all deployed Spyder Bots regardless of their distance from you. 

Spyder Bombs

Prerequisite: Agent(Rank 5) 

AP Cost: 50

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Matrix Range(Radius)

As a Full Action, you can utilize your Matrix Controller to issue a Command to all Spyder Bots within your Effective Matrix Radius to seek out a Target within their Speed, leap on them and self-destruct, inflicting your normal Weapon Damage as Pyrotic Damage and an additional 1D10 Pyrotic Damage for every Point of your Will Attribute for each Spyder Bomb that detonates. Multiple Spyder Bombs can bombard a single Target. Affected Targets can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½). 

Dynamite Dropkick 

Prerequisite: Agent(Rank 6) 

AP Cost: 60

Action Type: Melee Weapon Attack

Range: Adjacent/Half(½) Power Attribute(Line)

As a Standard Action, you can attempt a Melee Weapon Attack against an Adjacent Target by slapping an armed Spyder Bot to their Chest before leaping and delivering a full kick with both feet. If successful, the Spyder Bot explodes on impact with your feet, inflicting your normal Weapon Damage and an additional 1D8 Pyrotic Damage for every Point of Will Attribute. Your Target is also knocked back a number of Paces equal to Half(½) of your Power Attribute. Finally, the Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Attack Roll to cut any Damage in Half(½) and Negate the Forced Movement Effect.

Spyder Web

Prerequisite: Agent(Rank 7) 

AP Cost: 70

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Matrix Range(Radius)

Effect Duration: Rounds

As a Full Action, you can utilize your Matrix Controller to issue a Command to any Two(2) Spyder Bots within your Effective Matrix Radius to channel a Spyder Web, causing them to form a lethal laser beam in a straight line between them for the Effect Duration that burns any Target it touches for 1D10 Pyrotic Damage for every Point of your Will Attribute. You can attach other Spyder Bots to the Spyder Web at Half(½) the Action Point Cost per Spyder Bot. Spyder Bots can still respond to Commands to Move while channeling the Spyder Web.


Prerequisite: Agent(Rank 8) 

AP Cost: 80

Action Type: Stance

Effect Duration: Minutes

As a Move Action, while your Crawler Drone is Equipped in a Gear Slot, you can adopt a Stance that utilizes your Crawler Drone’s offensive capabilities, as its spindly arms become piercing appendages that punctuate your Melee Weapon Attacks. Your successful Melee Weapon Attacks also inflict your Minimum Damage as Pierce Damage for the Effect Duration. 

Threaded Fangs

Prerequisite: Agent(Rank 9) 

AP Cost: 90

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Adjacent

As a Full Action, while your Crawler Drone is Equipped to a Gear Slot, you can attempt a number of Melee Weapon Attacks equal to Half(½) of your Will Attribute against any number of Adjacent Targets. 

Brood Phaser

Prerequisite: Agent(Rank 10) 

AP Cost: 100

Action Type: Full Action

Range: Matrix Range(Radius)

As a Full Action, you can issue a Command for all Spyders within their Laser Range to fire a concentrated beam on a Target within your Effective Matrix Radius. The Target suffers 3d6 Pyrotic Damage for every Two(2) Points of your Will Attribute for every Spyder Bot firing on your Target. In addition, the Target can attempt a Physical Save against your Force Impact to cut any Damage in Half(½).